,const wxValidator& rValidator = wxDefaultValidator
,const wxString& rsName = wxListBoxNameStr
+ wxCheckListBox( wxWindow* pParent
+ ,wxWindowID vId
+ ,const wxPoint& rPos
+ ,const wxSize& vSize
+ ,const wxArrayString& asChoices
+ ,long lStyle = 0
+ ,const wxValidator& rValidator = wxDefaultValidator
+ ,const wxString& rsName = wxListBoxNameStr
+ );
// Override base class virtuals
size_t m_nItemHeight; // height of checklistbox items (the same for all)
- //
- // Virtual function hiding suppression, do not use
- //
- virtual wxControl* CreateItem( const wxItemResource* pChildResource
- ,const wxItemResource* pParentResource
- ,const wxResourceTable* pTable = (const wxResourceTable *) NULL
- )
- {
- return(wxWindowBase::CreateItem( pChildResource
- ,pParentResource
- ,pTable
- ));
- }
}; // end of CLASS wxCheckListBoxItem