#ifndef _WX_FILENAME_H_
#define _WX_FILENAME_H_
-#if defined(__GNUG__) && !defined(NO_GCC_PRAGMA)
- #pragma interface "filename.h"
-#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
- #include "wx/string.h"
- #include "wx/arrstr.h"
2. more file operations:
a) chmod()
b) [acm]time() - get and set
- c) file size
- d) file permissions with readable accessors for most common bits
+ c) file permissions with readable accessors for most common bits
such as IsReadable() &c
- e) rename()?
+ d) rename()?
3. SameFileAs() function to compare inodes under Unix
-// ridiculously enough, this will replace DirExists with wxDirExists etc
+#include "wx/arrstr.h"
#include "wx/filefn.h"
#include "wx/datetime.h"
+#include "wx/intl.h"
+#if wxUSE_FILE
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// constants
wxPATH_MKDIR_FULL = 0x0001 // create directories recursively
+// error code of wxFileName::GetSize()
+extern wxULongLong wxInvalidSize;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// wxFileName: encapsulates a file path
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
const wxString& path,
const wxString& name,
const wxString& ext,
+ bool hasExt,
wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE);
+ void Assign(const wxString& volume,
+ const wxString& path,
+ const wxString& name,
+ const wxString& ext,
+ wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE)
+ { Assign(volume, path, name, ext, !ext.empty(), format); }
void Assign(const wxString& path,
const wxString& name,
wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE);
void Assign(const wxString& path,
const wxString& name,
const wxString& ext,
- wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE)
- {
- // empty volume
- Assign(wxEmptyString, path, name, ext, format);
- }
+ wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE);
void AssignDir(const wxString& dir, wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE);
// file tests
// is the filename valid at all?
- bool IsOk() const { return m_dirs.size() != 0 || !m_name.IsEmpty(); }
+ bool IsOk() const
+ {
+ // we're fine if we have the path or the name or if we're a root dir
+ return m_dirs.size() != 0 || !m_name.empty() || !m_relative ||
+ !m_ext.empty() || m_hasExt;
+ }
// does the file with this name exists?
bool FileExists() const;
void AssignHomeDir();
static wxString GetHomeDir();
+#if wxUSE_FILE
// get a temp file name starting with the specified prefix and open the
// file passed to us using this name for writing (atomically if
// possible)
void AssignTempFileName(const wxString& prefix, wxFile *fileTemp = NULL);
static wxString CreateTempFileName(const wxString& prefix,
wxFile *fileTemp = NULL);
+#endif // wxUSE_FILE
// directory creation and removal.
bool Mkdir( int perm = 0777, int flags = 0);
// get the string of path separators for this format
static wxString GetPathSeparators(wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE);
+ // get the string of path terminators, i.e. characters which terminate the
+ // path
+ static wxString GetPathTerminators(wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE);
// get the canonical path separator for this format
static wxChar GetPathSeparator(wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE)
{ return GetPathSeparators(format)[0u]; }
static bool IsPathSeparator(wxChar ch, wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE);
// Dir accessors
- void AppendDir( const wxString &dir );
- void PrependDir( const wxString &dir );
- void InsertDir( int before, const wxString &dir );
- void RemoveDir( int pos );
size_t GetDirCount() const { return m_dirs.size(); }
+ void AppendDir(const wxString& dir);
+ void PrependDir(const wxString& dir);
+ void InsertDir(size_t before, const wxString& dir);
+ void RemoveDir(size_t pos);
+ void RemoveLastDir() { RemoveDir(GetDirCount() - 1); }
// Other accessors
- void SetExt( const wxString &ext ) { m_ext = ext; }
+ void SetExt( const wxString &ext ) { m_ext = ext; m_hasExt = !m_ext.empty(); }
+ void ClearExt() { m_ext = wxEmptyString; m_hasExt = false; }
+ void SetEmptyExt() { m_ext = wxT(""); m_hasExt = true; }
wxString GetExt() const { return m_ext; }
- bool HasExt() const { return !m_ext.empty(); }
+ bool HasExt() const { return m_hasExt; }
void SetName( const wxString &name ) { m_name = name; }
wxString GetName() const { return m_name; }
wxString *path,
wxString *name,
wxString *ext,
+ bool *hasExt = NULL,
wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE);
- // compatibility version
+ static void SplitPath(const wxString& fullpath,
+ wxString *volume,
+ wxString *path,
+ wxString *name,
+ wxString *ext,
+ wxPathFormat format)
+ {
+ SplitPath(fullpath, volume, path, name, ext, NULL, format);
+ }
+ // compatibility version: volume is part of path
static void SplitPath(const wxString& fullpath,
wxString *path,
wxString *name,
wxString *ext,
wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE);
+ // split a path into volume and pure path part
+ static void SplitVolume(const wxString& fullpathWithVolume,
+ wxString *volume,
+ wxString *path,
+ wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE);
+ // Filesize
+ // returns the size of the given filename
+ wxULongLong GetSize() const;
+ static wxULongLong GetSize(const wxString &file);
+ // returns the size in a human readable form
+ wxString GetHumanReadableSize(const wxString &nullsize = wxGetTranslation(_T("Not available")),
+ int precision = 1) const;
+ static wxString GetHumanReadableSize(const wxULongLong &sz,
+ const wxString &nullsize = wxGetTranslation(_T("Not available")),
+ int precision = 1);
// deprecated methods, don't use any more
// --------------------------------------
{ return GetPath(withSep ? wxPATH_GET_SEPARATOR : 0, format); }
wxString GetPathWithSep(wxPathFormat format = wxPATH_NATIVE ) const
- { return GetPath(wxPATH_GET_SEPARATOR, format); }
+ { return GetPath(wxPATH_GET_VOLUME | wxPATH_GET_SEPARATOR, format); }
// check whether this dir is valid for Append/Prepend/InsertDir()
// NB: the path is not absolute just because m_relative is false, it still
// needs the drive (i.e. volume) in some formats (Windows)
bool m_relative;
+ // when m_ext is empty, it may be because we don't have any extension or
+ // because we have an empty extension
+ //
+ // the difference is important as file with name "foo" and without
+ // extension has full name "foo" while with empty extension it is "foo."
+ bool m_hasExt;
#endif // _WX_FILENAME_H_