-Constructor. Initializes the custom colours to white, the {\it data colour} setting
+Constructor. Initializes the custom colours to {\tt wxNullColour},
+the {\it data colour} setting
to black, and the {\it choose full} setting to true.
Gets the {\it i}th custom colour associated with the colour dialog. {\it i} should
be an integer between 0 and 15.
-The default custom colours are all white.
+The default custom colours are invalid colours.
Sets the {\it i}th custom colour for the colour dialog. {\it i} should
be an integer between 0 and 15.
-The default custom colours are all white.
+The default custom colours are invalid colours.
\membersection{wxColourData::operator $=$}\label{wxcolourdataassign}
\func{wxColour*}{FindColour}{\param{const wxString\& }{colourName}}
-Finds a colour given the name. Returns \tt{NULL} if not found or a pointer which
+Finds a colour given the name. Returns {\tt NULL} if not found or a pointer which
must be deleted by the caller otherwise.
Please note that this method is deprecated and will be removed in the next