+ del newobj.thisown
+ self._setOORInfo(self)
+ def Create(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Create(self, Window parent, int id, DateTime date=DefaultDateTime,
+ Point pos=DefaultPosition, Size size=DefaultSize,
+ String name=CalendarNameStr) -> bool
+ Acutally create the GUI portion of the CalendarCtrl for 2-phase
+ creation.
+ """
+ return _calendar.CalendarCtrl_Create(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetDate(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ SetDate(self, DateTime date)
+ Sets the current date.
+ """
+ return _calendar.CalendarCtrl_SetDate(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetDate(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetDate(self) -> DateTime
+ Gets the currently selected date.
+ """
+ return _calendar.CalendarCtrl_GetDate(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetLowerDateLimit(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ SetLowerDateLimit(self, DateTime date=DefaultDateTime) -> bool
+ set the range in which selection can occur
+ """
+ return _calendar.CalendarCtrl_SetLowerDateLimit(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetUpperDateLimit(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ SetUpperDateLimit(self, DateTime date=DefaultDateTime) -> bool
+ set the range in which selection can occur
+ """
+ return _calendar.CalendarCtrl_SetUpperDateLimit(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetLowerDateLimit(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetLowerDateLimit(self) -> DateTime
+ get the range in which selection can occur
+ """
+ return _calendar.CalendarCtrl_GetLowerDateLimit(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetUpperDateLimit(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetUpperDateLimit(self) -> DateTime
+ get the range in which selection can occur
+ """
+ return _calendar.CalendarCtrl_GetUpperDateLimit(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetDateRange(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ SetDateRange(self, DateTime lowerdate=DefaultDateTime, DateTime upperdate=DefaultDateTime) -> bool
+ set the range in which selection can occur
+ """
+ return _calendar.CalendarCtrl_SetDateRange(*args, **kwargs)
+ def EnableYearChange(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ EnableYearChange(self, bool enable=True)
+ This function should be used instead of changing CAL_NO_YEAR_CHANGE
+ style bit directly. It allows or disallows the user to change the year
+ interactively.
+ """
+ return _calendar.CalendarCtrl_EnableYearChange(*args, **kwargs)
+ def EnableMonthChange(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ EnableMonthChange(self, bool enable=True)
+ This function should be used instead of changing CAL_NO_MONTH_CHANGE
+ style bit. It allows or disallows the user to change the month
+ interactively. Note that if the month can not be changed, the year can
+ not be changed either.
+ """
+ return _calendar.CalendarCtrl_EnableMonthChange(*args, **kwargs)
+ def EnableHolidayDisplay(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ EnableHolidayDisplay(self, bool display=True)
+ This function should be used instead of changing CAL_SHOW_HOLIDAYS
+ style bit directly. It enables or disables the special highlighting of
+ the holidays.
+ """
+ return _calendar.CalendarCtrl_EnableHolidayDisplay(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetHeaderColours(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ SetHeaderColours(self, Colour colFg, Colour colBg)
+ Header colours are used for painting the weekdays at the top.
+ """
+ return _calendar.CalendarCtrl_SetHeaderColours(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetHeaderColourFg(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetHeaderColourFg(self) -> Colour
+ Header colours are used for painting the weekdays at the top.
+ """
+ return _calendar.CalendarCtrl_GetHeaderColourFg(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetHeaderColourBg(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetHeaderColourBg(self) -> Colour
+ Header colours are used for painting the weekdays at the top.
+ """
+ return _calendar.CalendarCtrl_GetHeaderColourBg(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetHighlightColours(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ SetHighlightColours(self, Colour colFg, Colour colBg)
+ Highlight colour is used for the currently selected date.
+ """
+ return _calendar.CalendarCtrl_SetHighlightColours(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetHighlightColourFg(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetHighlightColourFg(self) -> Colour
+ Highlight colour is used for the currently selected date.
+ """
+ return _calendar.CalendarCtrl_GetHighlightColourFg(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetHighlightColourBg(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetHighlightColourBg(self) -> Colour
+ Highlight colour is used for the currently selected date.
+ """
+ return _calendar.CalendarCtrl_GetHighlightColourBg(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetHolidayColours(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ SetHolidayColours(self, Colour colFg, Colour colBg)
+ Holiday colour is used for the holidays (if CAL_SHOW_HOLIDAYS style is
+ used).
+ """
+ return _calendar.CalendarCtrl_SetHolidayColours(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetHolidayColourFg(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetHolidayColourFg(self) -> Colour
+ Holiday colour is used for the holidays (if CAL_SHOW_HOLIDAYS style is
+ used).
+ """
+ return _calendar.CalendarCtrl_GetHolidayColourFg(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetHolidayColourBg(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetHolidayColourBg(self) -> Colour
+ Holiday colour is used for the holidays (if CAL_SHOW_HOLIDAYS style is
+ used).
+ """
+ return _calendar.CalendarCtrl_GetHolidayColourBg(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetAttr(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetAttr(self, size_t day) -> CalendarDateAttr
+ Returns the attribute for the given date (should be in the range
+ 1...31). The returned value may be None
+ """
+ return _calendar.CalendarCtrl_GetAttr(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetAttr(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ SetAttr(self, size_t day, CalendarDateAttr attr)
+ Associates the attribute with the specified date (in the range
+ 1...31). If the attribute passed is None, the items attribute is
+ cleared.
+ """
+ return _calendar.CalendarCtrl_SetAttr(*args, **kwargs)
+ def SetHoliday(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ SetHoliday(self, size_t day)
+ Marks the specified day as being a holiday in the current month.
+ """
+ return _calendar.CalendarCtrl_SetHoliday(*args, **kwargs)
+ def ResetAttr(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ ResetAttr(self, size_t day)
+ Clears any attributes associated with the given day (in the range
+ 1...31).
+ """
+ return _calendar.CalendarCtrl_ResetAttr(*args, **kwargs)
+ def HitTest(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ HitTest(Point pos) -> (result, date, weekday)
+ Returns 3-tuple with information about the given position on the
+ calendar control. The first value of the tuple is a result code and
+ determines the validity of the remaining two values.
+ """
+ return _calendar.CalendarCtrl_HitTest(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetMonthControl(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetMonthControl(self) -> Control
+ Get the currently shown control for month.
+ """
+ return _calendar.CalendarCtrl_GetMonthControl(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetYearControl(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetYearControl(self) -> Control
+ Get the currently shown control for year.
+ """
+ return _calendar.CalendarCtrl_GetYearControl(*args, **kwargs)
+ def GetClassDefaultAttributes(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ GetClassDefaultAttributes(int variant=WINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL) -> VisualAttributes
+ Get the default attributes for this class. This is useful if you want
+ to use the same font or colour in your own control as in a standard
+ control -- which is a much better idea than hard coding specific
+ colours or fonts which might look completely out of place on the
+ user's system, especially if it uses themes.
+ The variant parameter is only relevant under Mac currently and is
+ ignore under other platforms. Under Mac, it will change the size of
+ the returned font. See `wx.Window.SetWindowVariant` for more about
+ this.
+ """
+ return _calendar.CalendarCtrl_GetClassDefaultAttributes(*args, **kwargs)
+ GetClassDefaultAttributes = staticmethod(GetClassDefaultAttributes)
+class CalendarCtrlPtr(CalendarCtrl):
+ def __init__(self, this):
+ self.this = this
+ if not hasattr(self,"thisown"): self.thisown = 0
+ self.__class__ = CalendarCtrl
+cvar = _calendar.cvar
+CalendarNameStr = cvar.CalendarNameStr
+def PreCalendarCtrl(*args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ PreCalendarCtrl() -> CalendarCtrl
+ Precreate a CalendarCtrl for 2-phase creation.
+ """
+ val = _calendar.new_PreCalendarCtrl(*args, **kwargs)
+ val.thisown = 1
+ return val