+ @remarks
+ The default event handler for this event propagates the event to child windows,
+ since Windows only sends the events to top-level windows.
+ If intercepting this event for a top-level window, remember to call the base
+ class handler, or to pass the event on to the window's children explicitly.
+ @beginEventTable{wxSysColourChangedEvent}
+ @event{EVT_SYS_COLOUR_CHANGED(func)}
+ Process a @c wxEVT_SYS_COLOUR_CHANGED event.
+ @endEventTable
+ @library{wxcore}
+ @category{events}
+ @see @ref overview_events
+class wxSysColourChangedEvent : public wxEvent
+ /**
+ Constructor.
+ */
+ wxSysColourChangedEvent();
+ @class wxCommandEvent
+ This event class contains information about command events, which originate
+ from a variety of simple controls.
+ Note that wxCommandEvents and wxCommandEvent-derived event classes by default
+ and unlike other wxEvent-derived classes propagate upward from the source
+ window (the window which emits the event) up to the first parent which processes
+ the event. Be sure to read @ref overview_events_propagation.
+ More complex controls, such as wxTreeCtrl, have separate command event classes.
+ @beginEventTable{wxCommandEvent}
+ @event{EVT_COMMAND(id, event, func)}
+ Process a command, supplying the window identifier, command event identifier,
+ and member function.
+ @event{EVT_COMMAND_RANGE(id1, id2, event, func)}
+ Process a command for a range of window identifiers, supplying the minimum and
+ maximum window identifiers, command event identifier, and member function.
+ @event{EVT_BUTTON(id, func)}
+ Process a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED command, which is generated by a wxButton control.
+ @event{EVT_CHECKBOX(id, func)}
+ Process a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_CHECKBOX_CLICKED command, which is generated by a wxCheckBox control.
+ @event{EVT_CHOICE(id, func)}
+ Process a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_CHOICE_SELECTED command, which is generated by a wxChoice control.
+ @event{EVT_COMBOBOX(id, func)}
+ Process a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_COMBOBOX_SELECTED command, which is generated by a wxComboBox control.
+ @event{EVT_LISTBOX(id, func)}
+ Process a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_LISTBOX_SELECTED command, which is generated by a wxListBox control.
+ @event{EVT_LISTBOX_DCLICK(id, func)}
+ Process a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_LISTBOX_DOUBLECLICKED command, which is generated by a wxListBox control.
+ @event{EVT_CHECKLISTBOX(id, func)}
+ Process a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_CHECKLISTBOX_TOGGLED command, which is generated by a wxCheckListBox control.
+ @event{EVT_MENU(id, func)}
+ Process a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED command, which is generated by a menu item.
+ @event{EVT_MENU_RANGE(id1, id2, func)}
+ Process a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_RANGE command, which is generated by a range of menu items.
+ @event{EVT_CONTEXT_MENU(func)}
+ Process the event generated when the user has requested a popup menu to appear by
+ pressing a special keyboard key (under Windows) or by right clicking the mouse.
+ @event{EVT_RADIOBOX(id, func)}
+ Process a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_RADIOBOX_SELECTED command, which is generated by a wxRadioBox control.
+ @event{EVT_RADIOBUTTON(id, func)}
+ Process a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_RADIOBUTTON_SELECTED command, which is generated by a wxRadioButton control.
+ @event{EVT_SCROLLBAR(id, func)}
+ Process a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_SCROLLBAR_UPDATED command, which is generated by a wxScrollBar
+ control. This is provided for compatibility only; more specific scrollbar event macros
+ should be used instead (see wxScrollEvent).
+ @event{EVT_SLIDER(id, func)}
+ Process a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_SLIDER_UPDATED command, which is generated by a wxSlider control.
+ @event{EVT_TEXT(id, func)}
+ Process a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED command, which is generated by a wxTextCtrl control.
+ @event{EVT_TEXT_ENTER(id, func)}
+ Process a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_ENTER command, which is generated by a wxTextCtrl control.
+ Note that you must use wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER flag when creating the control if you want it
+ to generate such events.
+ @event{EVT_TEXT_MAXLEN(id, func)}
+ Process a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_MAXLEN command, which is generated by a wxTextCtrl control
+ when the user tries to enter more characters into it than the limit previously set
+ with SetMaxLength().
+ @event{EVT_TOGGLEBUTTON(id, func)}
+ @event{EVT_TOOL(id, func)}
+ Process a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_CLICKED event (a synonym for @c wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED).
+ Pass the id of the tool.
+ @event{EVT_TOOL_RANGE(id1, id2, func)}
+ Process a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_CLICKED event for a range of identifiers. Pass the ids of the tools.
+ @event{EVT_TOOL_RCLICKED(id, func)}
+ Process a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_RCLICKED event. Pass the id of the tool. (Not available on wxOSX.)
+ @event{EVT_TOOL_RCLICKED_RANGE(id1, id2, func)}
+ Process a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_RCLICKED event for a range of ids. Pass the ids of the tools. (Not available on wxOSX.)
+ @event{EVT_TOOL_ENTER(id, func)}
+ Process a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_ENTER event. Pass the id of the toolbar itself.
+ The value of wxCommandEvent::GetSelection() is the tool id, or -1 if the mouse cursor
+ has moved off a tool. (Not available on wxOSX.)
+ @event{EVT_COMMAND_LEFT_CLICK(id, func)}
+ Process a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_LEFT_CLICK command, which is generated by a control (wxMSW only).
+ @event{EVT_COMMAND_LEFT_DCLICK(id, func)}
+ Process a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_LEFT_DCLICK command, which is generated by a control (wxMSW only).
+ @event{EVT_COMMAND_RIGHT_CLICK(id, func)}
+ Process a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_RIGHT_CLICK command, which is generated by a control (wxMSW only).
+ @event{EVT_COMMAND_SET_FOCUS(id, func)}
+ Process a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_SET_FOCUS command, which is generated by a control (wxMSW only).
+ @event{EVT_COMMAND_KILL_FOCUS(id, func)}
+ Process a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_KILL_FOCUS command, which is generated by a control (wxMSW only).
+ @event{EVT_COMMAND_ENTER(id, func)}
+ Process a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_ENTER command, which is generated by a control.
+ @endEventTable
+ @library{wxcore}
+ @category{events}
+class wxCommandEvent : public wxEvent
+ /**
+ Constructor.
+ */
+ wxCommandEvent(wxEventType commandEventType = wxEVT_NULL, int id = 0);
+ /**
+ Returns client data pointer for a listbox or choice selection event
+ (not valid for a deselection).
+ */
+ void* GetClientData() const;
+ /**
+ Returns client object pointer for a listbox or choice selection event
+ (not valid for a deselection).
+ */
+ wxClientData* GetClientObject() const;
+ /**
+ Returns extra information dependent on the event objects type.
+ If the event comes from a listbox selection, it is a boolean
+ determining whether the event was a selection (@true) or a
+ deselection (@false). A listbox deselection only occurs for
+ multiple-selection boxes, and in this case the index and string values
+ are indeterminate and the listbox must be examined by the application.
+ */
+ long GetExtraLong() const;
+ /**
+ Returns the integer identifier corresponding to a listbox, choice or
+ radiobox selection (only if the event was a selection, not a deselection),
+ or a boolean value representing the value of a checkbox.
+ For a menu item, this method returns -1 if the item is not checkable or
+ a boolean value (true or false) for checkable items indicating the new
+ state of the item.
+ */
+ int GetInt() const;
+ /**
+ Returns item index for a listbox or choice selection event (not valid for
+ a deselection).
+ */
+ int GetSelection() const;
+ /**
+ Returns item string for a listbox or choice selection event. If one
+ or several items have been deselected, returns the index of the first
+ deselected item. If some items have been selected and others deselected
+ at the same time, it will return the index of the first selected item.
+ */
+ wxString GetString() const;
+ /**
+ This method can be used with checkbox and menu events: for the checkboxes, the
+ method returns @true for a selection event and @false for a deselection one.
+ For the menu events, this method indicates if the menu item just has become
+ checked or unchecked (and thus only makes sense for checkable menu items).
+ Notice that this method cannot be used with wxCheckListBox currently.
+ */
+ bool IsChecked() const;
+ /**
+ For a listbox or similar event, returns @true if it is a selection, @false
+ if it is a deselection. If some items have been selected and others deselected
+ at the same time, it will return @true.
+ */
+ bool IsSelection() const;
+ /**
+ Sets the client data for this event.
+ */
+ void SetClientData(void* clientData);
+ /**
+ Sets the client object for this event. The client object is not owned by the
+ event object and the event object will not delete the client object in its destructor.
+ The client object must be owned and deleted by another object (e.g. a control)
+ that has longer life time than the event object.
+ */
+ void SetClientObject(wxClientData* clientObject);