-class WXDLLEXPORT wxListMainWindow : public wxScrolledWindow
- wxListMainWindow();
- wxListMainWindow( wxWindow *parent,
- wxWindowID id,
- const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
- const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
- long style = 0,
- const wxString &name = _T("listctrlmainwindow") );
- virtual ~wxListMainWindow();
- bool HasFlag(int flag) const { return m_parent->HasFlag(flag); }
- // return true if this is a virtual list control
- bool IsVirtual() const { return HasFlag(wxLC_VIRTUAL); }
- // return true if we are in single selection mode, false if multi sel
- bool IsSingleSel() const { return HasFlag(wxLC_SINGLE_SEL); }
- // do we have a header window?
- bool HasHeader() const
- { return HasFlag(wxLC_REPORT) && !HasFlag(wxLC_NO_HEADER); }
- void HighlightAll( bool on );
- // all these functions only do something if the line is currently visible
- // change the line "selected" state, return TRUE if it really changed
- bool HighlightLine( size_t line, bool highlight = TRUE);
- // as HighlightLine() but do it for the range of lines: this is incredibly
- // more efficient for virtual list controls!
- //
- // NB: unlike HighlightLine() this one does refresh the lines on screen
- void HighlightLines( size_t lineFrom, size_t lineTo, bool on = TRUE );
- // toggle the line state and refresh it
- void ReverseHighlight( size_t line )
- { HighlightLine(line, !IsHighlighted(line)); RefreshLine(line); }
- // refresh one or several lines at once
- void RefreshLine( size_t line );
- void RefreshLines( size_t lineFrom, size_t lineTo );
- // return true if the line is highlighted
- bool IsHighlighted(size_t line) const;
- void EditLabel( long item );
- void OnRenameTimer();
- void OnRenameAccept();
- void OnMouse( wxMouseEvent &event );
- void MoveToFocus();
- // called to switch the selection from the current item to newCurrent,
- void OnArrowChar( size_t newCurrent, const wxKeyEvent& event );
- void OnChar( wxKeyEvent &event );
- void OnKeyDown( wxKeyEvent &event );
- void OnSetFocus( wxFocusEvent &event );
- void OnKillFocus( wxFocusEvent &event );
- void OnScroll(wxScrollWinEvent& event) ;
- void OnPaint( wxPaintEvent &event );
- void DrawImage( int index, wxDC *dc, int x, int y );
- void GetImageSize( int index, int &width, int &height );
- int GetTextLength( const wxString &s );
- void SetImageList( wxImageList *imageList, int which );
- void SetItemSpacing( int spacing, bool isSmall = FALSE );
- int GetItemSpacing( bool isSmall = FALSE );
- void SetColumn( int col, wxListItem &item );
- void SetColumnWidth( int col, int width );
- void GetColumn( int col, wxListItem &item ) const;
- int GetColumnWidth( int col ) const;
- int GetColumnCount() const { return m_columns.GetCount(); }
- // returns the sum of the heights of all columns
- int GetHeaderWidth() const;
- int GetCountPerPage() { return m_linesPerPage; }
- void SetItem( wxListItem &item );
- void GetItem( wxListItem &item );
- void SetItemState( long item, long state, long stateMask );
- int GetItemState( long item, long stateMask );
- void GetItemRect( long index, wxRect &rect );
- bool GetItemPosition( long item, wxPoint& pos );
- int GetSelectedItemCount();
- // set the scrollbars and update the positions of the items
- void RecalculatePositions();
- // refresh the window and the header
- void RefreshAll();
- long GetNextItem( long item, int geometry, int state );
- void DeleteItem( long index );
- void DeleteAllItems();
- void DeleteColumn( int col );
- void DeleteEverything();
- void EnsureVisible( long index );
- long FindItem( long start, const wxString& str, bool partial = FALSE );
- long FindItem( long start, long data);
- long HitTest( int x, int y, int &flags );
- void InsertItem( wxListItem &item );
- void InsertColumn( long col, wxListItem &item );
- void SortItems( wxListCtrlCompare fn, long data );
- size_t GetItemCount() const;
- bool IsEmpty() const { return GetItemCount() == 0; }
- void SetItemCount(long count);
- void ResetCurrent() { m_current = (size_t)-1; }
- bool HasCurrent() const { return m_current != (size_t)-1; }
- // send out a wxListEvent
- void SendNotify( size_t line,
- wxEventType command,
- wxPoint point = wxDefaultPosition );
- // override base class virtual to reset m_lineHeight when the font changes
- virtual bool SetFont(const wxFont& font)
- {
- if ( !wxScrolledWindow::SetFont(font) )
- return FALSE;
- m_lineHeight = 0;
- return TRUE;
- }
- // these are for wxListLineData usage only
- // get the backpointer to the list ctrl
- wxListCtrl *GetListCtrl() const
- {
- return wxStaticCast(GetParent(), wxListCtrl);
- }
- // get the height of all lines (assuming they all do have the same height)
- wxCoord GetLineHeight() const;
- // get the y position of the given line (only for report view)
- wxCoord GetLineY(size_t line) const;
- // the array of all line objects for a non virtual list control
- wxListLineDataArray m_lines;