def value(self):
def update(self, value):
- = unicode(value, g.currentEncoding)
+ try: # handle exception if encoding is wrong
+ = unicode(value, g.currentEncoding)
+ except UnicodeDecodeError:
+ wxLogMessage("Unicode error: set encoding in file\ to something appropriate")
# Integer parameter
class xxxParamInt(xxxParam):
else: # simple parameter
self.params[tag] = xxxParam(node)
+ pass
# Remove all other nodes
- element.removeChild(node)
- node.unlink()
+# element.removeChild(node)
+# node.unlink()
# Check that all required params are set
for param in self.required:
if not self.params.has_key(param):
class xxxContainer(xxxObject):
hasChildren = True
+ exStyles = []
# Simulate normal parameter for encoding
class xxxEncoding:
- def __init__(self, val):
- self.encd = val
def value(self):
- return self.encd
+ return g.currentEncoding
def update(self, val):
- self.encd = val
+ g.currentEncoding = val
# Special class for root node
class xxxMainNode(xxxContainer):
# Reset required parameters after processing XML, because encoding is
# a little special
self.required = ['encoding']
- self.params['encoding'] = xxxEncoding(dom.encoding)
+ self.params['encoding'] = xxxEncoding()
# Top-level windwows
allParams = ['pos', 'size', 'style']
styles = ['fg', 'bg', 'font', 'enabled', 'focused', 'hidden', 'exstyle',
- winStyles = ['wxNO_3D', 'wxTAB_TRAVERSAL', 'wxCLIP_CHILDREN']
class xxxDialog(xxxContainer):
allParams = ['title', 'centered', 'pos', 'size', 'style']
paramDict = {'centered': ParamBool}
required = ['title']
default = {'title': ''}
- winStyles = ['wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE', 'wxSTAY_ON_TOP',
+ winStyles = ['wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE',
+ 'wxSTAY_ON_TOP',
+ 'wxNO_3D', 'wxDIALOG_NO_PARENT']
styles = ['fg', 'bg', 'font', 'enabled', 'focused', 'hidden', 'exstyle',
class xxxFrame(xxxContainer):
allParams = ['title', 'centered', 'pos', 'size', 'style']
paramDict = {'centered': ParamBool}
required = ['title']
default = {'title': ''}
+ winStyles = ['wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE',
+ ]
styles = ['fg', 'bg', 'font', 'enabled', 'focused', 'hidden', 'exstyle',
class xxxTool(xxxObject):
- allParams = ['bitmap', 'bitmap2', 'toggle', 'tooltip', 'longhelp']
+ allParams = ['bitmap', 'bitmap2', 'toggle', 'tooltip', 'longhelp', 'label']
required = ['bitmap']
paramDict = {'bitmap2': ParamBitmap, 'toggle': ParamBool}
hasStyle = False
paramDict = {'bitmapsize': ParamPosSize, 'margins': ParamPosSize,
'packing': ParamInt, 'separation': ParamInt,
'style': ParamNonGenericStyle}
- winStyles = ['wxTB_FLAT', 'wxTB_DOCKABLE', 'wxTB_VERTICAL', 'wxTB_HORIZONTAL']
+ winStyles = ['wxTB_FLAT', 'wxTB_DOCKABLE', 'wxTB_VERTICAL', 'wxTB_HORIZONTAL', 'wxTB_TEXT']
+class xxxWizard(xxxContainer):
+ allParams = ['title', 'bitmap', 'pos']
+ required = ['title']
+ default = {'title': ''}
+ winStyles = []
+ exStyles = ['wxWIZARD_EX_HELPBUTTON']
+class xxxWizardPage(xxxContainer):
+ allParams = ['bitmap']
+ winStyles = []
+ exStyles = []
+class xxxWizardPageSimple(xxxContainer):
+ allParams = ['bitmap']
+ winStyles = []
+ exStyles = []
# Bitmap, Icon
# Just like bitmap
class xxxIcon(xxxObject):
- allParams = ['icon']
- required = ['icon']
+ allParams = []
# Controls
paramDict = {'usenotebooksizer': ParamBool}
winStyles = ['wxNB_FIXEDWIDTH', 'wxNB_LEFT', 'wxNB_RIGHT', 'wxNB_BOTTOM']
+class xxxSplitterWindow(xxxContainer):
+ allParams = ['orientation', 'sashpos', 'minsize', 'pos', 'size', 'style']
+ paramDict = {'orientation': ParamOrientation, 'sashpos': ParamUnit, 'minsize': ParamUnit }
+ winStyles = ['wxSP_3D', 'wxSP_3DSASH', 'wxSP_3DBORDER', 'wxSP_BORDER',
+ 'wxSP_NO_XP_THEME' ]
class xxxGenericDirCtrl(xxxObject):
allParams = ['defaultfolder', 'filter', 'defaultfilter', 'pos', 'size', 'style']
paramDict = {'defaultfilter': ParamInt}
paramDict = {'value': ParamInt}
winStyles = ['wxSP_HORIZONTAL', 'wxSP_VERTICAL', 'wxSP_ARROW_KEYS', 'wxSP_WRAP']
+class xxxToggleButton(xxxObject):
+ allParams = ['label', 'checked', 'pos', 'size', 'style']
+ paramDict = {'checked': ParamBool}
+ required = ['label']
# Boxes
class xxxCheckBox(xxxObject):
allParams = ['label', 'checked', 'pos', 'size', 'style']
paramDict = {'checked': ParamBool}
+ winStyles = ['wxCHK_2STATE', 'wxCHK_3STATE', 'wxCHK_ALLOW_3RD_STATE_FOR_USER',
required = ['label']
class xxxComboBox(xxxObject):
required = ['cols']
default = {'cols': '2', 'rows': '2'}
+class xxxStdDialogButtonSizer(xxxSizer):
+ allParams = []
# For repeated parameters
class xxxParamMulti:
def __init__(self, node):
'wxFrame': xxxFrame,
'tool': xxxTool,
'wxToolBar': xxxToolBar,
+ 'wxWizard': xxxWizard,
+ 'wxWizardPage': xxxWizardPage,
+ 'wxWizardPageSimple': xxxWizardPageSimple,
'wxBitmap': xxxBitmap,
'wxIcon': xxxIcon,
'wxBitmapButton': xxxBitmapButton,
'wxRadioButton': xxxRadioButton,
'wxSpinButton': xxxSpinButton,
+ 'wxToggleButton' : xxxToggleButton,
'wxStaticBox': xxxStaticBox,
'wxStaticBitmap': xxxStaticBitmap,
'wxListCtrl': xxxListCtrl,
'wxCheckListBox': xxxCheckList,
'wxNotebook': xxxNotebook,
+ 'wxSplitterWindow': xxxSplitterWindow,
'notebookpage': xxxNotebookPage,
'wxHtmlWindow': xxxHtmlWindow,
'wxCalendarCtrl': xxxCalendarCtrl,
'wxGridSizer': xxxGridSizer,
'wxFlexGridSizer': xxxFlexGridSizer,
'wxGridBagSizer': xxxGridBagSizer,
+ 'wxStdDialogButtonSizer': xxxStdDialogButtonSizer,
'sizeritem': xxxSizerItem,
'spacer': xxxSpacer,