- private:
- CcolInf *colInf; // Column inf. returned by db->GetColumns()
- wxTable *dbTable;
- char *masterTableName;
- char *pWhere; // A pointer to the storage for the resulting where clause
- wxDB *pDB;
- public:
- bool widgetPtrsSet;
- // Widget pointers
- wxStaticText *pQueryCol1Msg;
- wxChoice *pQueryCol1Choice;
- wxStaticText *pQueryNotMsg;
- wxCheckBox *pQueryNotCheck;
- wxStaticText *pQueryOperatorMsg;
- wxChoice *pQueryOperatorChoice;
- wxStaticText *pQueryCol2Msg;
- wxChoice *pQueryCol2Choice;
- wxStaticText *pQueryValue1Msg;
- wxTextCtrl *pQueryValue1Txt;
- wxStaticText *pQueryValue2Msg;
- wxTextCtrl *pQueryValue2Txt;
- wxStaticText *pQuerySqlWhereMsg;
- wxTextCtrl *pQuerySqlWhereMtxt;
- wxButton *pQueryAddBtn;
- wxButton *pQueryAndBtn;
- wxButton *pQueryOrBtn;
- wxButton *pQueryLParenBtn;
- wxButton *pQueryRParenBtn;
- wxButton *pQueryDoneBtn;
- wxButton *pQueryClearBtn;
- wxButton *pQueryCountBtn;
- wxButton *pQueryHelpBtn;
- wxStaticBox *pQueryHintGrp;
- wxStaticText *pQueryHintMsg;
- wxTextCtrl *pFocusTxt;
- CqueryDlg(wxWindow *parent, wxDB *pDb, char *tblName[], char *pWhereArg);
- void OnButton( wxCommandEvent &event );
- void OnCommand(wxWindow& win, wxCommandEvent& event);
- bool OnClose();
- void OnActivate(bool) {}; // necessary for hot keys
-// bool SetWidgetPtrs();
- void AppendToWhere(char *s);
- void ProcessAddBtn();
- void ProcessCountBtn();
- bool ValidateWhereClause();
+ private:
+ wxDbColInf *colInf; // Column inf. returned by db->GetColumns()
+ wxDbTable *dbTable;
+ char *masterTableName;
+ char *pWhere; // A pointer to the storage for the resulting where clause
+ wxDb *pDB;
+ public:
+ bool widgetPtrsSet;
+ // Widget pointers
+ wxStaticText *pQueryCol1Msg;
+ wxChoice *pQueryCol1Choice;
+ wxStaticText *pQueryNotMsg;
+ wxCheckBox *pQueryNotCheck;
+ wxStaticText *pQueryOperatorMsg;
+ wxChoice *pQueryOperatorChoice;
+ wxStaticText *pQueryCol2Msg;
+ wxChoice *pQueryCol2Choice;
+ wxStaticText *pQueryValue1Msg;
+ wxTextCtrl *pQueryValue1Txt;
+ wxStaticText *pQueryValue2Msg;
+ wxTextCtrl *pQueryValue2Txt;
+ wxStaticText *pQuerySqlWhereMsg;
+ wxTextCtrl *pQuerySqlWhereMtxt;
+ wxButton *pQueryAddBtn;
+ wxButton *pQueryAndBtn;
+ wxButton *pQueryOrBtn;
+ wxButton *pQueryLParenBtn;
+ wxButton *pQueryRParenBtn;
+ wxButton *pQueryDoneBtn;
+ wxButton *pQueryClearBtn;
+ wxButton *pQueryCountBtn;
+ wxButton *pQueryHelpBtn;
+ wxStaticBox *pQueryHintGrp;
+ wxStaticText *pQueryHintMsg;
+ wxTextCtrl *pFocusTxt;
+ CqueryDlg(wxWindow *parent, wxDb *pDb, char *tblName[], char *pWhereArg);
+ ~CqueryDlg();
+ void OnButton( wxCommandEvent &event );
+ void OnCommand(wxWindow& win, wxCommandEvent& event);
+ void OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent& event);
+ void OnActivate(bool) {}; // necessary for hot keys
+ void AppendToWhere(char *s);
+ void ProcessAddBtn();
+ void ProcessCountBtn();
+ bool ValidateWhereClause();