from wxPython.wx import *
+import images
class MyCanvas(wxScrolledWindow):
- bmp = wxBitmap('bitmaps/test2.bmp', wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP)
+ bmp = images.getTest2Bitmap()
mask = wxMaskColour(bmp, wxBLUE)
self.bmp = bmp
self.curLine = []
+## This is an example of what to do for the EVT_MOUSEWHEEL event,
+## but since wxScrolledWindow does this already it's not
+## necessary to do it ourselves.
+## wheelScroll = 0
+## def OnWheel(self, evt):
+## delta = evt.GetWheelDelta()
+## rot = evt.GetWheelRotation()
+## linesPer = evt.GetLinesPerAction()
+## ws = self.wheelScroll
+## ws = ws + rot
+## lines = ws / delta
+## ws = ws - lines * delta
+## self.wheelScroll = ws
+## if lines != 0:
+## lines = lines * linesPer
+## vsx, vsy = self.GetViewStart()
+## scrollTo = vsy - lines
+## self.Scroll(-1, scrollTo)
def runTest(frame, nb, log):