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inline | side by side (from parent 1:
tell application "Finder" to update inFolder
tell application "Finder" to update inFolder
- try
- tell application "Finder" to set theXml to ((the first file of inFolder whose name ends with gXmlSuffix) as string)
- on error
- set theXml to ""
- end try
+ tell application "Finder" to set theXmlList to (every file of inFolder whose name ends with gXmlSuffix)
- if theXml is not "" then
+ repeat with theXml in theXmlList
+ set theXml to theXml as string
set theXmlCount to theXmlCount + 1
-- save the current text delimiters
set theXmlCount to theXmlCount + 1
-- save the current text delimiters
tell me to display dialog "Error " & errnum & " importing " & theXml & " to " & theImport
end try
end tell
tell me to display dialog "Error " & errnum & " importing " & theXml & " to " & theImport
end try
end tell
tell application "Finder" to set theSubFolders to every folder of inFolder whose name does not end with " Data"
repeat with theFolder in theSubFolders
tell application "Finder" to set theSubFolders to every folder of inFolder whose name does not end with " Data"
repeat with theFolder in theSubFolders