-\twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxSIMPLE\_BORDER}}{Displays no border or decorations. GTK and Windows only.}
-\twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxRESIZE\_BORDER}}{Displays a resizeable border around the window (Unix only).}
-\twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxFRAME\_FLOAT\_ON\_PARENT}}{Causes the frame to be above the parent window in the
-z-order and not shown in the taskbar. Without this style, frames are created as top-level windows that may be obscured by
-the parent window, and frame titles are shown in the taskbar. Windows and GTK.}
-\twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxFRAME\_TOOL\_WINDOW}}{Causes a frame with a small titlebar to be created;
-the frame title does not appear in the taskbar. Windows only.}
+\twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxRESIZE\_BORDER}}{Displays a resizeable border around the window.}
+\twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxFRAME\_TOOL\_WINDOW}}{Causes a frame with a small
+titlebar to be created; the frame does not appear in the taskbar under Windows.}
+\twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxFRAME\_NO\_TASKBAR}}{Creates an otherwise normal
+frame but it does not appear in the taskbar under Windows (note that it will
+minimize to the desktop window which may seem strange to the users and thus it
+might be better to use this style only without wxMINIMIZE\_BOX style).
+Has no effect under other platforms.}
+\twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxFRAME\_FLOAT\_ON\_PARENT}}{The frame will always be
+on top of its parent (unlike wxSTAY\_ON\_TOP). A frame created with this style
+must have a non-NULL parent.}
+\twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxFRAME\_EX\_CONTEXTHELP}}{Under Windows, puts a query button on the
+caption. When pressed, Windows will go into a context-sensitive help mode and wxWidgets will send
+a wxEVT\_HELP event if the user clicked on an application window. {\it Note} that this is an extended
+style and must be set by calling \helpref{SetExtraStyle}{wxwindowsetextrastyle} before Create is called (two-step construction).
+You cannot use this style together with wxMAXIMIZE\_BOX or wxMINIMIZE\_BOX, so
+you should use\rtfsp
+{\tt wxDEFAULT\_FRAME\_STYLE \& ~ (wxMINIMIZE\_BOX | wxMAXIMIZE\_BOX)} for the
+frames having this style (the dialogs don't have a minimize or a maximize box by
+\twocolitem{\windowstyle{wxFRAME\_SHAPED}}{Windows with this style are
+ allowed to have their shape changed with the \helpref{SetShape}{wxframesetshape} method.}