A name that should be unique for a given view.
@param docClassInfo
A pointer to the run-time document class information as returned by
- the CLASSINFO() macro, e.g. CLASSINFO(MyDocumentClass). If this is
+ the wxCLASSINFO() macro, e.g. wxCLASSINFO(MyDocumentClass). If this is
not supplied, you will need to derive a new wxDocTemplate class and
override the CreateDocument() member to return a new document
instance on demand.
@param viewClassInfo
A pointer to the run-time view class information as returned by the
- CLASSINFO() macro, e.g. CLASSINFO(MyViewClass). If this is not
+ wxCLASSINFO() macro, e.g. wxCLASSINFO(MyViewClass). If this is not
supplied, you will need to derive a new wxDocTemplate class and
override the CreateView() member to return a new view instance on