+@page page_class_cat Summarized Class List by Category
+This page contains a summarized listing of classes, please see the
+@ref group_class page for a full listing.
+@li @ref page_class_cat_basicwnd
+@li @ref page_class_cat_winlayout
+@li @ref page_class_cat_managedwnd
+@li @ref page_class_cat_menus
+@li @ref page_class_cat_ctrl
+@li @ref page_class_cat_validator
+@li @ref page_class_cat_pickers
+@li @ref page_class_cat_aui
+@li @ref page_class_cat_cmndlg
+@li @ref page_class_cat_html
+@li @ref page_class_cat_miscwnd
+@li @ref page_class_cat_dc
+@li @ref page_class_cat_gdi
+@li @ref page_class_cat_gc
+@li @ref page_class_cat_image
+@li @ref page_class_cat_events
+@li @ref page_class_cat_appmanagement
+@li @ref page_class_cat_printing
+@li @ref page_class_cat_dvf
+@li @ref page_class_cat_dnd
+@li @ref page_class_cat_vfs
+@li @ref page_class_cat_threading
+@li @ref page_class_cat_rtti
+@li @ref page_class_cat_debugging
+@li @ref page_class_cat_logging
+@li @ref page_class_cat_data
+@li @ref page_class_cat_conv
+@li @ref page_class_cat_containers
+@li @ref page_class_cat_smartpointers
+@li @ref page_class_cat_file
+@li @ref page_class_cat_streams
+@li @ref page_class_cat_xml
+@li @ref page_class_cat_xrc
+@li @ref page_class_cat_net
+@li @ref page_class_cat_archive
+@li @ref page_class_cat_ipc
+@li @ref page_class_cat_help
+@li @ref page_class_cat_media
+@li @ref page_class_cat_gl
+@li @ref page_class_cat_misc
+@section page_class_cat_basicwnd Basic Windows
+The following are the most important window classes
+@li wxWindow: base class for all windows and controls
+@li wxControl: base class (mostly) for native controls/widgets
+@li wxPanel: window which can smartly manage child windows
+@li ::wxScrolledWindow: Window with automatically managed scrollbars (see
+ wxScrolled)
+@li wxTopLevelWindow: Any top level window, dialog or frame
+@section page_class_cat_winlayout Window Layout
+There are two different systems for laying out windows (and dialogs in
+particular). One is based upon so-called sizers and it requires less typing,
+thinking and calculating and will in almost all cases produce dialogs looking
+equally well on all platforms, the other is based on so-called constraints and
+is deprecated, though still available.
+Related Overviews: @ref overview_sizer
+These are the classes relevant to sizer-based layout:
+@li wxSizer: Abstract base class
+@li wxGridSizer: A sizer for laying out windows in a grid with all fields
+ having the same size
+@li wxFlexGridSizer: A sizer for laying out windows in a flexible grid
+@li wxGridBagSizer: Another grid sizer that lets you specify the cell an item
+ is in, and items can span rows and/or columns.
+@li wxBoxSizer: A sizer for laying out windows in a row or column
+@li wxStaticBoxSizer: Same as wxBoxSizer, but with a surrounding static box
+@li wxWrapSizer: A sizer which wraps its child controls as size permits
+Other layout classes:
+@li wxLayoutAlgorithm: An alternative window layout facility
+@section page_class_cat_managedwnd Managed Windows
+There are several types of window that are directly controlled by the window
+manager (such as MS Windows, or the Motif Window Manager). Frames and dialogs
+are similar in wxWidgets, but only dialogs may be modal.
+Related Overviews: @ref overview_cmndlg
+@li wxDialog: Dialog box
+@li wxFrame: Normal frame
+@li wxMDIChildFrame: MDI child frame
+@li wxMDIParentFrame: MDI parent frame
+@li wxMiniFrame: A frame with a small title bar
+@li wxPopupWindow: A toplevel window without decorations, e.g. for a combobox pop-up
+@li wxPropertySheetDialog: Property sheet dialog
+@li wxSplashScreen: Splash screen class
+@li wxTipWindow: Shows text in a small window
+@li wxWizard: A wizard dialog
+@section page_class_cat_menus Menus
+@li wxMenu: Displays a series of menu items for selection
+@li wxMenuBar: Contains a series of menus for use with a frame
+@li wxMenuItem: Represents a single menu item
+@section page_class_cat_ctrl Controls
+Typically, these are small windows which provide interaction with the user.
+Controls that are not static can have wxValidator associated with them.
+@li wxAnimationCtrl: A control to display an animation
+@li wxControl: The base class for controls
+@li wxButton: Push button control, displaying text
+@li wxBitmapButton: Push button control, displaying a bitmap
+@li wxBitmapComboBox: A combobox with bitmaps next to text items
+@li wxBitmapToggleButton: A toggle button with bitmaps.
+@li wxCalendarCtrl: Control showing an entire calendar month
+@li wxCheckBox: Checkbox control
+@li wxCheckListBox: A listbox with a checkbox to the left of each item
+@li wxChoice: Choice control (a combobox without the editable area)
+@li wxCollapsiblePane: A panel which can be shown/hidden by the user
+@li wxComboBox: A choice with an editable area
+@li wxComboCtrl: A combobox with application defined popup
+@li wxDataViewCtrl: A control to tabular or tree like data
+@li wxDataViewTreeCtrl: A specialized wxDataViewCtrl with wxTreeCtrl-like API
+@li wxEditableListBox: A listbox with editable items.
+@li wxGauge: A control to represent a varying quantity, such as time remaining
+@li wxGenericDirCtrl: A control for displaying a directory tree
+@li wxGrid: A control to display spread-sheet like data in tabular form
+@li wxHtmlListBox: An abstract class for creating listboxes showing HTML
+ content
+@li wxSimpleHtmlListBox: A listbox showing HTML content
+@li wxStaticBox: A static, or group box for visually grouping related controls
+@li wxListBox: A list of strings for single or multiple selection
+@li wxListCtrl: A control for displaying lists of strings and/or icons, plus a
+ multicolumn report view
+@li wxListView: A simpler interface (façade) for wxListCtrl in report
+ mode
+@li wxNotebook: A notebook class
+@li wxOwnerDrawnComboBox: A combobox with owner-drawn list items
+@li wxPropertyGrid: A complex control to display hierachical, editable information
+@li wxRichTextCtrl: Generic rich text editing control
+@li wxTextCtrl: Single or multiline text editing control
+@li wxToggleButton: A button which stays pressed when clicked by user.
+@li wxTreeCtrl: Tree (hierarchy) control
+@li wxScrollBar: Scrollbar control
+@li wxSpinButton: A spin or `up-down' control
+@li wxSpinCtrl: A spin control - i.e. spin button and text control displaying
+ an integer
+@li wxSpinCtrlDouble: A spin control - i.e. spin button and text control displaying
+ a real number
+@li wxStaticText: One or more lines of non-editable text
+@li wxHyperlinkCtrl: A static text which opens an URL when clicked
+@li wxStaticBitmap: A control to display a bitmap
+@li wxRadioBox: A group of radio buttons
+@li wxRadioButton: A round button to be used with others in a mutually
+ exclusive way
+@li wxStyledTextCtrl: A wxWidgets implementation of the Scintilla source code
+ editing component for plain text editing.
+@li wxSlider: A slider that can be dragged by the user
+@li wxVListBox: A listbox supporting variable height rows
+@section page_class_cat_validator Validators
+These are the window validators, used for filtering and validating user input.
+Related Overviews: @ref overview_validator