-#if !defined(__WXMSW__) || wxUSE_XPM_IN_MSW || wxUSE_XPM_IN_OS2
-/* Closed folder */
-static char * icon1_xpm[] = {
-/* width height ncolors chars_per_pixel */
-"16 16 6 1",
-/* colors */
-" s None c None",
-". c #000000",
-"+ c #c0c0c0",
-"@ c #808080",
-"# c #ffff00",
-"$ c #ffffff",
-/* pixels */
-" ",
-" @@@@@ ",
-" @#+#+#@ ",
-" @#+#+#+#@@@@@@ ",
-" @$$$$$$$$$$$$@.",
-" @$#+#+#+#+#+#@.",
-" @$+#+#+#+#+#+@.",
-" @$#+#+#+#+#+#@.",
-" @$+#+#+#+#+#+@.",
-" @$#+#+#+#+#+#@.",
-" @$+#+#+#+#+#+@.",
-" @$#+#+#+#+#+#@.",
-" @@@@@@@@@@@@@@.",
-" ..............",
-" ",
-" "};
-/* Open folder */
-static char * icon2_xpm[] = {
-/* width height ncolors chars_per_pixel */
-"16 16 6 1",
-/* colors */
-" s None c None",
-". c #000000",
-"+ c #c0c0c0",
-"@ c #808080",
-"# c #ffff00",
-"$ c #ffffff",
-/* pixels */
-" ",
-" @@@@@ ",
-" @$$$$$@ ",
-" @$#+#+#$@@@@@@ ",
-" @$+#+#+$$$$$$@.",
-" @$#+#+#+#+#+#@.",
-" @$#+#+#+#+#+.@.",
-" @$+#+#+#+#+#.@.",
-" @$+#+#+#+##@..",
-" @@@@@@@@@@@@@.",
-" .............",
-" ",
-" "};
-/* File */
-static char * icon3_xpm[] = {
-/* width height ncolors chars_per_pixel */
-"16 16 3 1",
-/* colors */
-" s None c None",
-". c #000000",
-"+ c #ffffff",
-/* pixels */
-" ",
-" ........ ",
-" .++++++.. ",
-" .+.+.++.+. ",
-" .++++++.... ",
-" .+.+.+++++. ",
-" .+++++++++. ",
-" .+.+.+.+.+. ",
-" .+++++++++. ",
-" .+.+.+.+.+. ",
-" .+++++++++. ",
-" .+.+.+.+.+. ",
-" .+++++++++. ",
-" ........... ",
-" ",
-" "};
-/* Computer */
-static char * icon4_xpm[] = {
-"16 16 7 1",
-" s None c None",
-". c #808080",
-"X c #c0c0c0",
-"o c Black",
-"O c Gray100",
-"+ c #008080",
-"@ c Blue",
-" ........... ",
-" .OOOOOOOOO..o",
-" .OoooooooX..o",
-" .Oo+...@+X..o",
-" .Oo+XXX.+X..o",
-" .Oo+....+X..o",
-" .Oo++++++X..o",
-" .OXXXXXXXX.oo",
-" ..........o.o",
-" ...........Xo",
-" .o.o.o.o.o...o",
-" .oXoXoXoXoXo.o ",
-"............o "};
-/* Drive */
-static char * icon5_xpm[] = {
-"16 16 7 1",
-" s None c None",
-". c #808080",
-"X c #c0c0c0",
-"o c Black",
-"O c Gray100",
-"+ c Green",
-"@ c #008000",
-" ",
-" ",
-" ",
-" ",
-" ............. ",
-"..............o ",
-" ooooooooooooo ",
-" ",
-" ",
-" "};
-/* CD-ROM */
-static char *icon6_xpm[] = {
-"16 16 10 1",
-" s None c None",
-". c #808080",
-"X c #c0c0c0",
-"o c Yellow",
-"O c Blue",
-"+ c Black",
-"@ c Gray100",
-"# c #008080",
-"$ c Green",
-"% c #008000",
-" ... ",
-" ..XoX.. ",
-" .O.XoXXX+ ",
-" ...O.oXXXX+ ",
-" .O..X.XXXX+ ",
-" ....X.+..XXX+",
-" .XXX.+@+.XXX+",
-" .X@XX.+.X@@X+",
-" .....X...#XX@+ ",
-".@@@...XXo.O@X+ ",
-".@XXX..XXoXOO+ ",
-".@++++..XoX+++ ",
-".@$%@@XX+++X.+ ",
-".............+ ",
-" ++++++++++++ ",
-" "};
-/* Floppy */
-static char * icon7_xpm[] = {
-"16 16 7 1",
-" s None c None",
-". c #808080",
-"X c Gray100",
-"o c #c0c0c0",
-"O c Black",
-"+ c Cyan",
-"@ c Red",
-" ......X",
-" .ooooooO",
-" .+++++OO",
-" .++++++O",
-" .++++++O",
-" .ooooooO",
-" .......o....oO",
-" .oooooo.o.O.XoO",
-".ooooooooo@o..O ",
-".ooo....oooo..O ",
-".o..OOOO...o..O ",
-".oooXXXXoooo..O ",
-".............O ",
-" "};
-/* Removeable */
-static char * icon8_xpm[] = {
-"16 16 7 1",
-" s None c None",
-". c #808080",
-"X c #c0c0c0",
-"o c Black",
-"O c Gray100",
-"+ c Red",
-"@ c #800000",
-" ",
-" ",
-" ",
-" ............. ",
-".O............o ",
-" ooooooooooooo ",
-" ",
-" ",
-" "};
-#endif // !wxMSW
-static const int ID_DIRCTRL = 1000;
-static const int ID_TEXTCTRL = 1001;
-static const int ID_OK = 1002;
-static const int ID_CANCEL = 1003;
-static const int ID_NEW = 1004;
-//static const int ID_CHECK = 1005;
-#if defined(__WXMSW__) || defined(__WXPM__)
-static bool wxIsDriveAvailable(const wxString dirName)
+bool wxIsDriveAvailable(const wxString& dirName);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// wxGetAvailableDrives, for WINDOWS, DOS, OS2, MAC, UNIX (returns "/")
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+size_t wxGetAvailableDrives(wxArrayString &paths, wxArrayString &names, wxArrayInt &icon_ids)
+#ifdef __WXWINCE__
+ // No logical drives; return "\"
+ paths.Add(wxT("\\"));
+ names.Add(wxT("\\"));
+ icon_ids.Add(wxFileIconsTable::computer);
+#elif defined(__WIN32__) && wxUSE_FSVOLUME
+ // TODO: this code (using wxFSVolumeBase) should be used for all platforms
+ // but unfortunately wxFSVolumeBase is not implemented everywhere
+ const wxArrayString as = wxFSVolumeBase::GetVolumes();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < as.GetCount(); i++)
+ {
+ wxString path = as[i];
+ wxFSVolume vol(path);
+ int imageId;
+ switch (vol.GetKind())
+ {
+ case wxFS_VOL_FLOPPY:
+ if ( (path == wxT("a:\\")) || (path == wxT("b:\\")) )
+ imageId = wxFileIconsTable::floppy;
+ else
+ imageId = wxFileIconsTable::removeable;
+ break;
+ case wxFS_VOL_DVDROM:
+ case wxFS_VOL_CDROM:
+ imageId = wxFileIconsTable::cdrom;
+ break;
+ case wxFS_VOL_NETWORK:
+ if (path[0] == wxT('\\'))
+ continue; // skip "\\computer\folder"
+ imageId = wxFileIconsTable::drive;
+ break;
+ case wxFS_VOL_DISK:
+ case wxFS_VOL_OTHER:
+ default:
+ imageId = wxFileIconsTable::drive;
+ break;
+ }
+ paths.Add(path);
+ names.Add(vol.GetDisplayName());
+ icon_ids.Add(imageId);
+ }
+#elif defined(__OS2__)
+ APIRET rc;
+ ULONG ulDriveNum = 0;
+ ULONG ulDriveMap = 0;
+ rc = ::DosQueryCurrentDisk(&ulDriveNum, &ulDriveMap);
+ if ( rc == 0)
+ {
+ size_t i = 0;
+ while (i < 26)
+ {
+ if (ulDriveMap & ( 1 << i ))
+ {
+ const wxString path = wxFileName::GetVolumeString(
+ const wxString name = wxFileName::GetVolumeString(
+ 'A' + i, wxPATH_NO_SEPARATOR);
+ // Note: If _filesys is unsupported by some compilers,
+ // we can always replace it by DosQueryFSAttach
+ char filesysname[20];
+#ifdef __WATCOMC__
+ ULONG cbBuffer = sizeof(filesysname);
+ PFSQBUFFER2 pfsqBuffer = (PFSQBUFFER2)filesysname;
+ APIRET rc = ::DosQueryFSAttach(name.fn_str(),0,FSAIL_QUERYNAME,pfsqBuffer,&cbBuffer);
+ if (rc != NO_ERROR)
+ {
+ filesysname[0] = '\0';
+ }
+ _filesys(name.fn_str(), filesysname, sizeof(filesysname));
+ int imageId;
+ if (path == wxT("A:\\") || path == wxT("B:\\"))
+ imageId = wxFileIconsTable::floppy;
+ else if (!strcmp(filesysname, "CDFS"))
+ imageId = wxFileIconsTable::cdrom;
+ else if (!strcmp(filesysname, "LAN") ||
+ !strcmp(filesysname, "NFS"))
+ imageId = wxFileIconsTable::drive;
+ else
+ imageId = wxFileIconsTable::drive;
+ paths.Add(path);
+ names.Add(name);
+ icon_ids.Add(imageId);
+ }
+ i ++;
+ }
+ }
+#else // !__WIN32__, !__OS2__
+ /* If we can switch to the drive, it exists. */
+ for ( char drive = 'A'; drive <= 'Z'; drive++ )
+ {
+ const wxString
+ path = wxFileName::GetVolumeString(drive, wxPATH_GET_SEPARATOR);
+ if (wxIsDriveAvailable(path))
+ {
+ paths.Add(path);
+ names.Add(wxFileName::GetVolumeString(drive, wxPATH_NO_SEPARATOR));
+ icon_ids.Add(drive <= 2 ? wxFileIconsTable::floppy
+ : wxFileIconsTable::drive);
+ }
+ }
+#endif // __WIN32__/!__WIN32__
+#elif defined(__WXMAC__) && wxOSX_USE_COCOA_OR_CARBON
+ ItemCount volumeIndex = 1;
+ OSErr err = noErr ;
+ while( noErr == err )
+ {
+ HFSUniStr255 volumeName ;
+ FSRef fsRef ;
+ FSVolumeInfo volumeInfo ;
+ err = FSGetVolumeInfo(0, volumeIndex, NULL, kFSVolInfoFlags , &volumeInfo , &volumeName, &fsRef);
+ if( noErr == err )
+ {
+ wxString path = wxMacFSRefToPath( &fsRef ) ;
+ wxString name = wxMacHFSUniStrToString( &volumeName ) ;
+ if ( (volumeInfo.flags & kFSVolFlagSoftwareLockedMask) || (volumeInfo.flags & kFSVolFlagHardwareLockedMask) )
+ {
+ icon_ids.Add(wxFileIconsTable::cdrom);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ icon_ids.Add(wxFileIconsTable::drive);
+ }
+ // todo other removable
+ paths.Add(path);
+ names.Add(name);
+ volumeIndex++ ;
+ }
+ }
+#elif defined(__UNIX__)
+ paths.Add(wxT("/"));
+ names.Add(wxT("/"));
+ icon_ids.Add(wxFileIconsTable::computer);
+ #error "Unsupported platform in wxGenericDirCtrl!"
+ wxASSERT_MSG( (paths.GetCount() == names.GetCount()), wxT("The number of paths and their human readable names should be equal in number."));
+ wxASSERT_MSG( (paths.GetCount() == icon_ids.GetCount()), wxT("Wrong number of icons for available drives."));
+ return paths.GetCount();
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// wxIsDriveAvailable
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+#if defined(__DOS__)
+bool wxIsDriveAvailable(const wxString& dirName)