Internal data structure. It represents fragments of parsed HTML
-page, so-called {\bf cell} - a word, picture, table, horizontal line and so on.
+page, the so-called {\bf cell} - a word, picture, table, horizontal line and so on.
It is used by \helpref{wxHtmlWindow}{wxhtmlwindow} and
\helpref{wxHtmlWinParser}{wxhtmlwinparser} to represent HTML page in memory.
\wxheading{Derived from}
+\wxheading{Include files}
\wxheading{See Also}
\func{virtual bool}{AdjustPagebreak}{\param{int * }{pagebreak}}
Returns TRUE if pagebreak was modified, FALSE otherwise
-Usage :
while (container->AdjustPagebreak(&p)) {}
-\func{void}{SetParent}{\param{wxHtmlContainerCell }{*p}}
+\func{virtual void}{Draw}{\param{wxDC\& }{dc}, \param{int }{x}, \param{int }{y}, \param{int }{view\_y1}, \param{int }{view\_y2}}
-Sets parent container of this cell. This is called from
+Renders the cell.
+\docparam{dc}{Device context to which the cell is to be drawn}
-Returns pointer to parent container.
+\docparam{x,y}{Coordinates of parent's upper left corner (origin). You must
+add this to m\_PosX,m\_PosY when passing coordinates to dc's methods
+Example : {\tt dc -> DrawText("hello", x + m\_PosX, y + m\_PosY)}}
+\docparam{view\_y1}{y-coord of the first line visible in window. This is
+used to optimize rendering speed}
+\docparam{view\_y2}{y-coord of the last line visible in window. This is
+used to optimize rendering speed}
-Returns X position within parent (the value is relative to parent's
-upper left corner). The returned value is meaningful only if
-parent's \helpref{Layout}{wxhtmlcelllayout} was called before!
+\func{virtual void}{DrawInvisible}{\param{wxDC\& }{dc}, \param{int }{x}, \param{int }{y}}
+This method is called instead of \helpref{Draw}{wxhtmlcelldraw} when the
+cell is certainly out of the screen (and thus invisible). This is not
+nonsense - some tags (like \helpref{wxHtmlColourCell}{wxhtmlcolourcell}
+or font setter) must be drawn even if they are invisible!
-Returns Y position within parent (the value is relative to parent's
-upper left corner). The returned value is meaningful only if
-parent's \helpref{Layout}{wxhtmlcelllayout} was called before!
+\docparam{dc}{Device context to which the cell is to be drawn}
+\docparam{x,y}{Coordinates of parent's upper left corner. You must
+add this to m\_PosX,m\_PosY when passing coordinates to dc's methods
+Example : {\tt dc -> DrawText("hello", x + m\_PosX, y + m\_PosY)}}
-Returns width of the cell (m_Width member).
+\func{virtual const wxHtmlCell*}{Find}{\param{int }{condition}, \param{const void* }{param}}
+Returns pointer to itself if this cell matches condition (or if any of the cells
+following in the list matches), NULL otherwise.
+(In other words if you call top-level container's Find it will
+return pointer to the first cell that matches the condition)
+It is recommended way how to obtain pointer to particular cell or
+to cell of some type (e.g. wxHtmlAnchorCell reacts on
+wxHTML\_COND\_ISANCHOR condition)
-Returns height of the cell (m_Height member).
+\docparam{condition}{Unique integer identifier of condition}
+\docparam{param}{Optional parameters}
+\wxheading{Defined conditions}
+\twocolitem{{\bf wxHTML\_COND\_ISANCHOR}}{Finds particular anchor.
+{\it param} is pointer to wxString with name of the anchor.}
+\twocolitem{{\bf wxHTML\_COND\_USER}}{User-defined conditions start
+from this number.}
-Returns descent value of the cell (m_Descent member). See explanation:
+Returns descent value of the cell (m\_Descent member).
+\helponly{See explanation:
+Returns height of the cell (m\_Height member).
-\constfunc{virtual wxString}{GetLink}{\param{int }{x = 0}, \param{int }{y = 0}}
+\constfunc{virtual wxHtmlLinkInfo*}{GetLink}{\param{int }{x = 0}, \param{int }{y = 0}}
-Returns hypertext link if associated with this cell or empty string otherwise.
-(Note : this makes sense only for visible tags).
+Returns hypertext link if associated with this cell or NULL otherwise.
+See \helpref{wxHtmlLinkInfo}{wxhtmllinkinfo}.
+(Note: this makes sense only for visible tags).
\docparam{x,y}{Coordinates of position where the user pressed mouse button.
These coordinates are used e.g. by COLORMAP. Values are relative to the
-upper left corner of THIS cell (i.e. from 0 to m_Width or m_Height)}
+upper left corner of THIS cell (i.e. from 0 to m\_Width or m\_Height)}
Returns pointer to the next cell in list (see htmlcell.h if you're
interested in details).
-\func{void}{SetPos}{\param{int }{x}, \param{int }{y}}
-Sets cell's position within parent container.
+Returns pointer to parent container.
-\func{void}{SetLink}{\param{const wxString\& }{link}}
-Sets the hypertext link asocciated with this cell. (Default value
-is wxEmptyString (no link))
+Returns X position within parent (the value is relative to parent's
+upper left corner). The returned value is meaningful only if
+parent's \helpref{Layout}{wxhtmlcelllayout} was called before!
-\func{void}{SetNext}{\param{wxHtmlCell }{*cell}}
-Sets the next cell in the list. This shouldn't be called by user - it is
-to be used only by \helpref{wxHtmlContainerCell::InsertCell}{wxhtmlcontainercellinsertcell}
+Returns Y position within parent (the value is relative to parent's
+upper left corner). The returned value is meaningful only if
+parent's \helpref{Layout}{wxhtmlcelllayout} was called before!
+Returns width of the cell (m\_Width member).
This method performs 2 actions:
\item adjusts cell's width according to the fact that maximal possible width is {\it w}.
(this has sense when working with horizontal lines, tables etc.)
\item prepares layout (=fill-in m\_PosX, m\_PosY (and sometimes m\_Height) members)
m\_PosX and m\_PosY are undefined (or invalid)
before calling Layout.
-\func{virtual void}{Draw}{\param{wxDC\& }{dc}, \param{int }{x}, \param{int }{y}, \param{int }{view\_y1}, \param{int }{view\_y2}}
-Renders the cell.
-\docparam{dc}{Device context to which the cell is to be drawn}
-\docparam{x,y}{Coordinates of parent's upper left corner (origin). You must
-add this to m\_PosX,m\_PosY when passing coordinates to dc's methods
-Example : {\tt dc -> DrawText("hello", x + m\_PosX, y + m\_PosY)}}
-\docparam{view_y1}{y-coord of the first line visible in window. This is
-used to optimize rendering speed}
+\func{virtual void}{OnMouseClick}{\param{wxWindow* }{parent}, \param{int}{x}, \param{int }{y}, \param{const wxMouseEvent\& }{event}}
-\docparam{view_y2}{y-coord of the last line visible in window. This is
-used to optimize rendering speed}
+This function is simple event handler. Each time user clicks mouse button over a cell
+within \helpref{wxHtmlWindow}{wxhtmlwindow} this method of that cell is called. Default behavior is
+that it calls \helpref{wxHtmlWindow::LoadPage}{wxhtmlwindowloadpage}.
-\func{virtual void}{DrawInvisible}{\param{wxDC\& }{dc}, \param{int }{x}, \param{int }{y}}
-This method is called instead of \helpref{Draw}{wxhtmlcelldraw} when the
-cell is certainly out of the screen (and thus invisible). This is not
-nonsense - some tags (like \helpref{wxHtmlColourCell}{wxhtmlcolourcell}
-or font setter) must be drawn even if they are invisible!
+If you need more "advanced" event handling
+you should use wxHtmlBinderCell instead.
-\docparam{dc}{Device context to which the cell is to be drawn}
-\docparam{x,y}{Coordinates of parent's upper left corner. You must
-add this to m\_PosX,m\_PosY when passing coordinates to dc's methods
-Example : {\tt dc -> DrawText("hello", x + m\_PosX, y + m\_PosY)}}
-\func{virtual const wxHtmlCell*}{Find}{\param{int }{condition}, \param{const void* }{param}}
-Returns pointer to itself if this cell matches condition (or if any of the cells
-following in the list matches), NULL otherwise.
-(In other words if you call top-level container's Find it will
-return pointer to the first cell that matches the condition)
-It is recommended way how to obtain pointer to particular cell or
-to cell of some type (e.g. wxHtmlAnchorCell reacts on
+\docparam{parent}{parent window (always wxHtmlWindow!)}
+\docparam{x, y}{coordinates of mouse click (this is relative to cell's origin}
-\docparam{condition}{Unique integer identifier of condition}
+\docparam{left, middle, right}{boolean flags for mouse buttons. TRUE if the left/middle/right
+button is pressed, FALSE otherwise}
-\docparam{param}{Optional parameters}
-\wxheading{Defined conditions}
+\func{void}{SetLink}{\param{const wxHtmlLinkInfo\& }{link}}
-\twocolitem{{\bf HTML_COND_ISANCHOR}}{Finds particular anchor.
-{\it param} is pointer to wxString with name of the anchor.}
-\twocolitem{{\bf HTML_COND_USER}}{User-defined conditions start
-from this number}
+Sets the hypertext link asocciated with this cell. (Default value
+is \helpref{wxHtmlLinkInfo}{wxhtmllinkinfo}("", "") (no link))
-\func{virtual void}{OnMouseClick}{\param{wxWindow* }{parent}, \param{int }{x}, \param{int }{y}, \param{bool }{left}, \param{bool }{middle}, \param{bool }{right}}
+\func{void}{SetNext}{\param{wxHtmlCell }{*cell}}
-This function is simple event handler. Each time user clicks mouse button over a cell
-within \helpref{wxHtmlWindow}{wxhtmlwindow} this method of that cell is called. Default behavior is
-that it calls \helpref{wxHtmlWindow::LoadPage}{wxhtmlwindowloadpage}.
+Sets the next cell in the list. This shouldn't be called by user - it is
+to be used only by \helpref{wxHtmlContainerCell::InsertCell}{wxhtmlcontainercellinsertcell}
-If you need more "advanced" behaviour (for example you'd like to catch mouse movement events or
-key events or whatsoever) you should use wxHtmlBinderCell instead.
+\func{void}{SetParent}{\param{wxHtmlContainerCell }{*p}}
+Sets parent container of this cell. This is called from
-\docparam{parent}{parent window (always wxHtmlWindow!)}
-\docparam{x, y}{coordinates of mouse click (this is relative to cell's origin}
+\func{void}{SetPos}{\param{int }{x}, \param{int }{y}}
-\docparam{left, middle, right}{boolean flags for mouse buttons. TRUE if the left/middle/right
-button is pressed, FALSE otherwise}
+Sets the cell's position within parent container.