+dnl a better long term solution would be to use #pragma set/reset woff in
+dnl wxPtrToUInt() and use it instead of casts elsewhere
+if test "x$SGICC" = "xyes"; then
+ CFLAGS="-woff 3970 $CFLAGS"
+if test "x$SGICXX" = "xyes"; then
+ CXXFLAGS="-woff 3970 $CXXFLAGS"
+dnl HP-UX c89/aCC compiler warnings
+if test "x$HPCC" = "xyes"; then
+ dnl 2011: "unrecognized preprocessor directive": nice warning but it's given
+ dnl even for directives inside #if which is not true (i.e. which are
+ dnl used for other compilers/OS) and so we have no way to get rid of it
+ dnl 2450: "long long is non standard" -- yes, we know
+ CFLAGS="+W 2011,2450 $CFLAGS"
+if test "x$HPCXX" = "xyes"; then
+ dnl 2340: "value copied to temporary, reference to temporary used": very
+ dnl painful as triggered by any occurrence of user-defined conversion
+dnl DEC/Compaq/HP cxx warnings
+if test "x$COMPAQCXX" = "xyes"; then
+ dnl -w0 enables all warnings, then we disable some of them:
+ dnl basclsnondto: base class dtor non virtual (sometimes we do want this)
+ dnl unrimpret: "end of routine block may be unreachable" is given for
+ dnl every "if ( ) return ...; else return ...;"
+ dnl intconlosbit: "conversion to integral type of smaller size could lose
+ dnl data" this is a useful warning but there are too many of
+ dnl them for now
+ CXXFLAGS="-w0 -msg_disable basclsnondto,unrimpret,intconlosbit"
+dnl check for std::string or std::wstring
+if test "$wxUSE_STD_STRING" = "yes" -o "$wxUSE_STL" = "yes"; then
+ if test "$wxUSE_UNICODE" = "yes"; then
+ std_string="std::wstring"
+ char_type="wchar_t"
+ else
+ std_string="std::string"
+ char_type="char"
+ fi
+ dnl check if <string> declares std::wstring
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING([for $std_string in <string>])
+ AC_TRY_COMPILE([#include <string>],
+ [$std_string foo;],
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING([if std::basic_string<$char_type> works])
+ #ifdef HAVE_WCHAR_H
+ # ifdef __CYGWIN__
+ # include <stddef.h>
+ # endif
+ # include <wchar.h>
+ #endif
+ #ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H
+ # include <stdlib.h>
+ #endif
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <string>
+ ],
+ [std::basic_string<$char_type> foo;
+ const $char_type* dummy = foo.c_str();],
+ [AC_MSG_RESULT(yes)],
+ [AC_MSG_RESULT([no])
+ if test "$wxUSE_STL" = "yes"; then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([Can't use --enable-stl without $std_string or std::basic_string<$char_type>])
+ elif grep wxUSE_STD_STRING $wx_arg_cache_file >/dev/null; then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([Can't use --enable-std_string without $std_string or std::basic_string<$char_type>])
+ else
+ AC_MSG_WARN([No $std_string or std::basic_string<$char_type>, switching to --disable-std_string])
+ fi
+ ]
+ )
+ ])
+if test "$wxUSE_STD_IOSTREAM" = "yes"; then
+ AC_CHECK_TYPES([std::istream, std::ostream],,
+ [#include <iostream>])
+ if test "$wxUSE_STD_IOSTREAM" != "yes"; then
+ if grep wxUSE_STD_IOSTREAM $wx_arg_cache_file >/dev/null; then
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([Can't use --enable-std_iostreams without std::istream and std::ostream])
+ else
+ AC_MSG_WARN([No std::iostreams, switching to --disable-std_iostreams])
+ fi
+ fi
+if test "$wxUSE_STL" = "yes"; then
+ dnl check for basic STL functionality
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING([for basic STL functionality])
+ AC_TRY_COMPILE([#include <string>
+ #include <functional>
+ #include <algorithm>
+ #include <vector>
+ #include <list>],
+ [std::vector<int> moo;
+ std::list<int> foo;
+ std::vector<int>::iterator it =
+ std::find_if(moo.begin(), moo.end(),
+ std::bind2nd(std::less<int>(), 3));],
+ [AC_MSG_RESULT([yes])],
+ [AC_MSG_RESULT([no])
+ AC_MSG_ERROR([Basic STL functionality missing])])
+ dnl check for compliant std::string::compare
+ AC_MSG_CHECKING([for compliant std::string::compare])
+ AC_TRY_COMPILE([#include <string>],
+ [std::string foo, bar;
+ foo.compare(bar);
+ foo.compare(1, 1, bar);
+ foo.compare(1, 1, bar, 1, 1);
+ foo.compare("");
+ foo.compare(1, 1, "");
+ foo.compare(1, 1, "", 2);],
+ [AC_MSG_RESULT(no)])
+ dnl check for hash_map and hash_set headers
+ AC_CHECK_HEADER([hash_map],
+ [AC_MSG_CHECKING([for hash_map and hash_set])
+ AC_TRY_COMPILE([#include <hash_map>
+ #include <hash_set>],
+ [std::hash_map<double*, char*, std::hash<double*>, std::equal_to<double*> > test1;
+ std::hash_set<char*, std::hash<char*>, std::equal_to<char*> > test2;],
+ [AC_MSG_RESULT(no)])
+ ])
+ AC_CHECK_HEADER([ext/hash_map],
+ [AC_MSG_CHECKING([for hash_map and hash_set])
+ AC_TRY_COMPILE([#include <ext/hash_map>
+ #include <ext/hash_set>],
+ [__gnu_cxx::hash_map<double*, char*, __gnu_cxx::hash<double*>, std::equal_to<double*> > test1;
+ __gnu_cxx::hash_set<char*, __gnu_cxx::hash<char*>, std::equal_to<char*> > test2;],
+ [AC_MSG_RESULT(no)])
+ ])
+dnl ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+dnl Define search path for includes and libraries: all headers and libs will be
+dnl looked for in all directories of this path
+dnl ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+dnl Notice that /usr/include should *not* be in this list, otherwise it breaks
+dnl compilation on Solaris/AIX/... with gcc because standard (non ANSI C)
+dnl headers are included instead of the "fixed" (ANSI-fied) gcc ones.
+dnl Also try to put all directories which may contain X11R6 before those which