+ // the control we show on screen
+ wxControl* m_control;
+ // a temporary pointer to the attribute being edited
+ wxGridCellAttr* m_attr;
+ // if we change the colours/font of the control from the default ones, we
+ // must restore the default later and we save them here between calls to
+ // Show(TRUE) and Show(FALSE)
+ wxColour m_colFgOld,
+ m_colBgOld;
+ wxFont m_fontOld;
+ // suppress the stupid gcc warning about the class having private dtor and
+ // no friends
+ friend class wxGridCellEditorDummyFriend;
+// the editor for string/text data
+class WXDLLEXPORT wxGridCellTextEditor : public wxGridCellEditor
+ wxGridCellTextEditor();
+ virtual void Create(wxWindow* parent,
+ wxWindowID id,
+ wxEvtHandler* evtHandler);
+ virtual void SetSize(const wxRect& rect);
+ virtual void PaintBackground(const wxRect& rectCell, wxGridCellAttr *attr);
+ virtual bool IsAcceptedKey(wxKeyEvent& event);
+ virtual void BeginEdit(int row, int col, wxGrid* grid);
+ virtual bool EndEdit(int row, int col, wxGrid* grid);
+ virtual void Reset();
+ virtual void StartingKey(wxKeyEvent& event);
+ virtual void HandleReturn(wxKeyEvent& event);
+ // parameters string format is "max_width"
+ virtual void SetParameters(const wxString& params);
+ virtual wxGridCellEditor *Clone() const
+ { return new wxGridCellTextEditor; }
+ // added GetValue so we can get the value which is in the control
+ virtual wxString GetValue() const;
+ wxTextCtrl *Text() const { return (wxTextCtrl *)m_control; }
+ // parts of our virtual functions reused by the derived classes
+ void DoBeginEdit(const wxString& startValue);
+ void DoReset(const wxString& startValue);
+ size_t m_maxChars; // max number of chars allowed
+ wxString m_startValue;
+// the editor for numeric (long) data
+class WXDLLEXPORT wxGridCellNumberEditor : public wxGridCellTextEditor
+ // allows to specify the range - if min == max == -1, no range checking is
+ // done
+ wxGridCellNumberEditor(int min = -1, int max = -1);
+ virtual void Create(wxWindow* parent,
+ wxWindowID id,
+ wxEvtHandler* evtHandler);
+ virtual bool IsAcceptedKey(wxKeyEvent& event);
+ virtual void BeginEdit(int row, int col, wxGrid* grid);
+ virtual bool EndEdit(int row, int col, wxGrid* grid);
+ virtual void Reset();
+ virtual void StartingKey(wxKeyEvent& event);
+ // parameters string format is "min,max"
+ virtual void SetParameters(const wxString& params);
+ virtual wxGridCellEditor *Clone() const
+ { return new wxGridCellNumberEditor(m_min, m_max); }
+ // added GetValue so we can get the value which is in the control
+ virtual wxString GetValue() const;
+ wxSpinCtrl *Spin() const { return (wxSpinCtrl *)m_control; }
+ // if HasRange(), we use wxSpinCtrl - otherwise wxTextCtrl
+ bool HasRange() const { return m_min != m_max; }
+ // string representation of m_valueOld
+ wxString GetString() const
+ { return wxString::Format(_T("%ld"), m_valueOld); }
+ int m_min,
+ m_max;
+ long m_valueOld;
+// the editor for floating point numbers (double) data
+class WXDLLEXPORT wxGridCellFloatEditor : public wxGridCellTextEditor
+ wxGridCellFloatEditor(int width = -1, int precision = -1);
+ virtual void Create(wxWindow* parent,
+ wxWindowID id,
+ wxEvtHandler* evtHandler);
+ virtual bool IsAcceptedKey(wxKeyEvent& event);
+ virtual void BeginEdit(int row, int col, wxGrid* grid);
+ virtual bool EndEdit(int row, int col, wxGrid* grid);
+ virtual void Reset();
+ virtual void StartingKey(wxKeyEvent& event);
+ virtual wxGridCellEditor *Clone() const
+ { return new wxGridCellFloatEditor(m_width, m_precision); }
+ // parameters string format is "width,precision"
+ virtual void SetParameters(const wxString& params);
+ // string representation of m_valueOld
+ wxString GetString() const;
+ int m_width,
+ m_precision;
+ double m_valueOld;
+#endif // wxUSE_TEXTCTRL
+// the editor for boolean data
+class WXDLLEXPORT wxGridCellBoolEditor : public wxGridCellEditor
+ virtual void Create(wxWindow* parent,
+ wxWindowID id,
+ wxEvtHandler* evtHandler);
+ virtual void SetSize(const wxRect& rect);
+ virtual void Show(bool show, wxGridCellAttr *attr = (wxGridCellAttr *)NULL);
+ virtual bool IsAcceptedKey(wxKeyEvent& event);
+ virtual void BeginEdit(int row, int col, wxGrid* grid);
+ virtual bool EndEdit(int row, int col, wxGrid* grid);
+ virtual void Reset();
+ virtual void StartingClick();
+ virtual wxGridCellEditor *Clone() const
+ { return new wxGridCellBoolEditor; }
+ // added GetValue so we can get the value which is in the control
+ virtual wxString GetValue() const;
+ wxCheckBox *CBox() const { return (wxCheckBox *)m_control; }
+ bool m_startValue;
+#endif // wxUSE_CHECKBOX
+// the editor for string data allowing to choose from the list of strings
+class WXDLLEXPORT wxGridCellChoiceEditor : public wxGridCellEditor
+ // if !allowOthers, user can't type a string not in choices array
+ wxGridCellChoiceEditor(size_t count = 0,
+ const wxString choices[] = NULL,
+ bool allowOthers = FALSE);
+ virtual void Create(wxWindow* parent,
+ wxWindowID id,
+ wxEvtHandler* evtHandler);
+ virtual void PaintBackground(const wxRect& rectCell, wxGridCellAttr *attr);
+ virtual void BeginEdit(int row, int col, wxGrid* grid);
+ virtual bool EndEdit(int row, int col, wxGrid* grid);
+ virtual void Reset();
+ // parameters string format is "item1[,item2[...,itemN]]"
+ virtual void SetParameters(const wxString& params);
+ virtual wxGridCellEditor *Clone() const;
+ // added GetValue so we can get the value which is in the control
+ virtual wxString GetValue() const;
+ wxComboBox *Combo() const { return (wxComboBox *)m_control; }
+// DJC - (MAPTEK) you at least need access to m_choices if you
+// wish to override this class
+ wxString m_startValue;
+ wxArrayString m_choices;
+ bool m_allowOthers;
+#endif // wxUSE_COMBOBOX
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// wxGridCellAttr: this class can be used to alter the cells appearance in
+// the grid by changing their colour/font/... from default. An object of this
+// class may be returned by wxGridTable::GetAttr().
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class WXDLLEXPORT wxGridCellAttr : public wxClientDataContainer
+ enum wxAttrKind
+ {
+ Any,
+ Default,
+ Cell,
+ Row,
+ Col,
+ Merged
+ };
+ // ctors
+ wxGridCellAttr(wxGridCellAttr *attrDefault = NULL)
+ {
+ Init(attrDefault);
+ // MB: args used to be 0,0 here but wxALIGN_LEFT is 0
+ SetAlignment(-1, -1);
+ }
+ // VZ: considering the number of members wxGridCellAttr has now, this ctor
+ // seems to be pretty useless... may be we should just remove it?
+ wxGridCellAttr(const wxColour& colText,
+ const wxColour& colBack,
+ const wxFont& font,
+ int hAlign,
+ int vAlign)
+ : m_colText(colText), m_colBack(colBack), m_font(font)
+ {
+ Init();
+ SetAlignment(hAlign, vAlign);
+ }
+ // creates a new copy of this object
+ wxGridCellAttr *Clone() const;
+ void MergeWith(wxGridCellAttr *mergefrom);
+ // this class is ref counted: it is created with ref count of 1, so
+ // calling DecRef() once will delete it. Calling IncRef() allows to lock
+ // it until the matching DecRef() is called
+ void IncRef() { m_nRef++; }
+ void DecRef() { if ( !--m_nRef ) delete this; }
+ // setters
+ void SetTextColour(const wxColour& colText) { m_colText = colText; }
+ void SetBackgroundColour(const wxColour& colBack) { m_colBack = colBack; }
+ void SetFont(const wxFont& font) { m_font = font; }
+ void SetAlignment(int hAlign, int vAlign)
+ {
+ m_hAlign = hAlign;
+ m_vAlign = vAlign;
+ }
+ void SetSize(int num_rows, int num_cols);
+ void SetOverflow(bool allow = TRUE)
+ { m_overflow = allow ? Overflow : SingleCell; }
+ void SetReadOnly(bool isReadOnly = TRUE)
+ { m_isReadOnly = isReadOnly ? ReadOnly : ReadWrite; }
+ // takes ownership of the pointer
+ void SetRenderer(wxGridCellRenderer *renderer)
+ { wxSafeDecRef(m_renderer); m_renderer = renderer; }
+ void SetEditor(wxGridCellEditor* editor)
+ { wxSafeDecRef(m_editor); m_editor = editor; }
+ void SetKind(wxAttrKind kind) { m_attrkind = kind; }
+ // accessors
+ bool HasTextColour() const { return m_colText.Ok(); }
+ bool HasBackgroundColour() const { return m_colBack.Ok(); }
+ bool HasFont() const { return m_font.Ok(); }
+ bool HasAlignment() const { return (m_hAlign != -1 || m_vAlign != -1); }
+ bool HasRenderer() const { return m_renderer != NULL; }
+ bool HasEditor() const { return m_editor != NULL; }
+ bool HasReadWriteMode() const { return m_isReadOnly != Unset; }
+ bool HasOverflowMode() const { return m_overflow != UnsetOverflow; }
+ const wxColour& GetTextColour() const;
+ const wxColour& GetBackgroundColour() const;
+ const wxFont& GetFont() const;
+ void GetAlignment(int *hAlign, int *vAlign) const;
+ void GetSize(int *num_rows, int *num_cols) const;
+ bool GetOverflow() const
+ { return m_overflow != SingleCell; }
+ wxGridCellRenderer *GetRenderer(wxGrid* grid, int row, int col) const;
+ wxGridCellEditor *GetEditor(wxGrid* grid, int row, int col) const;
+ bool IsReadOnly() const { return m_isReadOnly == wxGridCellAttr::ReadOnly; }
+ wxAttrKind GetKind() { return m_attrkind; }
+ void SetDefAttr(wxGridCellAttr* defAttr) { m_defGridAttr = defAttr; }
+ enum wxAttrReadMode
+ {
+ Unset = -1,
+ ReadWrite,
+ ReadOnly
+ };
+ enum wxAttrOverflowMode
+ {
+ UnsetOverflow = -1,
+ Overflow,
+ SingleCell
+ };
+ // the common part of all ctors
+ void Init(wxGridCellAttr *attrDefault = NULL);
+ // the dtor is private because only DecRef() can delete us
+ ~wxGridCellAttr()
+ {
+ wxSafeDecRef(m_renderer);
+ wxSafeDecRef(m_editor);
+ }
+ // the ref count - when it goes to 0, we die
+ size_t m_nRef;
+ wxColour m_colText,
+ m_colBack;
+ wxFont m_font;
+ int m_hAlign,
+ m_vAlign;
+ int m_sizeRows,
+ m_sizeCols;
+ wxAttrOverflowMode m_overflow;
+ wxGridCellRenderer* m_renderer;
+ wxGridCellEditor* m_editor;
+ wxGridCellAttr* m_defGridAttr;
+ wxAttrReadMode m_isReadOnly;
+ wxAttrKind m_attrkind;
+ // use Clone() instead
+ // suppress the stupid gcc warning about the class having private dtor and
+ // no friends
+ friend class wxGridCellAttrDummyFriend;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// wxGridCellAttrProvider: class used by wxGridTableBase to retrieve/store the
+// cell attributes.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// implementation note: we separate it from wxGridTableBase because we wish to
+// avoid deriving a new table class if possible, and sometimes it will be
+// enough to just derive another wxGridCellAttrProvider instead
+// the default implementation is reasonably efficient for the generic case,
+// but you might still wish to implement your own for some specific situations
+// if you have performance problems with the stock one
+class WXDLLEXPORT wxGridCellAttrProvider : public wxClientDataContainer
+ wxGridCellAttrProvider();
+ virtual ~wxGridCellAttrProvider();
+ // DecRef() must be called on the returned pointer
+ virtual wxGridCellAttr *GetAttr(int row, int col,
+ wxGridCellAttr::wxAttrKind kind ) const;
+ // all these functions take ownership of the pointer, don't call DecRef()
+ // on it
+ virtual void SetAttr(wxGridCellAttr *attr, int row, int col);
+ virtual void SetRowAttr(wxGridCellAttr *attr, int row);
+ virtual void SetColAttr(wxGridCellAttr *attr, int col);
+ // these functions must be called whenever some rows/cols are deleted
+ // because the internal data must be updated then
+ void UpdateAttrRows( size_t pos, int numRows );
+ void UpdateAttrCols( size_t pos, int numCols );
+ void InitData();
+ wxGridCellAttrProviderData *m_data;
+ DECLARE_NO_COPY_CLASS(wxGridCellAttrProvider)