\latexignore{\rtfignore{\wxheading{Function groups}}}
-\membersection{Static functions}
+\membersection{Static functions}\label{datetimestaticfunctions}
For convenience, all static functions are collected here. These functions
either set or return the static variables of wxDateSpan (the country), return
-\membersection{Constructors, assignment operators and setters}
+\membersection{Constructors, assignment operators and setters}\label{datetimeconstructors}
Constructors and various {\tt Set()} methods are collected here. If you
construct a date object from separate values for day, month and year, you
\helpref{operator$=$(struct tm)}{wxdatetimeoperatoreqtm}\rtfsp
Here are the trivial accessors. Other functions, which might have to perform
some more complicated calculations to find the answer are under the
-\helpref{Calendar calculations}{wxdatetimecalculations} section.
+\helpref{Calendar calculations}{datetimecalculations} section.
-\membersection{Date comparison}
+\membersection{Date comparison}\label{datecomparison}
There are several function to allow date comparison. To supplement them, a few
global operators $>$, $<$ etc taking wxDateTime are defined.
-\membersection{Date arithmetics}
+\membersection{Date arithmetics}\label{datearithmetics}
These functions carry out \helpref{arithmetics}{tdatearithm} on the wxDateTime
objects. As explained in the overview, either wxTimeSpan or wxDateSpan may be
Also, both {\tt Add()} and {\tt Subtract()} have both const and non-const
-version. The first one returns a new obejct which represents the
+version. The first one returns a new object which represents the
sum/difference of the original one with the argument while the second form
modifies the object to which it is applied. The operators $-=$ and $+=$ are
defined to be equivalent to the second forms of these functions.
-\membersection{Parsing and formatting dates}
-These functions convert wxDateTime obejcts to and from text. The
+\membersection{Parsing and formatting dates}\label{datetimeparsing}
+These functions convert wxDateTime objects to and from text. The
conversions to text are mostly trivial: you can either do it using the default
date and time representations for the current locale (
\helpref{FormatDate}{wxdatetimeformatdate} and
-\membersection{Calendar calculations}\label{wxdatetimecalculations}
+\membersection{Calendar calculations}\label{datetimecalculations}
The functions in this section perform the basic calendar calculations, mostly
related to the week days. They allow to find the given week day in the
-\membersection{Astronomical/historical functions}
+\membersection{Astronomical/historical functions}\label{astronomyhistoryfunctions}
Some degree of support for the date units used in astronomy and/or history is
provided. You can construct a wxDateTime object from a
-\membersection{Time zone and DST support}
+\membersection{Time zone and DST support}\label{datetimedstzone}
Please see the \helpref{time zone overview}{tdatetimezones} for more
information about time zones. ormally, these functions should be rarely used.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% static functions %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\func{static int}{ConvertYearToBC}{\param{int }{year}}
printf("The year is %d%s", wxDateTime::ConvertYearToBC(y), y > 0 ? "AD" : "BC");
\func{static void}{GetAmPmStrings}{\param{wxString *}{am}, \param{wxString *}{pm}}
formatting for the current locale. Either of the pointers may be {\tt NULL} if
the corresponding value is not needed.
\func{static wxDateTime}{GetBeginDST}{\param{int }{year = Inv\_Year}, \param{Country }{country = Country\_Default}}
\func{static Country}{GetCountry}{\void}
\func{static int}{GetCurrentYear}{\param{Calendar }{cal = Gregorian}}
Get the current year in given calendar (only Gregorian is currently supported).
\func{static Month}{GetCurrentMonth}{\param{Calendar }{cal = Gregorian}}
Get the current month in given calendar (only Gregorian is currently supported).
\func{static int}{GetCentury}{\param{int }{year = Inv\_Year}}
Get the current century, i.e. first two digits of the year, in given calendar
(only Gregorian is currently supported).
\func{static wxDateTime}{GetEndDST}{\param{int }{year = Inv\_Year}, \param{Country }{country = Country\_Default}}
\func{static wxString}{GetMonthName}{\param{Month }{month}, \param{NameFlags }{flags = Name\_Full}}
\func{static wxDateTime\_t}{GetNumberOfDays}{\param{int }{year}, \param{Calendar }{cal = Gregorian}}
\pythonnote{These two methods are named {\tt GetNumberOfDaysInYear}
and {\tt GetNumberOfDaysInMonth} in wxPython.}
+\func{static time\_t}{GetTimeNow}{\void}
+Returns the current time.
+\func{static struct tm *}{GetTmNow}{\void}
+Returns the current time broken down.
\func{static wxString}{GetWeekDayName}{\param{WeekDay }{weekday}, \param{NameFlags }{flags = Name\_Full}}
\func{static bool}{IsLeapYear}{\param{int }{year = Inv\_Year}, \param{Calendar }{cal = Gregorian}}
This functions supports Gregorian and Julian calendars.
\func{static bool}{IsWestEuropeanCountry}{\param{Country }{country = Country\_Default}}
of Western European ones. It is used internally by wxDateTime to determine the
DST convention and date and time formatting rules.
\func{static bool}{IsDSTApplicable}{\param{int }{year = Inv\_Year}, \param{Country }{country = Country\_Default}}
Returns {\tt true} if DST was used n the given year (the current one by
default) in the given country.
\func{static wxDateTime}{Now}{\void}
\func{static void}{SetCountry}{\param{Country }{country}}
\func{static wxDateTime}{Today}{\void}
\func{static wxDateTime}{UNow}{\void}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% constructors &c %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Default constructor. Use one of {\tt Set()} functions to initialize the object
\func{wxDateTime\&}{wxDateTime}{\param{time\_t }{timet}}
\pythonnote{This constructor is named {\tt wxDateTimeFromTimeT} in wxPython.}
\func{wxDateTime\&}{wxDateTime}{\param{const struct tm\& }{tm}}
\func{wxDateTime\&}{wxDateTime}{\param{double }{jdn}}
\pythonnote{This constructor is named {\tt wxDateTimeFromJDN} in wxPython.}
\func{wxDateTime\&}{wxDateTime}{\param{wxDateTime\_t }{hour}, \param{wxDateTime\_t }{minute = 0}, \param{wxDateTime\_t }{second = 0}, \param{wxDateTime\_t }{millisec = 0}}
\pythonnote{This constructor is named {\tt wxDateTimeFromHMS} in wxPython.}
\func{wxDateTime\&}{wxDateTime}{\param{wxDateTime\_t }{day}, \param{Month }{month = Inv\_Month}, \param{int}{ Inv\_Year},
\pythonnote{This constructor is named {\tt wxDateTimeFromDMY} in wxPython.}
Sets the date and time of to the current values. Same as assigning the result
of \helpref{Now()}{wxdatetimenow} to this object.
\func{wxDateTime\&}{Set}{\param{time\_t }{timet}}
\pythonnote{This method is named {\tt SetTimeT} in wxPython.}
\func{wxDateTime\&}{Set}{\param{const struct tm\& }{tm}}
\func{wxDateTime\&}{Set}{\param{double }{jdn}}
\pythonnote{This method is named {\tt SetJDN} in wxPython.}
\func{wxDateTime\&}{Set}{\param{wxDateTime\_t }{hour}, \param{wxDateTime\_t }{minute = 0}, \param{wxDateTime\_t }{second = 0}, \param{wxDateTime\_t }{millisec = 0}}
\pythonnote{This method is named {\tt SetHMS} in wxPython.}
\func{wxDateTime\&}{Set}{\param{wxDateTime\_t }{day}, \param{Month }{month = Inv\_Month}, \param{int }{year = Inv\_Year}, \param{wxDateTime\_t }{hour = 0}, \param{wxDateTime\_t }{minute = 0}, \param{wxDateTime\_t }{second = 0}, \param{wxDateTime\_t }{millisec = 0}}
Sets the date and time from the parameters.
Reset time to midnight (00:00:00) without changing the date.
\func{wxDateTime\&}{SetYear}{\param{int }{year}}
Sets the year without changing other date components.
\func{wxDateTime\&}{SetMonth}{\param{Month }{month}}
Sets the month without changing other date components.
\func{wxDateTime\&}{SetDay}{\param{wxDateTime\_t }{day}}
Sets the day without changing other date components.
\func{wxDateTime\&}{SetHour}{\param{wxDateTime\_t }{hour}}
Sets the hour without changing other date components.
\func{wxDateTime\&}{SetMinute}{\param{wxDateTime\_t }{minute}}
Sets the minute without changing other date components.
\func{wxDateTime\&}{SetSecond}{\param{wxDateTime\_t }{second}}
Sets the second without changing other date components.
\func{wxDateTime\&}{SetMillisecond}{\param{wxDateTime\_t }{millisecond}}
Sets the millisecond without changing other date components.
\func{wxDateTime\&}{operator}{\param{time\_t }{timet}}
Same as \helpref{Set}{wxdatetimesettimet}.
\func{wxDateTime\&}{operator}{\param{const struct tm\& }{tm}}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% accessors %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Returns {\tt true} if the object represents a valid time moment.
\constfunc{Tm}{GetTm}{\param{const TimeZone\& }{tz = Local}}
Returns broken down representation of the date and time.
Returns the number of seconds since Jan 1, 1970. An assert failure will occur
if the date is not in the range covered by {\tt time\_t} type.
\constfunc{int}{GetYear}{\param{const TimeZone\& }{tz = Local}}
Returns the year in the given timezone (local one by default).
\constfunc{Month}{GetMonth}{\param{const TimeZone\& }{tz = Local}}
Returns the month in the given timezone (local one by default).
\constfunc{wxDateTime\_t}{GetDay}{\param{const TimeZone\& }{tz = Local}}
Returns the day in the given timezone (local one by default).
\constfunc{WeekDay}{GetWeekDay}{\param{const TimeZone\& }{tz = Local}}
Returns the week day in the given timezone (local one by default).
\constfunc{wxDateTime\_t}{GetHour}{\param{const TimeZone\& }{tz = Local}}
Returns the hour in the given timezone (local one by default).
\constfunc{wxDateTime\_t}{GetMinute}{\param{const TimeZone\& }{tz = Local}}
Returns the minute in the given timezone (local one by default).
\constfunc{wxDateTime\_t}{GetSecond}{\param{const TimeZone\& }{tz = Local}}
Returns the seconds in the given timezone (local one by default).
\constfunc{wxDateTime\_t}{GetMillisecond}{\param{const TimeZone\& }{tz = Local}}
Returns the milliseconds in the given timezone (local one by default).
\constfunc{wxDateTime\_t}{GetDayOfYear}{\param{const TimeZone\& }{tz = Local}}
Returns the day of the year (in $1\ldots366$ range) in the given timezone
(local one by default).
\constfunc{wxDateTime\_t}{GetWeekOfYear}{\param{WeekFlags }{flags = Monday\_First}, \param{const TimeZone\& }{tz = Local}}
Returns the number of the week of the year this date is in. The first week of
-the year is, according to international standards, the one containing Jan 4.
-The week number is in $1\ldots53$ range ($52$ for non leap years).
+the year is, according to international standards, the one containing Jan 4 or,
+equivalently, the first week which has Thursday in this year. Both of these
+definitions are the same as saying that the first week of the year must contain
+more than half of its days in this year. Accordingly, the week number will
+always be in $1\ldots53$ range ($52$ for non leap years).
The function depends on the \helpref{week start}{wxdatetime} convention
-specified by the {\it flags} argument.
+specified by the {\it flags} argument but its results for
+\texttt{Sunday\_First} are not well-defined as the ISO definition quoted above
+applies to the weeks starting on Monday only.
both conventions for the week start. See the description of these
\helpref{week start}{wxdatetime} conventions.
\constfunc{bool}{IsWorkDay}{\param{Country }{country = Country\_Default}}
Returns {\tt true} is this day is not a holiday in the given country.
\constfunc{bool}{IsGregorianDate}{\param{GregorianAdoption }{country = Gr\_Standard}}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% dos date and time format %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\func{wxDateTime\&}{Set}{\param{unsigned long }{ddt}}
\constfunc{unsigned long}{GetAsDOS}{\void}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% comparison %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\constfunc{bool}{IsEqualTo}{\param{const wxDateTime\& }{datetime}}
Returns {\tt true} if the two dates are strictly identical.
\constfunc{bool}{IsEarlierThan}{\param{const wxDateTime\& }{datetime}}
Returns {\tt true} if this date precedes the given one.
\constfunc{bool}{IsLaterThan}{\param{const wxDateTime\& }{datetime}}
Returns {\tt true} if this date is later than the given one.
\constfunc{bool}{IsStrictlyBetween}{\param{const wxDateTime\& }{t1}, \param{const wxDateTime\& }{t2}}
\constfunc{bool}{IsBetween}{\param{const wxDateTime\& }{t1}, \param{const wxDateTime\& }{t2}}
\constfunc{bool}{IsSameDate}{\param{const wxDateTime\& }{dt}}
Returns {\tt true} if the date is the same without comparing the time parts.
\constfunc{bool}{IsSameTime}{\param{const wxDateTime\& }{dt}}
Returns {\tt true} if the time is the same (although dates may differ).
\constfunc{bool}{IsEqualUpTo}{\param{const wxDateTime\& }{dt}, \param{const wxTimeSpan\& }{ts}}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% arithmetics %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\constfunc{wxDateTime}{Add}{\param{const wxTimeSpan\& }{diff}}
\pythonnote{This method is named {\tt AddTS} in wxPython.}
\constfunc{wxDateTime}{Add}{\param{const wxDateSpan\& }{diff}}
\pythonnote{This method is named {\tt AddDS} in wxPython.}
\constfunc{wxDateTime}{Subtract}{\param{const wxTimeSpan\& }{diff}}
\pythonnote{This method is named {\tt SubtractTS} in wxPython.}
\constfunc{wxDateTime}{Subtract}{\param{const wxDateSpan\& }{diff}}
\pythonnote{This method is named {\tt SubtractDS} in wxPython.}
\constfunc{wxTimeSpan}{Subtract}{\param{const wxDateTime\& }{dt}}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% parsing/formatting %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\func{const wxChar *}{ParseRfc822Date}{\param{const wxChar* }{date}}
free ways, you should use \helpref{ParseDateTime}{wxdatetimeparsedatetime} or
\helpref{ParseDate}{wxdatetimeparsedate} instead.
\func{const wxChar *}{ParseFormat}{\param{const wxChar *}{date}, \param{const wxChar *}{format = "\%c"}, \param{const wxDateTime\& }{dateDef = wxDefaultDateTime}}
Returns {\tt NULL} if the conversion failed, otherwise return the pointer to
the character which stopped the scan.
\func{const wxChar *}{ParseDateTime}{\param{const wxChar *}{datetime}}
the character which stopped the scan. This method is currently not
implemented, so always returns NULL.
\func{const wxChar *}{ParseDate}{\param{const wxChar *}{date}}
Returns {\tt NULL} if the conversion failed, otherwise return the pointer to
the character which stopped the scan.
\func{const wxChar *}{ParseTime}{\param{const wxChar *}{time}}
Returns {\tt NULL} if the conversion failed, otherwise return the pointer to
the character which stopped the scan.
\constfunc{wxString }{Format}{\param{const wxChar *}{format = "\%c"}, \param{const TimeZone\& }{tz = Local}}
\constfunc{wxString }{FormatDate}{\void}
Identical to calling \helpref{Format()}{wxdatetimeformat} with {\tt "\%x"}
argument (which means `preferred date representation for the current locale').
\constfunc{wxString }{FormatTime}{\void}
Identical to calling \helpref{Format()}{wxdatetimeformat} with {\tt "\%X"}
argument (which means `preferred time representation for the current locale').
\constfunc{wxString }{FormatISODate}{\void}
This function returns the date representation in the ISO 8601 format
\constfunc{wxString }{FormatISOTime}{\void}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% calendar calculations %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\func{wxDateTime\&}{SetToWeekDayInSameWeek}{\param{WeekDay }{weekday}, \param{WeekFlags}{flags = {\tt Monday\_First}}}
Returns the reference to the modified object itself.
\constfunc{wxDateTime}{GetWeekDayInSameWeek}{\param{WeekDay }{weekday}, \param{WeekFlags}{flags = {\tt Monday\_First}}}
\helpref{SetToWeekDayInSameWeek}{wxdatetimesettoweekdayinsameweek} was
\func{wxDateTime\&}{SetToNextWeekDay}{\param{WeekDay }{weekday}}
Returns the reference to the modified object itself.
\constfunc{wxDateTime}{GetNextWeekDay}{\param{WeekDay }{weekday}}
Returns the copy of this object to which
\helpref{SetToNextWeekDay}{wxdatetimesettonextweekday} was applied.
\func{wxDateTime\&}{SetToPrevWeekDay}{\param{WeekDay }{weekday}}
Returns the reference to the modified object itself.
\constfunc{wxDateTime}{GetPrevWeekDay}{\param{WeekDay }{weekday}}
Returns the copy of this object to which
\helpref{SetToPrevWeekDay}{wxdatetimesettoprevweekday} was applied.
\func{bool}{SetToWeekDay}{\param{WeekDay }{weekday}, \param{int }{n = 1}, \param{Month }{month = Inv\_Month}, \param{int }{year = Inv\_Year}}
Returns {\tt true} if the date was modified successfully, {\tt false}
otherwise meaning that the specified date doesn't exist.
\constfunc{wxDateTime}{GetWeekDay}{\param{WeekDay }{weekday}, \param{int }{n = 1}, \param{Month }{month = Inv\_Month}, \param{int }{year = Inv\_Year}}
Returns the copy of this object to which
\helpref{SetToWeekDay}{wxdatetimesettoweekday} was applied.
\func{bool}{SetToLastWeekDay}{\param{WeekDay }{weekday}, \param{Month }{month = Inv\_Month}, \param{int }{year = Inv\_Year}}
Always returns {\tt true}.
\func{wxDateTime}{GetLastWeekDay}{\param{WeekDay }{weekday}, \param{Month }{month = Inv\_Month}, \param{int }{year = Inv\_Year}}
Returns the copy of this object to which
\helpref{SetToLastWeekDay}{wxdatetimesettolastweekday} was applied.
-\func{bool}{SetToTheWeek}{\param{wxDateTime\_t }{numWeek}, \param{WeekDay }{weekday = Mon}, \param{WeekFlags}{flags = {\tt Monday\_First}}}
-Set the date to the given {\it weekday} in the week with given number
-{\it numWeek}. The number should be in range $1\ldots53$ and {\tt false} will
-be returned if the specified date doesn't exist. {\tt true} is returned if the
-date was changed successfully.
+\func{static wxDateTime}{SetToWeekOfYear}{\param{int }{year}, \param{wxDateTime\_t }{numWeek}, \param{WeekDay }{weekday = Mon}}
+Set the date to the given \arg{weekday} in the week number \arg{numWeek} of the
+given \arg{year} . The number should be in range $1\ldots53$.
-\constfunc{wxDateTime}{GetWeek}{\param{wxDateTime\_t }{numWeek}, \param{WeekDay }{weekday = Mon}, \param{WeekFlags}{flags = {\tt Monday\_First}}}
+Note that the returned date may be in a different year than the one passed to
+this function because both the week $1$ and week $52$ or $53$ (for leap years)
+contain days from different years. See
+\helpref{GetWeekOfYear}{wxdatetimegetweekofyear} for the explanation of how the
+year weeks are counted.
-Returns the copy of this object to which
-\helpref{SetToTheWeek}{wxdatetimesettotheweek} was applied.
Returns the reference to the modified object itself.
\constfunc{wxDateTime}{GetLastMonthDay}{\param{Month }{month = Inv\_Month}, \param{int }{year = Inv\_Year}}
Returns the copy of this object to which
\helpref{SetToLastMonthDay}{wxdatetimesettolastmonthday} was applied.
\func{wxDateTime\&}{SetToYearDay}{\param{wxDateTime\_t }{yday}}
Returns the reference to the modified object itself.
\constfunc{wxDateTime}{GetYearDay}{\param{wxDateTime\_t }{yday}}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% astronomical functions %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Synonym for \helpref{GetJulianDayNumber}{wxdatetimegetjuliandaynumber}.
MJDs correspond to midnights of the dates in the Gregorian calendar and not th
noons like JDN. The MJD $0$ is Nov 17, 1858.
Synonym for \helpref{GetModifiedJulianDayNumber}{wxdatetimegetmodifiedjuliandaynumber}.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% timezone and DST %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
\constfunc{wxDateTime}{ToTimezone}{\param{const TimeZone\& }{tz}, \param{bool }{noDST = false}}
Returns the date in the new time zone.
\func{wxDateTime\&}{MakeTimezone}{\param{const TimeZone\& }{tz}, \param{bool }{noDST = false}}
Modifies the object in place to represent the date in another time zone. If
{\it noDST} is {\tt true}, no DST adjustments will be made.
\constfunc{wxDateTime}{ToGMT}{\param{bool }{noDST = false}}
This is the same as calling \helpref{ToTimezone}{wxdatetimetotimezone} with
the argument {\tt GMT0}.
\func{wxDateTime\&}{MakeGMT}{\param{bool }{noDST = false}}
This is the same as calling \helpref{MakeTimezone}{wxdatetimemaketimezone} with
the argument {\tt GMT0}.
\constfunc{int}{IsDST}{\param{Country }{country = Country\_Default}}