#include "wx/mac/uma.h"
+ #define wxMAC_USE_MLTE 1
+ #define wxMAC_USE_MLTE_HIVIEW 1
+ // there is no unicodetextctrl on classic, and hopefully MLTE works better there
+ #define wxMAC_USE_MLTE 1
+ #define wxMAC_USE_MLTE_HIVIEW 0
+TXNFrameOptions FrameOptionsFromWXStyle( long wxStyle )
+ TXNFrameOptions frameOptions =
+ kTXNDontDrawCaretWhenInactiveMask ;
+ if ( ! ( wxStyle & wxTE_NOHIDESEL ) )
+ frameOptions |= kTXNDontDrawSelectionWhenInactiveMask ;
+ if ( wxStyle & wxTE_MULTILINE )
+ {
+ if ( ! ( wxStyle & wxTE_DONTWRAP ) )
+ frameOptions |= kTXNAlwaysWrapAtViewEdgeMask ;
+ else
+ {
+ frameOptions |= kTXNAlwaysWrapAtViewEdgeMask ;
+ frameOptions |= kTXNWantHScrollBarMask ;
+ }
+ if ( !(wxStyle & wxTE_NO_VSCROLL ) )
+ frameOptions |= kTXNWantVScrollBarMask ;
+ }
+ else
+ frameOptions |= kTXNSingleLineOnlyMask ;
+ return frameOptions ;
+void AdjustAttributesFromWXStyle( TXNObject txn , long wxStyle , bool visible )
+ TXNControlTag iControlTags[3] = { kTXNDoFontSubstitution, kTXNWordWrapStateTag };
+ TXNControlData iControlData[3] = { {false}, {kTXNNoAutoWrap} };
+ int toptag = 2 ;
+ iControlTags[2] = kTXNVisibilityTag ;
+ iControlData[2].uValue = visible ;
+ toptag++ ;
+ if ( wxStyle & wxTE_MULTILINE )
+ {
+ if (wxStyle & wxTE_DONTWRAP)
+ iControlData[1].uValue = kTXNNoAutoWrap ;
+ else
+ iControlData[1].uValue = kTXNAutoWrap ;
+ }
+ verify_noerr( TXNSetTXNObjectControls( txn, false, toptag,
+ iControlTags, iControlData )) ;
+ Str255 fontName ;
+ SInt16 fontSize ;
+ Style fontStyle ;
+ GetThemeFont(kThemeSystemFont , GetApplicationScript() , fontName , &fontSize , &fontStyle ) ;
+ TXNTypeAttributes typeAttr[] =
+ {
+ { kTXNQDFontNameAttribute , kTXNQDFontNameAttributeSize , { (void*) fontName } } ,
+ { kTXNQDFontSizeAttribute , kTXNFontSizeAttributeSize , { (void*) (fontSize << 16) } } ,
+ { kTXNQDFontStyleAttribute , kTXNQDFontStyleAttributeSize , { (void*) normal } } ,
+ } ;
+ verify_noerr( TXNSetTypeAttributes (txn, sizeof( typeAttr ) / sizeof(TXNTypeAttributes) , typeAttr,
+ kTXNStartOffset,
+ kTXNEndOffset) );
// CS:TODO we still have a problem getting properly at the text events of a control because under Carbon
// the MLTE engine registers itself for the key events thus the normal flow never occurs, the only measure for the
TXNControlData iControlData[1] = {{ vis }};
err = ::TXNSetTXNObjectControls( varsp->fTXNRec, false, 1, iControlTags, iControlData );
- if ( vis )
+ wxTextCtrl* textctrl = (wxTextCtrl*) GetControlReference(varsp->fUserPaneRec);
+ if ( vis && textctrl )
Rect bounds ;
UMAGetControlBoundsInWindowCoords( varsp->fUserPaneRec, &bounds);
TPCalculateBounds( varsp , bounds ) ;
+ wxMacWindowClipper cl(textctrl) ;
TXNSetFrameBounds( varsp->fTXNRec, varsp->fRTextArea.top, varsp->fRTextArea.left,
varsp->fRTextArea.bottom, varsp->fRTextArea.right, varsp->fTXNFrame);
TXNShowSelection( varsp->fTXNRec, kTXNShowStart);
// we only recalculate when visible, otherwise scrollbars get drawn at incorrect places
if ( varsp->fVisible )
- TXNSetFrameBounds( varsp->fTXNRec, varsp->fRTextArea.top, varsp->fRTextArea.left,
+ wxMacWindowClipper cl(textctrl) ;
+ TXNSetFrameBounds( varsp->fTXNRec, varsp->fRTextArea.top, varsp->fRTextArea.left,
varsp->fRTextArea.bottom, varsp->fRTextArea.right, varsp->fTXNFrame);
InvalWindowRect( GetControlOwner( theControl ) , &oldBounds ) ;
SetControlData(theControl, kControlEntireControl, kControlUserPaneKeyDownProcTag, sizeof(gTPKeyProc), &gTPKeyProc);
SetControlData(theControl, kControlEntireControl, kControlUserPaneActivateProcTag, sizeof(gTPActivateProc), &gTPActivateProc);
SetControlData(theControl, kControlEntireControl, kControlUserPaneFocusProcTag, sizeof(gTPFocusProc), &gTPFocusProc);
/* calculate the rectangles used by the control */
UMAGetControlBoundsInWindowCoords(theControl, &bounds);
varsp->fRTextOutlineRegion = NewRgn() ;
/* create the new edit field */
- TXNFrameOptions frameOptions =
- kTXNDontDrawCaretWhenInactiveMask ;
- if ( ! ( wxStyle & wxTE_NOHIDESEL ) )
- frameOptions |= kTXNDontDrawSelectionWhenInactiveMask ;
- if ( wxStyle & wxTE_MULTILINE )
- {
- if ( ! ( wxStyle & wxTE_DONTWRAP ) )
- frameOptions |= kTXNAlwaysWrapAtViewEdgeMask ;
- else
- {
- frameOptions |= kTXNAlwaysWrapAtViewEdgeMask ;
- frameOptions |= kTXNWantHScrollBarMask ;
- }
- if ( !(wxStyle & wxTE_NO_VSCROLL ) )
- frameOptions |= kTXNWantVScrollBarMask ;
- }
- else
- frameOptions |= kTXNSingleLineOnlyMask ;
+ TXNFrameOptions frameOptions = FrameOptionsFromWXStyle( wxStyle ) ;
verify_noerr(TXNNewObject(NULL, varsp->fOwner, &varsp->fRTextArea,
frameOptions ,
&varsp->fTXNRec, &varsp->fTXNFrame, (TXNObjectRefcon) varsp));
- TXNControlTag iControlTags[3] = { kTXNDoFontSubstitution, kTXNWordWrapStateTag };
- TXNControlData iControlData[3] = { {false}, {kTXNAutoWrap} };
- int toptag = 2 ;
- iControlTags[2] = kTXNVisibilityTag ;
- iControlData[2].uValue = false ;
- toptag++ ;
- iControlData[1].uValue = varsp->fVisible ;
- if ( (wxStyle & wxTE_MULTILINE) && (wxStyle & wxTE_DONTWRAP) )
- iControlData[2].uValue = kTXNNoAutoWrap ;
- verify_noerr( TXNSetTXNObjectControls( varsp->fTXNRec, false, toptag,
- iControlTags, iControlData )) ;
- Str255 fontName ;
- SInt16 fontSize ;
- Style fontStyle ;
- GetThemeFont(kThemeSmallSystemFont , GetApplicationScript() , fontName , &fontSize , &fontStyle ) ;
- TXNTypeAttributes typeAttr[] =
- {
- { kTXNQDFontNameAttribute , kTXNQDFontNameAttributeSize , { (void*) fontName } } ,
- { kTXNQDFontSizeAttribute , kTXNFontSizeAttributeSize , { (void*) (fontSize << 16) } } ,
- { kTXNQDFontStyleAttribute , kTXNQDFontStyleAttributeSize , { (void*) normal } } ,
- } ;
- err = TXNSetTypeAttributes (varsp->fTXNRec, sizeof( typeAttr ) / sizeof(TXNTypeAttributes) , typeAttr,
- kTXNStartOffset,
- kTXNEndOffset);
+ AdjustAttributesFromWXStyle( varsp->fTXNRec , wxStyle , varsp->fVisible ) ;
/* perform final activations and setup for our text field. Here,
we assume that the window is going to be the 'active' window. */
TPActivatePaneText(varsp, varsp->fIsActive && varsp->fInFocus);
return err;
+struct STPTextPaneVars
+} ;
-BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxTextCtrl, wxControl)
- EVT_DROP_FILES(wxTextCtrl::OnDropFiles)
- EVT_CHAR(wxTextCtrl::OnChar)
- EVT_MENU(wxID_CUT, wxTextCtrl::OnCut)
- EVT_MENU(wxID_COPY, wxTextCtrl::OnCopy)
- EVT_MENU(wxID_PASTE, wxTextCtrl::OnPaste)
- EVT_MENU(wxID_UNDO, wxTextCtrl::OnUndo)
- EVT_MENU(wxID_REDO, wxTextCtrl::OnRedo)
- EVT_UPDATE_UI(wxID_CUT, wxTextCtrl::OnUpdateCut)
- EVT_UPDATE_UI(wxID_COPY, wxTextCtrl::OnUpdateCopy)
- EVT_UPDATE_UI(wxID_PASTE, wxTextCtrl::OnUpdatePaste)
- EVT_UPDATE_UI(wxID_UNDO, wxTextCtrl::OnUpdateUndo)
- EVT_UPDATE_UI(wxID_REDO, wxTextCtrl::OnUpdateRedo)
static void SetTXNData( STPTextPaneVars *varsp, TXNObject txn , const wxString& st , TXNOffset start , TXNOffset end )
+BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxTextCtrl, wxControl)
+ EVT_DROP_FILES(wxTextCtrl::OnDropFiles)
+ EVT_CHAR(wxTextCtrl::OnChar)
+ EVT_MENU(wxID_CUT, wxTextCtrl::OnCut)
+ EVT_MENU(wxID_COPY, wxTextCtrl::OnCopy)
+ EVT_MENU(wxID_PASTE, wxTextCtrl::OnPaste)
+ EVT_MENU(wxID_UNDO, wxTextCtrl::OnUndo)
+ EVT_MENU(wxID_REDO, wxTextCtrl::OnRedo)
+ EVT_UPDATE_UI(wxID_CUT, wxTextCtrl::OnUpdateCut)
+ EVT_UPDATE_UI(wxID_COPY, wxTextCtrl::OnUpdateCopy)
+ EVT_UPDATE_UI(wxID_PASTE, wxTextCtrl::OnUpdatePaste)
+ EVT_UPDATE_UI(wxID_UNDO, wxTextCtrl::OnUpdateUndo)
+ EVT_UPDATE_UI(wxID_REDO, wxTextCtrl::OnUpdateRedo)
// Text item
void wxTextCtrl::Init()
SetControlReference((ControlRef)m_macControl, 0) ;
/* delete our private storage */
/* zero the control reference */
wxString st = str ;
wxMacConvertNewlines13To10( &st ) ;
+ HIRect hr = { bounds.left , bounds.top , bounds.right - bounds.left , bounds.bottom- bounds.top } ;
+ HITextViewCreate( &hr , 0, FrameOptionsFromWXStyle( m_windowStyle ) , (ControlRef*) &m_macControl ) ;
+ m_macTXN = HITextViewGetTXNObject((ControlRef) m_macControl) ;
+ AdjustAttributesFromWXStyle( (TXNObject) m_macTXN , m_windowStyle , true ) ;
+ HIViewSetVisible( (ControlRef) m_macControl , true ) ;
short featurSet;
featurSet = kControlSupportsEmbedding | kControlSupportsFocus | kControlWantsIdle
mUPOpenControl( varsp, (ControlRef) m_macControl, m_windowStyle );
m_macTXNvars = varsp ;
m_macTXN = varsp->fTXNRec ;
if ( style & wxTE_PASSWORD )
UniChar c = 0xA5 ;
MacPostControlCreate(pos,size) ;
if ( MacIsReallyShown() )
MLTESetObjectVisibility( (STPTextPaneVars*) m_macTXNvars, true , GetWindowStyle() ) ;
wxMacWindowClipper clipper( this ) ;
TPUpdateVisibility( (ControlRef) m_macControl ) ;
SetTXNData( (STPTextPaneVars *)m_macTXNvars , (TXNObject) m_macTXN , st , kTXNStartOffset, kTXNEndOffset ) ;
TXNSetSelection( (TXNObject) m_macTXN, 0, 0);
TXNShowSelection( (TXNObject) m_macTXN, kTXNShowStart);
+ // in case MLTE is catching events before we get the chance to do so, we'd have to reintroduce the tlw-handler in front :
+ // parent->MacGetTopLevelWindow()->MacInstallTopLevelWindowEventHandler() ;
SetBackgroundColour( *wxWHITE ) ;
SetEditable( false ) ;
+ wxMacCFStringHolder cf(st , m_font.GetEncoding()) ;
+ CreateEditUnicodeTextControl( MAC_WXHWND(parent->MacGetTopLevelWindowRef()), &bounds , cf , style & wxTE_PASSWORD , NULL , (ControlRef*) &m_macControl ) ;
+ MacPostControlCreate(pos,size) ;
return TRUE;
void wxTextCtrl::MacVisibilityChanged()
MLTESetObjectVisibility((STPTextPaneVars*) m_macTXNvars , MacIsReallyShown() , GetWindowStyle() ) ;
if ( !MacIsReallyShown() )
InvalWindowRect( GetControlOwner( (ControlHandle) m_macControl ) , &((STPTextPaneVars *)m_macTXNvars)->fRBounds ) ;
void wxTextCtrl::MacEnabledStateChanged()
wxString wxTextCtrl::GetValue() const
- Size actualSize = 0;
wxString result ;
OSStatus err ;
+ Size actualSize = 0;
Handle theText ;
+ CFStringRef value = NULL ;
+ Size actualSize = 0 ;
+ verify_noerr( GetControlData( (ControlRef) m_macControl , 0, GetWindowStyle() & wxTE_PASSWORD ?
+ kControlEditTextPasswordCFStringTag : kControlEditTextCFStringTag,
+ sizeof(CFStringRef), &value, &actualSize ) );
+ if ( value )
+ {
+ wxMacCFStringHolder cf(value) ;
+ result = cf.AsString() ;
+ }
wxMacConvertNewlines10To13( &result ) ;
return result ;
void wxTextCtrl::GetSelection(long* from, long* to) const
TXNGetSelection( (TXNObject) m_macTXN , (TXNOffset*) from , (TXNOffset*) to ) ;
+ ControlEditTextSelectionRec sel ;
+ Size actualSize ;
+ verify_noerr( GetControlData( (ControlRef) m_macControl , 0, kControlEditTextSelectionTag,
+ sizeof(ControlEditTextSelectionRec), &sel, &actualSize ) );
+ if ( from ) *from = sel.selStart ;
+ if ( to ) *to = sel.selEnd ;
void wxTextCtrl::SetValue(const wxString& str)
wxString st = str ;
wxMacConvertNewlines13To10( &st ) ;
wxMacWindowClipper c( this ) ;
bool formerEditable = m_editable ;
if ( !formerEditable )
SetEditable(true) ;
// otherwise scrolling might have problems ?
TPUpdateVisibility( ( (STPTextPaneVars *)m_macTXNvars)->fUserPaneRec ) ;
SetTXNData( (STPTextPaneVars *)m_macTXNvars , (TXNObject) m_macTXN , st , kTXNStartOffset, kTXNEndOffset ) ;
TXNSetSelection( (TXNObject) m_macTXN, 0, 0);
TXNShowSelection( (TXNObject) m_macTXN, kTXNShowStart);
if ( !formerEditable )
SetEditable(formerEditable) ;
+ wxMacCFStringHolder cf(st , m_font.GetEncoding() ) ;
+ CFStringRef value = cf ;
+ verify_noerr( SetControlData( (ControlRef) m_macControl , 0, GetWindowStyle() & wxTE_PASSWORD ?
+ kControlEditTextPasswordCFStringTag : kControlEditTextCFStringTag,
+ sizeof(CFStringRef), &value ) );
void wxTextCtrl::SetMaxLength(unsigned long len)
if ( !wxTextCtrlBase::SetFont( font ) )
return FALSE ;
wxMacWindowClipper c( this ) ;
bool formerEditable = m_editable ;
if ( !formerEditable )
if ( !formerEditable )
SetEditable(formerEditable) ;
return true ;
bool wxTextCtrl::SetStyle(long start, long end, const wxTextAttr& style)
bool formerEditable = m_editable ;
if ( !formerEditable )
SetEditable(true) ;
if ( !formerEditable )
SetEditable(formerEditable) ;
return TRUE ;
if (CanCopy())
if (CanCut())
wxCommandEvent event(wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED, m_windowId);
event.SetString( GetValue() ) ;
event.SetEventObject( this );
if (CanPaste())
SetStyle( kTXNUseCurrentSelection , kTXNUseCurrentSelection , GetDefaultStyle() ) ;
wxCommandEvent event(wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED, m_windowId);
event.SetString( GetValue() ) ;
event.SetEventObject( this );
if (!IsEditable())
return FALSE;
return TXNIsScrapPastable() ;
+ return true ;
void wxTextCtrl::SetEditable(bool editable)
if ( editable != m_editable )
m_editable = editable ;
TXNControlTag tag[] = { kTXNIOPrivilegesTag } ;
TXNControlData data[] = { { editable ? kTXNReadWrite : kTXNReadOnly } } ;
TXNSetTXNObjectControls( (TXNObject) m_macTXN , false , sizeof(tag) / sizeof (TXNControlTag) , tag , data ) ;
long wxTextCtrl::GetLastPosition() const
Handle theText ;
- long actualsize ;
+ long actualsize = 0 ;
OSErr err = TXNGetDataEncoded( (TXNObject) m_macTXN, kTXNStartOffset, kTXNEndOffset, &theText , kTXNTextData );
/* all done */
if ( err )
actualsize = GetHandleSize( theText ) ;
DisposeHandle( theText ) ;
return actualsize ;
void wxTextCtrl::Replace(long from, long to, const wxString& str)
wxString value = str ;
wxMacConvertNewlines13To10( &value ) ;
SetEditable( formerEditable ) ;
Refresh() ;
void wxTextCtrl::Remove(long from, long to)
bool formerEditable = m_editable ;
if ( !formerEditable )
SetEditable(true) ;
SetEditable( formerEditable ) ;
Refresh() ;
void wxTextCtrl::SetSelection(long from, long to)
- STPTextPaneVars *varsp = (STPTextPaneVars *) m_macTXNvars;
- /* and our drawing environment as the operation
- may force a redraw in the text area. */
- SetPort(varsp->fDrawingEnvironment);
/* change the selection */
if ((from == -1) && (to == -1))
TXNSelectAll((TXNObject) m_macTXN);
- TXNSetSelection( varsp->fTXNRec, from, to);
+ TXNSetSelection( (TXNObject) m_macTXN, from, to);
TXNShowSelection( (TXNObject) m_macTXN, kTXNShowStart);
+ ControlEditTextSelectionRec sel ;
+ sel.selStart = from ;
+ sel.selEnd = to ;
+ verify_noerr( SetControlData( (ControlRef) m_macControl , 0, kControlEditTextSelectionTag,
+ sizeof(ControlEditTextSelectionRec), &sel ) );
bool wxTextCtrl::LoadFile(const wxString& file)
wxString st = str ;
wxMacConvertNewlines13To10( &st ) ;
bool formerEditable = m_editable ;
if ( !formerEditable )
SetEditable(true) ;
- long start , end , dummy ;
- GetSelection( &start , &dummy ) ;
- SetTXNData( (STPTextPaneVars *)m_macTXNvars , (TXNObject) m_macTXN , st , kTXNUseCurrentSelection, kTXNUseCurrentSelection ) ;
- GetSelection( &dummy , &end ) ;
- SetStyle( start , end , GetDefaultStyle() ) ;
+ {
+ wxMacWindowStateSaver( this ) ;
+ long start , end , dummy ;
+ GetSelection( &start , &dummy ) ;
+ SetTXNData( (STPTextPaneVars *)m_macTXNvars , (TXNObject) m_macTXN , st , kTXNUseCurrentSelection, kTXNUseCurrentSelection ) ;
+ GetSelection( &dummy , &end ) ;
+ SetStyle( start , end , GetDefaultStyle() ) ;
+ }
if ( !formerEditable )
SetEditable( formerEditable ) ;
MacRedrawControl() ;
+ wxMacCFStringHolder cf(st , m_font.GetEncoding() ) ;
+ CFStringRef value = cf ;
+ SetControlData( (ControlRef) m_macControl , 0, kControlEditTextInsertCFStringRefTag,
+ sizeof(CFStringRef), &value );
void wxTextCtrl::AppendText(const wxString& text)
void wxTextCtrl::Clear()
bool formerEditable = m_editable ;
if ( !formerEditable )
SetEditable(true) ;
SetEditable( formerEditable ) ;
Refresh() ;
+ SetValue(wxEmptyString) ;
bool wxTextCtrl::IsModified() const
if (CanUndo())
if (CanRedo())
return false ;
return TXNCanUndo((TXNObject)m_macTXN,NULL);
+ return false ;
bool wxTextCtrl::CanRedo() const
return false ;
return TXNCanRedo((TXNObject)m_macTXN,NULL);
+ return false ;
// Makes modifie or unmodified
int wxTextCtrl::GetNumberOfLines() const
- ItemCount lines ;
+ ItemCount lines = 0 ;
TXNGetLineCount((TXNObject)m_macTXN, &lines ) ;
return lines ;
long wxTextCtrl::XYToPosition(long x, long y) const
- // TODO
+ Point curpt ;
+ long lastpos = GetLastPosition() ;
+ // TODO find a better implementation : while we can get the
+ // line metrics of a certain line, we don't get its starting
+ // position, so it would probably be rather a binary search
+ // for the start position
+ long xpos = 0 ;
+ long ypos = 0 ;
+ int lastHeight = 0 ;
+ ItemCount n ;
+ for ( n = 0 ; n <= lastpos ; ++n )
+ {
+ if ( y == ypos && x == xpos )
+ return n ;
+ TXNOffsetToPoint( (TXNObject) m_macTXN, n , &curpt);
+ if ( curpt.v > lastHeight )
+ {
+ xpos = 0 ;
+ if ( n > 0 )
+ ++ypos ;
+ lastHeight = curpt.v ;
+ }
+ else
+ ++xpos ;
+ }
return 0;
bool wxTextCtrl::PositionToXY(long pos, long *x, long *y) const
+ Point curpt ;
+ long lastpos = GetLastPosition() ;
+ if ( y ) *y = 0 ;
+ if ( x ) *x = 0 ;
+ if ( pos <= lastpos )
+ {
+ // TODO find a better implementation : while we can get the
+ // line metrics of a certain line, we don't get its starting
+ // position, so it would probably be rather a binary search
+ // for the start position
+ long xpos = 0 ;
+ long ypos = 0 ;
+ int lastHeight = 0 ;
+ ItemCount n ;
+ for ( n = 0 ; n <= pos ; ++n )
+ {
+ TXNOffsetToPoint( (TXNObject) m_macTXN, n , &curpt);
+ if ( curpt.v > lastHeight )
+ {
+ xpos = 0 ;
+ if ( n > 0 )
+ ++ypos ;
+ lastHeight = curpt.v ;
+ }
+ else
+ ++xpos ;
+ }
+ if ( y ) *y = ypos ;
+ if ( x ) *x = xpos ;
+ }
+ if ( y ) *y = 0 ;
+ if ( x ) *x = 0 ;
return FALSE ;
void wxTextCtrl::ShowPosition(long pos)
Point current ;
int wxTextCtrl::GetLineLength(long lineNo) const
- // TODO change this if possible to reflect real lines
- wxString content = GetValue() ;
- // Find line first
- int count = 0;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < content.Length() ; i++)
+ Point curpt ;
+ if ( lineNo < GetNumberOfLines() )
- if (count == lineNo)
+ // TODO find a better implementation : while we can get the
+ // line metrics of a certain line, we don't get its starting
+ // position, so it would probably be rather a binary search
+ // for the start position
+ long xpos = 0 ;
+ long ypos = 0 ;
+ int lastHeight = 0 ;
+ long lastpos = GetLastPosition() ;
+ ItemCount n ;
+ for ( n = 0 ; n <= lastpos ; ++n )
- // Count chars in line then
- count = 0;
- for (size_t j = i; j < content.Length(); j++)
+ TXNOffsetToPoint( (TXNObject) m_macTXN, n , &curpt);
+ if ( curpt.v > lastHeight )
- count++;
- if (content[j] == '\n') return count;
+ if ( ypos == lineNo )
+ return xpos ;
+ xpos = 0 ;
+ if ( n > 0 )
+ ++ypos ;
+ lastHeight = curpt.v ;
- return count;
+ else
+ ++xpos ;
- if (content[i] == '\n') count++;
return 0;
wxString wxTextCtrl::GetLineText(long lineNo) const
- // TODO change this if possible to reflect real lines
+ Point curpt ;
+ wxString line ;
wxString content = GetValue() ;
- // Find line first
- int count = 0;
- for (size_t i = 0; i < content.Length() ; i++)
+ if ( lineNo < GetNumberOfLines() )
- if (count == lineNo)
+ // TODO find a better implementation : while we can get the
+ // line metrics of a certain line, we don't get its starting
+ // position, so it would probably be rather a binary search
+ // for the start position
+ long xpos = 0 ;
+ long ypos = 0 ;
+ int lastHeight = 0 ;
+ long lastpos = GetLastPosition() ;
+ ItemCount n ;
+ for ( n = 0 ; n <= lastpos ; ++n )
- // Add chars in line then
- wxString tmp;
+ TXNOffsetToPoint( (TXNObject) m_macTXN, n , &curpt);
- for (size_t j = i; j < content.Length(); j++)
+ if ( curpt.v > lastHeight )
- if (content[j] == '\n')
- return tmp;
- tmp += content[j];
+ if ( ypos == lineNo )
+ return line ;
+ xpos = 0 ;
+ if ( n > 0 )
+ ++ypos ;
+ lastHeight = curpt.v ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( ypos == lineNo )
+ line += content[n] ;
+ ++xpos ;
- return tmp;
- if (content[i] == '\n') count++;
- return wxEmptyString ;
+ return line ;