#include "wx/utils.h"
-#include "wx/osx/cocoa/dataview.h"
#include "wx/osx/private.h"
+#include "wx/osx/cocoa/dataview.h"
#include "wx/renderer.h"
+#include "wx/stopwatch.h"
+#include "wx/dcgraph.h"
// ============================================================================
// Constants used locally
+ // Get the identifier we use for the specified column. This should be used
+ // for finding columns from identifier only, to initialize the identifier
+ // of a new column use initWithColumnPointer below instead.
+ +(NSString*) identifierForColumnPointer:(const wxDataViewColumn*)column;
+ // Initialize the column with the given pointer to the associated
+ // wxDataViewColumn. This pointer can later be retrieved using
+ // getColumnPointer.
+ -(id) initWithColumnPointer:(const wxDataViewColumn*)column;
+ // Retrieve the associated column.
+ -(wxDataViewColumn*) getColumnPointer;
-(id) dataCellForRow:(NSInteger)row;
@implementation wxDVCNSTableColumn
++(NSString*) identifierForColumnPointer:(const wxDataViewColumn*)column
+ // Starting from OS X 10.7 the column identifier must be an NSString and
+ // not just some arbitrary object, so we serialize the pointer into the
+ // string. Notice the use of NSInteger which is big enough to store a
+ // pointer in both 32 and 64 bit builds.
+ return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%lu", reinterpret_cast<NSUInteger>(column)];
+-(id) initWithColumnPointer:(const wxDataViewColumn*)column
+ [self initWithIdentifier: [wxDVCNSTableColumn identifierForColumnPointer:column]];
+ return self;
+-(wxDataViewColumn*) getColumnPointer
+ // The case to NSString is needed for OS X < 10.7.
+ return reinterpret_cast<wxDataViewColumn*>(
+ [static_cast<NSString*>([self identifier]) integerValue]);
-(id) dataCellForRow:(NSInteger)row
// what we want to do here is to simply return nil for the cells which
// or progress cells in the columns using the corresponding types even for
// the container rows which is wrong
- // half of the problem is just finding the objects we need from the column
- // pointer which is itself stashed inside wxPointerObject which we use as
- // our identifier
- const wxDataViewColumn * const
- dvCol = static_cast<wxDataViewColumn *>(
- [(wxPointerObject *)[self identifier] pointer]
- );
+ const wxDataViewColumn * const dvCol = [self getColumnPointer];
const wxDataViewCtrl * const dvc = dvCol->GetOwner();
const wxCocoaDataViewControl * const
wxCHECK_MSG( renderer, NULL, "column should have a renderer" );
wxDVCNSTableColumn * const nativeColumn(
- [[wxDVCNSTableColumn alloc] initWithIdentifier:
- [[[wxPointerObject alloc] initWithPointer:
- const_cast<wxDataViewColumn*>(column)]
- autorelease]]
+ [[wxDVCNSTableColumn alloc] initWithColumnPointer: column]
// setting the size related parameters:
- const int width = column->GetWidthVariable();
int resizingMask;
if (column->IsResizeable())
[nativeColumn setMinWidth:column->GetMinWidth()];
[nativeColumn setMaxWidth:column->GetMaxWidth()];
- else // column is not resizeable [by user]
+ else // column is not resizable [by user]
// if the control doesn't show a header, make the columns resize
// automatically, this is particularly important for the single column
: NSTableColumnNoResizing;
[nativeColumn setResizingMask:resizingMask];
- [nativeColumn setWidth:width];
// setting the visibility:
item:(id)item childIndex:(NSInteger)index
+ wxUnusedVar(outlineView);
+ wxUnusedVar(index);
NSArray* supportedTypes(
[NSArray arrayWithObjects:DataViewPboardType,NSStringPboardType,nil]
- BOOL dragSuccessful;
+ BOOL dragSuccessful = false;
if ( [bestType compare:DataViewPboardType] == NSOrderedSame )
NSArray* dataArray((NSArray*)
delete dataObjects;
+ return dragSuccessful;
-(id) outlineView:(NSOutlineView*)outlineView
+ wxUnusedVar(outlineView);
if ((item == currentParentItem) &&
(index < ((NSInteger) [self getChildCount])))
return [self getChild:index];
-(BOOL) outlineView:(NSOutlineView*)outlineView isItemExpandable:(id)item
+ wxUnusedVar(outlineView);
wxCHECK_MSG( model, 0, "Valid model in data source does not exist." );
return model->IsContainer(wxDataViewItemFromItem(item));
-(NSInteger) outlineView:(NSOutlineView*)outlineView numberOfChildrenOfItem:(id)item
+ wxUnusedVar(outlineView);
NSInteger noOfChildren;
wxDataViewItemArray dataViewChildren;
+ wxUnusedVar(outlineView);
wxCHECK_MSG( model, nil, "Valid model in data source does not exist." );
- wxDataViewColumn* col(static_cast<wxDataViewColumn*>([[tableColumn identifier] pointer]));
+ wxDataViewColumn* const
+ col([static_cast<wxDVCNSTableColumn*>(tableColumn) getColumnPointer]);
const unsigned colIdx = col->GetModelColumn();
wxDataViewItem dataViewItem(wxDataViewItemFromItem(item));
- wxDataViewColumn* col(static_cast<wxDataViewColumn*>([[tableColumn identifier] pointer]));
+ wxUnusedVar(outlineView);
+ wxDataViewColumn* const
+ col([static_cast<wxDVCNSTableColumn*>(tableColumn) getColumnPointer]);
OSXOnCellChanged(object, wxDataViewItemFromItem(item), col->GetModelColumn());
-(void) outlineView:(NSOutlineView*)outlineView sortDescriptorsDidChange:(NSArray*)oldDescriptors
+ wxUnusedVar(oldDescriptors);
// Warning: the new sort descriptors are guaranteed to be only of type
// NSSortDescriptor! Therefore, the sort descriptors for the data source
// have to be converted.
sortingColumnPtr:dvc->GetColumn([[newDescriptor key] intValue])
ascending:[newDescriptor ascending]] autorelease]];
- [[outlineView dataSource] setSortDescriptors:wxSortDescriptors];
+ [(wxCocoaOutlineDataSource*)[outlineView dataSource] setSortDescriptors:wxSortDescriptors];
// send first the event to wxWidgets that the sorting has changed so that
// the program can do special actions before the sorting actually starts:
- wxDataViewEvent event(wxEVT_COMMAND_DATAVIEW_COLUMN_SORTED,dvc->GetId()); // variable defintion
+ wxDataViewEvent event(wxEVT_COMMAND_DATAVIEW_COLUMN_SORTED,dvc->GetId()); // variable definition
if (noOfDescriptors > 0)
-(NSDragOperation) outlineView:(NSOutlineView*)outlineView validateDrop:(id<NSDraggingInfo>)info proposedItem:(id)item proposedChildIndex:(NSInteger)index
+ wxUnusedVar(outlineView);
+ wxUnusedVar(index);
NSArray* supportedTypes([NSArray arrayWithObjects:DataViewPboardType,NSStringPboardType,nil]);
NSPasteboard* pasteboard([info draggingPasteboard]);
if (bestType == nil)
return NSDragOperationNone;
- NSDragOperation dragOperation;
+ NSDragOperation dragOperation = NSDragOperationNone;
wxDataViewCtrl* const dvc(implementation->GetDataViewCtrl());
wxCHECK_MSG(dvc, false, "Pointer to data view control not set correctly.");
-(BOOL) outlineView:(NSOutlineView*)outlineView writeItems:(NSArray*)writeItems toPasteboard:(NSPasteboard*)pasteboard
+ wxUnusedVar(outlineView);
// the pasteboard will be filled up with an array containing the data as
// returned by the events (including the data type) and a concatenation of
// text (string) data; the text data will only be put onto the pasteboard
if ([writeItems count] > 0)
bool dataStringAvailable(true); // a flag indicating if for all items a data string is available
- NSMutableArray* dataArray = [[NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:[writeItems count]] retain]; // data of all items
+ NSMutableArray* dataArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:[writeItems count]]; // data of all items
wxString dataString; // contains the string data of all items
// send a begin drag event for all selected items and proceed with
@implementation wxCustomCell
+#if 0 // starting implementation for custom cell clicks
+- (id)init
+ self = [super init];
+ [self setAction:@selector(clickedAction)];
+ [self setTarget:self];
+ return self;
+- (void) clickedAction: (id) sender
+ wxUnusedVar(sender);
-(NSSize) cellSize
wxCustomRendererObject * const
wxDataViewCustomRenderer * const renderer = obj->customRenderer;
- wxDC * const dc = renderer->GetDC();
- renderer->WXCallRender(wxFromNSRect(controlView, cellFrame), dc, 0);
- renderer->SetDC(NULL);
+ // if this method is called everything is already setup correctly,
+ CGContextRef context = (CGContextRef) [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] graphicsPort];
+ CGContextSaveGState( context );
+ if ( ![controlView isFlipped] )
+ {
+ CGContextTranslateCTM( context, 0, [controlView bounds].size.height );
+ CGContextScaleCTM( context, 1, -1 );
+ }
+ wxGCDC dc;
+ wxGraphicsContext* gc = wxGraphicsContext::CreateFromNative(context);
+ dc.SetGraphicsContext(gc);
+ int state = 0;
+ if ( [self isHighlighted] )
+ renderer->WXCallRender(wxFromNSRect(controlView, cellFrame), &dc, state);
+ CGContextRestoreGState( context );
-(NSRect) imageRectForBounds:(NSRect)cellFrame
-(void) actionDoubleClick:(id)sender
+ wxUnusedVar(sender);
// actually the documentation (NSTableView 2007-10-31) for doubleAction:
// and setDoubleAction: seems to be wrong as this action message is always
// sent whether the cell is editable or not
-(NSMenu*) menuForEvent:(NSEvent*)theEvent
+ wxUnusedVar(theEvent);
// this method does not do any special menu event handling but only sends
// an event message; therefore, the user has full control if a context
// menu should be shown or not
-(void) outlineView:(NSOutlineView*)outlineView mouseDownInHeaderOfTableColumn:(NSTableColumn*)tableColumn
- wxDataViewColumn* const col(static_cast<wxDataViewColumn*>([[tableColumn identifier] pointer]));
+ wxDataViewColumn* const
+ col([static_cast<wxDVCNSTableColumn*>(tableColumn) getColumnPointer]);
wxDataViewCtrl* const dvc = implementation->GetDataViewCtrl();
-(BOOL) outlineView:(NSOutlineView*)outlineView shouldCollapseItem:(id)item
+ wxUnusedVar(outlineView);
wxDataViewCtrl* const dvc = implementation->GetDataViewCtrl();
wxDataViewEvent event(wxEVT_COMMAND_DATAVIEW_ITEM_COLLAPSING,dvc->GetId());
-(BOOL) outlineView:(NSOutlineView*)outlineView shouldExpandItem:(id)item
+ wxUnusedVar(outlineView);
wxDataViewCtrl* const dvc = implementation->GetDataViewCtrl();
wxDataViewEvent event(wxEVT_COMMAND_DATAVIEW_ITEM_EXPANDING,dvc->GetId());
-(BOOL) outlineView:(NSOutlineView*)outlineView shouldSelectTableColumn:(NSTableColumn*)tableColumn
+ wxUnusedVar(tableColumn);
+ wxUnusedVar(outlineView);
return NO;
+ wxUnusedVar(outlineView);
wxDataViewCtrl * const dvc = implementation->GetDataViewCtrl();
wxDataViewModel * const model = dvc->GetModel();
- wxDataViewColumn * const
- dvCol(static_cast<wxDataViewColumn*>(
- [[tableColumn identifier] pointer]
- )
- );
+ wxDataViewColumn* const
+ dvCol([static_cast<wxDVCNSTableColumn*>(tableColumn) getColumnPointer]);
const unsigned colIdx = dvCol->GetModelColumn();
wxDataViewItem dvItem(wxDataViewItemFromItem(item));
model->GetAttr(dvItem, colIdx, attr);
+ // set the state (enabled/disabled) of the item
+ renderer->OSXApplyEnabled(model->IsEnabled(dvItem, colIdx));
// and finally do draw it
int const newColumnPosition = [[[notification userInfo] objectForKey:@"NSNewColumn"] intValue];
- wxDataViewColumn* const col(static_cast<wxDataViewColumn*>([[[[self tableColumns] objectAtIndex:newColumnPosition] identifier] pointer]));
+ NSTableColumn*
+ tableColumn = [[self tableColumns] objectAtIndex:newColumnPosition];
+ wxDataViewColumn* const
+ col([static_cast<wxDVCNSTableColumn*>(tableColumn) getColumnPointer]);
wxDataViewCtrl* const dvc = implementation->GetDataViewCtrl();
-(void) outlineViewSelectionDidChange:(NSNotification*)notification
+ wxUnusedVar(notification);
wxDataViewCtrl* const dvc = implementation->GetDataViewCtrl();
currentlyEditedColumn = [self editedColumn];
currentlyEditedRow = [self editedRow];
- wxDataViewColumn* const col =
- static_cast<wxDataViewColumn*>(
- [[[[self tableColumns] objectAtIndex:currentlyEditedColumn] identifier] pointer]);
+ NSTableColumn*
+ tableColumn = [[self tableColumns] objectAtIndex:currentlyEditedColumn];
+ wxDataViewColumn* const
+ col([static_cast<wxDVCNSTableColumn*>(tableColumn) getColumnPointer]);
wxDataViewCtrl* const dvc = implementation->GetDataViewCtrl();
// been sent the last edited column/row are valid:
if ( currentlyEditedColumn != -1 && currentlyEditedRow != -1 )
- wxDataViewColumn* const col =
- static_cast<wxDataViewColumn*>(
- [[[[self tableColumns] objectAtIndex:currentlyEditedColumn] identifier] pointer]);
+ NSTableColumn*
+ tableColumn = [[self tableColumns] objectAtIndex:currentlyEditedColumn];
+ wxDataViewColumn* const
+ col([static_cast<wxDVCNSTableColumn*>(tableColumn) getColumnPointer]);
wxDataViewCtrl* const dvc = implementation->GetDataViewCtrl();
[m_OutlineView setOutlineTableColumn:nil]; // due to a bug this does not work
[m_OutlineView removeTableColumn:columnPtr->GetNativeData()->GetNativeColumnPtr()]; // due to a confirmed bug #6555162 the deletion does not work for
// outline table columns (... and there is no workaround)
- return (([m_OutlineView columnWithIdentifier:[[[wxPointerObject alloc] initWithPointer:columnPtr] autorelease]]) == -1);
+ return (([m_OutlineView columnWithIdentifier:[wxDVCNSTableColumn identifierForColumnPointer:columnPtr]]) == -1);
void wxCocoaDataViewControl::DoSetExpanderColumn(const wxDataViewColumn *columnPtr)
wxDataViewColumn* wxCocoaDataViewControl::GetColumn(unsigned int pos) const
- return static_cast<wxDataViewColumn*>([[[[m_OutlineView tableColumns] objectAtIndex:pos] identifier] pointer]);
+ NSTableColumn* tableColumn = [[m_OutlineView tableColumns] objectAtIndex:pos];
+ return [static_cast<wxDVCNSTableColumn*>(tableColumn) getColumnPointer];
int wxCocoaDataViewControl::GetColumnPosition(const wxDataViewColumn *columnPtr) const
- return [m_OutlineView columnWithIdentifier:[[[wxPointerObject alloc] initWithPointer:const_cast<wxDataViewColumn*>(columnPtr)] autorelease]];
+ return [m_OutlineView columnWithIdentifier:[wxDVCNSTableColumn identifierForColumnPointer:columnPtr]];
bool wxCocoaDataViewControl::InsertColumn(unsigned int pos, wxDataViewColumn* columnPtr)
[m_OutlineView addTableColumn:nativeColumn];
if (pos != static_cast<unsigned int>([m_OutlineView numberOfColumns]-1))
[m_OutlineView moveColumn:[m_OutlineView numberOfColumns]-1 toColumn:pos];
+ // set columns width now that it can be computed even for autosized columns:
+ columnPtr->SetWidth(columnPtr->GetWidthVariable());
// done:
return true;
+void wxCocoaDataViewControl::FitColumnWidthToContent(unsigned int pos)
+ const int count = GetCount();
+ NSTableColumn *column = GetColumn(pos)->GetNativeData()->GetNativeColumnPtr();
+ class MaxWidthCalculator
+ {
+ public:
+ MaxWidthCalculator(wxCocoaOutlineView *view,
+ NSTableColumn *column, unsigned columnIndex)
+ : m_width(0),
+ m_view(view),
+ m_column(columnIndex),
+ m_indent(0)
+ {
+ // account for indentation in the column with expander
+ if ( column == [m_view outlineTableColumn] )
+ m_indent = [m_view indentationPerLevel];
+ }
+ void UpdateWithWidth(int width)
+ {
+ m_width = wxMax(m_width, width);
+ }
+ void UpdateWithRow(int row)
+ {
+ NSCell *cell = [m_view preparedCellAtColumn:m_column row:row];
+ unsigned cellWidth = [cell cellSize].width + 1/*round the float up*/;
+ if ( m_indent )
+ cellWidth += m_indent * ([m_view levelForRow:row] + 1);
+ m_width = wxMax(m_width, cellWidth);
+ }
+ int GetMaxWidth() const { return m_width; }
+ private:
+ int m_width;
+ wxCocoaOutlineView *m_view;
+ unsigned m_column;
+ int m_indent;
+ };
+ MaxWidthCalculator calculator(m_OutlineView, column, pos);
+ if ( [column headerCell] )
+ {
+ calculator.UpdateWithWidth([[column headerCell] cellSize].width + 1/*round the float up*/);
+ }
+ // The code below deserves some explanation. For very large controls, we
+ // simply can't afford to calculate sizes for all items, it takes too
+ // long. So the best we can do is to check the first and the last N/2
+ // items in the control for some sufficiently large N and calculate best
+ // sizes from that. That can result in the calculated best width being too
+ // small for some outliers, but it's better to get slightly imperfect
+ // result than to wait several seconds after every update. To avoid highly
+ // visible miscalculations, we also include all currently visible items
+ // no matter what. Finally, the value of N is determined dynamically by
+ // measuring how much time we spent on the determining item widths so far.
+ int top_part_end = count;
+ static const long CALC_TIMEOUT = 20/*ms*/;
+ // don't call wxStopWatch::Time() too often
+ static const unsigned CALC_CHECK_FREQ = 100;
+ wxStopWatch timer;
+ // use some hard-coded limit, that's the best we can do without timer
+ int top_part_end = wxMin(500, count);
+ int row = 0;
+ for ( row = 0; row < top_part_end; row++ )
+ {
+ if ( row % CALC_CHECK_FREQ == CALC_CHECK_FREQ-1 &&
+ timer.Time() > CALC_TIMEOUT )
+ break;
+#endif // wxUSE_STOPWATCH
+ calculator.UpdateWithRow(row);
+ }
+ // row is the first unmeasured item now; that's our value of N/2
+ if ( row < count )
+ {
+ top_part_end = row;
+ // add bottom N/2 items now:
+ const int bottom_part_start = wxMax(row, count - row);
+ for ( row = bottom_part_start; row < count; row++ )
+ calculator.UpdateWithRow(row);
+ // finally, include currently visible items in the calculation:
+ const NSRange visible = [m_OutlineView rowsInRect:[m_OutlineView visibleRect]];
+ const int first_visible = wxMax(visible.location, top_part_end);
+ const int last_visible = wxMin(first_visible + visible.length, bottom_part_start);
+ for ( row = first_visible; row < last_visible; row++ )
+ calculator.UpdateWithRow(row);
+ wxLogTrace("dataview",
+ "determined best size from %d top, %d bottom plus %d more visible items out of %d total",
+ top_part_end,
+ count - bottom_part_start,
+ wxMax(0, last_visible - first_visible),
+ count);
+ }
+ [column setWidth:calculator.GetMaxWidth()];
// item related methods (inherited from wxDataViewWidgetImpl)
bool wxCocoaDataViewControl::Reload()
[m_DataSource clearBuffers];
+ [m_OutlineView reloadData];
[m_OutlineView scrollColumnToVisible:0];
[m_OutlineView scrollRowToVisible:0];
- [m_OutlineView reloadData];
return true;
bool wxCocoaDataViewControl::Update(const wxDataViewColumn *columnPtr)
+ wxUnusedVar(columnPtr);
return false;
// selection related methods (inherited from wxDataViewWidgetImpl)
+wxDataViewItem wxCocoaDataViewControl::GetCurrentItem() const
+ return wxDataViewItem([[m_OutlineView itemAtRow:[m_OutlineView selectedRow]] pointer]);
+wxDataViewColumn *wxCocoaDataViewControl::GetCurrentColumn() const
+ int col = [m_OutlineView selectedColumn];
+ if ( col == -1 )
+ return NULL;
+ return GetColumn(col);
+void wxCocoaDataViewControl::SetCurrentItem(const wxDataViewItem& item)
+ // We can't have unselected current item in a NSTableView, as the
+ // documentation of its deselectRow method explains, the control will
+ // automatically change the current item to the closest still selected item
+ // if the current item is deselected. So we have no choice but to select
+ // the item in the same time as making it current.
+ Select(item);
+int wxCocoaDataViewControl::GetSelectedItemsCount() const
+ return [m_OutlineView numberOfSelectedRows];
int wxCocoaDataViewControl::GetSelections(wxDataViewItemArray& sel) const
NSIndexSet* selectedRowIndexes([m_OutlineView selectedRowIndexes]);
if (item.IsOk())
[m_OutlineView selectRowIndexes:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:[m_OutlineView rowForItem:[m_DataSource getDataViewItemFromBuffer:item]]]
- byExtendingSelection:NO];
+ byExtendingSelection:GetDataViewCtrl()->HasFlag(wxDV_MULTIPLE) ? YES : NO];
void wxCocoaDataViewControl::SelectAll()
for (UInt32 i=0; i<noOfColumns; ++i)
if ([[columns objectAtIndex:i] sortDescriptorPrototype] != nil)
- return static_cast<wxDataViewColumn*>([[[columns objectAtIndex:i] identifier] pointer]);
+ return GetColumn(i);
return NULL;
[m_OutlineView reloadData];
+void wxCocoaDataViewControl::StartEditor( const wxDataViewItem & item, unsigned int column )
+ [m_OutlineView editColumn:column row:[m_OutlineView rowForItem:[m_DataSource getDataViewItemFromBuffer:item]] withEvent:nil select:YES];
// other methods (inherited from wxDataViewWidgetImpl)
indexRow = [m_OutlineView rowAtPoint: nativePoint];
if ((indexColumn >= 0) && (indexRow >= 0))
- columnPtr = static_cast<wxDataViewColumn*>([[[[m_OutlineView tableColumns] objectAtIndex:indexColumn] identifier] pointer]);
+ columnPtr = GetColumn(indexColumn);
item = wxDataViewItem([[m_OutlineView itemAtRow:indexRow] pointer]);
const wxDataViewItem& item,
unsigned col)
- // TODO: we probably should get rid of this code entirely and make this
- // function pure virtual, but currently we still have some native
- // renderers (wxDataViewChoiceRenderer) which don't override it and
- // there is also wxDataViewCustomRenderer for which it's not obvious
- // how it should be implemented so keep this "auto-deduction" of
- // variant type from NSObject for now
+ // TODO: This code should really be removed and this function be made pure
+ // virtual. We just need to decide what to do with custom renderers
+ // (i.e. wxDataViewCustomRenderer), currently OS X "in place" editing
+ // which doesn't really create an editor control is not compatible
+ // with the in place editing under other platforms.
wxVariant value;
if ( [object isKindOfClass:[NSString class]] )
const wxColour& c = attr.GetColour();
- colText = [NSColor colorWithDeviceRed:c.Red() / 255.
+ colText = [NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:c.Red() / 255.
green:c.Green() / 255.
blue:c.Blue() / 255.
alpha:c.Alpha() / 255.];
[(id)cell setTextColor:colText];
+void wxDataViewRenderer::OSXApplyEnabled(bool enabled)
+ [GetNativeData()->GetItemCell() setEnabled:enabled];
// ---------------------------------------------------------
cell = [[NSPopUpButtonCell alloc] init];
[cell setControlSize:NSMiniControlSize];
- [cell setFont:[[NSFont fontWithName:[[cell font] fontName] size:[NSFont systemFontSizeForControlSize:NSMiniControlSize]] autorelease]];
+ [cell setFont:[NSFont fontWithName:[[cell font] fontName] size:[NSFont systemFontSizeForControlSize:NSMiniControlSize]]];
for (size_t i=0; i<choices.GetCount(); ++i)
- [cell addItemWithTitle:[[wxCFStringRef(choices[i]).AsNSString() retain] autorelease]];
+ [cell addItemWithTitle:wxCFStringRef(choices[i]).AsNSString()];
SetNativeData(new wxDataViewRendererNativeData(cell));
[cell release];
+wxDataViewChoiceRenderer::OSXOnCellChanged(NSObject *value,
+ const wxDataViewItem& item,
+ unsigned col)
+ // At least under OS X 10.7 we get the index of the item selected and not
+ // its string.
+ wxDataViewModel *model = GetOwner()->GetOwner()->GetModel();
+ model->ChangeValue(GetChoice(ObjectToLong(value)), item, col);
bool wxDataViewChoiceRenderer::MacRender()
if (GetValue().GetType() == GetVariantType())
iconText << GetValue();
if (iconText.GetIcon().IsOk())
[cell setImage:[[wxBitmap(iconText.GetIcon()).GetNSImage() retain] autorelease]];
+ else
+ [cell setImage:nil];
[cell setStringValue:[[wxCFStringRef(iconText.GetText()).AsNSString() retain] autorelease]];
return true;
int align)
: wxDataViewRenderer(varianttype,mode,align)
+ wxUnusedVar(label);
NSLevelIndicatorCell* cell;
cell = [[NSLevelIndicatorCell alloc] initWithLevelIndicatorStyle:NSContinuousCapacityLevelIndicatorStyle];
InitCommon(width, align, flags);
- if (renderer && (renderer->GetAlignment() == wxDVR_DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT))
+ if (renderer && !renderer->IsCustomRenderer() &&
+ (renderer->GetAlignment() == wxDVR_DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT))
m_NativeDataPtr(new wxDataViewColumnNativeData())
InitCommon(width, align, flags);
- if (renderer && (renderer->GetAlignment() == wxDVR_DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT))
+ if (renderer && !renderer->IsCustomRenderer() &&
+ (renderer->GetAlignment() == wxDVR_DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT))
m_alignment = align;
[[m_NativeDataPtr->GetNativeColumnPtr() headerCell] setAlignment:ConvertToNativeHorizontalTextAlignment(align)];
- if (m_renderer && (m_renderer->GetAlignment() == wxDVR_DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT))
+ if (m_renderer && !m_renderer->IsCustomRenderer() &&
+ (m_renderer->GetAlignment() == wxDVR_DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT))
void wxDataViewColumn::SetReorderable(bool reorderable)
+ wxUnusedVar(reorderable);
+void wxDataViewColumn::SetHidden(bool hidden)
+ // How to set flag here?
+ [m_NativeDataPtr->GetNativeColumnPtr() setHidden:hidden];
-void wxDataViewColumn::SetResizeable(bool resizeable)
+bool wxDataViewColumn::IsHidden() const
- wxDataViewColumnBase::SetResizeable(resizeable);
- if (resizeable)
+ return [m_NativeDataPtr->GetNativeColumnPtr() isHidden];
+void wxDataViewColumn::SetResizeable(bool resizable)
+ wxDataViewColumnBase::SetResizeable(resizable);
+ if (resizable)
[m_NativeDataPtr->GetNativeColumnPtr() setResizingMask:NSTableColumnUserResizingMask];
[m_NativeDataPtr->GetNativeColumnPtr() setResizingMask:NSTableColumnNoResizing];
void wxDataViewColumn::SetSortable(bool sortable)
- wxDataViewColumnBase::SetSortable(sortable);
+ // wxDataViewColumnBase::SetSortable(sortable);
+ // Avoid endless recursion and just set the flag here
+ if (sortable)
+ else
+ m_flags &= ~wxDATAVIEW_COL_SORTABLE;
void wxDataViewColumn::SetSortOrder(bool ascending)
void wxDataViewColumn::SetWidth(int width)
- [m_NativeDataPtr->GetNativeColumnPtr() setWidth:width];
m_width = width;
-void wxDataViewColumn::SetAsSortKey(bool WXUNUSED(sort))
- // see wxGTK native wxDataViewColumn implementation
- wxFAIL_MSG("not implemented");
+ switch ( width )
+ {
+ if ( GetOwner() )
+ {
+ wxCocoaDataViewControl *peer = static_cast<wxCocoaDataViewControl*>(GetOwner()->GetPeer());
+ peer->FitColumnWidthToContent(GetOwner()->GetColumnPosition(this));
+ break;
+ }
+ // fall through if unsupported (OSX < 10.5) or not yet settable
+ width = wxDVC_DEFAULT_WIDTH;
+ // fall through
+ default:
+ [m_NativeDataPtr->GetNativeColumnPtr() setWidth:width];
+ break;
+ }
void wxDataViewColumn::SetNativeData(wxDataViewColumnNativeData* newNativeDataPtr)