+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Utility Routines to move between different coordinate systems
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Right now we have the following setup :
+ * a border that is not part of the native control is always outside the
+ * control's border (otherwise we loose all native intelligence, future ways
+ * may be to have a second embedding control responsible for drawing borders
+ * and backgrounds eventually)
+ * so all this border calculations have to be taken into account when calling
+ * native methods or getting native oriented data
+ * so we have three coordinate systems here
+ * wx client coordinates
+ * wx window coordinates (including window frames)
+ * native coordinates
+ */
+// originating from native control
+void wxMacNativeToWindow( const wxWindow* window , RgnHandle handle )
+ OffsetRgn( handle , window->MacGetLeftBorderSize() , window->MacGetTopBorderSize() ) ;
+void wxMacNativeToWindow( const wxWindow* window , Rect *rect )
+ OffsetRect( rect , window->MacGetLeftBorderSize() , window->MacGetTopBorderSize() ) ;
+// directed towards native control
+void wxMacWindowToNative( const wxWindow* window , RgnHandle handle )
+ OffsetRgn( handle , -window->MacGetLeftBorderSize() , -window->MacGetTopBorderSize() );
+void wxMacWindowToNative( const wxWindow* window , Rect *rect )
+ OffsetRect( rect , -window->MacGetLeftBorderSize() , -window->MacGetTopBorderSize() ) ;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Carbon Events
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+extern long wxMacTranslateKey(unsigned char key, unsigned char code) ;
+pascal OSStatus wxMacSetupControlBackground( ControlRef iControl , SInt16 iMessage , SInt16 iDepth , Boolean iIsColor ) ;
+enum {
+ kEventControlVisibilityChanged = 157
+static const EventTypeSpec eventList[] =
+ { kEventClassControl , kEventControlHit } ,
+ { kEventClassControl , kEventControlDraw } ,
+ { kEventClassControl , kEventControlVisibilityChanged } ,
+ { kEventClassControl , kEventControlEnabledStateChanged } ,
+ { kEventClassControl , kEventControlHiliteChanged } ,
+ { kEventClassControl , kEventControlSetFocusPart } ,
+ { kEventClassService , kEventServiceGetTypes },
+ { kEventClassService , kEventServiceCopy },
+ { kEventClassService , kEventServicePaste },
+ // { kEventClassControl , kEventControlInvalidateForSizeChange } , // 10.3 only
+// { kEventClassControl , kEventControlBoundsChanged } ,
+} ;
+static pascal OSStatus wxMacWindowControlEventHandler( EventHandlerCallRef handler , EventRef event , void *data )
+ OSStatus result = eventNotHandledErr ;
+ wxMacCarbonEvent cEvent( event ) ;
+ ControlRef controlRef ;
+ wxWindowMac* thisWindow = (wxWindowMac*) data ;
+ cEvent.GetParameter( kEventParamDirectObject , &controlRef ) ;
+ switch( GetEventKind( event ) )
+ {
+ case kEventControlDraw :
+ {
+ RgnHandle updateRgn = NULL ;
+ RgnHandle allocatedRgn = NULL ;
+ wxRegion visRegion = thisWindow->MacGetVisibleRegion() ;
+ Rect controlBounds ;
+ if ( thisWindow->GetPeer()->IsCompositing() == false )
+ {
+ if ( thisWindow->GetPeer()->IsRootControl() == false )
+ {
+ GetControlBounds( thisWindow->GetPeer()->GetControlRef() , &controlBounds ) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ thisWindow->GetPeer()->GetRect( &controlBounds ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( cEvent.GetParameter<RgnHandle>(kEventParamRgnHandle, &updateRgn) != noErr )
+ {
+ updateRgn = (RgnHandle) visRegion.GetWXHRGN() ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( thisWindow->GetPeer()->IsCompositing() == false )
+ {
+ allocatedRgn = NewRgn() ;
+ CopyRgn( updateRgn , allocatedRgn ) ;
+ OffsetRgn( allocatedRgn , -controlBounds.left , -controlBounds.top ) ;
+ // hide the given region by the new region that must be shifted
+ wxMacNativeToWindow( thisWindow , allocatedRgn ) ;
+ updateRgn = allocatedRgn ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( thisWindow->MacGetLeftBorderSize() != 0 || thisWindow->MacGetTopBorderSize() != 0 )
+ {
+ // as this update region is in native window locals we must adapt it to wx window local
+ allocatedRgn = NewRgn() ;
+ CopyRgn( updateRgn , allocatedRgn ) ;
+ // hide the given region by the new region that must be shifted
+ wxMacNativeToWindow( thisWindow , allocatedRgn ) ;
+ updateRgn = allocatedRgn ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Rect rgnBounds ;
+ GetRegionBounds( updateRgn , &rgnBounds ) ;
+ if ( thisWindow->MacIsUserPane() )
+ {
+ CGContextRef cgContext = cEvent.GetParameter<CGContextRef>(kEventParamCGContextRef) ;
+ static float color = 0.5 ;
+ static channel = 0 ;
+ HIRect bounds;
+ HIViewGetBounds( controlRef, &bounds );
+ CGContextSetRGBFillColor( cgContext, channel == 0 ? color : 0.5 ,
+ channel == 1 ? color : 0.5 , channel == 2 ? color : 0.5 , 1 );
+ CGContextFillRect( cgContext, bounds );
+ color += 0.1 ;
+ if ( color > 0.9 )
+ {
+ color = 0.5 ;
+ channel++ ;
+ if ( channel == 3 )
+ channel = 0 ;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ bool created = false ;
+ CGContextRef cgContext = 0 ;
+ if ( cEvent.GetParameter<CGContextRef>(kEventParamCGContextRef, &cgContext) != noErr )
+ {
+ wxASSERT( thisWindow->GetPeer()->IsCompositing() == false ) ;
+ // this parameter is not provided on non-composited windows
+ created = true ;
+ // rest of the code expects this to be already transformed and clipped for local
+ CGrafPtr port = GetWindowPort( (WindowRef) thisWindow->MacGetTopLevelWindowRef() ) ;
+ Rect bounds ;
+ GetPortBounds( port , &bounds ) ;
+ CreateCGContextForPort( port , &cgContext ) ;
+ wxMacWindowToNative( thisWindow , updateRgn ) ;
+ OffsetRgn( updateRgn , controlBounds.left , controlBounds.top ) ;
+ ClipCGContextToRegion( cgContext , &bounds , updateRgn ) ;
+ wxMacNativeToWindow( thisWindow , updateRgn ) ;
+ OffsetRgn( updateRgn , -controlBounds.left , -controlBounds.top ) ;
+ CGContextTranslateCTM( cgContext , 0 , bounds.bottom - bounds.top ) ;
+ CGContextScaleCTM( cgContext , 1 , -1 ) ;
+ CGContextTranslateCTM( cgContext , controlBounds.left , controlBounds.top ) ;
+ /*
+ CGContextSetRGBFillColor( cgContext , 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 ) ;
+ CGContextFillRect(cgContext , CGRectMake( 0 , 0 ,
+ controlBounds.right - controlBounds.left ,
+ controlBounds.bottom - controlBounds.top ) );
+ */
+ }
+ thisWindow->MacSetCGContextRef( cgContext ) ;
+ {
+ wxMacCGContextStateSaver sg( cgContext ) ;
+ if ( thisWindow->MacDoRedraw( updateRgn , cEvent.GetTicks() ) )
+ result = noErr ;
+ thisWindow->MacSetCGContextRef( NULL ) ;
+ }
+ if ( created )
+ {
+ CGContextRelease( cgContext ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( allocatedRgn )
+ DisposeRgn( allocatedRgn ) ;
+ }
+ break ;
+ case kEventControlVisibilityChanged :
+ thisWindow->MacVisibilityChanged() ;
+ break ;
+ case kEventControlEnabledStateChanged :
+ thisWindow->MacEnabledStateChanged() ;
+ break ;
+ case kEventControlHiliteChanged :
+ thisWindow->MacHiliteChanged() ;
+ break ;
+ // we emulate this event under Carbon CFM
+ case kEventControlSetFocusPart :
+ {
+ Boolean focusEverything = false ;
+ ControlPartCode controlPart = cEvent.GetParameter<ControlPartCode>(kEventParamControlPart , typeControlPartCode );
+#ifdef __WXMAC_OSX__
+ if ( cEvent.GetParameter<Boolean>(kEventParamControlFocusEverything , &focusEverything ) == noErr )
+ {
+ }
+ if ( controlPart == kControlFocusNoPart )
+ {
+ #if wxUSE_CARET
+ if ( thisWindow->GetCaret() )
+ {
+ thisWindow->GetCaret()->OnKillFocus();
+ }
+ #endif // wxUSE_CARET
+ wxFocusEvent event( wxEVT_KILL_FOCUS, thisWindow->GetId());
+ event.SetEventObject(thisWindow);
+ thisWindow->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event) ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // panel wants to track the window which was the last to have focus in it
+ wxChildFocusEvent eventFocus(thisWindow);
+ thisWindow->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(eventFocus);
+ #if wxUSE_CARET
+ if ( thisWindow->GetCaret() )
+ {
+ thisWindow->GetCaret()->OnSetFocus();
+ }
+ #endif // wxUSE_CARET
+ wxFocusEvent event(wxEVT_SET_FOCUS, thisWindow->GetId());
+ event.SetEventObject(thisWindow);
+ thisWindow->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event) ;
+ }
+ if ( thisWindow->MacIsUserPane() )
+ result = noErr ;
+ }
+ break ;
+ case kEventControlHit :
+ {
+ result = thisWindow->MacControlHit( handler , event ) ;
+ }
+ break ;
+ default :
+ break ;
+ }
+ return result ;
+static pascal OSStatus wxMacWindowServiceEventHandler( EventHandlerCallRef handler , EventRef event , void *data )
+ OSStatus result = eventNotHandledErr ;
+ wxMacCarbonEvent cEvent( event ) ;
+ ControlRef controlRef ;
+ wxWindowMac* thisWindow = (wxWindowMac*) data ;
+ wxTextCtrl* textCtrl = wxDynamicCast( thisWindow , wxTextCtrl ) ;
+ cEvent.GetParameter( kEventParamDirectObject , &controlRef ) ;
+ switch( GetEventKind( event ) )
+ {
+ case kEventServiceGetTypes :
+ if( textCtrl )
+ {
+ long from, to ;
+ textCtrl->GetSelection( &from , &to ) ;
+ CFMutableArrayRef copyTypes = 0 , pasteTypes = 0;
+ if( from != to )
+ copyTypes = cEvent.GetParameter< CFMutableArrayRef >( kEventParamServiceCopyTypes , typeCFMutableArrayRef ) ;
+ if ( textCtrl->IsEditable() )
+ pasteTypes = cEvent.GetParameter< CFMutableArrayRef >( kEventParamServicePasteTypes , typeCFMutableArrayRef ) ;
+ static const OSType textDataTypes[] = { kTXNTextData /* , 'utxt' , 'PICT', 'MooV', 'AIFF' */ };
+ for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < WXSIZEOF(textDataTypes) ; ++i )
+ {
+ CFStringRef typestring = CreateTypeStringWithOSType(textDataTypes[i]);
+ if ( typestring )
+ {
+ if ( copyTypes )
+ CFArrayAppendValue (copyTypes, typestring) ;
+ if ( pasteTypes )
+ CFArrayAppendValue (pasteTypes, typestring) ;
+ CFRelease( typestring ) ;
+ }
+ }
+ result = noErr ;
+ }
+ break ;
+ case kEventServiceCopy :
+ if ( textCtrl )
+ {
+ long from, to ;
+ textCtrl->GetSelection( &from , &to ) ;
+ wxString val = textCtrl->GetValue() ;
+ val = val.Mid( from , to - from ) ;
+ ScrapRef scrapRef = cEvent.GetParameter< ScrapRef > ( kEventParamScrapRef , typeScrapRef ) ;
+ verify_noerr( ClearScrap( &scrapRef ) ) ;
+ verify_noerr( PutScrapFlavor( scrapRef , kTXNTextData , 0 , val.Length() , val.c_str() ) ) ;
+ result = noErr ;
+ }
+ break ;
+ case kEventServicePaste :
+ if ( textCtrl )
+ {
+ ScrapRef scrapRef = cEvent.GetParameter< ScrapRef > ( kEventParamScrapRef , typeScrapRef ) ;
+ Size textSize, pastedSize ;
+ verify_noerr( GetScrapFlavorSize (scrapRef, kTXNTextData, &textSize) ) ;
+ textSize++ ;
+ char *content = new char[textSize] ;
+ GetScrapFlavorData (scrapRef, kTXNTextData, &pastedSize, content );
+ content[textSize-1] = 0 ;
+ textCtrl->WriteText( wxString( content , wxConvLocal ) );
+ textCtrl->WriteText( wxString( content ) ) ;
+ delete[] content ;
+ result = noErr ;
+ }
+ break ;
+ }
+ return result ;
+pascal OSStatus wxMacWindowEventHandler( EventHandlerCallRef handler , EventRef event , void *data )
+ EventRef formerEvent = (EventRef) wxTheApp->MacGetCurrentEvent() ;
+ EventHandlerCallRef formerEventHandlerCallRef = (EventHandlerCallRef) wxTheApp->MacGetCurrentEventHandlerCallRef() ;
+ wxTheApp->MacSetCurrentEvent( event , handler ) ;
+ OSStatus result = eventNotHandledErr ;
+ switch ( GetEventClass( event ) )
+ {
+ case kEventClassControl :
+ result = wxMacWindowControlEventHandler( handler, event, data ) ;
+ break ;
+ case kEventClassService :
+ result = wxMacWindowServiceEventHandler( handler, event , data ) ;
+ break ;
+ default :
+ break ;
+ }
+ wxTheApp->MacSetCurrentEvent( formerEvent, formerEventHandlerCallRef ) ;
+ return result ;
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// UserPane events for non OSX builds
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+static pascal void wxMacControlUserPaneDrawProc(ControlRef control, SInt16 part)
+ wxWindow * win = wxFindControlFromMacControl(control) ;
+ if ( win )
+ win->MacControlUserPaneDrawProc(part) ;
+wxMAC_DEFINE_PROC_GETTER( ControlUserPaneDrawUPP , wxMacControlUserPaneDrawProc ) ;
+static pascal ControlPartCode wxMacControlUserPaneHitTestProc(ControlRef control, Point where)
+ wxWindow * win = wxFindControlFromMacControl(control) ;
+ if ( win )
+ return win->MacControlUserPaneHitTestProc(where.h , where.v) ;
+ else
+ return kControlNoPart ;
+wxMAC_DEFINE_PROC_GETTER( ControlUserPaneHitTestUPP , wxMacControlUserPaneHitTestProc ) ;
+static pascal ControlPartCode wxMacControlUserPaneTrackingProc(ControlRef control, Point startPt, ControlActionUPP actionProc)
+ wxWindow * win = wxFindControlFromMacControl(control) ;
+ if ( win )
+ return win->MacControlUserPaneTrackingProc( startPt.h , startPt.v , (void*) actionProc) ;
+ else
+ return kControlNoPart ;
+wxMAC_DEFINE_PROC_GETTER( ControlUserPaneTrackingUPP , wxMacControlUserPaneTrackingProc ) ;
+static pascal void wxMacControlUserPaneIdleProc(ControlRef control)
+ wxWindow * win = wxFindControlFromMacControl(control) ;
+ if ( win )
+ win->MacControlUserPaneIdleProc() ;
+wxMAC_DEFINE_PROC_GETTER( ControlUserPaneIdleUPP , wxMacControlUserPaneIdleProc ) ;
+static pascal ControlPartCode wxMacControlUserPaneKeyDownProc(ControlRef control, SInt16 keyCode, SInt16 charCode, SInt16 modifiers)
+ wxWindow * win = wxFindControlFromMacControl(control) ;
+ if ( win )
+ return win->MacControlUserPaneKeyDownProc(keyCode,charCode,modifiers) ;
+ else
+ return kControlNoPart ;
+wxMAC_DEFINE_PROC_GETTER( ControlUserPaneKeyDownUPP , wxMacControlUserPaneKeyDownProc ) ;
+static pascal void wxMacControlUserPaneActivateProc(ControlRef control, Boolean activating)
+ wxWindow * win = wxFindControlFromMacControl(control) ;
+ if ( win )
+ win->MacControlUserPaneActivateProc(activating) ;
+wxMAC_DEFINE_PROC_GETTER( ControlUserPaneActivateUPP , wxMacControlUserPaneActivateProc ) ;
+static pascal ControlPartCode wxMacControlUserPaneFocusProc(ControlRef control, ControlFocusPart action)
+ wxWindow * win = wxFindControlFromMacControl(control) ;
+ if ( win )
+ return win->MacControlUserPaneFocusProc(action) ;
+ else
+ return kControlNoPart ;
+wxMAC_DEFINE_PROC_GETTER( ControlUserPaneFocusUPP , wxMacControlUserPaneFocusProc ) ;
+static pascal void wxMacControlUserPaneBackgroundProc(ControlRef control, ControlBackgroundPtr info)
+ wxWindow * win = wxFindControlFromMacControl(control) ;
+ if ( win )
+ win->MacControlUserPaneBackgroundProc(info) ;
+wxMAC_DEFINE_PROC_GETTER( ControlUserPaneBackgroundUPP , wxMacControlUserPaneBackgroundProc ) ;
+void wxWindowMac::MacControlUserPaneDrawProc(wxInt16 part)
+ RgnHandle rgn = NewRgn() ;
+ GetClip( rgn ) ;
+ int x = 0 , y = 0;
+ MacWindowToRootWindow( &x,&y ) ;
+ OffsetRgn( rgn , -x , -y ) ;
+ wxMacWindowStateSaver sv( this ) ;
+ SectRgn( rgn , (RgnHandle) MacGetVisibleRegion().GetWXHRGN() , rgn ) ;
+ MacDoRedraw( rgn , 0 ) ;
+ DisposeRgn( rgn ) ;
+wxInt16 wxWindowMac::MacControlUserPaneHitTestProc(wxInt16 x, wxInt16 y)
+ return kControlNoPart ;
+wxInt16 wxWindowMac::MacControlUserPaneTrackingProc(wxInt16 x, wxInt16 y, void* actionProc)
+ return kControlNoPart ;
+void wxWindowMac::MacControlUserPaneIdleProc()
+wxInt16 wxWindowMac::MacControlUserPaneKeyDownProc(wxInt16 keyCode, wxInt16 charCode, wxInt16 modifiers)
+ return kControlNoPart ;
+void wxWindowMac::MacControlUserPaneActivateProc(bool activating)
+wxInt16 wxWindowMac::MacControlUserPaneFocusProc(wxInt16 action)
+ return kControlNoPart ;
+void wxWindowMac::MacControlUserPaneBackgroundProc(void* info)
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Scrollbar Tracking for all
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+pascal void wxMacLiveScrollbarActionProc( ControlRef control , ControlPartCode partCode ) ;
+pascal void wxMacLiveScrollbarActionProc( ControlRef control , ControlPartCode partCode )
+ if ( partCode != 0)
+ {
+ wxWindow* wx = wxFindControlFromMacControl( control ) ;
+ if ( wx )
+ {
+ wx->MacHandleControlClick( (WXWidget) control , partCode , true /* stillDown */ ) ;
+ }
+ }
+wxMAC_DEFINE_PROC_GETTER( ControlActionUPP , wxMacLiveScrollbarActionProc ) ;
+// ===========================================================================
+// implementation
+// ===========================================================================
+wxList wxWinMacControlList(wxKEY_INTEGER);
+wxWindow *wxFindControlFromMacControl(ControlRef inControl )
+ wxNode *node = wxWinMacControlList.Find((long)inControl);
+ if (!node)
+ return NULL;
+ return (wxControl *)node->GetData();
+void wxAssociateControlWithMacControl(ControlRef inControl, wxWindow *control)
+ // adding NULL ControlRef is (first) surely a result of an error and
+ // (secondly) breaks native event processing
+ wxCHECK_RET( inControl != (ControlRef) NULL, wxT("attempt to add a NULL WindowRef to window list") );
+ if ( !wxWinMacControlList.Find((long)inControl) )
+ wxWinMacControlList.Append((long)inControl, control);
+void wxRemoveMacControlAssociation(wxWindow *control)
+ // remove all associations pointing to us
+ while ( wxWinMacControlList.DeleteObject(control) )
+ {}
+WX_DECLARE_HASH_MAP(ControlRef, wxWindow*, wxPointerHash, wxPointerEqual, MacControlMap);
+static MacControlMap wxWinMacControlList;
+wxWindow *wxFindControlFromMacControl(ControlRef inControl )
+ MacControlMap::iterator node = wxWinMacControlList.find(inControl);
+ return (node == wxWinMacControlList.end()) ? NULL : node->second;
+void wxAssociateControlWithMacControl(ControlRef inControl, wxWindow *control)
+ // adding NULL ControlRef is (first) surely a result of an error and
+ // (secondly) breaks native event processing
+ wxCHECK_RET( inControl != (ControlRef) NULL, wxT("attempt to add a NULL WindowRef to window list") );
+ wxWinMacControlList[inControl] = control;
+void wxRemoveMacControlAssociation(wxWindow *control)
+ // iterate over all the elements in the class
+ // is the iterator stable ? as we might have two associations pointing to the same wxWindow
+ // we should go on...
+ bool found = true ;
+ while( found )
+ {
+ found = false ;
+ MacControlMap::iterator it;
+ for ( it = wxWinMacControlList.begin(); it != wxWinMacControlList.end(); ++it )
+ {
+ if ( it->second == control )
+ {
+ wxWinMacControlList.erase(it);
+ found = true ;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#endif // deprecated wxList
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // constructors and such
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Init();
+wxWindowMac::wxWindowMac(wxWindowMac *parent,
+ wxWindowID id,
+ const wxPoint& pos ,
+ const wxSize& size ,
+ long style ,
+ const wxString& name )
+ Init();
+ Create(parent, id, pos, size, style, name);
+void wxWindowMac::Init()
+ m_peer = NULL ;
+ m_frozenness = 0 ;
+ m_backgroundTransparent = false;
+ // as all windows are created with WS_VISIBLE style...
+ m_isShown = true;
+ m_hScrollBar = NULL ;
+ m_vScrollBar = NULL ;
+ m_macBackgroundBrush = wxNullBrush ;
+ m_macIsUserPane = true;
+ m_cgContextRef = NULL ;
+ m_clipChildren = false ;
+ m_cachedClippedRectValid = false ;
+ // we need a valid font for the encodings
+ wxWindowBase::SetFont(wxSystemSettings::GetFont(wxSYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT));
+// Destructor
+ SendDestroyEvent();
+ m_isBeingDeleted = true;
+ MacInvalidateBorders() ;
+#ifndef __WXUNIVERSAL__
+ // VS: make sure there's no wxFrame with last focus set to us:
+ for ( wxWindow *win = GetParent(); win; win = win->GetParent() )
+ {
+ wxFrame *frame = wxDynamicCast(win, wxFrame);
+ if ( frame )
+ {
+ if ( frame->GetLastFocus() == this )
+ {
+ frame->SetLastFocus((wxWindow*)NULL);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+#endif // __WXUNIVERSAL__
+ // destroy children before destroying this window itself
+ DestroyChildren();
+ // wxRemoveMacControlAssociation( this ) ;
+ // If we delete an item, we should initialize the parent panel,
+ // because it could now be invalid.
+ wxWindow *parent = GetParent() ;
+ if ( parent )
+ {
+ if (parent->GetDefaultItem() == (wxButton*) this)
+ parent->SetDefaultItem(NULL);
+ }
+ if ( m_peer && m_peer->Ok() )
+ {
+ // in case the callback might be called during destruction
+ wxRemoveMacControlAssociation( this) ;
+ // we currently are not using this hook
+ // ::SetControlColorProc( *m_peer , NULL ) ;
+ m_peer->Dispose() ;
+ }
+ if ( g_MacLastWindow == this )
+ {
+ g_MacLastWindow = NULL ;
+ }
+ wxFrame* frame = wxDynamicCast( wxGetTopLevelParent( this ) , wxFrame ) ;
+ if ( frame )
+ {
+ if ( frame->GetLastFocus() == this )
+ frame->SetLastFocus( NULL ) ;
+ }
+ // delete our drop target if we've got one
+ if ( m_dropTarget != NULL )
+ {
+ delete m_dropTarget;
+ m_dropTarget = NULL;
+ }
+#endif // wxUSE_DRAG_AND_DROP
+ delete m_peer ;
+WXWidget wxWindowMac::GetHandle() const
+ return (WXWidget) m_peer->GetControlRef() ;
+void wxWindowMac::MacInstallEventHandler( WXWidget control )
+ wxAssociateControlWithMacControl( (ControlRef) control , this ) ;
+ InstallControlEventHandler( (ControlRef) control , GetwxMacWindowEventHandlerUPP(),
+ GetEventTypeCount(eventList), eventList, this,
+ (EventHandlerRef *)&m_macControlEventHandler);
+ if ( (ControlRef) control == m_peer->GetControlRef() )
+ {
+ m_peer->SetData<ControlUserPaneDrawUPP>(kControlEntireControl,kControlUserPaneDrawProcTag,GetwxMacControlUserPaneDrawProc()) ;
+ m_peer->SetData<ControlUserPaneHitTestUPP>(kControlEntireControl,kControlUserPaneHitTestProcTag,GetwxMacControlUserPaneHitTestProc()) ;
+ m_peer->SetData<ControlUserPaneTrackingUPP>(kControlEntireControl,kControlUserPaneTrackingProcTag,GetwxMacControlUserPaneTrackingProc()) ;
+ m_peer->SetData<ControlUserPaneIdleUPP>(kControlEntireControl,kControlUserPaneIdleProcTag,GetwxMacControlUserPaneIdleProc()) ;
+ m_peer->SetData<ControlUserPaneKeyDownUPP>(kControlEntireControl,kControlUserPaneKeyDownProcTag,GetwxMacControlUserPaneKeyDownProc()) ;
+ m_peer->SetData<ControlUserPaneActivateUPP>(kControlEntireControl,kControlUserPaneActivateProcTag,GetwxMacControlUserPaneActivateProc()) ;
+ m_peer->SetData<ControlUserPaneFocusUPP>(kControlEntireControl,kControlUserPaneFocusProcTag,GetwxMacControlUserPaneFocusProc()) ;
+ m_peer->SetData<ControlUserPaneBackgroundUPP>(kControlEntireControl,kControlUserPaneBackgroundProcTag,GetwxMacControlUserPaneBackgroundProc()) ;
+ }
+// Constructor
+bool wxWindowMac::Create(wxWindowMac *parent, wxWindowID id,
+ const wxPoint& pos,
+ const wxSize& size,
+ long style,
+ const wxString& name)
+ wxCHECK_MSG( parent, false, wxT("can't create wxWindowMac without parent") );
+ if ( !CreateBase(parent, id, pos, size, style, wxDefaultValidator, name) )
+ return false;
+ m_windowVariant = parent->GetWindowVariant() ;
+ if ( m_macIsUserPane )
+ {
+ Rect bounds = wxMacGetBoundsForControl( this , pos , size ) ;
+ UInt32 features = 0
+ | kControlSupportsEmbedding
+ | kControlSupportsLiveFeedback
+ | kControlGetsFocusOnClick
+// | kControlHasSpecialBackground
+// | kControlSupportsCalcBestRect
+ | kControlHandlesTracking
+ | kControlSupportsFocus
+ | kControlWantsActivate
+ | kControlWantsIdle
+ ;
+ m_peer = new wxMacControl(this) ;
+ ::CreateUserPaneControl( MAC_WXHWND(GetParent()->MacGetTopLevelWindowRef()) , &bounds, features , m_peer->GetControlRefAddr() );
+ MacPostControlCreate(pos,size) ;
+ }
+#ifndef __WXUNIVERSAL__
+ // Don't give scrollbars to wxControls unless they ask for them
+ if ( (! IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxControl)) && ! IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxStatusBar))) ||
+ (IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxControl)) && ( style & wxHSCROLL || style & wxVSCROLL)))
+ {
+ MacCreateScrollBars( style ) ;
+ }
+ wxWindowCreateEvent event(this);
+ GetEventHandler()->AddPendingEvent(event);
+ return true;
+void wxWindowMac::MacChildAdded()
+ if ( m_vScrollBar )
+ {
+ m_vScrollBar->Raise() ;
+ }
+ if ( m_hScrollBar )
+ {
+ m_hScrollBar->Raise() ;
+ }
+void wxWindowMac::MacPostControlCreate(const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size)
+ wxASSERT_MSG( m_peer != NULL && m_peer->Ok() , wxT("No valid mac control") ) ;
+ m_peer->SetReference( (long) this ) ;
+ GetParent()->AddChild(this);
+ MacInstallEventHandler( (WXWidget) m_peer->GetControlRef() );
+ ControlRef container = (ControlRef) GetParent()->GetHandle() ;
+ wxASSERT_MSG( container != NULL , wxT("No valid mac container control") ) ;
+ ::EmbedControl( m_peer->GetControlRef() , container ) ;
+ GetParent()->MacChildAdded() ;
+ // adjust font, controlsize etc
+ DoSetWindowVariant( m_windowVariant ) ;
+ m_peer->SetTitle( wxStripMenuCodes(m_label) ) ;
+ if (!m_macIsUserPane)
+ {
+ SetInitialBestSize(size);
+ }
+ SetCursor( *wxSTANDARD_CURSOR ) ;
+void wxWindowMac::DoSetWindowVariant( wxWindowVariant variant )
+ // Don't assert, in case we set the window variant before
+ // the window is created
+ // wxASSERT( m_peer->Ok() ) ;
+ m_windowVariant = variant ;