#include "wx/tokenzr.h"
#include "wx/wfstream.h"
#include "wx/url.h"
+#include "wx/fontmap.h"
#include "wx/html/htmldefs.h"
#include "wx/html/htmlpars.h"
+ : wxObject(), m_Cache(NULL), m_HandlersHash(wxKEY_STRING),
+ m_FS(NULL), m_HandlersStack(NULL)
+ m_entitiesParser = new wxHtmlEntitiesParser;
+ delete m_HandlersStack;
+ m_HandlersHash.Clear();
+ m_HandlersList.DeleteContents(TRUE);
+ m_HandlersList.Clear();
+ delete m_entitiesParser;
wxObject* wxHtmlParser::Parse(const wxString& source)
return result;
void wxHtmlParser::InitParser(const wxString& source)
- m_Source = source;
- m_Cache = new wxHtmlTagsCache(m_Source);
+ SetSource(source);
void wxHtmlParser::DoneParser()
delete m_Cache;
m_Cache = NULL;
-#define wxHTML_MAX_BUFLEN 1024
+void wxHtmlParser::SetSource(const wxString& src)
+ m_Source = src;
+ delete m_Cache;
+ m_Cache = new wxHtmlTagsCache(m_Source);
void wxHtmlParser::DoParsing(int begin_pos, int end_pos)
- char temp[wxHTML_BUFLEN], c;
+ if (end_pos <= begin_pos) return;
+ char c;
+ char *temp = new char[end_pos - begin_pos + 1];
int i;
int templen;
templen = 0;
i = begin_pos;
- while (i < end_pos) {
+ while (i < end_pos)
+ {
c = m_Source[(unsigned int) i];
// continue building word:
- if (c != '<') {
+ if (c != '<')
+ {
temp[templen++] = c;
- if (templen == wxHTML_BUFLEN-1) {
- temp[templen] = 0;
- AddText(temp);
- templen = 0;
- }
- else if (c == '<') {
- wxHtmlTag tag(m_Source, i, end_pos, m_Cache);
+ else if (c == '<')
+ {
+ wxHtmlTag tag(m_Source, i, end_pos, m_Cache, m_entitiesParser);
- if (templen) {
+ if (templen)
+ {
temp[templen] = 0;
templen = 0;
- if (templen) { // last word of block :-(
+ if (templen)
+ { // last word of block :-(
temp[templen] = 0;
+ delete[] temp;
void wxHtmlParser::AddTag(const wxHtmlTag& tag)
wxHtmlTagHandler *h;
h = (wxHtmlTagHandler*) m_HandlersHash.Get(tag.GetName());
if (h)
- inner = h -> HandleTag(tag);
- if (!inner) {
+ inner = h->HandleTag(tag);
+ if (!inner)
+ {
if (tag.HasEnding())
DoParsing(tag.GetBeginPos(), tag.GetEndPos1());
void wxHtmlParser::AddTagHandler(wxHtmlTagHandler *handler)
- wxString s(handler -> GetSupportedTags());
+ wxString s(handler->GetSupportedTags());
wxStringTokenizer tokenizer(s, ", ");
while (tokenizer.HasMoreTokens())
if (m_HandlersList.IndexOf(handler) == wxNOT_FOUND)
- handler -> SetParser(this);
+ handler->SetParser(this);
void wxHtmlParser::PushTagHandler(wxHtmlTagHandler *handler, wxString tags)
wxStringTokenizer tokenizer(tags, ", ");
wxString key;
- if (m_HandlersStack == NULL) {
+ if (m_HandlersStack == NULL)
+ {
m_HandlersStack = new wxList;
- m_HandlersStack -> DeleteContents(TRUE);
+ m_HandlersStack->DeleteContents(TRUE);
- m_HandlersStack -> Insert(new wxHashTable(m_HandlersHash));
+ m_HandlersStack->Insert(new wxHashTable(m_HandlersHash));
- while (tokenizer.HasMoreTokens()) {
+ while (tokenizer.HasMoreTokens())
+ {
key = tokenizer.NextToken();
m_HandlersHash.Put(key, handler);
void wxHtmlParser::PopTagHandler()
wxNode *first;
if (m_HandlersStack == NULL ||
- (first = m_HandlersStack -> GetFirst()) == NULL)
+ (first = m_HandlersStack->GetFirst()) == NULL)
wxLogWarning(_("Warning: attempt to remove HTML tag handler from empty stack."));
- m_HandlersHash = *((wxHashTable*) first -> GetData());
- m_HandlersStack -> DeleteNode(first);
+ m_HandlersHash = *((wxHashTable*) first->GetData());
+ m_HandlersStack->DeleteNode(first);
+// wxHtmlTagHandler
+// wxHtmlEntitiesParser
+ : m_conv(NULL), m_encoding(wxFONTENCODING_SYSTEM)
- if (m_HandlersStack) delete m_HandlersStack;
- m_HandlersHash.Clear();
- m_HandlersList.DeleteContents(TRUE);
- m_HandlersList.Clear();
+ delete m_conv;
+void wxHtmlEntitiesParser::SetEncoding(wxFontEncoding encoding)
+ if (encoding == m_encoding) return;
+ delete m_conv;
+ m_conv = NULL;
+ m_encoding = encoding;
+ if (m_encoding != wxFONTENCODING_SYSTEM)
+ m_conv = new wxCSConv(wxFontMapper::GetEncodingName(m_encoding));
-// wxHtmlTagHandler
+wxString wxHtmlEntitiesParser::Parse(const wxString& input)
+ const wxChar *c, *last;
+ const wxChar *in_str = input.c_str();
+ wxString output;
+ for (c = in_str, last = in_str; *c != wxT('\0'); c++)
+ {
+ if (*c == wxT('&'))
+ {
+ if (c - last > 0)
+ output.append(last, c - last);
+ if (++c == wxT('\0')) break;
+ wxString entity;
+ const wxChar *ent_s = c;
+ for (; (*c >= wxT('a') && *c <= wxT('z')) ||
+ (*c >= wxT('A') && *c <= wxT('Z')) ||
+ (*c >= wxT('0') && *c <= wxT('9')) ||
+ *c == wxT('_') || *c == wxT('#'); c++) {}
+ entity.append(ent_s, c - ent_s);
+ if (*c == wxT(';')) c++;
+ output << GetEntityChar(entity);
+ last = c;
+ }
+ }
+ if (*last != wxT('\0'))
+ output.append(last);
+ return output;
+struct wxHtmlEntityInfo
+ const wxChar *name;
+ unsigned code;
+static int compar_entity(const void *key, const void *item)
+ return wxStrcmp((wxChar*)key, ((wxHtmlEntityInfo*)item)->name);
+wxChar wxHtmlEntitiesParser::GetCharForCode(unsigned code)
+ return (wxChar)code;
+#elif wxUSE_WCHAR_T
+ char buf[2];
+ wchar_t wbuf[2];
+ wbuf[0] = (wchar_t)code;
+ wbuf[1] = 0;
+ wxMBConv *conv = m_conv ? m_conv : &wxConvLocal;
+ if (conv->WC2MB(buf, wbuf, 1) == (size_t)-1)
+ return '?';
+ return buf[0];
+ return (code < 256) ? (wxChar)code : '?';
+wxChar wxHtmlEntitiesParser::GetEntityChar(const wxString& entity)
+ unsigned code = 0;
+ if (entity[0] == wxT('#'))
+ {
+ const wxChar *ent_s = entity.c_str();
+ const wxChar *format;
+ if (ent_s[1] == wxT('x') || ent_s[1] == wxT('X'))
+ {
+ format = wxT("%x");
+ ent_s++;
+ }
+ else
+ format = wxT("%u");
+ ent_s++;
+ if (wxSscanf(ent_s, format, &code) != 1)
+ code = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ static wxHtmlEntityInfo substitutions[] = {
+ { wxT("AElig"),198 },
+ { wxT("Aacute"),193 },
+ { wxT("Acirc"),194 },
+ { wxT("Agrave"),192 },
+ { wxT("Alpha"),913 },
+ { wxT("Aring"),197 },
+ { wxT("Atilde"),195 },
+ { wxT("Auml"),196 },
+ { wxT("Beta"),914 },
+ { wxT("Ccedil"),199 },
+ { wxT("Chi"),935 },
+ { wxT("Dagger"),8225 },
+ { wxT("Delta"),916 },
+ { wxT("ETH"),208 },
+ { wxT("Eacute"),201 },
+ { wxT("Ecirc"),202 },
+ { wxT("Egrave"),200 },
+ { wxT("Epsilon"),917 },
+ { wxT("Eta"),919 },
+ { wxT("Euml"),203 },
+ { wxT("Gamma"),915 },
+ { wxT("Iacute"),205 },
+ { wxT("Icirc"),206 },
+ { wxT("Igrave"),204 },
+ { wxT("Iota"),921 },
+ { wxT("Iuml"),207 },
+ { wxT("Kappa"),922 },
+ { wxT("Lambda"),923 },
+ { wxT("Mu"),924 },
+ { wxT("Ntilde"),209 },
+ { wxT("Nu"),925 },
+ { wxT("OElig"),338 },
+ { wxT("Oacute"),211 },
+ { wxT("Ocirc"),212 },
+ { wxT("Ograve"),210 },
+ { wxT("Omega"),937 },
+ { wxT("Omicron"),927 },
+ { wxT("Oslash"),216 },
+ { wxT("Otilde"),213 },
+ { wxT("Ouml"),214 },
+ { wxT("Phi"),934 },
+ { wxT("Pi"),928 },
+ { wxT("Prime"),8243 },
+ { wxT("Psi"),936 },
+ { wxT("Rho"),929 },
+ { wxT("Scaron"),352 },
+ { wxT("Sigma"),931 },
+ { wxT("THORN"),222 },
+ { wxT("Tau"),932 },
+ { wxT("Theta"),920 },
+ { wxT("Uacute"),218 },
+ { wxT("Ucirc"),219 },
+ { wxT("Ugrave"),217 },
+ { wxT("Upsilon"),933 },
+ { wxT("Uuml"),220 },
+ { wxT("Xi"),926 },
+ { wxT("Yacute"),221 },
+ { wxT("Yuml"),376 },
+ { wxT("Zeta"),918 },
+ { wxT("aacute"),225 },
+ { wxT("acirc"),226 },
+ { wxT("acute"),180 },
+ { wxT("aelig"),230 },
+ { wxT("agrave"),224 },
+ { wxT("alefsym"),8501 },
+ { wxT("alpha"),945 },
+ { wxT("amp"),38 },
+ { wxT("and"),8743 },
+ { wxT("ang"),8736 },
+ { wxT("aring"),229 },
+ { wxT("asymp"),8776 },
+ { wxT("atilde"),227 },
+ { wxT("auml"),228 },
+ { wxT("bdquo"),8222 },
+ { wxT("beta"),946 },
+ { wxT("brvbar"),166 },
+ { wxT("bull"),8226 },
+ { wxT("cap"),8745 },
+ { wxT("ccedil"),231 },
+ { wxT("cedil"),184 },
+ { wxT("cent"),162 },
+ { wxT("chi"),967 },
+ { wxT("circ"),710 },
+ { wxT("clubs"),9827 },
+ { wxT("cong"),8773 },
+ { wxT("copy"),169 },
+ { wxT("crarr"),8629 },
+ { wxT("cup"),8746 },
+ { wxT("curren"),164 },
+ { wxT("dArr"),8659 },
+ { wxT("dagger"),8224 },
+ { wxT("darr"),8595 },
+ { wxT("deg"),176 },
+ { wxT("delta"),948 },
+ { wxT("diams"),9830 },
+ { wxT("divide"),247 },
+ { wxT("eacute"),233 },
+ { wxT("ecirc"),234 },
+ { wxT("egrave"),232 },
+ { wxT("empty"),8709 },
+ { wxT("emsp"),8195 },
+ { wxT("ensp"),8194 },
+ { wxT("epsilon"),949 },
+ { wxT("equiv"),8801 },
+ { wxT("eta"),951 },
+ { wxT("eth"),240 },
+ { wxT("euml"),235 },
+ { wxT("euro"),8364 },
+ { wxT("exist"),8707 },
+ { wxT("fnof"),402 },
+ { wxT("forall"),8704 },
+ { wxT("frac12"),189 },
+ { wxT("frac14"),188 },
+ { wxT("frac34"),190 },
+ { wxT("frasl"),8260 },
+ { wxT("gamma"),947 },
+ { wxT("ge"),8805 },
+ { wxT("gt"),62 },
+ { wxT("hArr"),8660 },
+ { wxT("harr"),8596 },
+ { wxT("hearts"),9829 },
+ { wxT("hellip"),8230 },
+ { wxT("iacute"),237 },
+ { wxT("icirc"),238 },
+ { wxT("iexcl"),161 },
+ { wxT("igrave"),236 },
+ { wxT("image"),8465 },
+ { wxT("infin"),8734 },
+ { wxT("int"),8747 },
+ { wxT("iota"),953 },
+ { wxT("iquest"),191 },
+ { wxT("isin"),8712 },
+ { wxT("iuml"),239 },
+ { wxT("kappa"),954 },
+ { wxT("lArr"),8656 },
+ { wxT("lambda"),955 },
+ { wxT("lang"),9001 },
+ { wxT("laquo"),171 },
+ { wxT("larr"),8592 },
+ { wxT("lceil"),8968 },
+ { wxT("ldquo"),8220 },
+ { wxT("le"),8804 },
+ { wxT("lfloor"),8970 },
+ { wxT("lowast"),8727 },
+ { wxT("loz"),9674 },
+ { wxT("lrm"),8206 },
+ { wxT("lsaquo"),8249 },
+ { wxT("lsquo"),8216 },
+ { wxT("lt"),60 },
+ { wxT("macr"),175 },
+ { wxT("mdash"),8212 },
+ { wxT("micro"),181 },
+ { wxT("middot"),183 },
+ { wxT("minus"),8722 },
+ { wxT("mu"),956 },
+ { wxT("nabla"),8711 },
+ { wxT("nbsp"),160 },
+ { wxT("ndash"),8211 },
+ { wxT("ne"),8800 },
+ { wxT("ni"),8715 },
+ { wxT("not"),172 },
+ { wxT("notin"),8713 },
+ { wxT("nsub"),8836 },
+ { wxT("ntilde"),241 },
+ { wxT("nu"),957 },
+ { wxT("oacute"),243 },
+ { wxT("ocirc"),244 },
+ { wxT("oelig"),339 },
+ { wxT("ograve"),242 },
+ { wxT("oline"),8254 },
+ { wxT("omega"),969 },
+ { wxT("omicron"),959 },
+ { wxT("oplus"),8853 },
+ { wxT("or"),8744 },
+ { wxT("ordf"),170 },
+ { wxT("ordm"),186 },
+ { wxT("oslash"),248 },
+ { wxT("otilde"),245 },
+ { wxT("otimes"),8855 },
+ { wxT("ouml"),246 },
+ { wxT("para"),182 },
+ { wxT("part"),8706 },
+ { wxT("permil"),8240 },
+ { wxT("perp"),8869 },
+ { wxT("phi"),966 },
+ { wxT("pi"),960 },
+ { wxT("piv"),982 },
+ { wxT("plusmn"),177 },
+ { wxT("pound"),163 },
+ { wxT("prime"),8242 },
+ { wxT("prod"),8719 },
+ { wxT("prop"),8733 },
+ { wxT("psi"),968 },
+ { wxT("quot"),34 },
+ { wxT("rArr"),8658 },
+ { wxT("radic"),8730 },
+ { wxT("rang"),9002 },
+ { wxT("raquo"),187 },
+ { wxT("rarr"),8594 },
+ { wxT("rceil"),8969 },
+ { wxT("rdquo"),8221 },
+ { wxT("real"),8476 },
+ { wxT("reg"),174 },
+ { wxT("rfloor"),8971 },
+ { wxT("rho"),961 },
+ { wxT("rlm"),8207 },
+ { wxT("rsaquo"),8250 },
+ { wxT("rsquo"),8217 },
+ { wxT("sbquo"),8218 },
+ { wxT("scaron"),353 },
+ { wxT("sdot"),8901 },
+ { wxT("sect"),167 },
+ { wxT("shy"),173 },
+ { wxT("sigma"),963 },
+ { wxT("sigmaf"),962 },
+ { wxT("sim"),8764 },
+ { wxT("spades"),9824 },
+ { wxT("sub"),8834 },
+ { wxT("sube"),8838 },
+ { wxT("sum"),8721 },
+ { wxT("sup"),8835 },
+ { wxT("sup1"),185 },
+ { wxT("sup2"),178 },
+ { wxT("sup3"),179 },
+ { wxT("supe"),8839 },
+ { wxT("szlig"),223 },
+ { wxT("tau"),964 },
+ { wxT("there4"),8756 },
+ { wxT("theta"),952 },
+ { wxT("thetasym"),977 },
+ { wxT("thinsp"),8201 },
+ { wxT("thorn"),254 },
+ { wxT("tilde"),732 },
+ { wxT("times"),215 },
+ { wxT("trade"),8482 },
+ { wxT("uArr"),8657 },
+ { wxT("uacute"),250 },
+ { wxT("uarr"),8593 },
+ { wxT("ucirc"),251 },
+ { wxT("ugrave"),249 },
+ { wxT("uml"),168 },
+ { wxT("upsih"),978 },
+ { wxT("upsilon"),965 },
+ { wxT("uuml"),252 },
+ { wxT("weierp"),8472 },
+ { wxT("xi"),958 },
+ { wxT("yacute"),253 },
+ { wxT("yen"),165 },
+ { wxT("yuml"),255 },
+ { wxT("zeta"),950 },
+ { wxT("zwj"),8205 },
+ { wxT("zwnj"),8204 },
+ {NULL, 0}};
+ static size_t substitutions_cnt = 0;
+ if (substitutions_cnt == 0)
+ while (substitutions[substitutions_cnt].code != 0)
+ substitutions_cnt++;
+ wxHtmlEntityInfo *info;
+ info = (wxHtmlEntityInfo*) bsearch(entity.c_str(), substitutions,
+ substitutions_cnt,
+ sizeof(wxHtmlEntityInfo),
+ compar_entity);
+ if (info)
+ code = info->code;
+ }
+ if (code == 0)
+ return wxT('?');
+ else
+ return GetCharForCode(code);