- // if we still didn't find anything, we should start with the first one
- if ( !start_node )
- {
- start_node = children.GetFirst();
- }
- // and the first child which we can try setting focus to is the next or
- // the previous one
- node = forward ? start_node->GetNext() : start_node->GetPrevious();
- }
- // we want to cycle over all elements passing by NULL
- while ( node != start_node )
- {
- // Have we come to the last or first item on the panel?
- if ( !node )
- {
- if ( !goingDown )
- {
- // Check if our (may be grand) parent is another panel: if this
- // is the case, they will know what to do with this navigation
- // key and so give them the chance to process it instead of
- // looping inside this panel (normally, the focus will go to
- // the next/previous item after this panel in the parent
- // panel).
- wxWindow *focussed_child_of_parent = this;
- for ( wxWindow *parent = GetParent();
- parent;
- parent = parent->GetParent() )
- {
- // we don't want to tab into a different dialog or frame
- if ( focussed_child_of_parent->IsTopLevel() )
- break;
- event.SetCurrentFocus( focussed_child_of_parent );
- if (parent->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( event ))
- return;
- focussed_child_of_parent = parent;
- }
- }
- //else: as the focus came from our parent, we definitely don't want
- // to send it back to it!
- // no, we are not inside another panel so process this ourself
- node = forward ? children.GetFirst() : children.GetLast();
- continue;
- }
- wxWindow *child = node->GetData();
- if ( child->AcceptsFocus() )
- {
- m_winLastFocused = child; // should be redundant, but it is not
- // if we're setting the focus to a child panel we should prevent it
- // from giving it to the child which had the focus the last time
- // and instead give it to the first/last child depending from which
- // direction we're coming
- wxPanel *subpanel = wxDynamicCast(child, wxPanel);
- if ( subpanel )
- {
- // trick the panel into thinking that it got the navigation
- // event - instead of duplicating all the code here
- //
- // make sure that we do trick it by setting all the parameters
- // correctly (consistently with the code in this very function
- // above) and that it starts from the very beginning/end by
- // using SetLastFocus(NULL)
- subpanel->SetLastFocus((wxWindow *)NULL);
- }
- event.SetEventObject(this);
- if ( !child->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event) )
- {
- // everything is simple: just give focus to it
- child->SetFocus();
- }
- //else: the child manages its focus itself
- event.Skip( FALSE );
- return;
- }
- node = forward ? node->GetNext() : node->GetPrevious();