+void wxWidgetCocoaImpl::draggingExited(void* s, WXWidget WXUNUSED(slf), void *WXUNUSED(_cmd))
+ id <NSDraggingInfo>sender = (id <NSDraggingInfo>) s;
+ NSPasteboard *pboard = [sender draggingPasteboard];
+ wxWindow* wxpeer = GetWXPeer();
+ if ( wxpeer == NULL )
+ return;
+ wxDropTarget* target = wxpeer->GetDropTarget();
+ if ( target == NULL )
+ return;
+ PasteboardRef pboardRef;
+ PasteboardCreate((CFStringRef)[pboard name], &pboardRef);
+ target->SetCurrentDragPasteboard(pboardRef);
+ target->OnLeave();
+ CFRelease(pboardRef);
+ }
+unsigned int wxWidgetCocoaImpl::draggingUpdated(void* s, WXWidget WXUNUSED(slf), void *WXUNUSED(_cmd))
+ id <NSDraggingInfo>sender = (id <NSDraggingInfo>) s;
+ NSPasteboard *pboard = [sender draggingPasteboard];
+ NSDragOperation sourceDragMask = [sender draggingSourceOperationMask];
+ wxWindow* wxpeer = GetWXPeer();
+ if ( wxpeer == NULL )
+ return NSDragOperationNone;
+ wxDropTarget* target = wxpeer->GetDropTarget();
+ if ( target == NULL )
+ return NSDragOperationNone;
+ wxDragResult result = wxDragNone;
+ NSPoint nspoint = [m_osxView convertPoint:[sender draggingLocation] fromView:nil];
+ wxPoint pt = wxFromNSPoint( m_osxView, nspoint );
+ if ( sourceDragMask & NSDragOperationLink )
+ result = wxDragLink;
+ else if ( sourceDragMask & NSDragOperationCopy )
+ result = wxDragCopy;
+ else if ( sourceDragMask & NSDragOperationMove )
+ result = wxDragMove;
+ PasteboardRef pboardRef;
+ PasteboardCreate((CFStringRef)[pboard name], &pboardRef);
+ target->SetCurrentDragPasteboard(pboardRef);
+ result = target->OnDragOver(pt.x, pt.y, result);
+ CFRelease(pboardRef);
+ NSDragOperation nsresult = NSDragOperationNone;
+ switch (result )
+ {
+ case wxDragLink:
+ nsresult = NSDragOperationLink;
+ case wxDragMove:
+ nsresult = NSDragOperationMove;
+ case wxDragCopy:
+ nsresult = NSDragOperationCopy;
+ default :
+ break;
+ }
+ return nsresult;
+bool wxWidgetCocoaImpl::performDragOperation(void* s, WXWidget WXUNUSED(slf), void *WXUNUSED(_cmd))
+ id <NSDraggingInfo>sender = (id <NSDraggingInfo>) s;
+ NSPasteboard *pboard = [sender draggingPasteboard];
+ NSDragOperation sourceDragMask = [sender draggingSourceOperationMask];
+ wxWindow* wxpeer = GetWXPeer();
+ wxDropTarget* target = wxpeer->GetDropTarget();
+ wxDragResult result = wxDragNone;
+ NSPoint nspoint = [m_osxView convertPoint:[sender draggingLocation] fromView:nil];
+ wxPoint pt = wxFromNSPoint( m_osxView, nspoint );
+ if ( sourceDragMask & NSDragOperationLink )
+ result = wxDragLink;
+ else if ( sourceDragMask & NSDragOperationCopy )
+ result = wxDragCopy;
+ else if ( sourceDragMask & NSDragOperationMove )
+ result = wxDragMove;
+ PasteboardRef pboardRef;
+ PasteboardCreate((CFStringRef)[pboard name], &pboardRef);
+ target->SetCurrentDragPasteboard(pboardRef);
+ if (target->OnDrop(pt.x, pt.y))
+ result = target->OnData(pt.x, pt.y, result);
+ CFRelease(pboardRef);
+ return result != wxDragNone;
+typedef void (*wxOSX_TextEventHandlerPtr)(NSView* self, SEL _cmd, NSString *event);
+typedef void (*wxOSX_EventHandlerPtr)(NSView* self, SEL _cmd, NSEvent *event);
+typedef BOOL (*wxOSX_PerformKeyEventHandlerPtr)(NSView* self, SEL _cmd, NSEvent *event);
+typedef BOOL (*wxOSX_FocusHandlerPtr)(NSView* self, SEL _cmd);
+typedef BOOL (*wxOSX_ResetCursorRectsHandlerPtr)(NSView* self, SEL _cmd);
+void wxWidgetCocoaImpl::mouseEvent(WX_NSEvent event, WXWidget slf, void *_cmd)
+ if ( !DoHandleMouseEvent(event) )
+ {
+ // for plain NSView mouse events would propagate to parents otherwise
+ if (!IsUserPane())
+ {
+ wxOSX_EventHandlerPtr superimpl = (wxOSX_EventHandlerPtr) [[slf superclass] instanceMethodForSelector:(SEL)_cmd];
+ superimpl(slf, (SEL)_cmd, event);
+ }
+ }
+void wxWidgetCocoaImpl::keyEvent(WX_NSEvent event, WXWidget slf, void *_cmd)
+ if ( [event type] == NSKeyDown )
+ {
+ // there are key equivalents that are not command-combos and therefore not handled by cocoa automatically,
+ // therefore we call the menubar directly here, exit if the menu is handling the shortcut
+ if ( [[[NSApplication sharedApplication] mainMenu] performKeyEquivalent:event] )
+ return;
+ m_lastKeyDownEvent = event;
+ }
+ if ( GetFocusedViewInWindow([slf window]) != slf || m_hasEditor || !DoHandleKeyEvent(event) )
+ {
+ wxOSX_EventHandlerPtr superimpl = (wxOSX_EventHandlerPtr) [[slf superclass] instanceMethodForSelector:(SEL)_cmd];
+ superimpl(slf, (SEL)_cmd, event);
+ }
+ m_lastKeyDownEvent = NULL;
+void wxWidgetCocoaImpl::insertText(NSString* text, WXWidget slf, void *_cmd)
+ if ( m_lastKeyDownEvent==NULL || m_hasEditor || !DoHandleCharEvent(m_lastKeyDownEvent, text) )
+ {
+ wxOSX_TextEventHandlerPtr superimpl = (wxOSX_TextEventHandlerPtr) [[slf superclass] instanceMethodForSelector:(SEL)_cmd];
+ superimpl(slf, (SEL)_cmd, text);
+ }
+bool wxWidgetCocoaImpl::performKeyEquivalent(WX_NSEvent event, WXWidget slf, void *_cmd)
+ bool handled = false;
+ wxKeyEvent wxevent(wxEVT_KEY_DOWN);
+ SetupKeyEvent( wxevent, event );
+ // because performKeyEquivalent is going up the entire view hierarchy, we don't have to
+ // walk up the ancestors ourselves but let cocoa do it
+ int command = m_wxPeer->GetAcceleratorTable()->GetCommand( wxevent );
+ if (command != -1)
+ {
+ wxEvtHandler * const handler = m_wxPeer->GetEventHandler();
+ wxCommandEvent command_event( wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, command );
+ handled = handler->ProcessEvent( command_event );
+ if ( !handled )
+ {
+ // accelerators can also be used with buttons, try them too
+ command_event.SetEventType(wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED);
+ handled = handler->ProcessEvent( command_event );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !handled )
+ {
+ wxOSX_PerformKeyEventHandlerPtr superimpl = (wxOSX_PerformKeyEventHandlerPtr) [[slf superclass] instanceMethodForSelector:(SEL)_cmd];
+ return superimpl(slf, (SEL)_cmd, event);
+ }
+ return YES;
+bool wxWidgetCocoaImpl::acceptsFirstResponder(WXWidget slf, void *_cmd)
+ if ( IsUserPane() )
+ return m_wxPeer->AcceptsFocus();
+ else
+ {
+ wxOSX_FocusHandlerPtr superimpl = (wxOSX_FocusHandlerPtr) [[slf superclass] instanceMethodForSelector:(SEL)_cmd];
+ return superimpl(slf, (SEL)_cmd);
+ }
+bool wxWidgetCocoaImpl::becomeFirstResponder(WXWidget slf, void *_cmd)
+ wxOSX_FocusHandlerPtr superimpl = (wxOSX_FocusHandlerPtr) [[slf superclass] instanceMethodForSelector:(SEL)_cmd];
+ // get the current focus before running becomeFirstResponder
+ NSView* otherView = FindFocus();
+ wxWidgetImpl* otherWindow = FindFromWXWidget(otherView);
+ BOOL r = superimpl(slf, (SEL)_cmd);
+ if ( r )
+ {
+ DoNotifyFocusEvent( true, otherWindow );
+ }
+ return r;
+bool wxWidgetCocoaImpl::resignFirstResponder(WXWidget slf, void *_cmd)
+ wxOSX_FocusHandlerPtr superimpl = (wxOSX_FocusHandlerPtr) [[slf superclass] instanceMethodForSelector:(SEL)_cmd];
+ BOOL r = superimpl(slf, (SEL)_cmd);
+ // get the current focus after running resignFirstResponder
+ // note that this value isn't reliable, it might return the same view that
+ // is resigning
+ NSView* otherView = FindFocus();
+ wxWidgetImpl* otherWindow = FindFromWXWidget(otherView);
+ // It doesn't make sense to notify about the loss of focus if we're not
+ // really losing it and the window which has just gained focus is the same
+ // one as this window itself. Of course, this should never happen in the
+ // first place but somehow it does in wxGrid code and without this check we
+ // enter into an infinite recursion, see #12267.
+ if ( otherWindow == this )
+ return r;
+ // NSTextViews have an editor as true responder, therefore the might get the
+ // resign notification if their editor takes over, don't trigger any event then
+ if ( r && !m_hasEditor)
+ {
+ DoNotifyFocusEvent( false, otherWindow );
+ }
+ return r;
+void wxWidgetCocoaImpl::resetCursorRects(WXWidget slf, void *_cmd)
+ wxWindow* wxpeer = GetWXPeer();
+ if ( wxpeer )
+ {
+ NSCursor *cursor = (NSCursor*)wxpeer->GetCursor().GetHCURSOR();
+ if (cursor == NULL)
+ {
+ wxOSX_ResetCursorRectsHandlerPtr superimpl = (wxOSX_ResetCursorRectsHandlerPtr) [[slf superclass] instanceMethodForSelector:(SEL)_cmd];
+ superimpl(slf, (SEL)_cmd);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ [slf addCursorRect: [slf bounds]
+ cursor: cursor];
+ }
+ }
+bool wxWidgetCocoaImpl::isFlipped(WXWidget WXUNUSED(slf), void *WXUNUSED(_cmd))
+ return m_isFlipped;
+void wxWidgetCocoaImpl::drawRect(void* rect, WXWidget slf, void *WXUNUSED(_cmd))
+ // preparing the update region
+ wxRegion updateRgn;
+ const NSRect *rects;
+ NSInteger count;
+ [slf getRectsBeingDrawn:&rects count:&count];
+ for ( int i = 0 ; i < count ; ++i )
+ {
+ updateRgn.Union(wxFromNSRect(slf, rects[i]));
+ }
+ wxWindow* wxpeer = GetWXPeer();
+ if ( wxpeer->MacGetLeftBorderSize() != 0 || wxpeer->MacGetTopBorderSize() != 0 )
+ {
+ // as this update region is in native window locals we must adapt it to wx window local
+ updateRgn.Offset( wxpeer->MacGetLeftBorderSize() , wxpeer->MacGetTopBorderSize() );
+ }
+ if ( wxpeer->MacGetTopLevelWindow()->GetWindowStyle() & wxFRAME_SHAPED )
+ {
+ int xoffset = 0, yoffset = 0;
+ wxRegion rgn = wxpeer->MacGetTopLevelWindow()->GetShape();
+ wxpeer->MacRootWindowToWindow( &xoffset, &yoffset );
+ rgn.Offset( xoffset, yoffset );
+ updateRgn.Intersect(rgn);
+ }
+ wxpeer->GetUpdateRegion() = updateRgn;
+ // setting up the drawing context
+ CGContextRef context = (CGContextRef) [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] graphicsPort];
+ CGContextSaveGState( context );
+ CGContextBeginPath( context );
+ CGContextMoveToPoint(context, 0, 0);
+ NSRect bounds = [slf bounds];
+ CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, 10, 0);
+ CGContextMoveToPoint(context, 0, 0);
+ CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, 0, 10);
+ CGContextMoveToPoint(context, bounds.size.width, bounds.size.height);
+ CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, bounds.size.width, bounds.size.height-10);
+ CGContextMoveToPoint(context, bounds.size.width, bounds.size.height);
+ CGContextAddLineToPoint(context, bounds.size.width-10, bounds.size.height);
+ CGContextClosePath( context );
+ CGContextStrokePath(context);
+ if ( !m_isFlipped )
+ {
+ CGContextTranslateCTM( context, 0, [m_osxView bounds].size.height );
+ CGContextScaleCTM( context, 1, -1 );
+ }
+ wxpeer->MacSetCGContextRef( context );
+ bool handled = wxpeer->MacDoRedraw( 0 );
+ CGContextRestoreGState( context );
+ CGContextSaveGState( context );
+ if ( !handled )
+ {
+ // call super
+ SEL _cmd = @selector(drawRect:);
+ wxOSX_DrawRectHandlerPtr superimpl = (wxOSX_DrawRectHandlerPtr) [[slf superclass] instanceMethodForSelector:_cmd];
+ superimpl(slf, _cmd, *(NSRect*)rect);
+ CGContextRestoreGState( context );
+ CGContextSaveGState( context );
+ }
+ // as we called restore above, we have to flip again if necessary
+ if ( !m_isFlipped )
+ {
+ CGContextTranslateCTM( context, 0, [m_osxView bounds].size.height );
+ CGContextScaleCTM( context, 1, -1 );
+ }
+ wxpeer->MacPaintChildrenBorders();
+ wxpeer->MacSetCGContextRef( NULL );
+ CGContextRestoreGState( context );
+void wxWidgetCocoaImpl::controlAction( WXWidget WXUNUSED(slf), void *WXUNUSED(_cmd), void *WXUNUSED(sender))
+ wxWindow* wxpeer = (wxWindow*) GetWXPeer();
+ if ( wxpeer )
+ wxpeer->OSXHandleClicked(0);
+void wxWidgetCocoaImpl::controlDoubleAction( WXWidget WXUNUSED(slf), void *WXUNUSED(_cmd), void *WXUNUSED(sender))
+void wxWidgetCocoaImpl::controlTextDidChange()
+ wxWindow* wxpeer = (wxWindow*)GetWXPeer();
+ if ( wxpeer )
+ {
+ // since native rtti doesn't have to be enabled and wx' rtti is not aware of the mixin wxTextEntry, workaround is needed
+ wxTextCtrl *tc = wxDynamicCast( wxpeer , wxTextCtrl );
+ wxComboBox *cb = wxDynamicCast( wxpeer , wxComboBox );
+ if ( tc )
+ tc->SendTextUpdatedEventIfAllowed();
+ else if ( cb )
+ cb->SendTextUpdatedEventIfAllowed();
+ else
+ {
+ wxFAIL_MSG("Unexpected class for controlTextDidChange event");
+ }
+ }
+#define wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD( c, s, i, t ) \
+ class_addMethod(c, s, i, t );
+#define wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD( c, s, i, t ) \
+ { s, (char*) t, i },
+void wxOSXCocoaClassAddWXMethods(Class c)
+ static objc_method wxmethods[] =
+ {
+ wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(mouseDown:), (IMP) wxOSX_mouseEvent, "v@:@" )
+ wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(rightMouseDown:), (IMP) wxOSX_mouseEvent, "v@:@" )
+ wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(otherMouseDown:), (IMP) wxOSX_mouseEvent, "v@:@" )
+ wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(mouseUp:), (IMP) wxOSX_mouseEvent, "v@:@" )
+ wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(rightMouseUp:), (IMP) wxOSX_mouseEvent, "v@:@" )
+ wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(otherMouseUp:), (IMP) wxOSX_mouseEvent, "v@:@" )
+ wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(mouseMoved:), (IMP) wxOSX_mouseEvent, "v@:@" )
+ wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(mouseDragged:), (IMP) wxOSX_mouseEvent, "v@:@" )
+ wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(rightMouseDragged:), (IMP) wxOSX_mouseEvent, "v@:@" )
+ wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(otherMouseDragged:), (IMP) wxOSX_mouseEvent, "v@:@" )
+ wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(acceptsFirstMouse:), (IMP) wxOSX_acceptsFirstMouse, "v@:@" )
+ wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(scrollWheel:), (IMP) wxOSX_mouseEvent, "v@:@" )
+ wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(mouseEntered:), (IMP) wxOSX_mouseEvent, "v@:@" )
+ wxOSX_CLASS_ADD_METHOD(c, @selector(mouseExited:), (IMP) wxOSX_mouseEvent, "v@:@" )