- m_logOld = NULL;
- SetIcon(wxICON(sample));
- wxMenu *file_menu = new wxMenu;
- file_menu->Append(DYNAMIC_ABOUT, _T("&About"));
- file_menu->Append(DYNAMIC_QUIT, _T("E&xit"));
- wxMenuBar *menu_bar = new wxMenuBar;
- menu_bar->Append(file_menu, _T("&File"));
- SetMenuBar(menu_bar);
- // You used to have to do some casting for param 4, but now there are type-safe handlers
- Connect( DYNAMIC_QUIT, wxID_ANY,
- wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, wxCommandEventHandler(MySortingFrame::OnQuit) );
- wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, wxCommandEventHandler(MySortingFrame::OnAbout) );
- CreateStatusBar();
- // Left wxDataViewCtrl
- dataview_left = new wxDataViewCtrl( this, ID_UNSORTED, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxDV_MULTIPLE );
- m_unsorted_model = new MyUnsortedTextModel;
- dataview_left->AssociateModel( m_unsorted_model );
- wxDataViewTextCell *text_cell = new wxDataViewTextCell( wxT("string"), wxDATAVIEW_CELL_EDITABLE );
- wxDataViewColumn *column = new wxDataViewColumn( wxT("editable"), text_cell, 0 );
- dataview_left->AppendColumn( column );
- dataview_left->AppendTextColumn( wxT("second"), 1 );
- dataview_left->AppendColumn( new wxDataViewColumn( wxT("icon"), new wxDataViewBitmapCell, 2, 25 ) );
- dataview_left->AppendColumn( new wxDataViewColumn( wxT("icon"), new wxDataViewBitmapCell, 3, 25 ) );
- // Right wxDataViewCtrl using the sorting model
- dataview_right = new wxDataViewCtrl( this, ID_SORTED );
- wxDataViewSortedListModel *sorted_model =
- new wxDataViewSortedListModel( m_unsorted_model );
- dataview_right->AssociateModel( sorted_model );
- text_cell = new wxDataViewTextCell( wxT("string"), wxDATAVIEW_CELL_EDITABLE );
- column = new wxDataViewColumn( wxT("editable"), text_cell, 0, -1, wxDATAVIEW_COL_SORTABLE|wxDATAVIEW_COL_RESIZABLE );
- dataview_right->AppendColumn( column );
- dataview_right->AppendTextColumn( wxT("second"), 1 );