+ else
+ {
+ if (buf)
+ *buf++ = '+';
+ len++;
+ if (cc != '+')
+ {
+ // BASE64 encode string
+ unsigned int lsb, d, l;
+ for (d = 0, l = 0; /*nothing*/; psz++)
+ {
+ for (lsb = 0; lsb < 2; lsb ++)
+ {
+ d <<= 8;
+ d += lsb ? cc & 0xff : (cc & 0xff00) >> 8;
+ for (l += 8; l >= 6; )
+ {
+ l -= 6;
+ if (buf)
+ *buf++ = utf7enb64[(d >> l) % 64];
+ len++;
+ }
+ }
+ cc = *psz;
+ if (!(cc) || (cc < 0x80 && utf7encode[cc] < 1))
+ break;
+ }
+ if (l != 0)
+ {
+ if (buf)
+ *buf++ = utf7enb64[((d % 16) << (6 - l)) % 64];
+ len++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (buf)
+ *buf++ = '-';
+ len++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (buf && (len < n))
+ *buf = 0;
+ return len;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// UTF-8
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+static wxUint32 utf8_max[]=
+ { 0x7f, 0x7ff, 0xffff, 0x1fffff, 0x3ffffff, 0x7fffffff, 0xffffffff };
+// boundaries of the private use area we use to (temporarily) remap invalid
+// characters invalid in a UTF-8 encoded string
+const wxUint32 wxUnicodePUA = 0x100000;
+const wxUint32 wxUnicodePUAEnd = wxUnicodePUA + 256;
+size_t wxMBConvUTF8::MB2WC(wchar_t *buf, const char *psz, size_t n) const
+ size_t len = 0;
+ while (*psz && ((!buf) || (len < n)))
+ {
+ const char *opsz = psz;
+ bool invalid = false;
+ unsigned char cc = *psz++, fc = cc;
+ unsigned cnt;
+ for (cnt = 0; fc & 0x80; cnt++)
+ fc <<= 1;
+ if (!cnt)
+ {
+ // plain ASCII char
+ if (buf)
+ *buf++ = cc;
+ len++;
+ // escape the escape character for octal escapes
+ if ((m_options & MAP_INVALID_UTF8_TO_OCTAL)
+ && cc == '\\' && (!buf || len < n))
+ {
+ if (buf)
+ *buf++ = cc;
+ len++;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cnt--;
+ if (!cnt)
+ {
+ // invalid UTF-8 sequence
+ invalid = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ unsigned ocnt = cnt - 1;
+ wxUint32 res = cc & (0x3f >> cnt);
+ while (cnt--)
+ {
+ cc = *psz;
+ if ((cc & 0xC0) != 0x80)
+ {
+ // invalid UTF-8 sequence
+ invalid = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ psz++;
+ res = (res << 6) | (cc & 0x3f);
+ }
+ if (invalid || res <= utf8_max[ocnt])
+ {
+ // illegal UTF-8 encoding
+ invalid = true;
+ }
+ else if ((m_options & MAP_INVALID_UTF8_TO_PUA) &&
+ res >= wxUnicodePUA && res < wxUnicodePUAEnd)
+ {
+ // if one of our PUA characters turns up externally
+ // it must also be treated as an illegal sequence
+ // (a bit like you have to escape an escape character)
+ invalid = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+#ifdef WC_UTF16
+ // cast is ok because wchar_t == wxUuint16 if WC_UTF16
+ size_t pa = encode_utf16(res, (wxUint16 *)buf);
+ if (pa == wxCONV_FAILED)
+ {
+ invalid = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (buf)
+ buf += pa;
+ len += pa;
+ }
+#else // !WC_UTF16
+ if (buf)
+ *buf++ = (wchar_t)res;
+ len++;
+#endif // WC_UTF16/!WC_UTF16
+ }
+ }
+ if (invalid)
+ {
+ if (m_options & MAP_INVALID_UTF8_TO_PUA)
+ {
+ while (opsz < psz && (!buf || len < n))
+ {
+#ifdef WC_UTF16
+ // cast is ok because wchar_t == wxUuint16 if WC_UTF16
+ size_t pa = encode_utf16((unsigned char)*opsz + wxUnicodePUA, (wxUint16 *)buf);
+ wxASSERT(pa != wxCONV_FAILED);
+ if (buf)
+ buf += pa;
+ opsz++;
+ len += pa;
+ if (buf)
+ *buf++ = (wchar_t)(wxUnicodePUA + (unsigned char)*opsz);
+ opsz++;
+ len++;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (m_options & MAP_INVALID_UTF8_TO_OCTAL)
+ {
+ while (opsz < psz && (!buf || len < n))
+ {
+ if ( buf && len + 3 < n )
+ {
+ unsigned char on = *opsz;
+ *buf++ = L'\\';
+ *buf++ = (wchar_t)( L'0' + on / 0100 );
+ *buf++ = (wchar_t)( L'0' + (on % 0100) / 010 );
+ *buf++ = (wchar_t)( L'0' + on % 010 );
+ }
+ opsz++;
+ len += 4;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ return wxCONV_FAILED;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (buf && (len < n))
+ *buf = 0;
+ return len;
+static inline bool isoctal(wchar_t wch)
+ return L'0' <= wch && wch <= L'7';
+size_t wxMBConvUTF8::WC2MB(char *buf, const wchar_t *psz, size_t n) const
+ size_t len = 0;
+ while (*psz && ((!buf) || (len < n)))
+ {
+ wxUint32 cc;
+#ifdef WC_UTF16
+ // cast is ok for WC_UTF16
+ size_t pa = decode_utf16((const wxUint16 *)psz, cc);
+ psz += (pa == wxCONV_FAILED) ? 1 : pa;
+ cc = (*psz++) & 0x7fffffff;
+ if ( (m_options & MAP_INVALID_UTF8_TO_PUA)
+ && cc >= wxUnicodePUA && cc < wxUnicodePUAEnd )
+ {
+ if (buf)
+ *buf++ = (char)(cc - wxUnicodePUA);
+ len++;
+ }
+ else if ( (m_options & MAP_INVALID_UTF8_TO_OCTAL)
+ && cc == L'\\' && psz[0] == L'\\' )
+ {
+ if (buf)
+ *buf++ = (char)cc;
+ psz++;
+ len++;
+ }
+ else if ( (m_options & MAP_INVALID_UTF8_TO_OCTAL) &&
+ cc == L'\\' &&
+ isoctal(psz[0]) && isoctal(psz[1]) && isoctal(psz[2]) )
+ {
+ if (buf)
+ {
+ *buf++ = (char) ((psz[0] - L'0') * 0100 +
+ (psz[1] - L'0') * 010 +
+ (psz[2] - L'0'));
+ }
+ psz += 3;
+ len++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ unsigned cnt;
+ for (cnt = 0; cc > utf8_max[cnt]; cnt++)
+ {
+ }
+ if (!cnt)
+ {
+ // plain ASCII char
+ if (buf)
+ *buf++ = (char) cc;
+ len++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ len += cnt + 1;
+ if (buf)
+ {
+ *buf++ = (char) ((-128 >> cnt) | ((cc >> (cnt * 6)) & (0x3f >> cnt)));
+ while (cnt--)
+ *buf++ = (char) (0x80 | ((cc >> (cnt * 6)) & 0x3f));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (buf && (len < n))
+ *buf = 0;
+ return len;
+// ============================================================================
+// UTF-16
+// ============================================================================
+ #define wxMBConvUTF16straight wxMBConvUTF16BE
+ #define wxMBConvUTF16swap wxMBConvUTF16LE
+ #define wxMBConvUTF16swap wxMBConvUTF16BE
+ #define wxMBConvUTF16straight wxMBConvUTF16LE
+/* static */
+size_t wxMBConvUTF16Base::GetLength(const char *src, size_t srcLen)
+ if ( srcLen == wxNO_LEN )
+ {
+ // count the number of bytes in input, including the trailing NULs
+ const wxUint16 *inBuff = wx_reinterpret_cast(const wxUint16 *, src);
+ for ( srcLen = 1; *inBuff++; srcLen++ )
+ ;
+ srcLen *= BYTES_PER_CHAR;
+ }
+ else // we already have the length
+ {
+ // we can only convert an entire number of UTF-16 characters
+ if ( srcLen % BYTES_PER_CHAR )
+ return wxCONV_FAILED;
+ }
+ return srcLen;
+// case when in-memory representation is UTF-16 too
+#ifdef WC_UTF16
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// conversions without endianness change
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+wxMBConvUTF16straight::ToWChar(wchar_t *dst, size_t dstLen,
+ const char *src, size_t srcLen) const
+ // set up the scene for using memcpy() (which is presumably more efficient
+ // than copying the bytes one by one)
+ srcLen = GetLength(src, srcLen);
+ if ( srcLen == wxNO_LEN )
+ return wxCONV_FAILED;
+ const size_t inLen = srcLen / BYTES_PER_CHAR;
+ if ( dst )
+ {
+ if ( dstLen < inLen )
+ return wxCONV_FAILED;
+ memcpy(dst, src, srcLen);
+ }
+ return inLen;
+wxMBConvUTF16straight::FromWChar(char *dst, size_t dstLen,
+ const wchar_t *src, size_t srcLen) const
+ if ( srcLen == wxNO_LEN )
+ srcLen = wxWcslen(src) + 1;
+ srcLen *= BYTES_PER_CHAR;
+ if ( dst )
+ {
+ if ( dstLen < srcLen )
+ return wxCONV_FAILED;
+ memcpy(dst, src, srcLen);
+ }
+ return srcLen;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// endian-reversing conversions
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+wxMBConvUTF16swap::ToWChar(wchar_t *dst, size_t dstLen,
+ const char *src, size_t srcLen) const
+ srcLen = GetLength(src, srcLen);
+ if ( srcLen == wxNO_LEN )
+ return wxCONV_FAILED;
+ srcLen /= BYTES_PER_CHAR;
+ if ( dst )
+ {
+ if ( dstLen < srcLen )
+ return wxCONV_FAILED;
+ const wxUint16 *inBuff = wx_reinterpret_cast(const wxUint16 *, src);
+ for ( size_t n = 0; n < srcLen; n++, inBuff++ )
+ {
+ *dst++ = wxUINT16_SWAP_ALWAYS(*inBuff);
+ }
+ }
+ return srcLen;
+wxMBConvUTF16swap::FromWChar(char *dst, size_t dstLen,
+ const wchar_t *src, size_t srcLen) const
+ if ( srcLen == wxNO_LEN )
+ srcLen = wxWcslen(src) + 1;
+ srcLen *= BYTES_PER_CHAR;
+ if ( dst )
+ {
+ if ( dstLen < srcLen )
+ return wxCONV_FAILED;
+ wxUint16 *outBuff = wx_reinterpret_cast(wxUint16 *, dst);
+ for ( size_t n = 0; n < srcLen; n += BYTES_PER_CHAR, src++ )
+ {
+ *outBuff++ = wxUINT16_SWAP_ALWAYS(*src);
+ }
+ }
+ return srcLen;
+#else // !WC_UTF16: wchar_t is UTF-32
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// conversions without endianness change
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+wxMBConvUTF16straight::ToWChar(wchar_t *dst, size_t dstLen,
+ const char *src, size_t srcLen) const
+ srcLen = GetLength(src, srcLen);
+ if ( srcLen == wxNO_LEN )
+ return wxCONV_FAILED;
+ const size_t inLen = srcLen / BYTES_PER_CHAR;
+ if ( !dst )
+ {
+ // optimization: return maximal space which could be needed for this
+ // string even if the real size could be smaller if the buffer contains
+ // any surrogates
+ return inLen;
+ }
+ size_t outLen = 0;
+ const wxUint16 *inBuff = wx_reinterpret_cast(const wxUint16 *, src);
+ for ( const wxUint16 * const inEnd = inBuff + inLen; inBuff < inEnd; )
+ {
+ const wxUint32 ch = wxDecodeSurrogate(&inBuff);
+ if ( !inBuff )
+ return wxCONV_FAILED;
+ if ( ++outLen > dstLen )
+ return wxCONV_FAILED;
+ *dst++ = ch;
+ }
+ return outLen;
+wxMBConvUTF16straight::FromWChar(char *dst, size_t dstLen,
+ const wchar_t *src, size_t srcLen) const
+ if ( srcLen == wxNO_LEN )
+ srcLen = wxWcslen(src) + 1;
+ size_t outLen = 0;
+ wxUint16 *outBuff = wx_reinterpret_cast(wxUint16 *, dst);
+ for ( size_t n = 0; n < srcLen; n++ )
+ {
+ wxUint16 cc[2];
+ const size_t numChars = encode_utf16(*src++, cc);
+ if ( numChars == wxCONV_FAILED )
+ return wxCONV_FAILED;
+ outLen += numChars * BYTES_PER_CHAR;
+ if ( outBuff )
+ {
+ if ( outLen > dstLen )
+ return wxCONV_FAILED;
+ *outBuff++ = cc[0];
+ if ( numChars == 2 )
+ {
+ // second character of a surrogate
+ *outBuff++ = cc[1];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return outLen;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// endian-reversing conversions
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+wxMBConvUTF16swap::ToWChar(wchar_t *dst, size_t dstLen,
+ const char *src, size_t srcLen) const
+ srcLen = GetLength(src, srcLen);
+ if ( srcLen == wxNO_LEN )
+ return wxCONV_FAILED;
+ const size_t inLen = srcLen / BYTES_PER_CHAR;
+ if ( !dst )
+ {
+ // optimization: return maximal space which could be needed for this
+ // string even if the real size could be smaller if the buffer contains
+ // any surrogates
+ return inLen;
+ }
+ size_t outLen = 0;
+ const wxUint16 *inBuff = wx_reinterpret_cast(const wxUint16 *, src);
+ for ( const wxUint16 * const inEnd = inBuff + inLen; inBuff < inEnd; )
+ {
+ wxUint32 ch;
+ wxUint16 tmp[2];
+ tmp[0] = wxUINT16_SWAP_ALWAYS(*inBuff);
+ inBuff++;
+ tmp[1] = wxUINT16_SWAP_ALWAYS(*inBuff);
+ const size_t numChars = decode_utf16(tmp, ch);
+ if ( numChars == wxCONV_FAILED )
+ return wxCONV_FAILED;
+ if ( numChars == 2 )
+ inBuff++;
+ if ( ++outLen > dstLen )
+ return wxCONV_FAILED;
+ *dst++ = ch;
+ }
+ return outLen;
+wxMBConvUTF16swap::FromWChar(char *dst, size_t dstLen,
+ const wchar_t *src, size_t srcLen) const
+ if ( srcLen == wxNO_LEN )
+ srcLen = wxWcslen(src) + 1;
+ size_t outLen = 0;
+ wxUint16 *outBuff = wx_reinterpret_cast(wxUint16 *, dst);
+ for ( const wchar_t *srcEnd = src + srcLen; src < srcEnd; src++ )
+ {
+ wxUint16 cc[2];
+ const size_t numChars = encode_utf16(*src, cc);
+ if ( numChars == wxCONV_FAILED )
+ return wxCONV_FAILED;
+ outLen += numChars * BYTES_PER_CHAR;
+ if ( outBuff )
+ {
+ if ( outLen > dstLen )
+ return wxCONV_FAILED;
+ *outBuff++ = wxUINT16_SWAP_ALWAYS(cc[0]);
+ if ( numChars == 2 )
+ {
+ // second character of a surrogate
+ *outBuff++ = wxUINT16_SWAP_ALWAYS(cc[1]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return outLen;
+#endif // WC_UTF16/!WC_UTF16
+// ============================================================================
+// UTF-32
+// ============================================================================
+ #define wxMBConvUTF32straight wxMBConvUTF32BE
+ #define wxMBConvUTF32swap wxMBConvUTF32LE
+ #define wxMBConvUTF32swap wxMBConvUTF32BE
+ #define wxMBConvUTF32straight wxMBConvUTF32LE
+/* static */
+size_t wxMBConvUTF32Base::GetLength(const char *src, size_t srcLen)
+ if ( srcLen == wxNO_LEN )
+ {
+ // count the number of bytes in input, including the trailing NULs
+ const wxUint32 *inBuff = wx_reinterpret_cast(const wxUint32 *, src);
+ for ( srcLen = 1; *inBuff++; srcLen++ )
+ ;
+ srcLen *= BYTES_PER_CHAR;
+ }
+ else // we already have the length
+ {
+ // we can only convert an entire number of UTF-32 characters
+ if ( srcLen % BYTES_PER_CHAR )
+ return wxCONV_FAILED;
+ }
+ return srcLen;
+// case when in-memory representation is UTF-16
+#ifdef WC_UTF16
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// conversions without endianness change
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+wxMBConvUTF32straight::ToWChar(wchar_t *dst, size_t dstLen,
+ const char *src, size_t srcLen) const
+ srcLen = GetLength(src, srcLen);
+ if ( srcLen == wxNO_LEN )
+ return wxCONV_FAILED;
+ const wxUint32 *inBuff = wx_reinterpret_cast(const wxUint32 *, src);
+ const size_t inLen = srcLen / BYTES_PER_CHAR;
+ size_t outLen = 0;
+ for ( size_t n = 0; n < inLen; n++ )
+ {
+ wxUint16 cc[2];
+ const size_t numChars = encode_utf16(*inBuff++, cc);
+ if ( numChars == wxCONV_FAILED )
+ return wxCONV_FAILED;
+ outLen += numChars;
+ if ( dst )
+ {
+ if ( outLen > dstLen )
+ return wxCONV_FAILED;
+ *dst++ = cc[0];
+ if ( numChars == 2 )
+ {
+ // second character of a surrogate
+ *dst++ = cc[1];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return outLen;
+wxMBConvUTF32straight::FromWChar(char *dst, size_t dstLen,
+ const wchar_t *src, size_t srcLen) const
+ if ( srcLen == wxNO_LEN )
+ srcLen = wxWcslen(src) + 1;
+ if ( !dst )
+ {
+ // optimization: return maximal space which could be needed for this
+ // string instead of the exact amount which could be less if there are
+ // any surrogates in the input
+ //
+ // we consider that surrogates are rare enough to make it worthwhile to
+ // avoid running the loop below at the cost of slightly extra memory
+ // consumption
+ return srcLen * BYTES_PER_CHAR;
+ }
+ wxUint32 *outBuff = wx_reinterpret_cast(wxUint32 *, dst);
+ size_t outLen = 0;
+ for ( const wchar_t * const srcEnd = src + srcLen; src < srcEnd; )
+ {
+ const wxUint32 ch = wxDecodeSurrogate(&src);
+ if ( !src )
+ return wxCONV_FAILED;
+ outLen += BYTES_PER_CHAR;
+ if ( outLen > dstLen )
+ return wxCONV_FAILED;
+ *outBuff++ = ch;
+ }
+ return outLen;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// endian-reversing conversions
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+wxMBConvUTF32swap::ToWChar(wchar_t *dst, size_t dstLen,
+ const char *src, size_t srcLen) const
+ srcLen = GetLength(src, srcLen);
+ if ( srcLen == wxNO_LEN )
+ return wxCONV_FAILED;
+ const wxUint32 *inBuff = wx_reinterpret_cast(const wxUint32 *, src);
+ const size_t inLen = srcLen / BYTES_PER_CHAR;
+ size_t outLen = 0;
+ for ( size_t n = 0; n < inLen; n++, inBuff++ )
+ {
+ wxUint16 cc[2];
+ const size_t numChars = encode_utf16(wxUINT32_SWAP_ALWAYS(*inBuff), cc);
+ if ( numChars == wxCONV_FAILED )
+ return wxCONV_FAILED;
+ outLen += numChars;
+ if ( dst )
+ {
+ if ( outLen > dstLen )
+ return wxCONV_FAILED;
+ *dst++ = cc[0];
+ if ( numChars == 2 )
+ {
+ // second character of a surrogate
+ *dst++ = cc[1];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return outLen;
+wxMBConvUTF32swap::FromWChar(char *dst, size_t dstLen,
+ const wchar_t *src, size_t srcLen) const
+ if ( srcLen == wxNO_LEN )
+ srcLen = wxWcslen(src) + 1;
+ if ( !dst )
+ {
+ // optimization: return maximal space which could be needed for this
+ // string instead of the exact amount which could be less if there are
+ // any surrogates in the input
+ //
+ // we consider that surrogates are rare enough to make it worthwhile to
+ // avoid running the loop below at the cost of slightly extra memory
+ // consumption
+ return srcLen*BYTES_PER_CHAR;
+ }
+ wxUint32 *outBuff = wx_reinterpret_cast(wxUint32 *, dst);
+ size_t outLen = 0;
+ for ( const wchar_t * const srcEnd = src + srcLen; src < srcEnd; )
+ {
+ const wxUint32 ch = wxDecodeSurrogate(&src);
+ if ( !src )
+ return wxCONV_FAILED;
+ outLen += BYTES_PER_CHAR;
+ if ( outLen > dstLen )
+ return wxCONV_FAILED;
+ *outBuff++ = wxUINT32_SWAP_ALWAYS(ch);
+ }
+ return outLen;
+#else // !WC_UTF16: wchar_t is UTF-32
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// conversions without endianness change
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+wxMBConvUTF32straight::ToWChar(wchar_t *dst, size_t dstLen,
+ const char *src, size_t srcLen) const
+ // use memcpy() as it should be much faster than hand-written loop
+ srcLen = GetLength(src, srcLen);
+ if ( srcLen == wxNO_LEN )
+ return wxCONV_FAILED;
+ const size_t inLen = srcLen/BYTES_PER_CHAR;
+ if ( dst )
+ {
+ if ( dstLen < inLen )
+ return wxCONV_FAILED;
+ memcpy(dst, src, srcLen);
+ }
+ return inLen;
+wxMBConvUTF32straight::FromWChar(char *dst, size_t dstLen,
+ const wchar_t *src, size_t srcLen) const
+ if ( srcLen == wxNO_LEN )
+ srcLen = wxWcslen(src) + 1;
+ srcLen *= BYTES_PER_CHAR;
+ if ( dst )
+ {
+ if ( dstLen < srcLen )
+ return wxCONV_FAILED;
+ memcpy(dst, src, srcLen);
+ }
+ return srcLen;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// endian-reversing conversions
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+wxMBConvUTF32swap::ToWChar(wchar_t *dst, size_t dstLen,
+ const char *src, size_t srcLen) const
+ srcLen = GetLength(src, srcLen);
+ if ( srcLen == wxNO_LEN )
+ return wxCONV_FAILED;
+ srcLen /= BYTES_PER_CHAR;
+ if ( dst )
+ {
+ if ( dstLen < srcLen )
+ return wxCONV_FAILED;
+ const wxUint32 *inBuff = wx_reinterpret_cast(const wxUint32 *, src);
+ for ( size_t n = 0; n < srcLen; n++, inBuff++ )
+ {
+ *dst++ = wxUINT32_SWAP_ALWAYS(*inBuff);
+ }
+ }
+ return srcLen;
+wxMBConvUTF32swap::FromWChar(char *dst, size_t dstLen,
+ const wchar_t *src, size_t srcLen) const
+ if ( srcLen == wxNO_LEN )
+ srcLen = wxWcslen(src) + 1;
+ srcLen *= BYTES_PER_CHAR;
+ if ( dst )
+ {
+ if ( dstLen < srcLen )
+ return wxCONV_FAILED;
+ wxUint32 *outBuff = wx_reinterpret_cast(wxUint32 *, dst);
+ for ( size_t n = 0; n < srcLen; n += BYTES_PER_CHAR, src++ )
+ {
+ *outBuff++ = wxUINT32_SWAP_ALWAYS(*src);
+ }
+ }
+ return srcLen;
+#endif // WC_UTF16/!WC_UTF16
+// ============================================================================
+// The classes doing conversion using the iconv_xxx() functions
+// ============================================================================
+#ifdef HAVE_ICONV
+// VS: glibc 2.1.3 is broken in that iconv() conversion to/from UCS4 fails with
+// E2BIG if output buffer is _exactly_ as big as needed. Such case is
+// (unless there's yet another bug in glibc) the only case when iconv()
+// returns with (size_t)-1 (which means error) and says there are 0 bytes
+// left in the input buffer -- when _real_ error occurs,
+// bytes-left-in-input buffer is non-zero. Hence, this alternative test for
+// iconv() failure.
+// [This bug does not appear in glibc 2.2.]
+#if defined(__GLIBC__) && __GLIBC__ == 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ <= 1
+#define ICONV_FAILED(cres, bufLeft) ((cres == (size_t)-1) && \
+ (errno != E2BIG || bufLeft != 0))
+#define ICONV_FAILED(cres, bufLeft) (cres == (size_t)-1)
+#define ICONV_CHAR_CAST(x) ((ICONV_CONST char **)(x))
+#define ICONV_T_INVALID ((iconv_t)-1)
+#if SIZEOF_WCHAR_T == 4
+#elif SIZEOF_WCHAR_T == 2
+#else // sizeof(wchar_t) != 2 nor 4
+ // does this ever happen?
+ #error "Unknown sizeof(wchar_t): please report this to wx-dev@lists.wxwindows.org"
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// wxMBConv_iconv: encapsulates an iconv character set
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class wxMBConv_iconv : public wxMBConv
+ wxMBConv_iconv(const wxChar *name);
+ virtual ~wxMBConv_iconv();
+ virtual size_t MB2WC(wchar_t *buf, const char *psz, size_t n) const;
+ virtual size_t WC2MB(char *buf, const wchar_t *psz, size_t n) const;
+ // classify this encoding as explained in wxMBConv::GetMBNulLen() comment
+ virtual size_t GetMBNulLen() const;
+ virtual wxMBConv *Clone() const
+ {
+ wxMBConv_iconv *p = new wxMBConv_iconv(m_name);
+ p->m_minMBCharWidth = m_minMBCharWidth;
+ return p;
+ }
+ bool IsOk() const
+ { return (m2w != ICONV_T_INVALID) && (w2m != ICONV_T_INVALID); }
+ // the iconv handlers used to translate from multibyte
+ // to wide char and in the other direction
+ iconv_t m2w,
+ w2m;
+ // guards access to m2w and w2m objects
+ wxMutex m_iconvMutex;
+ // the name (for iconv_open()) of a wide char charset -- if none is
+ // available on this machine, it will remain NULL
+ static wxString ms_wcCharsetName;
+ // true if the wide char encoding we use (i.e. ms_wcCharsetName) has
+ // different endian-ness than the native one
+ static bool ms_wcNeedsSwap;
+ // name of the encoding handled by this conversion
+ wxString m_name;
+ // cached result of GetMBNulLen(); set to 0 meaning "unknown"
+ // initially
+ size_t m_minMBCharWidth;
+// make the constructor available for unit testing
+WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE wxMBConv* new_wxMBConv_iconv( const wxChar* name )
+ wxMBConv_iconv* result = new wxMBConv_iconv( name );
+ if ( !result->IsOk() )
+ {
+ delete result;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return result;
+wxString wxMBConv_iconv::ms_wcCharsetName;
+bool wxMBConv_iconv::ms_wcNeedsSwap = false;
+wxMBConv_iconv::wxMBConv_iconv(const wxChar *name)
+ : m_name(name)
+ m_minMBCharWidth = 0;
+ // iconv operates with chars, not wxChars, but luckily it uses only ASCII
+ // names for the charsets
+ const wxCharBuffer cname(wxString(name).ToAscii());
+ // check for charset that represents wchar_t:
+ if ( ms_wcCharsetName.empty() )
+ {
+ wxLogTrace(TRACE_STRCONV, _T("Looking for wide char codeset:"));
+ const wxChar **names = wxFontMapperBase::GetAllEncodingNames(WC_ENC);
+#else // !wxUSE_FONTMAP
+ static const wxChar *names[] =
+ {
+#if SIZEOF_WCHAR_T == 4
+ _T("UCS-4"),
+#elif SIZEOF_WCHAR_T = 2
+ _T("UCS-2"),
+ };
+ for ( ; *names && ms_wcCharsetName.empty(); ++names )
+ {
+ const wxString nameCS(*names);
+ // first try charset with explicit bytesex info (e.g. "UCS-4LE"):
+ wxString nameXE(nameCS);
+ nameXE += _T("BE");
+#else // little endian
+ nameXE += _T("LE");
+ wxLogTrace(TRACE_STRCONV, _T(" trying charset \"%s\""),
+ nameXE.c_str());
+ m2w = iconv_open(nameXE.ToAscii(), cname);
+ if ( m2w == ICONV_T_INVALID )
+ {
+ // try charset w/o bytesex info (e.g. "UCS4")
+ wxLogTrace(TRACE_STRCONV, _T(" trying charset \"%s\""),
+ nameCS.c_str());
+ m2w = iconv_open(nameCS.ToAscii(), cname);
+ // and check for bytesex ourselves:
+ if ( m2w != ICONV_T_INVALID )
+ {
+ char buf[2], *bufPtr;
+ wchar_t wbuf[2], *wbufPtr;
+ size_t insz, outsz;
+ size_t res;
+ buf[0] = 'A';
+ buf[1] = 0;
+ wbuf[0] = 0;
+ insz = 2;
+ outsz = SIZEOF_WCHAR_T * 2;
+ wbufPtr = wbuf;
+ bufPtr = buf;
+ res = iconv(
+ m2w, ICONV_CHAR_CAST(&bufPtr), &insz,
+ (char**)&wbufPtr, &outsz);
+ if (ICONV_FAILED(res, insz))
+ {
+ wxLogLastError(wxT("iconv"));
+ wxLogError(_("Conversion to charset '%s' doesn't work."),
+ nameCS.c_str());
+ }
+ else // ok, can convert to this encoding, remember it
+ {
+ ms_wcCharsetName = nameCS;
+ ms_wcNeedsSwap = wbuf[0] != (wchar_t)buf[0];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else // use charset not requiring byte swapping
+ {
+ ms_wcCharsetName = nameXE;
+ }
+ }
+ wxT("iconv wchar_t charset is \"%s\"%s"),
+ ms_wcCharsetName.empty() ? _T("<none>")
+ : ms_wcCharsetName.c_str(),
+ ms_wcNeedsSwap ? _T(" (needs swap)")
+ : _T(""));
+ }
+ else // we already have ms_wcCharsetName
+ {
+ m2w = iconv_open(ms_wcCharsetName.ToAscii(), cname);
+ }
+ if ( ms_wcCharsetName.empty() )
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ w2m = iconv_open(cname, ms_wcCharsetName.ToAscii());
+ if ( w2m == ICONV_T_INVALID )
+ {
+ wxT("\"%s\" -> \"%s\" works but not the converse!?"),
+ ms_wcCharsetName.c_str(), cname.data());
+ }
+ }
+ if ( m2w != ICONV_T_INVALID )
+ iconv_close(m2w);
+ if ( w2m != ICONV_T_INVALID )
+ iconv_close(w2m);
+size_t wxMBConv_iconv::MB2WC(wchar_t *buf, const char *psz, size_t n) const
+ // find the string length: notice that must be done differently for
+ // NUL-terminated strings and UTF-16/32 which are terminated with 2/4 NULs
+ size_t inbuf;
+ const size_t nulLen = GetMBNulLen();
+ switch ( nulLen )
+ {
+ default:
+ return wxCONV_FAILED;
+ case 1:
+ inbuf = strlen(psz); // arguably more optimized than our version
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ case 4:
+ // for UTF-16/32 not only we need to have 2/4 consecutive NULs but
+ // they also have to start at character boundary and not span two
+ // adjacent characters
+ const char *p;
+ for ( p = psz; NotAllNULs(p, nulLen); p += nulLen )
+ ;
+ inbuf = p - psz;
+ break;
+ }
+ // NB: iconv() is MT-safe, but each thread must use it's own iconv_t handle.
+ // Unfortunately there is a couple of global wxCSConv objects such as
+ // wxConvLocal that are used all over wx code, so we have to make sure
+ // the handle is used by at most one thread at the time. Otherwise
+ // only a few wx classes would be safe to use from non-main threads
+ // as MB<->WC conversion would fail "randomly".
+ wxMutexLocker lock(wxConstCast(this, wxMBConv_iconv)->m_iconvMutex);
+#endif // wxUSE_THREADS
+ size_t outbuf = n * SIZEOF_WCHAR_T;
+ size_t res, cres;
+ // VS: Use these instead of psz, buf because iconv() modifies its arguments:
+ wchar_t *bufPtr = buf;
+ const char *pszPtr = psz;
+ if (buf)
+ {
+ // have destination buffer, convert there
+ cres = iconv(m2w,
+ ICONV_CHAR_CAST(&pszPtr), &inbuf,
+ (char**)&bufPtr, &outbuf);
+ res = n - (outbuf / SIZEOF_WCHAR_T);
+ if (ms_wcNeedsSwap)
+ {
+ // convert to native endianness
+ for ( unsigned i = 0; i < res; i++ )
+ buf[n] = WC_BSWAP(buf[i]);
+ }
+ // NUL-terminate the string if there is any space left
+ if (res < n)
+ buf[res] = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // no destination buffer... convert using temp buffer
+ // to calculate destination buffer requirement
+ wchar_t tbuf[8];
+ res = 0;
+ do
+ {
+ bufPtr = tbuf;
+ outbuf = 8 * SIZEOF_WCHAR_T;
+ cres = iconv(m2w,
+ ICONV_CHAR_CAST(&pszPtr), &inbuf,
+ (char**)&bufPtr, &outbuf );
+ res += 8 - (outbuf / SIZEOF_WCHAR_T);
+ }
+ while ((cres == (size_t)-1) && (errno == E2BIG));
+ }
+ if (ICONV_FAILED(cres, inbuf))
+ {
+ //VS: it is ok if iconv fails, hence trace only
+ wxLogTrace(TRACE_STRCONV, wxT("iconv failed: %s"), wxSysErrorMsg(wxSysErrorCode()));
+ return wxCONV_FAILED;
+ }
+ return res;
+size_t wxMBConv_iconv::WC2MB(char *buf, const wchar_t *psz, size_t n) const
+ // NB: explained in MB2WC
+ wxMutexLocker lock(wxConstCast(this, wxMBConv_iconv)->m_iconvMutex);
+ size_t inlen = wxWcslen(psz);
+ size_t inbuf = inlen * SIZEOF_WCHAR_T;
+ size_t outbuf = n;
+ size_t res, cres;
+ wchar_t *tmpbuf = 0;
+ if (ms_wcNeedsSwap)
+ {
+ // need to copy to temp buffer to switch endianness
+ // (doing WC_BSWAP twice on the original buffer won't help, as it
+ // could be in read-only memory, or be accessed in some other thread)
+ tmpbuf = (wchar_t *)malloc(inbuf + SIZEOF_WCHAR_T);
+ for ( size_t i = 0; i < inlen; i++ )
+ tmpbuf[n] = WC_BSWAP(psz[i]);
+ tmpbuf[inlen] = L'\0';
+ psz = tmpbuf;
+ }
+ if (buf)
+ {
+ // have destination buffer, convert there
+ cres = iconv( w2m, ICONV_CHAR_CAST(&psz), &inbuf, &buf, &outbuf );
+ res = n - outbuf;
+ // NB: iconv was given only wcslen(psz) characters on input, and so
+ // it couldn't convert the trailing zero. Let's do it ourselves
+ // if there's some room left for it in the output buffer.
+ if (res < n)
+ buf[0] = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // no destination buffer: convert using temp buffer
+ // to calculate destination buffer requirement
+ char tbuf[16];
+ res = 0;
+ do
+ {
+ buf = tbuf;
+ outbuf = 16;
+ cres = iconv( w2m, ICONV_CHAR_CAST(&psz), &inbuf, &buf, &outbuf );
+ res += 16 - outbuf;
+ }
+ while ((cres == (size_t)-1) && (errno == E2BIG));
+ }
+ if (ms_wcNeedsSwap)
+ {
+ free(tmpbuf);
+ }
+ if (ICONV_FAILED(cres, inbuf))
+ {
+ wxLogTrace(TRACE_STRCONV, wxT("iconv failed: %s"), wxSysErrorMsg(wxSysErrorCode()));
+ return wxCONV_FAILED;
+ }
+ return res;
+size_t wxMBConv_iconv::GetMBNulLen() const
+ if ( m_minMBCharWidth == 0 )
+ {
+ wxMBConv_iconv * const self = wxConstCast(this, wxMBConv_iconv);
+ // NB: explained in MB2WC
+ wxMutexLocker lock(self->m_iconvMutex);
+ wchar_t *wnul = L"";
+ char buf[8]; // should be enough for NUL in any encoding
+ size_t inLen = sizeof(wchar_t),
+ outLen = WXSIZEOF(buf);
+ char *inBuff = (char *)wnul;
+ char *outBuff = buf;
+ if ( iconv(w2m, ICONV_CHAR_CAST(&inBuff), &inLen, &outBuff, &outLen) == (size_t)-1 )
+ {
+ self->m_minMBCharWidth = (size_t)-1;
+ }
+ else // ok
+ {
+ self->m_minMBCharWidth = outBuff - buf;
+ }
+ }
+ return m_minMBCharWidth;
+#endif // HAVE_ICONV
+// ============================================================================
+// Win32 conversion classes
+// ============================================================================
+#ifdef wxHAVE_WIN32_MB2WC
+// from utils.cpp
+extern WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE long wxCharsetToCodepage(const wxChar *charset);
+extern WXDLLIMPEXP_BASE long wxEncodingToCodepage(wxFontEncoding encoding);
+class wxMBConv_win32 : public wxMBConv
+ wxMBConv_win32()
+ {
+ m_CodePage = CP_ACP;
+ m_minMBCharWidth = 0;
+ }
+ wxMBConv_win32(const wxMBConv_win32& conv)
+ : wxMBConv()
+ {
+ m_CodePage = conv.m_CodePage;
+ m_minMBCharWidth = conv.m_minMBCharWidth;
+ }
+ wxMBConv_win32(const wxChar* name)
+ {
+ m_CodePage = wxCharsetToCodepage(name);
+ m_minMBCharWidth = 0;
+ }
+ wxMBConv_win32(wxFontEncoding encoding)
+ {
+ m_CodePage = wxEncodingToCodepage(encoding);
+ m_minMBCharWidth = 0;
+ }
+#endif // wxUSE_FONTMAP
+ virtual size_t MB2WC(wchar_t *buf, const char *psz, size_t n) const
+ {
+ // note that we have to use MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS flag as it without it
+ // the behaviour is not compatible with the Unix version (using iconv)
+ // and break the library itself, e.g. wxTextInputStream::NextChar()
+ // wouldn't work if reading an incomplete MB char didn't result in an
+ // error
+ //
+ // Moreover, MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS is only supported on Win 2K SP4 or
+ // Win XP or newer and it is not supported for UTF-[78] so we always
+ // use our own conversions in this case. See
+ // http://blogs.msdn.com/michkap/archive/2005/04/19/409566.aspx
+ // http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/intl/unicode_17si.asp
+ if ( m_CodePage == CP_UTF8 )
+ {
+ return wxConvUTF8.MB2WC(buf, psz, n);
+ }
+ if ( m_CodePage == CP_UTF7 )
+ {
+ return wxConvUTF7.MB2WC(buf, psz, n);
+ }
+ int flags = 0;
+ if ( (m_CodePage < 50000 && m_CodePage != CP_SYMBOL) &&
+ IsAtLeastWin2kSP4() )
+ {
+ }
+ const size_t len = ::MultiByteToWideChar
+ (
+ m_CodePage, // code page
+ flags, // flags: fall on error
+ psz, // input string
+ -1, // its length (NUL-terminated)
+ buf, // output string
+ buf ? n : 0 // size of output buffer
+ );
+ if ( !len )
+ {
+ // function totally failed
+ return wxCONV_FAILED;
+ }
+ // if we were really converting and didn't use MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS,
+ // check if we succeeded, by doing a double trip:
+ if ( !flags && buf )
+ {
+ const size_t mbLen = strlen(psz);
+ wxCharBuffer mbBuf(mbLen);
+ if ( ::WideCharToMultiByte
+ (
+ m_CodePage,
+ 0,
+ buf,
+ -1,
+ mbBuf.data(),
+ mbLen + 1, // size in bytes, not length
+ ) == 0 ||
+ strcmp(mbBuf, psz) != 0 )
+ {
+ // we didn't obtain the same thing we started from, hence
+ // the conversion was lossy and we consider that it failed
+ return wxCONV_FAILED;
+ }
+ }
+ // note that it returns count of written chars for buf != NULL and size
+ // of the needed buffer for buf == NULL so in either case the length of
+ // the string (which never includes the terminating NUL) is one less
+ return len - 1;
+ }
+ virtual size_t WC2MB(char *buf, const wchar_t *pwz, size_t n) const
+ {
+ /*
+ we have a problem here: by default, WideCharToMultiByte() may
+ replace characters unrepresentable in the target code page with bad
+ quality approximations such as turning "1/2" symbol (U+00BD) into
+ "1" for the code pages which don't have it and we, obviously, want
+ to avoid this at any price
+ the trouble is that this function does it _silently_, i.e. it won't
+ even tell us whether it did or not... Win98/2000 and higher provide
+ WC_NO_BEST_FIT_CHARS but it doesn't work for the older systems and
+ we have to resort to a round trip, i.e. check that converting back
+ results in the same string -- this is, of course, expensive but
+ otherwise we simply can't be sure to not garble the data.
+ */
+ // determine if we can rely on WC_NO_BEST_FIT_CHARS: according to MSDN
+ // it doesn't work with CJK encodings (which we test for rather roughly
+ // here...) nor with UTF-7/8 nor, of course, with Windows versions not
+ // supporting it
+ BOOL usedDef wxDUMMY_INITIALIZE(false);
+ BOOL *pUsedDef;
+ int flags;
+ if ( CanUseNoBestFit() && m_CodePage < 50000 )
+ {
+ // it's our lucky day
+ pUsedDef = &usedDef;
+ }
+ else // old system or unsupported encoding
+ {
+ flags = 0;
+ pUsedDef = NULL;
+ }
+ const size_t len = ::WideCharToMultiByte
+ (
+ m_CodePage, // code page
+ flags, // either none or no best fit
+ pwz, // input string
+ -1, // it is (wide) NUL-terminated
+ buf, // output buffer
+ buf ? n : 0, // and its size
+ NULL, // default "replacement" char
+ pUsedDef // [out] was it used?
+ );
+ if ( !len )
+ {
+ // function totally failed
+ return wxCONV_FAILED;
+ }
+ // if we were really converting, check if we succeeded
+ if ( buf )
+ {
+ if ( flags )
+ {
+ // check if the conversion failed, i.e. if any replacements
+ // were done
+ if ( usedDef )
+ return wxCONV_FAILED;
+ }
+ else // we must resort to double tripping...
+ {
+ wxWCharBuffer wcBuf(n);
+ if ( MB2WC(wcBuf.data(), buf, n) == wxCONV_FAILED ||
+ wcscmp(wcBuf, pwz) != 0 )
+ {
+ // we didn't obtain the same thing we started from, hence
+ // the conversion was lossy and we consider that it failed
+ return wxCONV_FAILED;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // see the comment above for the reason of "len - 1"
+ return len - 1;
+ }
+ virtual size_t GetMBNulLen() const
+ {
+ if ( m_minMBCharWidth == 0 )
+ {
+ int len = ::WideCharToMultiByte
+ (
+ m_CodePage, // code page
+ 0, // no flags
+ L"", // input string
+ 1, // translate just the NUL
+ NULL, // output buffer
+ 0, // and its size
+ NULL, // no replacement char
+ NULL // [out] don't care if it was used
+ );
+ wxMBConv_win32 * const self = wxConstCast(this, wxMBConv_win32);
+ switch ( len )
+ {
+ default:
+ wxLogDebug(_T("Unexpected NUL length %d"), len);
+ self->m_minMBCharWidth = (size_t)-1;
+ break;
+ case 0:
+ self->m_minMBCharWidth = (size_t)-1;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ case 2:
+ case 4:
+ self->m_minMBCharWidth = len;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return m_minMBCharWidth;
+ }
+ virtual wxMBConv *Clone() const { return new wxMBConv_win32(*this); }
+ bool IsOk() const { return m_CodePage != -1; }
+ static bool CanUseNoBestFit()
+ {
+ static int s_isWin98Or2k = -1;
+ if ( s_isWin98Or2k == -1 )
+ {
+ int verMaj, verMin;
+ switch ( wxGetOsVersion(&verMaj, &verMin) )
+ {
+ case wxWIN95:
+ s_isWin98Or2k = verMaj >= 4 && verMin >= 10;
+ break;
+ case wxWINDOWS_NT:
+ s_isWin98Or2k = verMaj >= 5;
+ break;
+ default:
+ // unknown: be conservative by default
+ s_isWin98Or2k = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ wxASSERT_MSG( s_isWin98Or2k != -1, _T("should be set above") );
+ }
+ return s_isWin98Or2k == 1;
+ }
+ static bool IsAtLeastWin2kSP4()
+ {
+#ifdef __WXWINCE__
+ return false;
+ static int s_isAtLeastWin2kSP4 = -1;
+ if ( s_isAtLeastWin2kSP4 == -1 )
+ {
+ memset(&ver, 0, sizeof(ver));
+ ver.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(ver);
+ GetVersionEx((OSVERSIONINFO*)&ver);
+ s_isAtLeastWin2kSP4 =
+ ((ver.dwMajorVersion > 5) || // Vista+
+ (ver.dwMajorVersion == 5 && ver.dwMinorVersion > 0) || // XP/2003
+ (ver.dwMajorVersion == 5 && ver.dwMinorVersion == 0 &&
+ ver.wServicePackMajor >= 4)) // 2000 SP4+
+ ? 1 : 0;
+ }
+ return s_isAtLeastWin2kSP4 == 1;
+ }
+ // the code page we're working with
+ long m_CodePage;
+ // cached result of GetMBNulLen(), set to 0 initially meaning
+ // "unknown"
+ size_t m_minMBCharWidth;
+#endif // wxHAVE_WIN32_MB2WC
+// ============================================================================
+// Cocoa conversion classes
+// ============================================================================
+#if defined(__WXCOCOA__)
+// RN: There is no UTF-32 support in either Core Foundation or Cocoa.
+// Strangely enough, internally Core Foundation uses
+// UTF-32 internally quite a bit - its just not public (yet).
+#include <CoreFoundation/CFString.h>
+#include <CoreFoundation/CFStringEncodingExt.h>
+CFStringEncoding wxCFStringEncFromFontEnc(wxFontEncoding encoding)
+ CFStringEncoding enc = kCFStringEncodingInvalidId ;
+ switch (encoding)
+ {
+ enc = CFStringGetSystemEncoding();
+ break ;
+ case wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_1 :
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingISOLatin1 ;
+ break ;
+ case wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_2 :
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingISOLatin2;
+ break ;
+ case wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_3 :
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingISOLatin3 ;
+ break ;
+ case wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_4 :
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingISOLatin4;
+ break ;
+ case wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_5 :
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingISOLatinCyrillic;
+ break ;
+ case wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_6 :
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingISOLatinArabic;
+ break ;
+ case wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_7 :
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingISOLatinGreek;
+ break ;
+ case wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_8 :
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingISOLatinHebrew;
+ break ;
+ case wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_9 :
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingISOLatin5;
+ break ;
+ case wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_10 :
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingISOLatin6;
+ break ;
+ case wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_11 :
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingISOLatinThai;
+ break ;
+ case wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_13 :
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingISOLatin7;
+ break ;
+ case wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_14 :
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingISOLatin8;
+ break ;
+ case wxFONTENCODING_ISO8859_15 :
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingISOLatin9;
+ break ;
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingKOI8_R;
+ break ;
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingDOSRussian;
+ break ;
+// enc = ;
+// break ;
+ case wxFONTENCODING_CP437 :
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingDOSLatinUS ;
+ break ;
+ case wxFONTENCODING_CP850 :
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingDOSLatin1;
+ break ;
+ case wxFONTENCODING_CP852 :
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingDOSLatin2;
+ break ;
+ case wxFONTENCODING_CP855 :
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingDOSCyrillic;
+ break ;
+ case wxFONTENCODING_CP866 :
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingDOSRussian ;
+ break ;
+ case wxFONTENCODING_CP874 :
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingDOSThai;
+ break ;
+ case wxFONTENCODING_CP932 :
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingDOSJapanese;
+ break ;
+ case wxFONTENCODING_CP936 :
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingDOSChineseSimplif ;
+ break ;
+ case wxFONTENCODING_CP949 :
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingDOSKorean;
+ break ;
+ case wxFONTENCODING_CP950 :
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingDOSChineseTrad;
+ break ;
+ case wxFONTENCODING_CP1250 :
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingWindowsLatin2;
+ break ;
+ case wxFONTENCODING_CP1251 :
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingWindowsCyrillic ;
+ break ;
+ case wxFONTENCODING_CP1252 :
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingWindowsLatin1 ;
+ break ;
+ case wxFONTENCODING_CP1253 :
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingWindowsGreek;
+ break ;
+ case wxFONTENCODING_CP1254 :
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingWindowsLatin5;
+ break ;
+ case wxFONTENCODING_CP1255 :
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingWindowsHebrew ;
+ break ;
+ case wxFONTENCODING_CP1256 :
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingWindowsArabic ;
+ break ;
+ case wxFONTENCODING_CP1257 :
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingWindowsBalticRim;
+ break ;
+// This only really encodes to UTF7 (if that) evidently
+// case wxFONTENCODING_UTF7 :
+// enc = kCFStringEncodingNonLossyASCII ;
+// break ;
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingUTF8 ;
+ break ;
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingEUC_JP;
+ break ;
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingUnicode ;
+ break ;
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingMacRoman ;
+ break ;
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingMacJapanese ;
+ break ;
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingMacChineseTrad ;
+ break ;
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingMacKorean ;
+ break ;
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingMacArabic ;
+ break ;
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingMacHebrew ;
+ break ;
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingMacGreek ;
+ break ;
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingMacCyrillic ;
+ break ;
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingMacDevanagari ;
+ break ;
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingMacGurmukhi ;
+ break ;
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingMacGujarati ;
+ break ;
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingMacOriya ;
+ break ;
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingMacBengali ;
+ break ;
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingMacTamil ;
+ break ;
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingMacTelugu ;
+ break ;
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingMacKannada ;
+ break ;
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingMacMalayalam ;
+ break ;
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingMacSinhalese ;
+ break ;
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingMacBurmese ;
+ break ;
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingMacKhmer ;
+ break ;
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingMacThai ;
+ break ;
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingMacLaotian ;
+ break ;
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingMacGeorgian ;
+ break ;
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingMacArmenian ;
+ break ;
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingMacChineseSimp ;
+ break ;
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingMacTibetan ;
+ break ;
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingMacMongolian ;
+ break ;
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingMacEthiopic ;
+ break ;
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingMacCentralEurRoman ;
+ break ;
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingMacVietnamese ;
+ break ;
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingMacExtArabic ;
+ break ;
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingMacSymbol ;
+ break ;
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingMacDingbats ;
+ break ;
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingMacTurkish ;
+ break ;
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingMacCroatian ;
+ break ;
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingMacIcelandic ;
+ break ;
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingMacRomanian ;
+ break ;
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingMacCeltic ;
+ break ;
+ enc = kCFStringEncodingMacGaelic ;
+ break ;
+// enc = kCFStringEncodingMacKeyboardGlyphs ;
+// break ;
+ default :
+ // because gcc is picky
+ break ;
+ }
+ return enc ;
+class wxMBConv_cocoa : public wxMBConv
+ wxMBConv_cocoa()
+ {
+ Init(CFStringGetSystemEncoding()) ;
+ }
+ wxMBConv_cocoa(const wxMBConv_cocoa& conv)
+ {
+ m_encoding = conv.m_encoding;
+ }
+ wxMBConv_cocoa(const wxChar* name)
+ {
+ Init( wxCFStringEncFromFontEnc(wxFontMapperBase::Get()->CharsetToEncoding(name, false) ) ) ;
+ }
+ wxMBConv_cocoa(wxFontEncoding encoding)
+ {
+ Init( wxCFStringEncFromFontEnc(encoding) );
+ }
+ ~wxMBConv_cocoa()
+ {
+ }
+ void Init( CFStringEncoding encoding)
+ {
+ m_encoding = encoding ;
+ }
+ size_t MB2WC(wchar_t * szOut, const char * szUnConv, size_t nOutSize) const
+ {
+ wxASSERT(szUnConv);
+ CFStringRef theString = CFStringCreateWithBytes (
+ NULL, //the allocator
+ (const UInt8*)szUnConv,
+ strlen(szUnConv),
+ m_encoding,
+ false //no BOM/external representation
+ );
+ wxASSERT(theString);
+ size_t nOutLength = CFStringGetLength(theString);
+ if (szOut == NULL)
+ {
+ CFRelease(theString);
+ return nOutLength;
+ }
+ CFRange theRange = { 0, nOutSize };
+#if SIZEOF_WCHAR_T == 4
+ UniChar* szUniCharBuffer = new UniChar[nOutSize];
+ CFStringGetCharacters(theString, theRange, szUniCharBuffer);
+ CFRelease(theString);
+ szUniCharBuffer[nOutLength] = '\0';
+#if SIZEOF_WCHAR_T == 4
+ wxMBConvUTF16 converter;
+ converter.MB2WC( szOut, (const char*)szUniCharBuffer, nOutSize );
+ delete [] szUniCharBuffer;
+ return nOutLength;
+ }
+ size_t WC2MB(char *szOut, const wchar_t *szUnConv, size_t nOutSize) const
+ {
+ wxASSERT(szUnConv);
+ size_t nRealOutSize;
+ size_t nBufSize = wxWcslen(szUnConv);
+ UniChar* szUniBuffer = (UniChar*) szUnConv;
+#if SIZEOF_WCHAR_T == 4
+ wxMBConvUTF16 converter ;
+ nBufSize = converter.WC2MB( NULL, szUnConv, 0 );
+ szUniBuffer = new UniChar[ (nBufSize / sizeof(UniChar)) + 1];
+ converter.WC2MB( (char*) szUniBuffer, szUnConv, nBufSize + sizeof(UniChar));
+ nBufSize /= sizeof(UniChar);
+ CFStringRef theString = CFStringCreateWithCharactersNoCopy(
+ NULL, //allocator
+ szUniBuffer,
+ nBufSize,
+ kCFAllocatorNull //deallocator - we want to deallocate it ourselves
+ );
+ wxASSERT(theString);
+ //Note that CER puts a BOM when converting to unicode
+ //so we check and use getchars instead in that case
+ if (m_encoding == kCFStringEncodingUnicode)
+ {
+ if (szOut != NULL)
+ CFStringGetCharacters(theString, CFRangeMake(0, nOutSize - 1), (UniChar*) szOut);
+ nRealOutSize = CFStringGetLength(theString) + 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CFStringGetBytes(
+ theString,
+ CFRangeMake(0, CFStringGetLength(theString)),
+ m_encoding,
+ 0, //what to put in characters that can't be converted -
+ //0 tells CFString to return NULL if it meets such a character
+ false, //not an external representation
+ (UInt8*) szOut,
+ nOutSize,
+ (CFIndex*) &nRealOutSize
+ );
+ }
+ CFRelease(theString);
+#if SIZEOF_WCHAR_T == 4
+ delete[] szUniBuffer;
+ return nRealOutSize - 1;
+ }
+ virtual wxMBConv *Clone() const { return new wxMBConv_cocoa(*this); }
+ bool IsOk() const
+ {
+ return m_encoding != kCFStringEncodingInvalidId &&
+ CFStringIsEncodingAvailable(m_encoding);
+ }
+ CFStringEncoding m_encoding ;
+#endif // defined(__WXCOCOA__)
+// ============================================================================
+// Mac conversion classes
+// ============================================================================
+#if defined(__WXMAC__) && defined(TARGET_CARBON)
+class wxMBConv_mac : public wxMBConv
+ wxMBConv_mac()
+ {
+ Init(CFStringGetSystemEncoding()) ;
+ }
+ wxMBConv_mac(const wxMBConv_mac& conv)
+ {
+ Init(conv.m_char_encoding);
+ }
+ wxMBConv_mac(const wxChar* name)
+ {
+ Init( wxMacGetSystemEncFromFontEnc( wxFontMapperBase::Get()->CharsetToEncoding(name, false) ) );
+ }
+ wxMBConv_mac(wxFontEncoding encoding)
+ {
+ Init( wxMacGetSystemEncFromFontEnc(encoding) );
+ }
+ ~wxMBConv_mac()
+ {
+ OSStatus status = noErr ;
+ status = TECDisposeConverter(m_MB2WC_converter);
+ status = TECDisposeConverter(m_WC2MB_converter);
+ }
+ void Init( TextEncodingBase encoding)
+ {
+ OSStatus status = noErr ;
+ m_char_encoding = encoding ;
+ m_unicode_encoding = CreateTextEncoding(kTextEncodingUnicodeDefault, 0, kUnicode16BitFormat) ;
+ status = TECCreateConverter(&m_MB2WC_converter,
+ m_char_encoding,
+ m_unicode_encoding);
+ status = TECCreateConverter(&m_WC2MB_converter,
+ m_unicode_encoding,
+ m_char_encoding);
+ }
+ size_t MB2WC(wchar_t *buf, const char *psz, size_t n) const
+ {
+ OSStatus status = noErr ;
+ ByteCount byteOutLen ;
+ ByteCount byteInLen = strlen(psz) + 1;
+ wchar_t *tbuf = NULL ;
+ UniChar* ubuf = NULL ;
+ size_t res = 0 ;
+ if (buf == NULL)
+ {
+ // Apple specs say at least 32
+ n = wxMax( 32, byteInLen ) ;
+ tbuf = (wchar_t*) malloc( n * SIZEOF_WCHAR_T ) ;
+ }
+ ByteCount byteBufferLen = n * sizeof( UniChar ) ;
+#if SIZEOF_WCHAR_T == 4
+ ubuf = (UniChar*) malloc( byteBufferLen + 2 ) ;
+ ubuf = (UniChar*) (buf ? buf : tbuf) ;
+ status = TECConvertText(
+ m_MB2WC_converter, (ConstTextPtr) psz, byteInLen, &byteInLen,
+ (TextPtr) ubuf, byteBufferLen, &byteOutLen);
+#if SIZEOF_WCHAR_T == 4
+ // we have to terminate here, because n might be larger for the trailing zero, and if UniChar
+ // is not properly terminated we get random characters at the end
+ ubuf[byteOutLen / sizeof( UniChar ) ] = 0 ;
+ wxMBConvUTF16 converter ;
+ res = converter.MB2WC( (buf ? buf : tbuf), (const char*)ubuf, n ) ;
+ free( ubuf ) ;
+ res = byteOutLen / sizeof( UniChar ) ;
+ if ( buf == NULL )
+ free(tbuf) ;
+ if ( buf && res < n)
+ buf[res] = 0;
+ return res ;
+ }
+ size_t WC2MB(char *buf, const wchar_t *psz, size_t n) const
+ {
+ OSStatus status = noErr ;
+ ByteCount byteOutLen ;
+ ByteCount byteInLen = wxWcslen(psz) * SIZEOF_WCHAR_T ;
+ char *tbuf = NULL ;
+ if (buf == NULL)
+ {
+ // Apple specs say at least 32
+ n = wxMax( 32, ((byteInLen / SIZEOF_WCHAR_T) * 8) + SIZEOF_WCHAR_T );
+ tbuf = (char*) malloc( n ) ;
+ }
+ ByteCount byteBufferLen = n ;
+ UniChar* ubuf = NULL ;
+#if SIZEOF_WCHAR_T == 4
+ wxMBConvUTF16 converter ;
+ size_t unicharlen = converter.WC2MB( NULL, psz, 0 ) ;
+ byteInLen = unicharlen ;
+ ubuf = (UniChar*) malloc( byteInLen + 2 ) ;
+ converter.WC2MB( (char*) ubuf, psz, unicharlen + 2 ) ;
+ ubuf = (UniChar*) psz ;
+ status = TECConvertText(
+ m_WC2MB_converter, (ConstTextPtr) ubuf, byteInLen, &byteInLen,
+ (TextPtr) (buf ? buf : tbuf), byteBufferLen, &byteOutLen);
+#if SIZEOF_WCHAR_T == 4
+ free( ubuf ) ;
+ if ( buf == NULL )
+ free(tbuf) ;
+ size_t res = byteOutLen ;
+ if ( buf && res < n)
+ {
+ buf[res] = 0;
+ //we need to double-trip to verify it didn't insert any ? in place
+ //of bogus characters
+ wxWCharBuffer wcBuf(n);
+ size_t pszlen = wxWcslen(psz);
+ if ( MB2WC(wcBuf.data(), buf, n) == wxCONV_FAILED ||
+ wxWcslen(wcBuf) != pszlen ||
+ memcmp(wcBuf, psz, pszlen * sizeof(wchar_t)) != 0 )
+ {
+ // we didn't obtain the same thing we started from, hence
+ // the conversion was lossy and we consider that it failed
+ return wxCONV_FAILED;
+ }
+ }
+ return res ;
+ }
+ virtual wxMBConv *Clone() const { return new wxMBConv_mac(*this); }
+ bool IsOk() const
+ { return m_MB2WC_converter != NULL && m_WC2MB_converter != NULL; }
+ TECObjectRef m_MB2WC_converter;
+ TECObjectRef m_WC2MB_converter;
+ TextEncodingBase m_char_encoding;
+ TextEncodingBase m_unicode_encoding;
+#endif // defined(__WXMAC__) && defined(TARGET_CARBON)
+// ============================================================================
+// wxEncodingConverter based conversion classes
+// ============================================================================
+class wxMBConv_wxwin : public wxMBConv
+ void Init()
+ {
+ m_ok = m2w.Init(m_enc, wxFONTENCODING_UNICODE) &&
+ w2m.Init(wxFONTENCODING_UNICODE, m_enc);
+ }
+ // temporarily just use wxEncodingConverter stuff,
+ // so that it works while a better implementation is built
+ wxMBConv_wxwin(const wxChar* name)
+ {
+ if (name)
+ m_enc = wxFontMapperBase::Get()->CharsetToEncoding(name, false);
+ else
+ Init();
+ }
+ wxMBConv_wxwin(wxFontEncoding enc)
+ {
+ m_enc = enc;
+ Init();
+ }
+ size_t MB2WC(wchar_t *buf, const char *psz, size_t WXUNUSED(n)) const
+ {
+ size_t inbuf = strlen(psz);
+ if (buf)
+ {
+ if (!m2w.Convert(psz, buf))
+ return wxCONV_FAILED;
+ }
+ return inbuf;
+ }
+ size_t WC2MB(char *buf, const wchar_t *psz, size_t WXUNUSED(n)) const
+ {
+ const size_t inbuf = wxWcslen(psz);
+ if (buf)
+ {
+ if (!w2m.Convert(psz, buf))
+ return wxCONV_FAILED;
+ }