+ComboTreeBox provides a ComboBox that pops up a tree instead of a list.
+ComboTreeBox tries to provide the same interface as ComboBox as much as
+possible. However, whereas the ComboBox widget uses indices to access
+items in the list of choices, ComboTreeBox uses TreeItemId's instead. If
+you add an item to the ComboTreeBox (using Append or Insert), the
+TreeItemId associated with the added item is returned. You can then use
+that TreeItemId to add items as children of that first item. For
+>>> from wx.lib.combotreebox import ComboTreeBox
+>>> combo = ComboTreeBox(parent)
+>>> item1 = combo.Append('Item 1') # Add a root item
+>>> item1a = combo.Append('Item 1a', parent=item1) # Add a child to item1
+You can also add client data to each of the items like this:
+>>> item1 = combo.Append('Item 1', clientData=somePythonObject)
+>>> item1a = combo.Append('Item 1a', parent=item1,
+... clientData=someOtherPythonObject)
+And later fetch the client data like this:
+>>> somePythonObject = combo.GetClientData(item1)
+To get the client data of the currently selected item (if any):
+>>> currentItem = combo.GetSelection()
+>>> if currentItem:
+>>> somePythonObject = combo.GetClientData(currentItem)
+Supported styles are the same as for ComboBox, i.e. wx.CB_READONLY and
+wx.CB_SORT. Provide them as usual:
+>>> combo = ComboTreeBox(parent, style=wx.CB_READONLY|wx.CB_SORT)
+Supported platforms: wxMSW and wxMAC natively, wxGTK by means of a
+Author: Frank Niessink <frank@niessink.com>
+Copyright 2006, Frank Niessink
+License: wxWidgets license
+Version: 0.8
+Date: August 21, 2006
+import wx
+__all__ = ['ComboTreeBox'] # Export only the ComboTreeBox widget
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class IterableTreeCtrl(wx.TreeCtrl):
+ """
+ TreeCtrl is the same as wx.TreeCtrl, with a few convenience methods
+ added for easier navigation of items. """
+ def GetPreviousItem(self, item):
+ """
+ GetPreviousItem(self, TreeItemId item) -> TreeItemId
+ Returns the item that is on the line immediately above item
+ (as is displayed when the tree is fully expanded). The returned
+ item is invalid if item is the first item in the tree.
+ """
+ previousSibling = self.GetPrevSibling(item)
+ if previousSibling:
+ return self.GetLastChildRecursively(previousSibling)
+ else:
+ parent = self.GetItemParent(item)
+ if parent == self.GetRootItem() and \
+ (self.GetWindowStyle() & wx.TR_HIDE_ROOT):
+ # Return an invalid item, because the root item is hidden
+ return previousSibling
+ else:
+ return parent
+ def GetNextItem(self, item):
+ """
+ GetNextItem(self, TreeItemId item) -> TreeItemId
+ Returns the item that is on the line immediately below item
+ (as is displayed when the tree is fully expanded). The returned
+ item is invalid if item is the last item in the tree.
+ """
+ if self.ItemHasChildren(item):
+ firstChild, cookie = self.GetFirstChild(item)
+ return firstChild
+ else:
+ return self.GetNextSiblingRecursively(item)
+ def GetFirstItem(self):
+ """
+ GetFirstItem(self) -> TreeItemId
+ Returns the very first item in the tree. This is the root item
+ unless the root item is hidden. In that case the first child of
+ the root item is returned, if any. If the tree is empty, an
+ invalid tree item is returned.
+ """
+ rootItem = self.GetRootItem()
+ if rootItem and (self.GetWindowStyle() & wx.TR_HIDE_ROOT):
+ firstChild, cookie = self.GetFirstChild(rootItem)
+ return firstChild
+ else:
+ return rootItem
+ def GetLastChildRecursively(self, item):
+ """
+ GetLastChildRecursively(self, TreeItemId item) -> TreeItemId
+ Returns the last child of the last child ... of item. If item
+ has no children, item itself is returned. So the returned item
+ is always valid, assuming a valid item has been passed.
+ """
+ lastChild = item
+ while self.ItemHasChildren(lastChild):
+ lastChild = self.GetLastChild(lastChild)
+ return lastChild
+ def GetNextSiblingRecursively(self, item):
+ """
+ GetNextSiblingRecursively(self, TreeItemId item) -> TreeItemId
+ Returns the next sibling of item if it has one. If item has no
+ next sibling the next sibling of the parent of item is returned.
+ If the parent has no next sibling the next sibling of the parent
+ of the parent is returned, etc. If none of the ancestors of item
+ has a next sibling, an invalid item is returned.
+ """
+ if item == self.GetRootItem():
+ return wx.TreeItemId() # Return an invalid TreeItemId
+ nextSibling = self.GetNextSibling(item)
+ if nextSibling:
+ return nextSibling
+ else:
+ parent = self.GetItemParent(item)
+ return self.GetNextSiblingRecursively(parent)
+ def GetSelection(self):
+ """ Extend GetSelection to never return the root item if the
+ root item is hidden. """
+ selection = super(IterableTreeCtrl, self).GetSelection()
+ if selection == self.GetRootItem() and \
+ (self.GetWindowStyle() & wx.TR_HIDE_ROOT):
+ return wx.TreeItemId() # Return an invalid TreeItemId
+ else:
+ return selection
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class BasePopupFrame(wx.MiniFrame):
+ """
+ BasePopupFrame is the base class for platform specific
+ versions of the PopupFrame. The PopupFrame is the frame that
+ is popped up by ComboTreeBox. It contains the tree of items
+ that the user can select one item from. Upon selection, or
+ when focus is lost, the frame is hidden. """
+ def __init__(self, parent):
+ super(BasePopupFrame, self).__init__(parent,
+ self._createInterior()
+ self._layoutInterior()
+ self._bindEventHandlers()
+ def _createInterior(self):
+ self._tree = IterableTreeCtrl(self,
+ self._tree.AddRoot('Hidden root node')
+ def _layoutInterior(self):
+ frameSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+ frameSizer.Add(self._tree, flag=wx.EXPAND, proportion=1)
+ self.SetSizerAndFit(frameSizer)
+ def _bindEventHandlers(self):
+ self._tree.Bind(wx.EVT_CHAR, self.OnChar)
+ self._tree.Bind(wx.EVT_TREE_ITEM_ACTIVATED, self.OnItemActivated)
+ self._tree.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnMouseClick)
+ def _bindKillFocus(self):
+ self._tree.Bind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS, self.OnKillFocus)
+ def _unbindKillFocus(self):
+ self._tree.Unbind(wx.EVT_KILL_FOCUS)
+ def OnKillFocus(self, event):
+ # We hide the frame rather than destroy it, so it can be
+ # popped up again later:
+ self.Hide()
+ self.GetParent().NotifyNoItemSelected()
+ event.Skip()
+ def OnChar(self, keyEvent):
+ if self._keyShouldHidePopup(keyEvent):
+ self.Hide()
+ self.GetParent().NotifyNoItemSelected()
+ keyEvent.Skip()
+ def _keyShouldHidePopup(self, keyEvent):
+ return keyEvent.GetKeyCode() == wx.WXK_ESCAPE
+ def OnMouseClick(self, event):
+ item, flags = self._tree.HitTest(event.GetPosition())
+ if item and (flags & wx.TREE_HITTEST_ONITEMLABEL):
+ self._tree.SelectItem(item)
+ self.Hide()
+ self.GetParent().NotifyItemSelected(self._tree.GetItemText(item))
+ else:
+ event.Skip()
+ def OnItemActivated(self, event):
+ item = event.GetItem()
+ self.Hide()
+ self.GetParent().NotifyItemSelected(self._tree.GetItemText(item))
+ def Show(self):
+ self._bindKillFocus()
+ wx.CallAfter(self._tree.SetFocus)
+ super(BasePopupFrame, self).Show()
+ def Hide(self):
+ self._unbindKillFocus()
+ super(BasePopupFrame, self).Hide()
+ def GetTree(self):
+ return self._tree
+class MSWPopupFrame(BasePopupFrame):
+ def Show(self):
+ # Comply with the MS Windows Combobox behaviour: if the text in
+ # the text field is not in the tree, the first item in the tree
+ # is selected.
+ if not self._tree.GetSelection():
+ self._tree.SelectItem(self._tree.GetFirstItem())
+ super(MSWPopupFrame, self).Show()
+class MACPopupFrame(BasePopupFrame):
+ def _bindKillFocus(self):
+ # On wxMac, the kill focus event doesn't work, but the
+ # deactivate event does:
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_ACTIVATE, self.OnKillFocus)
+ def _unbindKillFocus(self):
+ self.Unbind(wx.EVT_ACTIVATE)
+ def OnKillFocus(self, event):
+ if not event.GetActive(): # We received a deactivate event
+ self.Hide()
+ wx.CallAfter(self.GetParent().NotifyNoItemSelected)
+ event.Skip()
+class GTKPopupFrame(BasePopupFrame):
+ def _keyShouldHidePopup(self, keyEvent):
+ # On wxGTK, Alt-Up also closes the popup:
+ return super(GTKPopupFrame, self)._keyShouldHidePopup(keyEvent) or \
+ (keyEvent.AltDown() and keyEvent.GetKeyCode() == wx.WXK_UP)
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class BaseComboTreeBox(object):
+ """ BaseComboTreeBox is the base class for platform specific
+ versions of the ComboTreeBox. """
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ style = kwargs.pop('style', 0)
+ if style & wx.CB_READONLY:
+ style &= ~wx.CB_READONLY # We manage readonlyness ourselves
+ self._readOnly = True
+ else:
+ self._readOnly = False
+ if style & wx.CB_SORT:
+ style &= ~wx.CB_SORT # We manage sorting ourselves
+ self._sort = True
+ else:
+ self._sort = False
+ super(BaseComboTreeBox, self).__init__(style=style, *args, **kwargs)
+ self._createInterior()
+ self._layoutInterior()
+ self._bindEventHandlers()
+ # Methods to construct the widget.
+ def _createInterior(self):
+ self._popupFrame = self._createPopupFrame()
+ self._text = self._createTextCtrl()
+ self._button = self._createButton()
+ self._tree = self._popupFrame.GetTree()
+ def _createTextCtrl(self):
+ return self # By default, the text control is the control itself.
+ def _createButton(self):
+ return self # By default, the dropdown button is the control itself.
+ def _createPopupFrame(self):
+ # It is a subclass responsibility to provide the right PopupFrame,
+ # depending on platform:
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ def _layoutInterior(self):
+ pass # By default, there is no layout to be done.
+ def _bindEventHandlers(self):
+ for eventSource, eventType, eventHandler in self._eventsToBind():
+ eventSource.Bind(eventType, eventHandler)
+ def _eventsToBind(self):
+ """
+ _eventsToBind(self) -> [(eventSource, eventType, eventHandler), ...]
+ _eventsToBind returns a list of eventSource, eventType,
+ eventHandlers tuples that will be bound. This method can be
+ extended to bind additional events. In that case, don't
+ forget to call _eventsToBind on the super class. """
+ return [(self._text, wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self.OnKeyDown),
+ (self._text, wx.EVT_TEXT, self.OnText),
+ (self._button, wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnMouseClick)]
+ # Event handlers
+ def OnMouseClick(self, event):
+ self.Popup()
+ # Note that we don't call event.Skip() to prevent popping up the
+ # ComboBox's own box.
+ def OnKeyDown(self, keyEvent):
+ if self._keyShouldNavigate(keyEvent):
+ self._navigateUpOrDown(keyEvent)
+ elif self._keyShouldPopUpTree(keyEvent):
+ self.Popup()
+ else:
+ keyEvent.Skip()
+ def _keyShouldPopUpTree(self, keyEvent):
+ return (keyEvent.AltDown() or keyEvent.MetaDown()) and \
+ keyEvent.GetKeyCode() == wx.WXK_DOWN
+ def _keyShouldNavigate(self, keyEvent):
+ return keyEvent.GetKeyCode() in (wx.WXK_DOWN, wx.WXK_UP) and not \
+ self._keyShouldPopUpTree(keyEvent)
+ def _navigateUpOrDown(self, keyEvent):
+ item = self.GetSelection()
+ if item:
+ navigationMethods = {wx.WXK_DOWN: self._tree.GetNextItem,
+ wx.WXK_UP: self._tree.GetPreviousItem}
+ getNextItem = navigationMethods[keyEvent.GetKeyCode()]
+ nextItem = getNextItem(item)
+ else:
+ nextItem = self._tree.GetFirstItem()
+ if nextItem:
+ self.SetSelection(nextItem)
+ def OnText(self, event):
+ event.Skip()
+ item = self.FindString(self._text.GetValue())
+ if item:
+ if self._tree.GetSelection() != item:
+ self._tree.SelectItem(item)
+ else:
+ self._tree.Unselect()
+ # Methods called by the PopupFrame, to let the ComboTreeBox know
+ # about what the user did.
+ def NotifyItemSelected(self, text):
+ """ Simulate selection of an item by the user. This is meant to
+ be called by the PopupFrame when the user selects an item. """
+ self._text.SetValue(text)
+ self._postComboBoxSelectedEvent(text)
+ self.SetFocus()
+ def _postComboBoxSelectedEvent(self, text):
+ """ Simulate a selection event. """
+ event = wx.CommandEvent(wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_COMBOBOX_SELECTED,
+ self.GetId())
+ event.SetString(text)
+ self.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(event)
+ def NotifyNoItemSelected(self):
+ """ This is called by the PopupFrame when the user closes the
+ PopupFrame, without selecting an item. """
+ self.SetFocus()
+ # Misc methods, not part of the ComboBox API.
+ def Popup(self):
+ """
+ Popup(self)
+ Pops up the frame with the tree.
+ """
+ comboBoxSize = self.GetSize()
+ x, y = self.GetParent().ClientToScreen(self.GetPosition())
+ y += comboBoxSize[1]
+ width = comboBoxSize[0]
+ height = 300
+ self._popupFrame.SetDimensions(x, y, width, height)
+ # On wxGTK, when the Combobox width has been increased a call
+ # to SetMinSize is needed to force a resize of the popupFrame:
+ self._popupFrame.SetMinSize((width, height))
+ self._popupFrame.Show()
+ def GetTree(self):
+ """
+ GetTree(self) -> wx.TreeCtrl
+ Returns the tree control that is popped up.
+ """
+ return self._popupFrame.GetTree()
+ def FindClientData(self, clientData, parent=None):
+ """
+ FindClientData(self, PyObject clientData, TreeItemId parent=None)
+ -> TreeItemId
+ Finds the *first* item in the tree with client data equal to the
+ given clientData. If no such item exists, an invalid item is
+ returned.
+ """
+ parent = parent or self._tree.GetRootItem()
+ child, cookie = self._tree.GetFirstChild(parent)
+ while child:
+ if self.GetClientData(child) == clientData:
+ return child
+ else:
+ result = self.FindClientData(clientData, child)
+ if result:
+ return result
+ child, cookie = self._tree.GetNextChild(parent, cookie)
+ return child
+ def SetClientDataSelection(self, clientData):
+ """
+ SetClientDataSelection(self, PyObject clientData) -> bool
+ Selects the item with the provided clientData in the control.
+ Returns True if the item belonging to the clientData has been
+ selected, False if it wasn't found in the control.
+ """
+ item = self.FindClientData(clientData)
+ if item:
+ self._tree.SelectItem(item)
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ # The following methods are all part of the ComboBox API (actually
+ # the ControlWithItems API) and have been adapted to take TreeItemIds
+ # as parameter and return TreeItemIds, rather than indices.
+ def Append(self, itemText, parent=None, clientData=None):
+ """
+ Append(self, String itemText, TreeItemId parent=None, PyObject
+ clientData=None) -> TreeItemId
+ Adds the itemText to the control, associating the given clientData
+ with the item if not None. If parent is None, itemText is added
+ as a root item, else itemText is added as a child item of
+ parent. The return value is the TreeItemId of the newly added
+ item. """
+ if parent is None:
+ parent = self._tree.GetRootItem()
+ item = self._tree.AppendItem(parent, itemText,
+ data=wx.TreeItemData(clientData))
+ if self._sort:
+ self._tree.SortChildren(parent)
+ return item
+ def Clear(self):
+ """
+ Clear(self)
+ Removes all items from the control.
+ """
+ return self._tree.DeleteAllItems()
+ def Delete(self, item):
+ """
+ Delete(self, TreeItemId item)
+ Deletes the item from the control.
+ """
+ return self._tree.Delete(item)
+ def FindString(self, string, parent=None):
+ """
+ FindString(self, String string, TreeItemId parent=None) -> TreeItemId
+ Finds the *first* item in the tree with a label equal to the
+ given string. If no such item exists, an invalid item is
+ returned.
+ """
+ parent = parent or self._tree.GetRootItem()
+ child, cookie = self._tree.GetFirstChild(parent)
+ while child:
+ if self._tree.GetItemText(child) == string:
+ return child
+ else:
+ result = self.FindString(string, child)
+ if result:
+ return result
+ child, cookie = self._tree.GetNextChild(parent, cookie)
+ return child
+ def GetSelection(self):
+ """
+ GetSelection(self) -> TreeItemId
+ Returns the TreeItemId of the selected item or an invalid item
+ if no item is selected.
+ """
+ selectedItem = self._tree.GetSelection()
+ if selectedItem and selectedItem != self._tree.GetRootItem():
+ return selectedItem
+ else:
+ return self.FindString(self.GetValue())
+ def GetString(self, item):
+ """
+ GetString(self, TreeItemId item) -> String
+ Returns the label of the given item.
+ """
+ if item:
+ return self._tree.GetItemText(item)
+ else:
+ return ''
+ def GetStringSelection(self):
+ """
+ GetStringSelection(self) -> String
+ Returns the label of the selected item or an empty string if no item
+ is selected.
+ """
+ return self.GetValue()
+ def Insert(self, itemText, previous=None, parent=None, clientData=None):
+ """
+ Insert(self, String itemText, TreeItemId previous=None, TreeItemId
+ parent=None, PyObject clientData=None) -> TreeItemId
+ Insert an item into the control before the ``previous`` item
+ and/or as child of the ``parent`` item. The itemText is associated
+ with clientData when not None.
+ """
+ data = wx.TreeItemData(clientData)
+ if parent is None:
+ parent = self._tree.GetRootItem()
+ if previous is None:
+ item = self._tree.InsertItemBefore(parent, 0, itemText, data=data)
+ else:
+ item = self._tree.InsertItem(parent, previous, itemText, data=data)
+ if self._sort:
+ self._tree.SortChildren(parent)
+ return item
+ def IsEmpty(self):
+ """
+ IsEmpty(self) -> bool
+ Returns True if the control is empty or False if it has some items.
+ """
+ return self.GetCount() == 0
+ def GetCount(self):
+ """
+ GetCount(self) -> int
+ Returns the number of items in the control.
+ """
+ # Note: We don't need to substract 1 for the hidden root item,
+ # because the TreeCtrl does that for us
+ return self._tree.GetCount()
+ def SetSelection(self, item):
+ """
+ SetSelection(self, TreeItemId item)
+ Sets the provided item to be the selected item.
+ """
+ self._tree.SelectItem(item)
+ self._text.SetValue(self._tree.GetItemText(item))
+ Select = SetSelection
+ def SetString(self, item, string):
+ """
+ SetString(self, TreeItemId item, String string)
+ Sets the label for the provided item.
+ """
+ self._tree.SetItemText(item, string)
+ if self._sort:
+ self._tree.SortChildren(self._tree.GetItemParent(item))
+ def SetStringSelection(self, string):
+ """
+ SetStringSelection(self, String string) -> bool
+ Selects the item with the provided string in the control.
+ Returns True if the provided string has been selected, False if
+ it wasn't found in the control.
+ """
+ item = self.FindString(string)
+ if item:
+ if self._text.GetValue() != string:
+ self._text.SetValue(string)
+ self._tree.SelectItem(item)
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def GetClientData(self, item):
+ """
+ GetClientData(self, TreeItemId item) -> PyObject
+ Returns the client data associated with the given item, if any.
+ """
+ return self._tree.GetItemPyData(item)
+ def SetClientData(self, item, clientData):
+ """
+ SetClientData(self, TreeItemId item, PyObject clientData)
+ Associate the given client data with the provided item.
+ """
+ self._tree.SetItemPyData(item, clientData)
+ def GetValue(self):
+ """
+ GetValue(self) -> String
+ Returns the current value in the combobox text field.
+ """
+ if self._text == self:
+ return super(BaseComboTreeBox, self).GetValue()
+ else:
+ return self._text.GetValue()
+ def SetValue(self, value):
+ """
+ SetValue(self, String value)
+ Sets the text for the combobox text field.
+ NB: For a combobox with wxCB_READONLY style the string must be
+ in the combobox choices list, otherwise the call to SetValue()
+ is ignored.
+ """
+ item = self._tree.GetSelection()
+ if not item or self._tree.GetItemText(item) != value:
+ item = self.FindString(value)
+ if self._readOnly and not item:
+ return
+ if self._text == self:
+ super(BaseComboTreeBox, self).SetValue(value)
+ else:
+ self._text.SetValue(value)
+ if item:
+ if self._tree.GetSelection() != item:
+ self._tree.SelectItem(item)
+ else:
+ self._tree.Unselect()
+class NativeComboTreeBox(BaseComboTreeBox, wx.ComboBox):
+ """ NativeComboTreeBox, and any subclass, uses the native ComboBox as
+ basis, but prevent it from popping up its drop down list and
+ instead pops up a PopupFrame containing a tree of items. """
+ def _eventsToBind(self):
+ events = super(NativeComboTreeBox, self)._eventsToBind()
+ # Bind all mouse click events to self.OnMouseClick so we can
+ # intercept those events and prevent the native Combobox from
+ # popping up its list of choices.
+ for eventType in (wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, wx.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK,
+ events.append((self._button, eventType, self.OnMouseClick))
+ if self._readOnly:
+ events.append((self, wx.EVT_CHAR, self.OnChar))
+ return events
+ def OnChar(self, event):
+ # OnChar is only called when in read only mode. We don't call
+ # event.Skip() on purpose, to prevent the characters from being
+ # displayed in the text field.
+ pass
+class MSWComboTreeBox(NativeComboTreeBox):
+ """ MSWComboTreeBox adds one piece of functionality as compared to
+ NativeComboTreeBox: when the user browses through the tree, the
+ ComboTreeBox's text field is continuously updated to show the
+ currently selected item in the tree. If the user cancels
+ selecting a new item from the tree, e.g. by hitting escape, the
+ previous value (the one that was selected before the PopupFrame
+ was popped up) is restored. """
+ def _createPopupFrame(self):
+ return MSWPopupFrame(self)
+ def _eventsToBind(self):
+ events = super(MSWComboTreeBox, self)._eventsToBind()
+ events.append((self._tree, wx.EVT_TREE_SEL_CHANGED,
+ self.OnSelectionChangedInTree))
+ return events
+ def OnSelectionChangedInTree(self, event):
+ item = event.GetItem()
+ if item:
+ selectedValue = self._tree.GetItemText(item)
+ if self.GetValue() != selectedValue:
+ self.SetValue(selectedValue)
+ event.Skip()
+ def _keyShouldPopUpTree(self, keyEvent):
+ return super(MSWComboTreeBox, self)._keyShouldPopUpTree(keyEvent) or \
+ (keyEvent.GetKeyCode() == wx.WXK_F4) or \
+ ((keyEvent.AltDown() or keyEvent.MetaDown()) and \
+ keyEvent.GetKeyCode() == wx.WXK_UP)
+ def SetValue(self, value):
+ """ Extend SetValue to also select the text in the
+ ComboTreeBox's text field. """
+ super(MSWComboTreeBox, self).SetValue(value)
+ # We select the text in the ComboTreeBox's text field.
+ # There is a slight complication, however. When the control is
+ # deleted, SetValue is called. But if we call SetMark at that
+ # time, wxPython will crash. We can prevent this by comparing the
+ # result of GetLastPosition and the length of the value. If they
+ # match, all is fine. If they don't match, we don't call SetMark.
+ if self._text.GetLastPosition() == len(value):
+ self._text.SetMark(0, self._text.GetLastPosition())
+ def Popup(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """ Extend Popup to store a copy of the current value, so we can
+ restore it later (in NotifyNoItemSelected). This is necessary
+ because MSWComboTreeBox will change the value as the user
+ browses through the items in the popped up tree. """
+ self._previousValue = self.GetValue()
+ super(MSWComboTreeBox, self).Popup(*args, **kwargs)
+ def NotifyNoItemSelected(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ """ Restore the value copied previously, because the user has
+ not selected a new value. """
+ self.SetValue(self._previousValue)
+ super(MSWComboTreeBox, self).NotifyNoItemSelected(*args, **kwargs)
+class MACComboTreeBox(NativeComboTreeBox):
+ def _createPopupFrame(self):
+ return MACPopupFrame(self)
+ def _createButton(self):
+ return self.GetChildren()[0] # The choice button
+ def _keyShouldNavigate(self, keyEvent):
+ return False # No navigation with up and down on wxMac
+ def _keyShouldPopUpTree(self, keyEvent):
+ return super(MACComboTreeBox, self)._keyShouldPopUpTree(keyEvent) or \
+ keyEvent.GetKeyCode() == wx.WXK_DOWN
+class GTKComboTreeBox(BaseComboTreeBox, wx.Panel):
+ """ The ComboTreeBox widget for wxGTK. This is actually a work
+ around because on wxGTK, there doesn't seem to be a way to intercept
+ mouse events sent to the Combobox. Intercepting those events is
+ necessary to prevent the Combobox from popping up the list and pop up
+ the tree instead. So, until wxPython makes intercepting those events
+ possible we build a poor man's Combobox ourselves using a TextCtrl and
+ a BitmapButton. """
+ def _createPopupFrame(self):
+ return GTKPopupFrame(self)
+ def _createTextCtrl(self):
+ if self._readOnly:
+ style = wx.TE_READONLY
+ else:
+ style = 0
+ return wx.TextCtrl(self, style=style)
+ def _createButton(self):
+ bitmap = wx.ArtProvider.GetBitmap(wx.ART_GO_DOWN, client=wx.ART_BUTTON)
+ return wx.BitmapButton(self, bitmap=bitmap)
+ def _layoutInterior(self):
+ panelSizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
+ panelSizer.Add(self._text, flag=wx.EXPAND, proportion=1)
+ panelSizer.Add(self._button)
+ self.SetSizerAndFit(panelSizer)
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def ComboTreeBox(*args, **kwargs):
+ """ Factory function to create the right ComboTreeBox depending on
+ platform. You may force a specific class, e.g. for testing
+ purposes, by setting the keyword argument 'platform', e.g.
+ 'platform=GTK' or 'platform=MSW' or platform='MAC'. """
+ platform = kwargs.pop('platform', None) or wx.PlatformInfo[0][4:7]
+ ComboTreeBoxClassName = '%sComboTreeBox' % platform
+ ComboTreeBoxClass = globals()[ComboTreeBoxClassName]
+ return ComboTreeBoxClass(*args, **kwargs)