// Name: graphics.h
-// Purpose: interface of wxGraphicsPath
+// Purpose: interface of various wxGraphics* classes
// Author: wxWidgets team
// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Licence: wxWindows license
@class wxGraphicsPath
- A wxGraphicsPath is a native representation of an geometric path. The contents
- are specific an private to the respective renderer. Instances are ref counted and can
- therefore be assigned as usual. The only way to get a valid instance is via
- wxGraphicsContext::CreatePath or wxGraphicsRenderer::CreatePath.
+ A wxGraphicsPath is a native representation of a geometric path. The
+ contents are specific an private to the respective renderer. Instances are
+ reference counted and can therefore be assigned as usual. The only way to
+ get a valid instance is by using wxGraphicsContext::CreatePath() or
+ wxGraphicsRenderer::CreatePath().
- @category{FIXME}
+ @category{gdi}
class wxGraphicsPath : public wxGraphicsObject
- //@{
+ Adds an arc of a circle centering at (@a x,@a y) with radius (@a r)
+ from @a startAngle to @a endAngle.
+ */
+ virtual void AddArc(wxDouble x, wxDouble y, wxDouble r,
+ wxDouble startAngle, wxDouble endAngle,
+ bool clockwise);
+ /**
+ Adds an arc of a circle centering at @a c with radius (@a r)
+ from @a startAngle to @a endAngle.
- void AddArc(wxDouble x, wxDouble y, wxDouble r,
- wxDouble startAngle,
- wxDouble endAngle, bool clockwise);
void AddArc(const wxPoint2DDouble& c, wxDouble r,
- wxDouble startAngle,
- wxDouble endAngle,
- bool clockwise);
- //@}
+ wxDouble startAngle, wxDouble endAngle, bool clockwise);
- Appends a an arc to two tangents connecting (current) to (x1,y1) and (x1,y1) to
- (x2,y2), also a straight line from (current) to (x1,y1).
+ Appends a an arc to two tangents connecting (current) to (@a x1,@a y1)
+ and (@a x1,@a y1) to (@a x2,@a y2), also a straight line from (current)
+ to (@a x1,@a y1).
virtual void AddArcToPoint(wxDouble x1, wxDouble y1, wxDouble x2,
wxDouble y2, wxDouble r);
- Appends a circle around (x,y) with radius r as a new closed subpath.
+ Appends a circle around (@a x,@a y) with radius @a r as a new closed
+ subpath.
virtual void AddCircle(wxDouble x, wxDouble y, wxDouble r);
- //@{
+ Adds a cubic bezier curve from the current point, using two control
+ points and an end point.
+ */
+ virtual void AddCurveToPoint(wxDouble cx1, wxDouble cy1,
+ wxDouble cx2, wxDouble cy2,
+ wxDouble x, wxDouble y);
+ /**
+ Adds a cubic bezier curve from the current point, using two control
+ points and an end point.
- void AddCurveToPoint(wxDouble cx1, wxDouble cy1, wxDouble cx2,
- wxDouble cy2,
- wxDouble x,
- wxDouble y);
void AddCurveToPoint(const wxPoint2DDouble& c1,
const wxPoint2DDouble& c2,
const wxPoint2DDouble& e);
- //@}
Appends an ellipse fitting into the passed in rectangle.
virtual void AddEllipse(wxDouble x, wxDouble y, wxDouble w, wxDouble h);
- //@{
+ Adds a straight line from the current point to (@a x,@a y).
+ */
+ virtual void AddLineToPoint(wxDouble x, wxDouble y);
+ /**
+ Adds a straight line from the current point to @a p.
- void AddLineToPoint(wxDouble x, wxDouble y);
void AddLineToPoint(const wxPoint2DDouble& p);
- //@}
Adds another path.
virtual void AddPath(const wxGraphicsPath& path);
- Adds a quadratic Bezier curve from the current point, using a control point and
- an end point.
+ Adds a quadratic bezier curve from the current point, using a control
+ point and an end point.
- virtual void AddQuadCurveToPoint(wxDouble cx, wxDouble cy, wxDouble x,
- wxDouble y);
+ virtual void AddQuadCurveToPoint(wxDouble cx, wxDouble cy,
+ wxDouble x, wxDouble y);
Appends a rectangle as a new closed subpath.
virtual void CloseSubpath();
- //@{
- Returns @true if the point is within the path.
+ @return @true if the point is within the path.
bool Contains(const wxPoint2DDouble& c,
int fillStyle = wxODDEVEN_RULE) const;
- const bool Contains(wxDouble x, wxDouble y,
- int fillStyle = wxODDEVEN_RULE) const;
- //@}
+ /**
+ @return @true if the point is within the path.
+ */
+ virtual bool Contains(wxDouble x, wxDouble y,
+ int fillStyle = wxODDEVEN_RULE) const;
- //@{
- Gets the bounding box enclosing all points (possibly including control points).
+ Gets the bounding box enclosing all points (possibly including control
+ points).
wxRect2DDouble GetBox() const;
- const void GetBox(wxDouble* x, wxDouble* y, wxDouble* w,
- wxDouble* h) const;
- //@}
+ /**
+ Gets the bounding box enclosing all points (possibly including control
+ points).
+ */
+ virtual void GetBox(wxDouble* x, wxDouble* y,
+ wxDouble* w, wxDouble* h) const;
- //@{
Gets the last point of the current path, (0,0) if not yet set.
- void GetCurrentPoint(wxDouble* x, wxDouble* y) const;
- const wxPoint2DDouble GetCurrentPoint() const;
- //@}
+ virtual void GetCurrentPoint(wxDouble* x, wxDouble* y) const;
+ /**
+ Gets the last point of the current path, (0,0) if not yet set.
+ */
+ wxPoint2DDouble GetCurrentPoint() const;
- Returns the native path (CGPathRef for Core Graphics, Path pointer for GDIPlus
- and a cairo_path_t pointer for cairo).
+ Returns the native path (CGPathRef for Core Graphics, Path pointer for
+ GDIPlus and a cairo_path_t pointer for cairo).
virtual void* GetNativePath() const;
- //@{
- Begins a new subpath at (x,y)
+ Begins a new subpath at (@a x,@a y).
+ */
+ virtual void MoveToPoint(wxDouble x, wxDouble y);
+ /**
+ Begins a new subpath at @a p.
- void MoveToPoint(wxDouble x, wxDouble y);
void MoveToPoint(const wxPoint2DDouble& p);
- //@}
Transforms each point of this path by the matrix.
virtual void Transform(const wxGraphicsMatrix& matrix);
- Gives back the native path returned by GetNativePath() because there might be
- some deallocations necessary (eg on cairo the native path returned by
- GetNativePath is newly allocated each time).
+ Gives back the native path returned by GetNativePath() because there
+ might be some deallocations necessary (e.g. on cairo the native path
+ returned by GetNativePath() is newly allocated each time).
virtual void UnGetNativePath(void* p) const;
allows reference counting. Not instantiated by user code.
- @category{FIXME}
+ @category{gdi}
@see wxGraphicsBrush, wxGraphicsPen, wxGraphicsMatrix, wxGraphicsPath
- Returns the renderer that was used to create this instance, or @NULL if it has
- not been initialized yet
+ Returns the renderer that was used to create this instance, or @NULL
+ if it has not been initialized yet.
wxGraphicsRenderer* GetRenderer() const;
- Is this object valid (@false) or still empty (@true)?
+ @return @false if this object is valid, otherwise returns @true.
bool IsNull() const;
+ Anti-aliasing modes used by wxGraphicsContext::SetAntialisingMode
+enum wxAntialiasMode
+ /** No anti-aliasing */
+ /** The default anti-aliasing */
+ Compositing is done using Porter-Duff compositions
+ (see http://keithp.com/~keithp/porterduff/p253-porter.pdf) with
+ wxGraphicsContext::SetCompositionMode
+ The description give a short equation on how the values of a resulting
+ pixel are calculated.
+ @e R = Result, @e S = Source, @e D = Destination, colors premultiplied with alpha
+ @e Ra, @e Sa, @e Da their alpha components
+enum wxCompositionMode
+ wxCOMPOSITION_CLEAR, /**< @e R = 0 */
+ wxCOMPOSITION_SOURCE, /**< @e R = S */
+ wxCOMPOSITION_OVER, /**< @e R = @e S + @e D*(1 - @e Sa) */
+ wxCOMPOSITION_IN, /**< @e R = @e S*@e Da */
+ wxCOMPOSITION_OUT, /**< @e R = @e S*(1 - @e Da) */
+ wxCOMPOSITION_ATOP, /**< @e R = @e S*@e Da + @e D*(1 - @e Sa) */
+ wxCOMPOSITION_DEST, /**< @e R = @e D, essentially a noop */
+ wxCOMPOSITION_DEST_OVER, /**< @e R = @e S*(1 - @e Da) + @e D */
+ wxCOMPOSITION_DEST_IN, /**< @e R = @e D*@e Sa */
+ wxCOMPOSITION_DEST_OUT, /**< @e R = @e D*(1 - @e Sa) */
+ wxCOMPOSITION_DEST_ATOP, /**< @e R = @e S*(1 - @e Da) + @e D*@e Sa */
+ wxCOMPOSITION_XOR, /**< @e R = @e S*(1 - @e Da) + @e D*(1 - @e Sa) */
+ wxCOMPOSITION_ADD, /**< @e R = @e S + @e D */
@class wxGraphicsContext
- A wxGraphicsContext instance is the object that is drawn upon. It is created by
- a renderer using wxGraphicsRenderer::CreateContext(). This can be either directly
- using a renderer instance, or indirectly using the static convenience Create()
- functions of wxGraphicsContext that always delegate the task to the default renderer.
+ A wxGraphicsContext instance is the object that is drawn upon. It is
+ created by a renderer using wxGraphicsRenderer::CreateContext(). This can
+ be either directly using a renderer instance, or indirectly using the
+ static convenience Create() functions of wxGraphicsContext that always
+ delegate the task to the default renderer.
void MyCanvas::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent &event)
// Create paint DC
wxPaintDC dc(this);
// Create graphics context from it
wxGraphicsContext *gc = wxGraphicsContext::Create( dc );
if (gc)
// make a path that contains a circle and some lines
path.AddLineToPoint(50.0, 100.0 );
path.AddRectangle(25.0, 25.0, 50.0, 50.0);
delete gc;
- @category{FIXME}
+ @category{gdi,dc}
@see wxGraphicsRenderer::CreateContext(), wxGCDC, wxDC
@see wxGraphicsRenderer::CreateContext()
- static wxGraphicsContext* Create( wxWindow* window ) ;
+ static wxGraphicsContext* Create(wxWindow* window);
Creates a wxGraphicsContext from a wxWindowDC
@see wxGraphicsRenderer::CreateContext()
- static wxGraphicsContext* Create( const wxWindowDC& dc) ;
+ static wxGraphicsContext* Create(const wxWindowDC& dc);
Creates a wxGraphicsContext from a wxMemoryDC
@see wxGraphicsRenderer::CreateContext()
- static wxGraphicsContext * Create( const wxMemoryDC& dc) ;
+ static wxGraphicsContext* Create(const wxMemoryDC& dc);
- Creates a wxGraphicsContext from a wxPrinterDC. Under
- GTK+, this will only work when using the GtkPrint
- printing backend which is available since GTK+ 2.10.
+ Creates a wxGraphicsContext from a wxPrinterDC. Under GTK+, this will
+ only work when using the GtkPrint printing backend which is available
+ since GTK+ 2.10.
- @see wxGraphicsRenderer::CreateContext(), @ref overview_unixprinting "Printing under Unix"
+ @see wxGraphicsRenderer::CreateContext(), @ref overview_unixprinting
- static wxGraphicsContext * Create( const wxPrinterDC& dc) ;
+ static wxGraphicsContext* Create(const wxPrinterDC& dc);
- Clips drawings to the region
+ Clips drawings to the specified region.
virtual void Clip(const wxRegion& region) = 0;
- Clips drawings to the rectangle.
+ Clips drawings to the specified rectangle.
virtual void Clip(wxDouble x, wxDouble y, wxDouble w, wxDouble h) = 0;
- Concatenates the passed in transform with the current transform of this context
+ Concatenates the passed in transform with the current transform of this
+ context.
virtual void ConcatTransform(const wxGraphicsMatrix& matrix) = 0;
Creates a native brush from a wxBrush.
Creates a native graphics font from a wxFont and a text colour.
- wxGraphicsFont CreateFont(const wxFont& font,
- const wxColour& col = wxBLACK) const;
+ virtual wxGraphicsFont CreateFont(const wxFont& font,
+ const wxColour& col = *wxBLACK) const;
- Creates a wxGraphicsContext from a native context. This native context must be
- eg a CGContextRef for Core Graphics, a Graphics pointer for GDIPlus or a
- cairo_t pointer for cairo.
+ Creates a wxGraphicsContext from a native context. This native context
+ must be a CGContextRef for Core Graphics, a Graphics pointer for
+ GDIPlus, or a cairo_t pointer for cairo.
- @see wxGraphicsRenderer:: CreateContextFromNativeContext
+ @see wxGraphicsRenderer::CreateContextFromNativeContext()
static wxGraphicsContext* CreateFromNative(void* context);
Creates a wxGraphicsContext from a native window.
- @see wxGraphicsRenderer:: CreateContextFromNativeWindow
+ @see wxGraphicsRenderer::CreateContextFromNativeWindow()
static wxGraphicsContext* CreateFromNativeWindow(void* window);
- Creates a native brush, having a linear gradient, starting at (x1,y1) with
- color c1 to (x2,y2) with color c2
+ Creates a native brush, having a linear gradient, starting at
+ (@a x1, @a y1) with color @a c1 to (@a x2, @a y2) with color @a c2.
- wxGraphicsBrush CreateLinearGradientBrush(wxDouble x1,
- wxDouble y1,
- wxDouble x2,
- wxDouble y2,
- const wxColouramp;c1,
- const wxColouramp;c2) const;
+ virtual wxGraphicsBrush CreateLinearGradientBrush(wxDouble x1,
+ wxDouble y1,
+ wxDouble x2,
+ wxDouble y2,
+ const wxColour& c1,
+ const wxColour& c2) const;
- Creates a native affine transformation matrix from the passed in values. The
- defaults result in an identity matrix.
+ Creates a native affine transformation matrix from the passed in
+ values. The default parameters result in an identity matrix.
- wxGraphicsMatrix CreateMatrix(wxDouble a = 1.0, wxDouble b = 0.0,
- wxDouble c = 0.0,
- wxDouble d = 1.0,
- wxDouble tx = 0.0,
- wxDouble ty = 0.0) const;
+ virtual wxGraphicsMatrix CreateMatrix(wxDouble a = 1.0, wxDouble b = 0.0,
+ wxDouble c = 0.0, wxDouble d = 1.0,
+ wxDouble tx = 0.0,
+ wxDouble ty = 0.0) const;
Creates a native graphics path which is initially empty.
virtual wxGraphicsPen CreatePen(const wxPen& pen) const;
- Creates a native brush, having a radial gradient originating at (xo,yc) with
- color oColour and ends on a circle around (xc,yc) with radius r and color cColour
+ Creates a native brush, having a radial gradient originating at
+ (@a xo, @a yc) with color @a oColour and ends on a circle around
+ (@a xc, @a yc) with the given @a radius and color @a cColour.
virtual wxGraphicsBrush CreateRadialGradientBrush(wxDouble xo, wxDouble yo,
wxDouble xc, wxDouble yc,
const wxColour& cColor) const;
- Draws the bitmap. In case of a mono bitmap, this is treated as a mask and the
- current brushed is used for filling.
+ Draws the bitmap. In case of a mono bitmap, this is treated as a mask
+ and the current brushed is used for filling.
virtual void DrawBitmap(const wxBitmap& bmp, wxDouble x, wxDouble y,
wxDouble w, wxDouble h) = 0;
Draws a polygon.
virtual void DrawLines(size_t n, const wxPoint2DDouble* points,
- int fillStyle = wxODDEVEN_RULE);
+ wxPolygonFillMode fillStyle = wxODDEVEN_RULE);
Draws the path by first filling and then stroking.
virtual void DrawPath(const wxGraphicsPath& path,
- int fillStyle = wxODDEVEN_RULE);
+ wxPolygonFillMode fillStyle = wxODDEVEN_RULE);
Draws a rectangle.
virtual void DrawRoundedRectangle(wxDouble x, wxDouble y, wxDouble w,
wxDouble h, wxDouble radius);
- //@{
- Draws a text at the defined position, at the given angle.
+ Draws text at the defined position.
- void DrawText(const wxString& str, wxDouble x, wxDouble y,
- wxDouble angle);
void DrawText(const wxString& str, wxDouble x, wxDouble y);
- //@}
+ /**
+ Draws text at the defined position.
+ @param str
+ The text to draw.
+ @param x
+ The x coordinate position to draw the text at.
+ @param y
+ The y coordinate position to draw the text at.
+ @param angle
+ The angle relative to the (default) horizontal direction to draw
+ the string.
+ */
+ void DrawText(const wxString& str, wxDouble x, wxDouble y, wxDouble angle);
+ /**
+ Draws text at the defined position.
+ @param str
+ The text to draw.
+ @param x
+ The x coordinate position to draw the text at.
+ @param y
+ The y coordinate position to draw the text at.
+ @param backgroundBrush
+ Brush to fill the text with.
+ */
+ void DrawText(const wxString& str, wxDouble x, wxDouble y,
+ const wxGraphicsBrush& backgroundBrush);
+ /**
+ Draws text at the defined position.
+ @param str
+ The text to draw.
+ @param x
+ The x coordinate position to draw the text at.
+ @param y
+ The y coordinate position to draw the text at.
+ @param angle
+ The angle relative to the (default) horizontal direction to draw
+ the string.
+ @param backgroundBrush
+ Brush to fill the text with.
+ */
+ void DrawText(const wxString& str, wxDouble x, wxDouble y,
+ wxDouble angle, const wxGraphicsBrush& backgroundBrush);
Fills the path with the current brush.
virtual void FillPath(const wxGraphicsPath& path,
- int fillStyle = wxODDEVEN_RULE) = 0;
+ wxPolygonFillMode fillStyle = wxODDEVEN_RULE) = 0;
- Returns the native context (CGContextRef for Core Graphics, Graphics pointer
- for GDIPlus and cairo_t pointer for cairo).
+ Returns the native context (CGContextRef for Core Graphics, Graphics
+ pointer for GDIPlus and cairo_t pointer for cairo).
virtual void* GetNativeContext() = 0;
Fills the @a widths array with the widths from the beginning of
- @a text to the corresponding character of @e text.
+ @a text to the corresponding character of @a text.
virtual void GetPartialTextExtents(const wxString& text,
wxArrayDouble& widths) const = 0;
Gets the dimensions of the string using the currently selected font.
- @e string is the text string to measure, @e w and @e h are
- the total width and height respectively, @a descent is the
- dimension from the baseline of the font to the bottom of the
- descender, and @a externalLeading is any extra vertical space added
- to the font by the font designer (usually is zero).
+ @param text
+ The text string to measure.
+ @param width
+ Variable to store the total calculated width of the text.
+ @param height
+ Variable to store the total calculated height of the text.
+ @param descent
+ Variable to store the dimension from the baseline of the font to
+ the bottom of the descender.
+ @param externalLeading
+ Any extra vertical space added to the font by the font designer
+ (usually is zero).
virtual void GetTextExtent(const wxString& text, wxDouble* width,
wxDouble* height, wxDouble* descent,
virtual void ResetClip() = 0;
- Rotates the current transformation matrix (radians),
+ Rotates the current transformation matrix (in radians).
virtual void Rotate(wxDouble angle) = 0;
virtual void Scale(wxDouble xScale, wxDouble yScale) = 0;
- //@{
Sets the brush for filling paths.
void SetBrush(const wxBrush& brush);
- void SetBrush(const wxGraphicsBrush& brush);
- //@}
+ /**
+ Sets the brush for filling paths.
+ */
+ virtual void SetBrush(const wxGraphicsBrush& brush);
- //@{
Sets the font for drawing text.
void SetFont(const wxFont& font, const wxColour& colour);
- void SetFont(const wxGraphicsFont& font);
- //@}
+ /**
+ Sets the font for drawing text.
+ */
+ virtual void SetFont(const wxGraphicsFont& font);
- //@{
Sets the pen used for stroking.
- void SetPen(const wxGraphicsPen& pen);
void SetPen(const wxPen& pen);
- //@}
+ /**
+ Sets the pen used for stroking.
+ */
+ virtual void SetPen(const wxGraphicsPen& pen);
Sets the current transformation matrix of this context
virtual void StrokeLine(wxDouble x1, wxDouble y1, wxDouble x2, wxDouble y2);
- //@{
- Stroke disconnected lines from begin to end points, fastest method available
- for this purpose.
+ Stroke disconnected lines from begin to end points, fastest method
+ available for this purpose.
- void StrokeLines(size_t n, const wxPoint2DDouble* beginPoints,
- const wxPoint2DDouble* endPoints);
- void StrokeLines(size_t n, const wxPoint2DDouble* points);
- //@}
+ virtual void StrokeLines(size_t n, const wxPoint2DDouble* beginPoints,
+ const wxPoint2DDouble* endPoints);
+ /**
+ Stroke disconnected lines from begin to end points, fastest method
+ available for this purpose.
+ */
+ virtual void StrokeLines(size_t n, const wxPoint2DDouble* points);
Strokes along a path with the current pen.
Translates the current transformation matrix.
virtual void Translate(wxDouble dx, wxDouble dy) = 0;
+ /**
+ Redirects all rendering is done into a fully transparent temporary context
+ */
+ virtual void BeginLayer(wxDouble opacity) = 0;
+ /**
+ Composites back the drawings into the context with the opacity given at
+ the BeginLayer call
+ */
+ virtual void EndLayer() = 0;
+ /**
+ Sets the antialiasing mode, returns true if it supported
+ */
+ virtual bool SetAntialiasMode(wxAntialiasMode antialias) = 0;
+ /**
+ Returns the current shape antialiasing mode
+ */
+ virtual wxAntialiasMode GetAntialiasMode() const ;
+ /**
+ Sets the compositing operator, returns true if it supported
+ */
+ virtual bool SetCompositionMode(wxCompositionMode op) = 0;
+ /**
+ Returns the current compositing operator
+ */
+ virtual wxCompositionMode GetCompositionMode() const;
A wxGraphicsRenderer is the instance corresponding to the rendering engine
used. There may be multiple instances on a system, if there are different
- rendering engines present, but there is always only one instance per engine.
- This instance is pointed back to by all objects created by it (wxGraphicsContext,
- wxGraphicsPath etc) and can be retrieved through their wxGraphicsObject::GetRenderer()
- method. Therefore you can create an additional instance of a path etc. by calling
- wxGraphicsObject::GetRenderer() and then using the appropriate CreateXXX function
- of that renderer.
+ rendering engines present, but there is always only one instance per
+ engine. This instance is pointed back to by all objects created by it
+ (wxGraphicsContext, wxGraphicsPath etc) and can be retrieved through their
+ wxGraphicsObject::GetRenderer() method. Therefore you can create an
+ additional instance of a path etc. by calling
+ wxGraphicsObject::GetRenderer() and then using the appropriate CreateXXX()
+ function of that renderer.
wxGraphicsPath *path = // from somewhere
- @category{FIXME}
+ @category{gdi}
class wxGraphicsRenderer : public wxObject
Creates a wxGraphicsContext from a wxWindow.
virtual wxGraphicsContext* CreateContext(wxWindow* window) = 0;
Creates a wxGraphicsContext from a wxWindowDC
- virtual wxGraphicsContext * CreateContext( const wxWindowDC& dc) = 0 ;
+ virtual wxGraphicsContext* CreateContext(const wxWindowDC& dc) = 0 ;
Creates a wxGraphicsContext from a wxMemoryDC
- virtual wxGraphicsContext * CreateContext( const wxMemoryDC& dc) = 0 ;
+ virtual wxGraphicsContext* CreateContext(const wxMemoryDC& dc) = 0 ;
Creates a wxGraphicsContext from a wxPrinterDC
- virtual wxGraphicsContext * CreateContext( const wxPrinterDC& dc) = 0 ;
+ virtual wxGraphicsContext* CreateContext(const wxPrinterDC& dc) = 0 ;
Creates a native brush from a wxBrush.
virtual wxGraphicsBrush CreateBrush(const wxBrush& brush) = 0;
- Creates a wxGraphicsContext from a native context. This native context must be
- eg a CGContextRef for Core Graphics, a Graphics pointer for GDIPlus or a cairo_t
- pointer for cairo.
+ Creates a wxGraphicsContext from a native context. This native context
+ must be a CGContextRef for Core Graphics, a Graphics pointer for
+ GDIPlus, or a cairo_t pointer for cairo.
virtual wxGraphicsContext* CreateContextFromNativeContext(void* context) = 0;
Creates a native graphics font from a wxFont and a text colour.
- wxGraphicsFont CreateFont(const wxFont& font,
- const wxColour& col = wxBLACK);
+ virtual wxGraphicsFont CreateFont(const wxFont& font,
+ const wxColour& col = *wxBLACK) = 0;
- Creates a native brush, having a linear gradient, starting at (x1,y1) with
- color c1 to (x2,y2) with color c2
+ Creates a native brush, having a linear gradient, starting at
+ (@a x1, @a y1) with color @a c1 to (@a x2, @a y2) with color @a c2.
- wxGraphicsBrush CreateLinearGradientBrush(wxDouble x1,
- wxDouble y1,
- wxDouble x2,
- wxDouble y2,
- const wxColouramp;c1,
- const wxColouramp;c2);
+ virtual wxGraphicsBrush CreateLinearGradientBrush(wxDouble x1,
+ wxDouble y1,
+ wxDouble x2,
+ wxDouble y2,
+ const wxColour& c1,
+ const wxColour& c2) = 0;
- Creates a native affine transformation matrix from the passed in values. The
- defaults result in an identity matrix.
+ Creates a native affine transformation matrix from the passed in
+ values. The defaults result in an identity matrix.
- wxGraphicsMatrix CreateMatrix(wxDouble a = 1.0, wxDouble b = 0.0,
- wxDouble c = 0.0,
- wxDouble d = 1.0,
- wxDouble tx = 0.0,
- wxDouble ty = 0.0);
+ virtual wxGraphicsMatrix CreateMatrix(wxDouble a = 1.0, wxDouble b = 0.0,
+ wxDouble c = 0.0, wxDouble d = 1.0,
+ wxDouble tx = 0.0,
+ wxDouble ty = 0.0) = 0;
Creates a native graphics path which is initially empty.
virtual wxGraphicsPen CreatePen(const wxPen& pen) = 0;
- Creates a native brush, having a radial gradient originating at (xo,yc) with
- color oColour and ends on a circle around (xc,yc) with radius r and color cColour
+ Creates a native brush, having a radial gradient originating at
+ (@a xo, @a yc) with color @a oColour and ends on a circle around
+ (@a xc, @a yc) with the given @a radius and color @a cColour.
virtual wxGraphicsBrush CreateRadialGradientBrush(wxDouble xo, wxDouble yo,
wxDouble xc, wxDouble yc,
Returns the default renderer on this platform. On OS X this is the Core
- Graphics (a.k.a. Quartz 2D) renderer, on MSW the GDIPlus renderer, and on GTK we currently default to the cairo renderer.
+ Graphics (a.k.a. Quartz 2D) renderer, on MSW the GDIPlus renderer, and
+ on GTK we currently default to the cairo renderer.
static wxGraphicsRenderer* GetDefaultRenderer();
@class wxGraphicsBrush
- A wxGraphicsBrush is a native representation of a brush. The contents
- are specific and private to the respective renderer. Instances are ref counted and can
- therefore be assigned as usual. The only way to get a valid instance is via
- wxGraphicsContext::CreateBrush or wxGraphicsRenderer::CreateBrush.
+ A wxGraphicsBrush is a native representation of a brush. The contents are
+ specific and private to the respective renderer. Instances are ref counted
+ and can therefore be assigned as usual. The only way to get a valid
+ instance is via wxGraphicsContext::CreateBrush() or
+ wxGraphicsRenderer::CreateBrush().
- @category{FIXME}
+ @category{gdi}
class wxGraphicsBrush : public wxGraphicsObject
@class wxGraphicsFont
- A wxGraphicsFont is a native representation of a font. The contents
- are specific and private to the respective renderer. Instances are ref counted and can
- therefore be assigned as usual. The only way to get a valid instance is via
- wxGraphicsContext::CreateFont or wxGraphicsRenderer::CreateFont.
+ A wxGraphicsFont is a native representation of a font. The contents are
+ specific and private to the respective renderer. Instances are ref counted
+ and can therefore be assigned as usual. The only way to get a valid
+ instance is via wxGraphicsContext::CreateFont() or
+ wxGraphicsRenderer::CreateFont().
- @category{FIXME}
+ @category{gdi}
class wxGraphicsFont : public wxGraphicsObject
@class wxGraphicsPen
- A wxGraphicsPen is a native representation of a pen. The contents
- are specific and private to the respective renderer. Instances are ref counted and can
- therefore be assigned as usual. The only way to get a valid instance is via
- wxGraphicsContext::CreatePen or wxGraphicsRenderer::CreatePen.
+ A wxGraphicsPen is a native representation of a pen. The contents are
+ specific and private to the respective renderer. Instances are ref counted
+ and can therefore be assigned as usual. The only way to get a valid
+ instance is via wxGraphicsContext::CreatePen() or
+ wxGraphicsRenderer::CreatePen().
- @category{FIXME}
+ @category{gdi}
class wxGraphicsPen : public wxGraphicsObject
@class wxGraphicsMatrix
- A wxGraphicsMatrix is a native representation of an affine matrix. The contents
- are specific and private to the respective renderer. Instances are ref counted and can
- therefore be assigned as usual. The only way to get a valid instance is via
- wxGraphicsContext::CreateMatrix or wxGraphicsRenderer::CreateMatrix.
+ A wxGraphicsMatrix is a native representation of an affine matrix. The
+ contents are specific and private to the respective renderer. Instances are
+ ref counted and can therefore be assigned as usual. The only way to get a
+ valid instance is via wxGraphicsContext::CreateMatrix() or
+ wxGraphicsRenderer::CreateMatrix().
- @category{FIXME}
+ @category{gdi}
class wxGraphicsMatrix : public wxGraphicsObject
- //@{
+ Concatenates the matrix passed with the current matrix.
+ */
+ virtual void Concat(const wxGraphicsMatrix* t);
+ /**
+ Concatenates the matrix passed with the current matrix.
- void Concat(const wxGraphicsMatrix* t);
void Concat(const wxGraphicsMatrix& t);
- //@}
Returns the component values of the matrix via the argument pointers.
- virtual void Get(wxDouble* a = NULL, wxDouble* b = NULL, wxDouble* c = NULL,
- wxDouble* d = NULL, wxDouble* tx = NULL,
- wxDouble* ty = NULL) const;
+ virtual void Get(wxDouble* a = NULL, wxDouble* b = NULL,
+ wxDouble* c = NULL, wxDouble* d = NULL,
+ wxDouble* tx = NULL, wxDouble* ty = NULL) const;
- Returns the native representation of the matrix. For CoreGraphics this is a
- CFAffineMatrix pointer. For GDIPlus a Matrix Pointer and for Cairo a cairo_matrix_t pointer.
+ Returns the native representation of the matrix. For CoreGraphics this
+ is a CFAffineMatrix pointer, for GDIPlus a Matrix Pointer, and for
+ Cairo a cairo_matrix_t pointer.
virtual void* GetNativeMatrix() const;
virtual void Invert();
+ /**
+ Returns @true if the elements of the transformation matrix are equal.
+ */
+ virtual bool IsEqual(const wxGraphicsMatrix* t) const;
Returns @true if the elements of the transformation matrix are equal.
virtual bool IsIdentity() const;
- Rotates this matrix (radians).
+ Rotates this matrix (in radians).
virtual void Rotate(wxDouble angle);
virtual void Scale(wxDouble xScale, wxDouble yScale);
- Sets the matrix to the respective values (default values are the identity
- matrix)
+ Sets the matrix to the respective values (default values are the
+ identity matrix).
- void Set(wxDouble a = 1.0, wxDouble b = 0.0, wxDouble c = 0.0,
- wxDouble d = 1.0, wxDouble tx = 0.0,
- wxDouble ty = 0.0);
+ virtual void Set(wxDouble a = 1.0, wxDouble b = 0.0, wxDouble c = 0.0,
+ wxDouble d = 1.0, wxDouble tx = 0.0, wxDouble ty = 0.0);
Applies this matrix to a distance (ie. performs all transforms except
- translations)
+ translations).
virtual void TransformDistance(wxDouble* dx, wxDouble* dy) const;