-class AnalogClockWindow(wx.Window):
+class AnalogClockWindow(wx.PyWindow):
"""An analog clock window"""
def __init__(self, parent, ID=-1, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx.DefaultSize,
style=0, name="clock"):
# Initialize the wxWindow...
- wx.Window.__init__(self, parent, ID, pos, size, style, name)
+ wx.PyWindow.__init__(self, parent, ID, pos, size, style, name)
# Initialize some variables and defaults...
self.clockStep = 1
+ size = wx.Size(*size)
+ bestSize = self.GetBestSize()
+ size.x = max(size.x, bestSize.x)
+ size.y = max(size.y, bestSize.y)
+ self.SetSize(size)
# Make an initial bitmap for the face, it will be updated and
# painted at the first EVT_SIZE event.
W, H = size
self.faceBitmap = wx.EmptyBitmap(max(W,1), max(H,1))
# Set event handlers...
self.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND, lambda x: None)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_RIGHT_DOWN, self.OnRightDown)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_RIGHT_UP, self.OnRightClick)
# Initialize the timer that drives the update of the clock
# face. Update every half second to ensure that there is at
# least one true update during each realtime second.
+ def DoGetBestSize(self):
+ return wx.Size(25,25)
def OnPaint(self, event):
- self._doDrawHands(wx.BufferedPaintDC(self), True)
+ dc = wx.BufferedPaintDC(self)
+ if hasattr(self, 'coords'):
+ self._doDrawHands(dc, True)
def OnTimerExpire(self, event):
# The faceBitmap init is done here, to make sure the buffer is always
# the same size as the Window
size = self.GetClientSize()
+ if size.x < 1 or size.y < 1:
+ return
self.faceBitmap = wx.EmptyBitmap(size.width, size.height)
# Update drawing coordinates...
hour, minutes, seconds = currentTime
# Start by drawing the face bitmap
- drawDC.DrawBitmap(self.faceBitmap, (0,0))
+ drawDC.DrawBitmap(self.faceBitmap, 0,0)
# NOTE: All this hand drawing code below should be refactored into a helper function.
int(self.handHoursThickness * self.scale),
- drawDC.DrawLineXY(int(self.centerX + self.shadowDistance),
- int(self.centerY + self.shadowDistance),
- int(x + self.shadowDistance),
- int(y + self.shadowDistance))
+ drawDC.DrawLine(self.centerX + self.shadowDistance,
+ self.centerY + self.shadowDistance,
+ x + self.shadowDistance,
+ y + self.shadowDistance)
# Draw minutes hand shadow
angle = minutes * 6
int(self.handMinutesThickness * self.scale),
- drawDC.DrawLineXY(int(self.centerX + self.shadowDistance),
- int(self.centerY + self.shadowDistance),
- int(x + self.shadowDistance),
- int(y + self.shadowDistance))
+ drawDC.DrawLine(self.centerX + self.shadowDistance,
+ self.centerY + self.shadowDistance,
+ x + self.shadowDistance,
+ y + self.shadowDistance)
# Draw seconds hand shadow if required
if seconds >= 0:
int(self.handSecondsThickness * self.scale),
- drawDC.DrawLineXY(int(self.centerX + self.shadowDistance),
- int(self.centerY + self.shadowDistance),
- int(x + self.shadowDistance),
- int(y + self.shadowDistance))
+ drawDC.DrawLine(self.centerX + self.shadowDistance,
+ self.centerY + self.shadowDistance,
+ x + self.shadowDistance,
+ y + self.shadowDistance)
# Draw hours hand
int(self.handHoursThickness * self.scale),
- drawDC.DrawLineXY(int(self.centerX), int(self.centerY), int(x), int(y))
+ drawDC.DrawLine(self.centerX, self.centerY, x, y)
# Draw minutes hand
angle = minutes * 6
int(self.handMinutesThickness * self.scale),
- drawDC.DrawLineXY(int(self.centerX), int(self.centerY), int(x), int(y))
+ drawDC.DrawLine(self.centerX, self.centerY, x, y)
# Draw seconds hand if required
if seconds >= 0:
int(self.handSecondsThickness * self.scale),
- drawDC.DrawLineXY(int(self.centerX), int(self.centerY), int(x), int(y))
+ drawDC.DrawLine(self.centerX, self.centerY, x, y)
if style & TICKS_CIRCLE:
x, y = self._center2corner(x, y, tipo)
- drawDC.DrawEllipse((x, y), (int(size), int(size)))
+ drawDC.DrawEllipse(x, y, size, size)
elif style & TICKS_SQUARE:
x, y = self._center2corner(x, y, tipo)
- drawDC.DrawRectangle((x, y), (int(size), int(size)))
+ drawDC.DrawRectangle(x, y, size, size)
elif (style & TICKS_DECIMAL) or (style & TICKS_ROMAN):
self._draw_rotate_text(drawDC, x, y, tipo, angle)
y = int(y -
((math.cos((angle) * radiansPerDegree)*lY) -
(math.sin((angle) * radiansPerDegree)*lX)))
- drawDC.DrawRotatedText(text, (x,y), angle)
+ drawDC.DrawRotatedText(text, x,y, angle)
x = x - lX
y = y - lY
- drawDC.DrawText(text, (x, y))
+ drawDC.DrawText(text, x, y)
def _draw_rotate_polygon(self, drawDC, x, y, tipo, angle):
drawDC.SetBrush(wx.Brush(self.GetBackgroundColour(), wx.SOLID))
- drawDC.DrawCircle((self.centerX, self.centerY), self.radius_watch)
+ drawDC.DrawCircle(self.centerX, self.centerY, self.radius_watch)
def _calcSteps(self):
- self.coords=coords
+ self.coords = coords
def _getCoords(self, tipo, angle):
def SetClockStyle(self, style):
- Set the clock style, acording to the options:
+ Set the clock style, acording to these options:
- SHOW_QUARTERS_TICKS - Show marks for hours 3, 6, 9, 12
- SHOW_HOURS_TICKS - Show marks for all hours
- SHOW_MINUTES_TICKS - Show marks for minutes
+ ==================== ================================
+ SHOW_QUARTERS_TICKS Show marks for hours 3, 6, 9, 12
+ SHOW_HOURS_TICKS Show marks for all hours
+ SHOW_MINUTES_TICKS Show marks for minutes
- SHOW_HOURS_HAND - Show hours hand
- SHOW_MINUTES_HAND - Show minutes hand
- SHOW_SECONDS_HAND - Show seconds hand
+ SHOW_HOURS_HAND Show hours hand
+ SHOW_MINUTES_HAND Show minutes hand
+ SHOW_SECONDS_HAND Show seconds hand
- SHOW_SHADOWS - Show hands and marks shadows
+ SHOW_SHADOWS Show hands and marks shadows
- ROTATE_TICKS - Align tick marks to watch
- OVERLAP_TICKS - Draw tick marks for minutes even
+ ROTATE_TICKS Align tick marks to watch
+ OVERLAP_TICKS Draw tick marks for minutes even
when they match the hours marks.
+ ==================== ================================
self.clockStyle = style
Set the ticks styles, acording to the options below.
- TICKS_NONE = Don't show tick marks.
- TICKS_SQUARE = Use squares as tick marks.
- TICKS_CIRCLE = Use circles as tick marks.
- TICKS_POLY = Use a polygon as tick marks. The polygon
- must be passed using SetTickShapes,
- otherwise the default polygon will be used.
- TICKS_DECIMAL = Use decimal numbers.
- TICKS_ROMAN = Use Roman numbers.
+ ================= =====================================
+ TICKS_NONE Don't show tick marks.
+ TICKS_SQUARE Use squares as tick marks.
+ TICKS_CIRCLE Use circles as tick marks.
+ TICKS_POLY Use a polygon as tick marks. The
+ polygon must be passed using
+ SetTickShapes, otherwise the default
+ polygon will be used.
+ TICKS_DECIMAL Use decimal numbers.
+ TICKS_ROMAN Use Roman numbers.
+ ================= =====================================
if h: