- Adds the given node as child of this node. To attach a second children to this
- node, use the
- SetNext() function of the @a child node.
+ Adds node @a child as the last child of this node.
+ @note
+ Note that this function works in O(n) time where @e n is the number
+ of existing children. Consequently, adding large number of child
+ nodes using this method can be expensive, because it has O(n^2) time
+ complexity in number of nodes to be added. Use InsertChildAfter() to
+ populate XML tree in linear time.
+ @see InsertChild(), InsertChildAfter()
void AddChild(wxXmlNode* child);
then @a child is prepended to the list of children and becomes the
first child of this node, i.e. it behaves identically to using the
first children (as returned by GetChildren()) for @a followingNode).
+ @see AddChild(), InsertChildAfter()
bool InsertChild(wxXmlNode* child, wxXmlNode* followingNode);
+ /**
+ Inserts the @a child node immediately after @a precedingNode in the
+ children list.
+ @return @true if @a precedingNode has been found and the @a child
+ node has been inserted.
+ @param precedingNode
+ The node to insert @a child after. As a special case, this can be
+ @NULL if this node has no children yet -- in that case, @a child
+ will become this node's only child node.
+ @since 2.8.8
+ @see InsertChild(), AddChild()
+ */
+ bool InsertChildAfter(wxXmlNode* child, wxXmlNode* precedingNode);
Returns @true if the content of this node is a string containing only
whitespaces (spaces,