-This class is used for idle events, which are generated when the system is idle.
-By default, idle events are sent to all windows. If this is causing a significant
+This class is used for idle events, which are generated when the system becomes
+idle. Note that, unless you do something specifically, the idle events are not
+sent if the system remains idle once it has become it, e.g. only a single idle
+event will be generated until something else resulting in more normal events
+happens and only then is the next idle event sent again. If you need to ensure
+a continuous stream of idle events, you can either use
+\helpref{RequestMore}{wxidleeventrequestmore} method in your handler or call
+\helpref{wxWakeUpIdle}{wxwakeupidle} periodically (for example from timer
+event), but note that both of these approaches (and especially the first one)
+increase the system load and so should be avoided if possible.
+By default, idle events are sent to all windows (and also
+\helpref{wxApp}{wxapp}, as usual). If this is causing a significant