- size_t unicharlen = converter.WC2MB( NULL , str.wc_str() , 0 ) ;
- UniChar *unibuf = new UniChar[ unicharlen / sizeof(UniChar) + 1 ] ;
- converter.WC2MB( (char*)unibuf , str.wc_str() , unicharlen ) ;
- reset( CFStringCreateWithCharacters( kCFAllocatorDefault ,
- unibuf , unicharlen / sizeof(UniChar) ) );
- delete[] unibuf ;
+ size_t unicharbytes = converter.FromWChar( NULL , 0 , str.wc_str() , str.Length() ) ;
+ wxASSERT( unicharbytes != wxCONV_FAILED );
+ if ( unicharbytes == wxCONV_FAILED )
+ {
+ // create an empty string
+ reset( wxCFRetain( CFSTR("") ) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // unicharbytes: number of bytes needed for UTF-16 encoded string (without terminating null)
+ // unichars: number of UTF-16 characters (without terminating null)
+ size_t unichars = unicharbytes / sizeof(UniChar) ;
+ UniChar *unibuf = new UniChar[ unichars ] ;
+ converter.FromWChar( (char*)unibuf , unicharbytes , str.wc_str() , str.Length() ) ;
+ reset( CFStringCreateWithCharacters( kCFAllocatorDefault , unibuf , unichars ) ) ;
+ delete[] unibuf ;
+ }