+ tbarMenu->AppendRadioItem(IDM_TOOLBAR_TOP_ORIENTATION,
+ _T("Set toolbar at the top of the window"),
+ _T("Set toolbar at the top of the window"));
+ _T("Set toolbar at the left of the window"),
+ _T("Set toolbar at the left of the window"));
+ _T("Set toolbar at the bottom of the window"),
+ _T("Set toolbar at the bottom of the window"));
+ _T("Set toolbar at the right edge of the window"),
+ _T("Set toolbar at the right edge of the window"));
+ tbarMenu->AppendSeparator();
+ tbarMenu->Append(IDM_TOOLBAR_ENABLEPRINT, _T("&Enable print button\tCtrl-E"));
+ tbarMenu->Append(IDM_TOOLBAR_DELETEPRINT, _T("&Delete print button\tCtrl-D"));
+ tbarMenu->Append(IDM_TOOLBAR_INSERTPRINT, _T("&Insert print button\tCtrl-I"));
+ tbarMenu->Append(IDM_TOOLBAR_TOGGLEHELP, _T("Toggle &help button\tCtrl-T"));
+ tbarMenu->AppendSeparator();
+ tbarMenu->Append(IDM_TOOLBAR_TOGGLERADIOBTN1, _T("Toggle &1st radio button\tCtrl-1"));
+ tbarMenu->Append(IDM_TOOLBAR_TOGGLERADIOBTN2, _T("Toggle &2nd radio button\tCtrl-2"));
+ tbarMenu->Append(IDM_TOOLBAR_TOGGLERADIOBTN3, _T("Toggle &3rd radio button\tCtrl-3"));
+ tbarMenu->AppendSeparator();
+ tbarMenu->Append(IDM_TOOLBAR_CHANGE_TOOLTIP, _T("Change tool tip"));
+ tbarMenu->AppendSeparator();
+ tbarMenu->AppendRadioItem(IDM_TOOLBAR_SHOW_TEXT, _T("Show &text\tCtrl-Alt-T"));
+ tbarMenu->AppendRadioItem(IDM_TOOLBAR_SHOW_ICONS, _T("Show &icons\tCtrl-Alt-I"));
+ tbarMenu->AppendRadioItem(IDM_TOOLBAR_SHOW_BOTH, _T("Show &both\tCtrl-Alt-B"));
+ tbarMenu->AppendSeparator();
+ tbarMenu->Append(IDM_TOOLBAR_CUSTOM_PATH, _T("Custom &bitmap...\tCtrl-B"));