+// wxQTMediaBackend::DoCreateMovieControl
+// Calls CreateMovieControl and performs setup related to it
+// Note that we always hide the controller initially becuase when loading
+// from a url it displays about a 40x40 box with the word loading... in it,
+// but the box is outside the range of the control, which is bad (0,0
+// i believe), so we need to wait until finishload to actually display
+// the movie controller in this instance
+void wxQTMediaBackend::DoCreateMovieControl()
+ // Native CreateMovieControl QT control (Thanks to Kevin Olliver's
+ // wxQTMovie for some of this).
+ Rect bounds = wxMacGetBoundsForControl(
+ m_ctrl,
+ m_ctrl->GetPosition(),
+ m_ctrl->GetSize());
+ // Dispose of old control for new one
+ if (m_ctrl->m_peer && m_ctrl->m_peer->Ok() )
+ m_ctrl->m_peer->Dispose();
+ // Options:
+ // kMovieControlOptionXXX
+ // HideController - hide the movie controller
+ // LocateTopLeft - movie is pinned to top left rather than centered in the control
+ // EnableEditing - Allows programmatic editing and dragn'drop
+ // HandleEditingHI- Installs event stuff for edit menu - forces EnableEditing also
+ // SetKeysEnabled - Allows keyboard input
+ // ManuallyIdled - app handles movie idling rather than internal timer event loop
+ ::CreateMovieControl(
+ (WindowRef) m_ctrl->MacGetTopLevelWindowRef(), //parent
+ &bounds, // control bounds
+ m_movie, // movie handle
+ kMovieControlOptionHideController// flags
+ // | kMovieControlOptionManuallyIdled
+ | kMovieControlOptionLocateTopLeft
+ | kMovieControlOptionSetKeysEnabled,
+ m_ctrl->m_peer->GetControlRefAddr() );
+ ::EmbedControl(
+ m_ctrl->m_peer->GetControlRef(),
+ (ControlRef)m_ctrl->GetParent()->GetHandle());
+ // set up MovieController for the new movie
+ long dataSize;
+ // Get movie controller from our control
+ ::GetControlData(
+ m_ctrl->m_peer->GetControlRef(), 0,
+ kMovieControlDataMovieController,
+ sizeof(MovieController), (Ptr)&m_mc, &dataSize );
+ // Setup a callback so we can tell when the user presses
+ // play on the player controls
+ ::MCSetActionFilterWithRefCon(m_mc,
+ (MCActionFilterWithRefConUPP)wxQTMediaBackend::MCFilterProc,
+ (long)this);
+// wxQTMediaBackend::DoNewMovieController
+// Attaches movie to moviecontroller or creates moviecontroller
+// if not created yet
+void wxQTMediaBackend::DoNewMovieController()
+ if (!m_mc)
+ {
+ // Get top level window ref for some mac functions
+ WindowRef wrTLW = (WindowRef) m_ctrl->MacGetTopLevelWindowRef();
+ // MovieController not set up yet, so we need to create a new one.
+ // You have to pass a valid movie to NewMovieController, evidently
+ ::SetMovieGWorld(m_movie,
+ (CGrafPtr) GetWindowPort(wrTLW),
+ NULL);
+ wxASSERT(::GetMoviesError() == noErr);
+ Rect bounds = wxMacGetBoundsForControl(
+ m_ctrl,
+ m_ctrl->GetPosition(),
+ m_ctrl->GetSize());
+ m_mc = ::NewMovieController(
+ m_movie, &bounds,
+ mcTopLeftMovie | mcNotVisible /* | mcWithFrame */ );
+ wxASSERT(::GetMoviesError() == noErr);
+ ::MCDoAction(m_mc, 32, (void*)true); // mcActionSetKeysEnabled
+ wxASSERT(::GetMoviesError() == noErr);
+ // Setup a callback so we can tell when the user presses
+ // play on the player controls
+ m_mcactionupp = NewMCActionFilterWithRefConUPP( wxQTMediaBackend::MCFilterProc );
+ ::MCSetActionFilterWithRefCon( m_mc, m_mcactionupp, (long)this );
+ wxASSERT(::GetMoviesError() == noErr);
+ // Part of a suggestion from Greg Hazel to repaint movie when idle
+ m_ctrl->PushEventHandler(new wxQTMediaEvtHandler(this));
+ // Event types to catch from the TLW
+ // for the moviecontroller
+ EventTypeSpec theEventTypes[] =
+ {
+ { kEventClassMouse, kEventMouseDown },
+ { kEventClassMouse, kEventMouseUp },
+ { kEventClassMouse, kEventMouseDragged },
+ { kEventClassKeyboard, kEventRawKeyDown },
+ { kEventClassKeyboard, kEventRawKeyRepeat },
+ { kEventClassKeyboard, kEventRawKeyUp },
+ { kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowUpdate },
+ { kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowActivated },
+ { kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowDeactivated }
+ };
+ // Catch window messages:
+ // if we do not do this and if the user clicks the play
+ // button on the controller, for instance, nothing will happen...
+ m_eventupp = NewEventHandlerUPP( wxQTMediaWindowEventHandler );
+ InstallWindowEventHandler(
+ wrTLW,
+ m_eventupp,
+ GetEventTypeCount( theEventTypes ), theEventTypes,
+ m_mc, (&(EventHandlerRef&)m_pEventHandlerRef) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // MovieController already created:
+ // Just change the movie in it and we're good to go
+ Point thePoint;
+ thePoint.h = thePoint.v = 0;
+ ::MCSetMovie(m_mc, m_movie,
+ (WindowRef)m_ctrl->MacGetTopLevelWindowRef(),
+ thePoint);
+ wxASSERT(::GetMoviesError() == noErr);
+ }
+// wxQTMediaBackend::FinishLoad