# variously stolen code :-)
# It makes copious use of the debhelper utilities written by
# Joey Hess and others.
+# Significantly hacked up in July 2007 by Robin Dunn
#export DH_VERBOSE=1
# A user who knows what they want, that's like gold...
# respect their precious opinion of how much blue smoke to use.
else ifdef DISTCC_HOSTS
# Otherwise, if they have a cluster, try to put it to good use.
JOB_COUNT := $(shell set $${DISTCC_HOSTS} > /dev/null 2>&1 ; echo $$\#)
- # Not much faster, but it might keep you warm in winter...
- #JOB_COUNT := $(shell set $${DISTCC_HOSTS} > /dev/null 2>&1 ; echo $$(($$\# + $$\#)))
--include debian/python-version
+# Find the python version(s) to build for
+PYVERS := $(shell pyversions -vr || pyversions -vs)
+ifeq ($(strip $(PYVERS)),)
+ PYVERS := $(shell python -c 'import sys; print sys.version[:3]')
+ PY_BUILD_DEPS = python$(PYVERS), python$(PYVERS)-dbg, python$(PYVERS)-dev
+ PY_BUILD_DEPS = python-all, python-all-dbg, python-all-dev, python-central
# If another source package is to supply the common binary packages
# for a particular Debian release, then define this variable to indicate
# all if this is to be the default (or only) wx source package for the
# target release.
-# for etch:
# This will extract a flavour out of the name of the source directory
# to correctly set the release below.
DEBIAN_WXFLAVOUR := $(shell pwd | sed -e 's@.*/wxwidgets[0-9.]\+-\?\(.*\)-[0-9.]\+-\?.*@\1@')
-release := $(shell dpkg-parsechangelog | sed -n 's/^Source: wxwidgets//p' | sed 's/-ansi//')
+wx_major_version_number := $(shell sed -n 's/^wx_major_version_number=//p' configure.in)
+wx_minor_version_number := $(shell sed -n 's/^wx_minor_version_number=//p' configure.in)
+wx_release_number := $(shell sed -n 's/^wx_release_number=//p' configure.in)
+wx_subrelease_number := $(shell sed -n 's/^wx_subrelease_number=//p' configure.in)
+##release := $(shell dpkg-parsechangelog | sed -n 's/^Source: wxwidgets//p' | sed 's/-ansi//')
+release := $(wx_major_version_number).$(wx_minor_version_number)
# This is broken completely now by bakefiles changes. Until we add
# some hocus pocus to the main tree, to export these values from it
# are supposed to be compatible), this variable contains the appropriate value
ifeq ($(shell echo `echo $(release) | sed 's/.\+\.\(.\+\)/\1/'`%2 | bc),1)
# development release
- compatible_release := $(release).$(soversion)
+ compatible_release := $(release).$(wx_release_number)
compatible_release := $(release)
# Base value for alternative priorities.
alt_prio := $(subst .,,$(release))
-pytoolkit := gtk2
-pydir := usr/lib/$(python_ver)/site-packages
-wxpydir := $(pydir)/wx-$(compatible_release)-$(pytoolkit)
cross_host := i586-mingw32msvc
cross_build := $(shell ./config.guess)
--with-gtk \
- --with-gnomeprint \
--enable-mediactrl \
--enable-sound \
--with-sdl \
--enable-display \
+ --enable-geometry \
+ --enable-graphics_ctx \
--with-libjpeg=sys \
--with-libpng=sys \
--with-libtiff=sys \
+pytoolkit := gtk2
PY_WX_CONFIG_OPTIONS = --version=$(release) --toolkit=$(pytoolkit) --static=no
ifeq ($(WX_UNICODE),1)
COMMON_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += --enable-unicode
- wxpydir := $(pydir)/wx-$(compatible_release)-$(pytoolkit)-unicode
+ wxpydir := wx-$(compatible_release)-$(pytoolkit)-unicode
# for compatibility with the existing 2.6 packages, we don't use "u" in
# the Unicode (default) package names
# but we do need to use something for non-Unicode packages to distinguish
# them
unicode_suffix := -ansi
+ wxpydir := wx-$(compatible_release)-$(pytoolkit)
ifeq ($(WX_OPENGL),1)
GTK_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS += --without-opengl
-# Packages to build:
+# Packages to build
package_wxbase_lib := libwxbase$(sorelease)$(unicode_suffix)
package_wxbase_dev := libwxbase$(release)$(unicode_suffix)-dev
package_wxbase_dbg := libwxbase$(release)$(unicode_suffix)-dbg
package_gtk_dev := libwxgtk$(release)$(unicode_suffix)-dev
package_gtk_dbg := libwxgtk$(release)$(unicode_suffix)-dbg
-package_gtk_py_lib := python-wxgtk$(release)$(unicode_suffix)
-package_gtk_py_ver = python-wxversion
-package_gtk_py_tools = python-wxtools
package_headers := wx$(release)-headers
package_i18n := wx$(release)-i18n
package_doc := wx$(release)-doc
package_examples := wx$(release)-examples
package_common = wx-common
-# The packages listed here are common to all wx versions, and may be provided
-# by another source package if more than one is in the release simultaneously.
-common_packages := $(package_common) $(package_gtk_py_ver) $(package_gtk_py_tools)
+package_gtk_py_lib := python-wxgtk$(release)$(unicode_suffix)
+package_gtk_py_ver = python-wxversion
+package_gtk_py_tools = python-wxtools
+package_gtk_py_addons = python-wxaddons
package_gtk_dbg_py := python-wxgtk$(release)$(unicode_suffix)-dbg
+# The packages listed here are common to all wx versions, and may be provided
+# by another source package if more than one is in the release simultaneously.
+common_packages := $(package_common) $(package_gtk_py_ver) $(package_gtk_py_tools) $(package_gtk_py_addons)
package_msw_dev := libwxmsw$(release)$(unicode_suffix)-dev
package_msw_dbg := libwxmsw$(release)$(unicode_suffix)-dbg
package_headers_msw := wx$(release)-headers-msw
# The packages listed here will not be built by default.
-extra_packages := $(package_gtk_dbg_py) \
- $(package_msw_dev) $(package_msw_dbg) $(package_headers_msw)
+extra_packages := $(package_msw_dev) $(package_msw_dbg) $(package_headers_msw)
extra_packages += $(common_packages)
-# Build directories:
+# Build directories
objdir_wxbase_shared = objs_wxbase_sh
objdir_wxbase_debug = objs_wxbase_d
objdir_gtk_shared = objs_gtk_sh
$(objdir_msw_shared) $(objdir_msw_static) $(objdir_msw_dbg) \
+# Build stamps:
# note that the i18n package is actually arch indep (once built)
# but must be built (and installed) during the arch any phase as
# it's pulled out of the wxGTK shared lib package.
# all files for it are installed during the arch any phase.
-# Build stamps:
build_arch_stamps = build-wxbase-shared-stamp build-wxbase-debug-stamp \
build-gtk-shared-stamp build-gtk-shared-contrib-stamp \
build-gtk-debug-stamp build-gtk-debug-contrib-stamp \
- build-i18n-stamp build-gtk-py-stamp
+ build-i18n-stamp build-gtk-py-stamp build-gtk-dbg-py-stamp
build_indep_stamps = build-examples-stamp build-doc-stamp
build_stamps := $(build_stamps_native) $(build_cross_stamps)
# Install targets:
-install_all_arch = install-wxbase-lib install-wxbase-dev install-wxbase-dbg \
- install-gtk-lib install-gtk-dev install-gtk-dbg \
- install-headers install-i18n \
- install-gtk-py
+install_all_arch = install-wxbase-lib install-wxbase-dev install-wxbase-dbg \
+ install-gtk-lib install-gtk-dev install-gtk-dbg \
+ install-headers install-i18n install-gtk-py install-gtk-dbg-py
install_all_arch += install-common
install_all_indep = install-examples install-doc
install_all := $(install_all_native) $(install_all_cross)
-# wxPython uses this to build in-tree
-wxconfig := $(shell pwd)/$(objdir_gtk_shared)/wx-config --no_rpath
-wxconfig-dbg := $(shell pwd)/$(objdir_gtk_debug)/wx-config --no_rpath
-# and this after it is installed.
-py_wxconfig := wx-config $(PY_WX_CONFIG_OPTIONS) --debug=no
-pyd_wxconfig := wx-config $(PY_WX_CONFIG_OPTIONS) --debug
-#contrib_libs := $(subst CVS,,$(notdir $(wildcard contrib/include/wx/*)))
+# Setup Rules:
-# The Rules:
- echo python_ver := python$(shell python -c "import sys;print sys.version[:3]") > $@
-debian/control: $(addprefix debian/,control.in python-version)
- sed -e 's/=V/$(release)/g;s/=SOV/$(sorelease)/g;s/=PY/$(python_ver)/g;s/=U/$(unicode_suffix)/g'\
+debian/control: debian/control.in debian/rules
+ sed -e 's/=V/$(release)/g; '\
+' s/=SOV/$(sorelease)/g; '\
+' s/=U/$(unicode_suffix)/g; '\
< debian/control.in > debian/control
control-files-stamp: debian/control
@for f in docs postinst prerm; do \
echo "generating control file $(package_gtk_py_lib).$$f"; \
- sed -e 's/=PY/$(python_ver)/g; '\
+ sed -e 's/=PYVERS/$(PYVERS)/g; '\
' s|=WXPYDIR|$(wxpydir)|g; '\
' s/=V/$(release)/g; '\
' s/=PRIO/$(alt_prio)/g' \
< debian/python-wxgtk.$$f \
> debian/$(package_gtk_py_lib).$$f; \
- @for f in postinst prerm; do \
- echo "generating control file $(package_gtk_dbg_py).$$f"; \
- sed -e 's/=PY/$(python_ver)/g; '\
-' s/=V/$(release)/g; '\
-' s/=PRIO/$(alt_prio)/g' \
- < debian/python-wxgtk-dbg.$$f \
- > debian/$(package_gtk_dbg_py).$$f; \
- done;
@echo "generating control file $(package_gtk_dbg_py).docs";
@cp debian/python-wxgtk.docs debian/$(package_gtk_dbg_py).docs;
@for f in docs doc-base; do \
> debian/lintian-override; \
touch $@
+# wx Build rules
build_arch: control-files-stamp $(build_arch_stamps)
build_all: control-files-stamp $(build_stamps_native)
# libwxbase. We need to configure it here in order to get the correct
# config files to use it alone, but there is no point building it as the
# wxgtk build is going to do that again anyway. We'll move the relevant
-# files out when that is done.
+# files out when that is done.
+# TODO: Is this still necessary? Can we just take the wxbase files
+# from the wxgui build now without special treatment?
build-doc-stamp: build-gtk-shared-stamp
- cd $(objdir_gtk_shared)/utils/tex2rtf/src && $(FAST_MAKE)
- rm -rf $(objdir_doc)
- rm -rf $(objdir_doc_cruft)
- mkdir $(objdir_doc)
- mkdir $(objdir_doc_cruft)
- cd $(objdir_doc_cruft) \
- && LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../$(objdir_gtk_shared)/lib:$(LD_LIBRARY_PATH) \
- ../$(objdir_gtk_shared)/utils/tex2rtf/src/tex2rtf \
- ../docs/latex/wx/manual.tex \
- ../$(objdir_doc)/wx$(release)-manual.html \
- -twice -html
- cp docs/latex/wx/*.gif $(objdir_doc)
- rm -rf $(objdir_doc_cruft)
- rm -f $(objdir_doc)/wx$(release)-manual.{con,hh*,htx,ref}
+ # the tarball may already have the generated docs in it
+ if [ ! -e docs/html/wx/index.html ]; then \
+ cd $(objdir_gtk_shared)/utils/tex2rtf/src && $(FAST_MAKE); \
+ cd -; \
+ rm -rf $(objdir_doc); \
+ rm -rf $(objdir_doc_cruft); \
+ mkdir $(objdir_doc); \
+ mkdir $(objdir_doc_cruft); \
+ cd $(objdir_doc_cruft); \
+ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../$(objdir_gtk_shared)/lib:$(LD_LIBRARY_PATH) \
+ ../$(objdir_gtk_shared)/utils/tex2rtf/src/tex2rtf \
+ ../docs/latex/wx/manual.tex \
+ ../$(objdir_doc)/wx$(release)-manual.html \
+ -twice -html; \
+ cd -; \
+ cp docs/latex/wx/*.gif $(objdir_doc); \
+ rm -rf $(objdir_doc_cruft); \
+ rm -f $(objdir_doc)/wx$(release)-manual.{con,hh*,htx,ref}; \
+ else \
+ echo Copying docs...; \
+ mkdir -p $(objdir_doc); \
+ cp docs/html/wx/* $(objdir_doc); \
+ mv $(objdir_doc)/index.html $(objdir_doc)/wx-$(release)-manual_contents.html; \
+ fi
touch $@
build-examples-stamp: build-gtk-shared-stamp
cd $(objdir_msw_dbg) && $(FAST_MAKE)
touch $@
+# Cleaning rules
- cd wxPython && rm -rf licence build* docs/xml-raw wx/*.py
- # What to do about src/__version__.py ???
+ cd wxPython && rm -rf licence build* docs/xml-raw wx/*.py src/__version__.py
-# We do the equivalent of this above by removing build, unfortunately
-# its not enough by itself to get the tree properly clean again.
-# && ./setup.py clean
clean: debian/control clean-py
rm -f debian/$(package_msw_dbg).*
rm -f debian/lintian-override
rm -f debian/unpack_examples.sh
+ find -name '*.py[co]' | xargs -r rm -f
+ rm -rf include/wx-$(release)
+# wx Install Rules
install_arch: build_arch $(install_all_arch)
rm debian/$(package_gtk_py_lib)/$(pydir)/wxversion.py
install-gtk-py-tools: DH_OPTIONS=-p$(package_gtk_py_tools)
install-gtk-py-tools: install-gtk-py-ver
rm -r debian/$(package_gtk_py_lib)/usr/bin
-install-gtk-py: install-gtk-py-tools
+install-gtk-py-addons: DH_OPTIONS=-p$(package_gtk_py_addons)
+install-gtk-py-addons: install-gtk-py-tools
+ dh_testdir
+ dh_testroot
+ dh_clean -k
+ dh_movefiles --sourcedir=debian/$(package_gtk_py_lib) $(pydir)/wxaddons
+ rm -r debian/$(package_gtk_py_lib)/$(pydir)/wxaddons
+install-gtk-py: install-gtk-py-addons
install-common: DH_OPTIONS=-p$(package_common)
# dh_movefiles --sourcedir=$(objdir_univ_install)
dh_install $(objdir_gtk_install)/include usr
+ # TODO: Should probably use setup.py's install of the wxPython headers...
+ mkdir -p debian/$(package_headers)/usr/include/wx-$(release)/wx/wxPython
+ cp -p wxPython/include/wx/wxPython/*.h \
+ debian/$(package_headers)/usr/include/wx-$(release)/wx/wxPython/
install-i18n: DH_OPTIONS=-p$(package_i18n)
install-i18n: build-i18n-stamp install-gtk-shared-stamp
dh_clean -k
dh_install $(objdir_gtk_install)/share/locale usr/share
install-doc: DH_OPTIONS=-p$(package_doc)
install-doc: build-doc-stamp
dh_clean -k
+ dh_install $(objdir_doc) usr/share/doc/$(package_doc)
@# Link this monstrosity with an overly obfuscated name
@# to something that both people and browsers can expect to find.
dh_link usr/share/doc/$(package_doc)/wx-manual.html/wx-$(release)-manual_contents.html \
install-examples: DH_OPTIONS=-p$(package_examples)
install-examples: build-examples-stamp
dh_install $(objdir_msw_install)/include/wx-$(release)/wx/msw usr/$(cross_host)/include/wx-$(release)/wx
- dh_testdir
- dh_testroot
- dh_installdocs
- dh_installchangelogs
- dh_installexamples
- dh_installmenu
- dh_link
- @# Don't strip debug libs at all, and strip cross libs elsewhere
- @# with the cross host tools until dh_strip gets smarter.
- dh_strip -N$(package_gtk_dbg) -N$(package_wxbase_dbg) \
- -N$(package_msw_dev) -N$(package_msw_dbg)
- dh_compress
- dh_fixperms
- @# Don't do this for the dbg-py special build because dh_makeshlibs
- @# will crap out if it is called with no packages to act on.
- @if [ "x$(DH_OPTIONS)" != "-p$(package_gtk_dbg_py)" ]; then \
- echo "dh_makeshlibs -N$(package_gtk_py_lib) -V"; \
- dh_makeshlibs -N$(package_gtk_py_lib) -V; \
- fi
+# Tying it all together
- dh_installdeb
- dh_shlibdeps -ldebian/$(package_wxbase_lib)/usr/lib:debian/$(package_wxbase_dbg)/usr/lib:debian/$(package_gtk_lib)/usr/lib:debian/$(package_gtk_dbg)/usr/lib
- dh_gencontrol
- dh_md5sums
- dh_builddeb
-# Build architecture-independent files here.
-# Note that you currently can't build the indep packages without first
-# building the arch specific package files needed to create them.
binary-indep: build_all install
- $(MAKE) -f debian/rules \
- DH_OPTIONS="-i $(addprefix -N,$(extra_packages))" \
- binary-common
+ dh_testdir -i
+ dh_testroot -i
+ dh_installdocs -i
+ dh_installchangelogs -i
+ dh_installexamples -i
+ dh_installmenu -i
+ dh_python -i
+ dh_pycentral -i
+ dh_link -i
+ dh_compress -i
+ dh_fixperms -i
+ dh_installdeb -i
+ dh_gencontrol -i
+ dh_md5sums -i
+ dh_builddeb -i
-# Build just the architecture-dependent files here.
binary-arch: build_arch install_arch
- $(MAKE) -f debian/rules \
- DH_OPTIONS="-a $(addprefix -N,$(extra_packages))" \
- binary-common
+ dh_testdir -a
+ dh_testroot -a
+ dh_installdocs -a
+ dh_installchangelogs -a
+ dh_installexamples -a
+ dh_installmenu -a
+ rm -rf debian/$(package_gtk_dbg_py)/usr/share/doc/$(package_gtk_dbg_py)
+ ln -s $(package_gtk_py_lib) debian/$(package_gtk_dbg_py)/usr/share/doc/$(package_gtk_dbg_py)
+ dh_python -a
+ dh_pycentral -a
+# Don't strip debug libs at all, and strip cross libs elsewhere
+# with the cross host tools until dh_strip gets smarter.
+ dh_strip -p$(package_gtk_py_lib) --dbg-package=$(package_gtk_dbg_py)
+ dh_strip -N$(package_gtk_dbg) -N$(package_wxbase_dbg) \
+ -N$(package_msw_dev) -N$(package_msw_dbg) \
+ -N$(package_gtk_py_lib) -N$(package_gtk_dbg_py)
+ dh_link -a
+ dh_compress -a
+ dh_fixperms -a
+ dh_makeshlibs -N$(package_gtk_py_lib) -N$(package_gtk_dbg_py) -V
+ dh_installdeb -a
+ dh_shlibdeps -ldebian/$(package_wxbase_lib)/usr/lib:debian/$(package_wxbase_dbg)/usr/lib:debian/$(package_gtk_lib)/usr/lib:debian/$(package_gtk_dbg)/usr/lib
+ dh_gencontrol -a
+ dh_md5sums -a
+ dh_builddeb -a
# Build all packages target.
-binary: binary-arch binary-indep
+binary: binary-indep binary-arch
# This is a special target for building the wxMSW-cross packages.
-# Build wxPython against libwxgtk-dbg. This package will conflict
-# with the release build one, but may be useful to some people.
-binary-dbg-py: control-files-stamp install-gtk-dbg-py
- $(MAKE) -f debian/rules DH_OPTIONS="-p$(package_gtk_dbg_py)" binary-common
# Some rules to build a subset of the complete list of packages that can be