+ void write_diff(FileFd &f)
+ {
+ unsigned long long line = 0;
+ std::list<struct Change>::reverse_iterator ch;
+ for (ch = filechanges.rbegin(); ch != filechanges.rend(); ++ch) {
+ line += ch->offset + ch->del_cnt;
+ }
+ for (ch = filechanges.rbegin(); ch != filechanges.rend(); ++ch) {
+ std::list<struct Change>::reverse_iterator mg_i, mg_e = ch;
+ while (ch->del_cnt == 0 && ch->offset == 0)
+ {
+ ++ch;
+ if (unlikely(ch == filechanges.rend()))
+ return;
+ }
+ line -= ch->del_cnt;
+ std::string buf;
+ if (ch->add_cnt > 0) {
+ if (ch->del_cnt == 0) {
+ strprintf(buf, "%llua\n", line);
+ } else if (ch->del_cnt == 1) {
+ strprintf(buf, "%lluc\n", line+1);
+ } else {
+ strprintf(buf, "%llu,%lluc\n", line+1, line+ch->del_cnt);
+ }
+ f.Write(buf.c_str(), buf.length());
+ mg_i = ch;
+ do {
+ dump_mem(f, mg_i->add, mg_i->add_len, NULL);
+ } while (mg_i-- != mg_e);
+ buf = ".\n";
+ f.Write(buf.c_str(), buf.length());
+ } else if (ch->del_cnt == 1) {
+ strprintf(buf, "%llud\n", line+1);
+ f.Write(buf.c_str(), buf.length());
+ } else if (ch->del_cnt > 1) {
+ strprintf(buf, "%llu,%llud\n", line+1, line+ch->del_cnt);
+ f.Write(buf.c_str(), buf.length());
+ }
+ line -= ch->offset;
+ }
+ }
+ void apply_against_file(FileFd &out, FileFd &in,
+ Hashes * const start_hash = nullptr, Hashes * const end_hash = nullptr)
+ {
+ std::list<struct Change>::iterator ch;
+ for (ch = filechanges.begin(); ch != filechanges.end(); ++ch) {
+ dump_lines(out, in, ch->offset, start_hash, end_hash);
+ skip_lines(in, ch->del_cnt, start_hash);
+ if (ch->add_len != 0)
+ dump_mem(out, ch->add, ch->add_len, end_hash);
+ }
+ dump_rest(out, in, start_hash, end_hash);
+ out.Flush();
+ }
+class RredMethod : public aptMethod {
+ private:
+ bool Debug;
+ struct PDiffFile {
+ std::string FileName;
+ HashStringList ExpectedHashes;
+ PDiffFile(std::string const &FileName, HashStringList const &ExpectedHashes) :
+ FileName(FileName), ExpectedHashes(ExpectedHashes) {}
+ };
+ HashStringList ReadExpectedHashesForPatch(unsigned int const patch, std::string const &Message)
+ {
+ HashStringList ExpectedHashes;
+ for (char const * const * type = HashString::SupportedHashes(); *type != NULL; ++type)
+ {
+ std::string tagname;
+ strprintf(tagname, "Patch-%d-%s-Hash", patch, *type);
+ std::string const hashsum = LookupTag(Message, tagname.c_str());
+ if (hashsum.empty() == false)
+ ExpectedHashes.push_back(HashString(*type, hashsum));
+ }
+ return ExpectedHashes;
+ }
+ protected:
+ virtual bool URIAcquire(std::string const &Message, FetchItem *Itm) APT_OVERRIDE {
+ Debug = DebugEnabled();
+ URI Get = Itm->Uri;
+ std::string Path = Get.Host + Get.Path; // rred:/path - no host
+ FetchResult Res;
+ Res.Filename = Itm->DestFile;
+ if (Itm->Uri.empty())
+ {
+ Path = Itm->DestFile;
+ Itm->DestFile.append(".result");
+ } else
+ URIStart(Res);
+ std::vector<PDiffFile> patchfiles;
+ Patch patch;
+ HashStringList StartHashes;
+ for (char const * const * type = HashString::SupportedHashes(); *type != nullptr; ++type)
+ {
+ std::string tagname;
+ strprintf(tagname, "Start-%s-Hash", *type);
+ std::string const hashsum = LookupTag(Message, tagname.c_str());
+ if (hashsum.empty() == false)
+ StartHashes.push_back(HashString(*type, hashsum));
+ }
+ if (FileExists(Path + ".ed") == true)
+ {
+ HashStringList const ExpectedHashes = ReadExpectedHashesForPatch(0, Message);
+ std::string const FileName = Path + ".ed";
+ if (ExpectedHashes.usable() == false)
+ return _error->Error("No hashes found for uncompressed patch: %s", FileName.c_str());
+ patchfiles.push_back(PDiffFile(FileName, ExpectedHashes));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _error->PushToStack();
+ std::vector<std::string> patches = GetListOfFilesInDir(flNotFile(Path), "gz", true, false);
+ _error->RevertToStack();
+ std::string const baseName = Path + ".ed.";
+ unsigned int seen_patches = 0;
+ for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator p = patches.begin();
+ p != patches.end(); ++p)
+ {
+ if (p->compare(0, baseName.length(), baseName) == 0)
+ {
+ HashStringList const ExpectedHashes = ReadExpectedHashesForPatch(seen_patches, Message);
+ if (ExpectedHashes.usable() == false)
+ return _error->Error("No hashes found for uncompressed patch %d: %s", seen_patches, p->c_str());
+ patchfiles.push_back(PDiffFile(*p, ExpectedHashes));
+ ++seen_patches;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ std::string patch_name;
+ for (std::vector<PDiffFile>::iterator I = patchfiles.begin();
+ I != patchfiles.end();
+ ++I)
+ {
+ patch_name = I->FileName;
+ if (Debug == true)
+ std::clog << "Patching " << Path << " with " << patch_name
+ << std::endl;
+ FileFd p;
+ Hashes patch_hash(I->ExpectedHashes);
+ // all patches are compressed, even if the name doesn't reflect it
+ if (p.Open(patch_name, FileFd::ReadOnly, FileFd::Gzip) == false ||
+ patch.read_diff(p, &patch_hash) == false)
+ {
+ _error->DumpErrors(std::cerr, GlobalError::DEBUG, false);
+ return false;
+ }
+ p.Close();
+ HashStringList const hsl = patch_hash.GetHashStringList();
+ if (hsl != I->ExpectedHashes)
+ return _error->Error("Hash Sum mismatch for uncompressed patch %s", patch_name.c_str());
+ }
+ if (Debug == true)
+ std::clog << "Applying patches against " << Path
+ << " and writing results to " << Itm->DestFile
+ << std::endl;
+ FileFd inp, out;
+ if (inp.Open(Path, FileFd::ReadOnly, FileFd::Extension) == false)
+ {
+ std::cerr << "FAILED to open inp " << Path << std::endl;
+ return _error->Error("Failed to open inp %s", Path.c_str());
+ }
+ if (out.Open(Itm->DestFile, FileFd::WriteOnly | FileFd::Create | FileFd::Empty | FileFd::BufferedWrite, FileFd::Extension) == false)
+ {
+ std::cerr << "FAILED to open out " << Itm->DestFile << std::endl;
+ return _error->Error("Failed to open out %s", Itm->DestFile.c_str());
+ }
+ Hashes end_hash(Itm->ExpectedHashes);
+ if (StartHashes.usable())
+ {
+ Hashes start_hash(StartHashes);
+ patch.apply_against_file(out, inp, &start_hash, &end_hash);
+ if (start_hash.GetHashStringList() != StartHashes)
+ _error->Error("The input file hadn't the expected hash!");
+ }
+ else
+ patch.apply_against_file(out, inp, nullptr, &end_hash);
+ out.Close();
+ inp.Close();
+ if (_error->PendingError() == true) {
+ std::cerr << "FAILED to read or write files" << std::endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (Debug == true) {
+ std::clog << "rred: finished file patching of " << Path << "." << std::endl;
+ }
+ struct stat bufbase, bufpatch;
+ if (stat(Path.c_str(), &bufbase) != 0 ||
+ stat(patch_name.c_str(), &bufpatch) != 0)
+ return _error->Errno("stat", _("Failed to stat %s"), Path.c_str());
+ struct timeval times[2];
+ times[0].tv_sec = bufbase.st_atime;
+ times[1].tv_sec = bufpatch.st_mtime;
+ times[0].tv_usec = times[1].tv_usec = 0;
+ if (utimes(Itm->DestFile.c_str(), times) != 0)
+ return _error->Errno("utimes",_("Failed to set modification time"));
+ if (stat(Itm->DestFile.c_str(), &bufbase) != 0)
+ return _error->Errno("stat", _("Failed to stat %s"), Itm->DestFile.c_str());
+ Res.LastModified = bufbase.st_mtime;
+ Res.Size = bufbase.st_size;
+ Res.TakeHashes(end_hash);
+ URIDone(Res);
+ return true;
+ }
+ public:
+ RredMethod() : aptMethod("rred", "2.0", SendConfig), Debug(false) {}