pascal OSErr AEHandleQuit( const AppleEvent *event , AppleEvent *reply , long refcon ) ;
-pascal OSErr AEHandleODoc( const AppleEvent *event , AppleEvent *reply , long refcon )
+pascal OSErr AEHandleODoc( const AppleEvent *event , AppleEvent *reply , long WXUNUSED(refcon) )
// GD: UNUSED wxApp* app = (wxApp*) refcon ;
return wxTheApp->MacHandleAEODoc( (AppleEvent*) event , reply) ;
-pascal OSErr AEHandleOApp( const AppleEvent *event , AppleEvent *reply , long refcon )
+pascal OSErr AEHandleOApp( const AppleEvent *event , AppleEvent *reply , long WXUNUSED(refcon) )
// GD: UNUSED wxApp* app = (wxApp*) refcon ;
return wxTheApp->MacHandleAEOApp( (AppleEvent*) event , reply ) ;
-pascal OSErr AEHandlePDoc( const AppleEvent *event , AppleEvent *reply , long refcon )
+pascal OSErr AEHandlePDoc( const AppleEvent *event , AppleEvent *reply , long WXUNUSED(refcon) )
// GD: UNUSED wxApp* app = (wxApp*) refcon ;
return wxTheApp->MacHandleAEPDoc( (AppleEvent*) event , reply ) ;
-pascal OSErr AEHandleQuit( const AppleEvent *event , AppleEvent *reply , long refcon )
+pascal OSErr AEHandleQuit( const AppleEvent *event , AppleEvent *reply , long WXUNUSED(refcon) )
// GD: UNUSED wxApp* app = (wxApp*) refcon ;
return wxTheApp->MacHandleAEQuit( (AppleEvent*) event , reply) ;
-short wxApp::MacHandleAEODoc(const WXEVENTREF event , WXEVENTREF reply)
+short wxApp::MacHandleAEODoc(const WXEVENTREF WXUNUSED(event) , WXEVENTREF WXUNUSED(reply))
SysBeep(40) ;
ProcessSerialNumber PSN ;
return noErr ;
-short wxApp::MacHandleAEPDoc(const WXEVENTREF event , WXEVENTREF reply)
+short wxApp::MacHandleAEPDoc(const WXEVENTREF WXUNUSED(event) , WXEVENTREF WXUNUSED(reply))
return noErr ;
-short wxApp::MacHandleAEOApp(const WXEVENTREF event , WXEVENTREF reply)
+short wxApp::MacHandleAEOApp(const WXEVENTREF WXUNUSED(event) , WXEVENTREF WXUNUSED(reply))
return noErr ;
-short wxApp::MacHandleAEQuit(const WXEVENTREF event , WXEVENTREF reply)
+short wxApp::MacHandleAEQuit(const WXEVENTREF WXUNUSED(event) , WXEVENTREF WXUNUSED(reply))
wxWindow* win = GetTopWindow() ;
if ( win )
wxMacCreateNotifierTable() ;
UMAShowArrowCursor() ;
return TRUE;
#endif /* WXMAKINGDLL && !__DARWIN__ */
-int WXDLLEXPORT wxEntryStart( int argc, char *argv[] )
+int WXDLLEXPORT wxEntryStart( int WXUNUSED(argc), char *WXUNUSED(argv)[] )
return wxApp::Initialize();
return retValue;
+bool wxMacConvertEventToRecord( EventRef event , EventRecord *rec)
+ bool converted = ConvertEventRefToEventRecord( event,rec) ;
+ OSStatus err = noErr ;
+ if ( !converted )
+ {
+ switch( GetEventClass( event ) )
+ {
+ case kEventClassKeyboard :
+ {
+ converted = true ;
+ switch( GetEventKind(event) )
+ {
+ case kEventRawKeyDown :
+ rec->what = keyDown ;
+ break ;
+ case kEventRawKeyRepeat :
+ rec->what = autoKey ;
+ break ;
+ case kEventRawKeyUp :
+ rec->what = keyUp ;
+ break ;
+ case kEventRawKeyModifiersChanged :
+ rec->what = nullEvent ;
+ break ;
+ default :
+ converted = false ;
+ break ;
+ }
+ if ( converted )
+ {
+ UInt32 keyCode ;
+ unsigned char charCode ;
+ UInt32 modifiers ;
+ GetMouse( &rec->where) ;
+ err = GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamKeyModifiers, typeUInt32, NULL, 4, NULL, &modifiers);
+ err = GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamKeyCode, typeUInt32, NULL, 4, NULL, &keyCode);
+ err = GetEventParameter(event, kEventParamKeyMacCharCodes, typeChar, NULL, 1, NULL, &charCode);
+ rec->modifiers = modifiers ;
+ rec->message = (keyCode << 8 ) + charCode ;
+ }
+ }
+ break ;
+ case kEventClassTextInput :
+ {
+ switch( GetEventKind( event ) )
+ {
+ case kEventTextInputUnicodeForKeyEvent :
+ {
+ EventRef rawEvent ;
+ err = GetEventParameter( event , kEventParamTextInputSendKeyboardEvent ,typeEventRef,NULL,sizeof(rawEvent),NULL,&rawEvent ) ;
+ converted = true ;
+ {
+ UInt32 keyCode ;
+ unsigned char charCode ;
+ UInt32 modifiers ;
+ GetMouse( &rec->where) ;
+ rec->what = keyDown ;
+ err = GetEventParameter(rawEvent, kEventParamKeyModifiers, typeUInt32, NULL, 4, NULL, &modifiers);
+ err = GetEventParameter(rawEvent, kEventParamKeyCode, typeUInt32, NULL, 4, NULL, &keyCode);
+ err = GetEventParameter(rawEvent, kEventParamKeyMacCharCodes, typeChar, NULL, 1, NULL, &charCode);
+ rec->modifiers = modifiers ;
+ rec->message = (keyCode << 8 ) + charCode ;
+ }
+ }
+ break ;
+ default :
+ break ;
+ }
+ }
+ break ;
+ }
+ }
+ return converted ;
+pascal OSStatus wxMacApplicationEventHandler( EventHandlerCallRef handler , EventRef event , void *data )
+ OSStatus result = eventNotHandledErr ;
+ EventRecord rec ;
+ switch ( GetEventClass( event ) )
+ {
+ case kEventClassKeyboard :
+ if ( wxMacConvertEventToRecord( event , &rec ) )
+ {
+ wxTheApp->MacHandleOneEvent( &rec ) ;
+ result = noErr ;
+ }
+ break ;
+ case kEventClassTextInput :
+ if ( wxMacConvertEventToRecord( event , &rec ) )
+ {
+ wxTheApp->MacHandleOneEvent( &rec ) ;
+ result = noErr ;
+ }
+ break ;
+ default :
+ break ;
+ }
+ return result ;
+bool wxApp::OnInit()
+ if ( ! wxAppBase::OnInit() )
+ return FALSE ;
+ static const EventTypeSpec eventList[] =
+ {
+ { kEventClassKeyboard, kEventRawKeyDown } ,
+ { kEventClassKeyboard, kEventRawKeyRepeat } ,
+ { kEventClassKeyboard, kEventRawKeyUp } ,
+ { kEventClassKeyboard, kEventRawKeyModifiersChanged } ,
+ { kEventClassTextInput , kEventTextInputUnicodeForKeyEvent } ,
+ } ;
+ InstallApplicationEventHandler(NewEventHandlerUPP(wxMacApplicationEventHandler)
+ , WXSIZEOF(eventList), eventList, this, NULL);
+ return TRUE ;
// Static member initialization
wxAppInitializerFunction wxAppBase::m_appInitFn = (wxAppInitializerFunction) NULL;
node = node->Next();
- s_lastMouseDown = 0 ;
- if( convertClipboard )
- {
- MacConvertPrivateToPublicScrap() ;
- }
- ::HideFloatingWindows() ;
+ s_lastMouseDown = 0 ;
+ if( convertClipboard )
+ {
+ MacConvertPrivateToPublicScrap() ;
+ }
+ ::HideFloatingWindows() ;
+extern wxList wxModalDialogs;
void wxApp::MacResume( bool convertClipboard )
- s_lastMouseDown = 0 ;
- if( convertClipboard )
- {
- MacConvertPublicToPrivateScrap() ;
- }
+ s_lastMouseDown = 0 ;
+ if( convertClipboard )
+ {
+ MacConvertPublicToPrivateScrap() ;
+ }
+ ::ShowFloatingWindows() ;
+ // raise modal dialogs in case a non modal window was selected to activate the app
- ::ShowFloatingWindows() ;
+ wxNode* node = wxModalDialogs.First();
+ while (node)
+ {
+ wxDialog* dialog = (wxDialog *) node->Data();
+ dialog->Raise();
+ node = node->Next();
+ }
void wxApp::MacConvertPrivateToPublicScrap()
newWidth = oldWidth;
if (newHeight == 0)
newHeight = oldHeight;
- win->SetSize( -1, -1, newWidth, newHeight, wxSIZE_USE_EXISTING);
+ win->SetSize( -1, -1 , newWidth, newHeight, wxSIZE_USE_EXISTING);
s_lastMouseDown = 0;
if (win)
Rect tempRect ;
+ GrafPtr port ;
+ GetPort( &port ) ;
+ Point pt = { 0, 0 } ;
+ SetPortWindowPort(window) ;
+ LocalToGlobal( &pt ) ;
+ SetPort( port ) ;
GetWindowPortBounds(window, &tempRect ) ;
- win->SetSize( -1, -1, tempRect.right-tempRect.left ,
+ win->SetSize( pt.h , pt.v , tempRect.right-tempRect.left ,, wxSIZE_USE_EXISTING);
if ( HiWord( menuresult ) )
if ( !s_macIsInModalLoop )
- MacHandleMenuSelect( HiWord( menuresult ) , LoWord( menuresult ) ) ;
+ MacHandleMenuSelect( HiWord( menuresult ) , LoWord( menuresult ) ) ;
keychar = short(ev->message & charCodeMask);
keycode = short(ev->message & keyCodeMask) >> 8 ;
long keyval = wxMacTranslateKey(keychar, keycode) ;
- bool handled = false ;
wxWindow* focus = wxWindow::FindFocus() ;
- if ( focus )
- {
- wxKeyEvent event(wxEVT_KEY_DOWN);
- event.m_shiftDown = ev->modifiers & shiftKey;
- event.m_controlDown = ev->modifiers & controlKey;
- event.m_altDown = ev->modifiers & optionKey;
- event.m_metaDown = ev->modifiers & cmdKey;
- event.m_keyCode = keyval;
- event.m_x = ev->where.h;
- event.m_y = ev->where.v;
- event.m_timeStamp = ev->when;
- event.SetEventObject(focus);
- handled = focus->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( event ) ;
- if ( !handled )
+ if ( MacSendKeyDownEvent( focus , keyval , ev->modifiers , ev->when , ev->where.h , ev->where.v ) == false )
+ {
+ // has not been handled -> perform default
+ wxControl* control = wxDynamicCast( focus , wxControl ) ;
+ if ( control && control->GetMacControl() != NULL )
+ ::HandleControlKey( (ControlHandle) control->GetMacControl() , keycode , keychar , ev->modifiers ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+bool wxApp::MacSendKeyDownEvent( wxWindow* focus , long keyval , long modifiers , long when , short wherex , short wherey )
+ bool handled = false ;
+ // it is wxWindows Convention to have Ctrl Key Combinations at ASCII char value
+ if ( modifiers & controlKey && keyval >= 0 && keyval < 0x20 )
+ {
+ keyval += 0x40 ;
+ }
+ wxKeyEvent event(wxEVT_KEY_DOWN);
+ event.m_shiftDown = modifiers & shiftKey;
+ event.m_controlDown = modifiers & controlKey;
+ event.m_altDown = modifiers & optionKey;
+ event.m_metaDown = modifiers & cmdKey;
+ event.m_keyCode = keyval;
+ event.m_x = wherex;
+ event.m_y = wherey;
+ event.m_timeStamp = when;
+ event.SetEventObject(focus);
+ handled = focus->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( event ) ;
+ if ( handled && event.GetSkipped() )
+ handled = false ;
+ if ( !handled )
+ {
- if (!handled)
+ if (!handled)
+ {
+ wxWindow *ancestor = focus;
+ while (ancestor)
+ {
+ int command = ancestor->GetAcceleratorTable()->GetCommand( event );
+ if (command != -1)
- /*
- wxWindow *ancestor = focus;
- while (ancestor)
- {
- int command = ancestor->GetAcceleratorTable()->GetCommand( event );
- if (command != -1)
- {
- wxCommandEvent command_event( wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, command );
- handled = ancestor->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( command_event );
- break;
- }
- if (ancestor->m_isFrame)
- break;
- ancestor = ancestor->GetParent();
- }
- */
+ wxCommandEvent command_event( wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, command );
+ handled = ancestor->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( command_event );
+ break;
-#endif // wxUSE_ACCEL
- }
- if (!handled)
- {
- wxKeyEvent event(wxEVT_CHAR);
- event.m_shiftDown = ev->modifiers & shiftKey;
- event.m_controlDown = ev->modifiers & controlKey;
- event.m_altDown = ev->modifiers & optionKey;
- event.m_metaDown = ev->modifiers & cmdKey;
- event.m_keyCode = keyval;
- event.m_x = ev->where.h;
- event.m_y = ev->where.v;
- event.m_timeStamp = ev->when;
- event.SetEventObject(focus);
- handled = focus->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( event ) ;
- }
- if ( !handled &&
- (keyval == WXK_TAB) &&
- (!focus->HasFlag(wxTE_PROCESS_TAB)) &&
- (focus->GetParent()) &&
- (focus->GetParent()->HasFlag( wxTAB_TRAVERSAL)) )
- {
- wxNavigationKeyEvent new_event;
- new_event.SetEventObject( focus );
- new_event.SetDirection( !event.ShiftDown() );
- /* CTRL-TAB changes the (parent) window, i.e. switch notebook page */
- new_event.SetWindowChange( event.ControlDown() );
- new_event.SetCurrentFocus( focus );
- handled = focus->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( new_event );
+ if (ancestor->IsTopLevel())
+ break;
+ ancestor = ancestor->GetParent();
- if ( !handled )
- {
- // if window is not having a focus still testing for default enter or cancel
- // TODO add the UMA version for ActiveNonFloatingWindow
- focus = wxFindWinFromMacWindow( FrontWindow() ) ;
+#endif // wxUSE_ACCEL
+ }
+ if (!handled)
+ {
+ event.Skip( FALSE ) ;
+ event.SetEventType( wxEVT_CHAR ) ;
+ handled = focus->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( event ) ;
+ if ( handled && event.GetSkipped() )
+ handled = false ;
+ }
+ if ( !handled &&
+ (keyval == WXK_TAB) &&
+// CS: copied the change below from wxGTK
+// VZ: testing for wxTE_PROCESS_TAB shouldn't be done here the control may
+// have this style, yet choose not to process this particular TAB in which
+// case TAB must still work as a navigational character
+#if 0
+ (!focus->HasFlag(wxTE_PROCESS_TAB)) &&
+ (focus->GetParent()) &&
+ (focus->GetParent()->HasFlag( wxTAB_TRAVERSAL)) )
+ {
+ wxNavigationKeyEvent new_event;
+ new_event.SetEventObject( focus );
+ new_event.SetDirection( !event.ShiftDown() );
+ /* CTRL-TAB changes the (parent) window, i.e. switch notebook page */
+ new_event.SetWindowChange( event.ControlDown() );
+ new_event.SetCurrentFocus( focus );
+ handled = focus->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( new_event );
+ if ( handled && new_event.GetSkipped() )
+ handled = false ;
+ }
+ // backdoor handler for default return and command escape
+ if ( !handled && (!focus->IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxControl) ) || !focus->MacCanFocus() ) )
+ {
+ // if window is not having a focus still testing for default enter or cancel
+ // TODO add the UMA version for ActiveNonFloatingWindow
+ wxWindow* focus = wxFindWinFromMacWindow( FrontWindow() ) ;
if ( focus )
if ( keyval == WXK_RETURN )
wxCommandEvent event(wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, def->GetId() );
- return ;
+ return true ;
/* generate wxID_CANCEL if command-. or <esc> has been pressed (typically in dialogs) */
- else if (keyval == WXK_ESCAPE || (keyval == '.' && ev->modifiers & cmdKey ) )
+ else if (keyval == WXK_ESCAPE || (keyval == '.' && modifiers & cmdKey ) )
wxCommandEvent new_event(wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED,wxID_CANCEL);
new_event.SetEventObject( focus );
handled = focus->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( new_event );
- }
+ return handled ;
void wxApp::MacHandleKeyUpEvent( WXEVENTREF evr )
EventRecord* ev = (EventRecord*) evr ;
short keychar ;
keychar = short(ev->message & charCodeMask);
keycode = short(ev->message & keyCodeMask) >> 8 ;
+ long keyval = wxMacTranslateKey(keychar, keycode) ;
wxWindow* focus = wxWindow::FindFocus() ;
- if ( focus )
- {
- long keyval = wxMacTranslateKey(keychar, keycode) ;
- wxKeyEvent event(wxEVT_KEY_UP);
- event.m_shiftDown = ev->modifiers & shiftKey;
- event.m_controlDown = ev->modifiers & controlKey;
- event.m_altDown = ev->modifiers & optionKey;
- event.m_metaDown = ev->modifiers & cmdKey;
- event.m_keyCode = keyval;
- event.m_x = ev->where.h;
- event.m_y = ev->where.v;
- event.m_timeStamp = ev->when;
- event.SetEventObject(focus);
- bool handled = focus->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( event ) ;
- }
+ bool handled = MacSendKeyUpEvent( focus , keyval , ev->modifiers , ev->when , ev->where.h , ev->where.v ) ;
+ // we don't have to do anything under classic here
+bool wxApp::MacSendKeyUpEvent( wxWindow* focus , long keyval , long modifiers , long when , short wherex , short wherey )
+ bool handled = false ;
+ // it is wxWindows Convention to have Ctrl Key Combinations at ASCII char value
+ if ( modifiers & controlKey && keyval >= 0 && keyval < 0x20 )
+ {
+ keyval += 0x40 ;
+ }
+ if ( focus )
+ {
+ wxKeyEvent event(wxEVT_KEY_UP);
+ event.m_shiftDown = modifiers & shiftKey;
+ event.m_controlDown = modifiers & controlKey;
+ event.m_altDown = modifiers & optionKey;
+ event.m_metaDown = modifiers & cmdKey;
+ event.m_keyCode = keyval;
+ event.m_x = wherex;
+ event.m_y = wherey;
+ event.m_timeStamp = when;
+ event.SetEventObject(focus);
+ handled = focus->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( event ) ;
+ }
+ return handled ;
void wxApp::MacHandleActivateEvent( WXEVENTREF evr )
EventRecord* ev = (EventRecord*) evr ;