1 # ***************************************************************************
3 # * Copyright (C) 2004-2015, International Business Machines
4 # * Corporation; Unicode, Inc.; and others. All Rights Reserved.
6 # ***************************************************************************
12 $consonant = [ᄀᄁᄂᄃᄄᄅᄆᄇᄈᄉᄊᄋᄌᄍᄎᄏᄐᄑᄒ];
13 $lengthMarker = [\u0302\u0304];
15 e $lengthMarker → | e i ;
17 [^$consonant] { ( [aiueoyw] ) → ᄋ | $1 ; # Supply a required null initial.
21 u\~a → | wa ; # クァ, グァ
22 u\~i → ᅱ ; # ウィ, クィ, etc.
43 ' ' { k → | g ; # Beginning of a word (after space).
44 ^k → | g ; # Beginning of the string.
51 tsu\~ → | ch ; # ツァ, ツィ, etc.
60 n } [\ \'bcdfghjkmnprstwz] → ᆫ ;
70 yi → ᅵ ; # Added for convenience, after shi.
82 dji\~ → | j ; # ヂァ, ヂゥ, etc.
85 dzu\~ → | j ; # ヅァ, ヅィ, etc.
90 vu\~ → | b ; # ヴァ, etc.