-wxstd.po: FORCE
- find ../include -name "*.h" | $(XARGS) $(XGETTEXT) -C -k_ -j -o wxstd.po
- find ../src -name "*.cpp" | $(XARGS) $(XGETTEXT) -C -k_ -j -o wxstd.po
+allpo: force-update
+ @-for t in $(WX_LINGUAS_UPDATE); do $(MAKE) $$t.po; done
+ @for t in $(WX_LINGUAS); do $(MAKE) $$t.mo; done
+ $(RM) wxstd.pot
+ @for t in $(WX_LINGUAS); do \
+ $(MSGFMT) -c -o /dev/null $$t.po 2>/dev/null || echo "$$t.po is BROKEN."; \
+ done
+# print out the percentage of the translated strings
+stats: FORCE
+ @for i in $(WX_LINGUAS); do \
+ x=`$(MSGFMT) -o /dev/null "$$i.po" 2>&1 | sed -e 's/[,\.]//g' \
+ -e 's/\([0-9]\+\) translated messages\?/TR=\1/' \
+ -e 's/\([0-9]\+\) fuzzy translations\?/FZ=\1/' \
+ -e 's/\([0-9]\+\) untranslated messages\?/UT=\1/'`; \
+ TR=0 FZ=0 UT=0; \
+ eval $$x; \
+ TOTAL=`expr $$TR + $$FZ + $$UT`; \
+ echo "$$i.po `expr 100 "*" $$TR / $$TOTAL`% of $$TOTAL strings"; \
+ done