msgboxCallBack(w, client_data, wxID_CANCEL);
+static void msgboxCallBackHelp(Widget w,
+ int client_data,
+ XmAnyCallbackStruct *call_data)
+ msgboxCallBack(w, client_data, wxID_HELP);
static void msgboxCallBackClose(Widget w,
int client_data,
XmAnyCallbackStruct *call_data)
// if we have [Yes], it must be a question
dialogCreateFunction = XmCreateQuestionDialog;
- // TODO we could support this by using the help button...
- wxASSERT_MSG( !(m_dialogStyle & wxCANCEL), "not supported" );
else if ( m_dialogStyle & wxICON_STOP )
wxCHECK_MSG( wMsgBox, wxID_CANCEL, "msg box creation failed" );
- // remove the [Help] button which wouldn't do anything anyhow
- XtUnmanageChild(XmMessageBoxGetChild(wMsgBox, XmDIALOG_HELP_BUTTON));
+ // get the buttons which we might either remove or rename
+ // depending on the requested style
+ //
+ Widget wBtnOk = XmMessageBoxGetChild(wMsgBox, XmDIALOG_OK_BUTTON);
+ Widget wBtnHelp = XmMessageBoxGetChild(wMsgBox, XmDIALOG_HELP_BUTTON);
+ Widget wBtnCancel = XmMessageBoxGetChild(wMsgBox, XmDIALOG_CANCEL_BUTTON);
- // and the [Cancel] button too if we were not asked for it
- if ( !(m_dialogStyle & wxCANCEL) )
+ if ( m_dialogStyle & wxYES_NO )
- Widget wBtnCancel = XmMessageBoxGetChild(wMsgBox,
+ wxXmString yes(_("Yes")), no(_("No")), cancel(_("Cancel"));
- // ... unless it's a wxYES_NO dialog in which case we just rename
- // [Cancel] to [No] instead
- if ( m_dialogStyle & wxYES_NO )
+ if ( m_dialogStyle & wxCANCEL )
- Widget wBtnOk = XmMessageBoxGetChild(wMsgBox,
- wxXmString yes(_("Yes")), no(_("No"));
+ // use the cancel button for No and the help button for
+ // Cancel Yuk :-) MB
+ //
XtVaSetValues(wBtnOk, XmNlabelString, yes(), NULL);
XtVaSetValues(wBtnCancel, XmNlabelString, no(), NULL);
+ XtVaSetValues(wBtnHelp, XmNlabelString, cancel(), NULL);
- XtUnmanageChild(wBtnCancel);
+ // no cancel button requested...
+ // remove the help button and use cancel for no
+ //
+ XtVaSetValues(wBtnCancel, XmNlabelString, no(), NULL);
+ XtUnmanageChild(wBtnHelp);
+ else
+ {
+ // remove the help button and the cancel button (unless it was
+ // requested)
+ //
+ XtUnmanageChild(wBtnHelp);
+ if ( !(m_dialogStyle & wxCANCEL ) ) XtUnmanageChild(wBtnCancel);
+ }
// set the callbacks for the message box buttons
XtAddCallback(wMsgBox, XmNokCallback,
(XtCallbackProc)msgboxCallBackOk, (XtPointer)this);
XtAddCallback(wMsgBox, XmNcancelCallback,
(XtCallbackProc)msgboxCallBackCancel, (XtPointer)this);
+ XtAddCallback(wMsgBox, XmNhelpCallback,
+ (XtCallbackProc)msgboxCallBackHelp, (XtPointer)this);
XtAddCallback(wMsgBox, XmNunmapCallback,
(XtCallbackProc)msgboxCallBackClose, (XtPointer)this);
m_result = wxID_YES;
else if ( m_result == wxID_CANCEL )
m_result = wxID_NO;
+ else if ( m_result == wxID_HELP )
+ m_result = wxID_CANCEL;
return m_result;