-#include "wx/setup.h"
-#include "wx/helpbase.h"
-#include "wx/generic/helpext.h"
-#include "wx/string.h"
-#include "wx/utils.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
- ** This class uses kbList, a simple linked list. Until someone
- ** rewrites it to use wxList instead, I include the relevant bits and
- ** pieces of kbList here. It's a tiny class anyway, so it won't make
- ** a big difference. The comments probably take up more space than
- ** its code.
- **/
-/********************* kbList.h, verbose copy: ****************************/
-/**@name Double linked list implementation. */
-/** kbListNode is a class used by kbList. It represents a single
- element in the list. It is not intended for general use outside
- kbList functions.
-struct kbListNode
- /// pointer to next node or NULL
- struct kbListNode *next;
- /// pointer to previous node or NULL
- struct kbListNode *prev;
- /// pointer to the actual data
- void *element;
- /** Constructor - it automatically links the node into the list, if
- the iprev, inext parameters are given.
- @param ielement pointer to the data for this node (i.e. the data itself)
- @param iprev if not NULL, use this as previous element in list
- @param inext if not NULL, use this as next element in list
- */
- kbListNode( void *ielement,
- kbListNode *iprev = NULL,
- kbListNode *inext = NULL);
- /// Destructor.
- ~kbListNode();
-/** The main list class, handling void pointers as data.
- */
-class kbList
- /// An iterator class for kbList, just like for the STL classes.
- class iterator
- {
- protected:
- /// the node to which this iterator points
- kbListNode *node;
- friend class kbList;
- public:
- /** Constructor.
- @param n if not NULL, the node to which to point
- */
- iterator(kbListNode *n = NULL);
- /** Dereference operator.
- @return the data pointer of the node belonging to this
- iterator
- */
- void * operator*();
- /** This operator allows us to write if(i). It is <em>not</em> a
- dereference operator and the result is always useless apart
- from its logical value!
- */
- operator void*() const { return node == NULL ? (void*)0 : (void*)(-1); }
- /** Increment operator - prefix, goes to next node in list.
- @return itself
- */
- iterator & operator++();
- /** Decrement operator - prefix, goes to previous node in list.
- @return itself
- */
- iterator & operator--();
- /** Increment operator - prefix, goes to next node in list.
- @return itself
- */
- iterator & operator++(int); //postfix
- /** Decrement operator - prefix, goes to previous node in list.
- @return itself
- */
- iterator & operator--(int); //postfix
- /** Comparison operator.
- @return true if not equal.
- */
- bool operator !=(iterator const &) const;
- /* Comparison operator.
- @return true if equal
- */
- bool operator ==(iterator const &) const;
- /** Returns a pointer to the node associated with this iterator.
- This function is not for general use and should be
- protected. However, if protected, it cannot be called from
- derived classes' iterators. (Is this a bug in gcc/egcs?)
- @return the node pointer
- */
- inline kbListNode * Node(void) const
- { return node; }
- };
- /** Constructor.
- @param ownsEntriesFlag if true, the list owns the entries and
- will issue a delete on each of them when deleting them. If
- false, the entries themselves will not get deleted. Do not use
- this with array types!
- */
- kbList(bool ownsEntriesFlag = true);
- /** Destructor.
- If entries are owned, they will all get deleted from here.
- */
- ~kbList();
- /** Tell list whether it owns objects. If owned, they can be
- deleted by list. See the constructor for more details.
- @param ownsflag if true, list will own entries
- */
- void ownsObjects(bool ownsflag = true)
- { ownsEntries = ownsflag; }
- /** Query whether list owns entries.
- @return true if list owns entries
- */
- bool ownsObjects(void)
- { return ownsEntries; }
- /** Add an entry at the end of the list.
- @param element pointer to data
- */
- void push_back(void *element);
- /** Add an entry at the head of the list.
- @param element pointer to data
- */
- void push_front(void *element);
- /** Get element from end of the list and delete it.
- NOTE: In this case the element's data will not get deleted by
- the list. It is the responsibility of the caller to free it.
- @return the element data
- */
- void *pop_back(void);
- /** Get element from head of the list and delete it.
- NOTE: In this case the element's data will not get deleted by
- the list. It is the responsibility of the caller to free it.
- @return the element data
- */
- void *pop_front(void);
- /** Insert an element into the list.
- @param i an iterator pointing to the element, before which the new one should be inserted
- @param element the element data
- */
- void insert(iterator & i, void *element);
- /** Remove an element from the list _without_ deleting the object.
- @param i iterator pointing to the element to be deleted
- @return the value of the element just removed
- */
- void *remove(iterator& i) { void *p = *i; doErase(i); return p; }
- /** Erase an element, move iterator to following element.
- @param i iterator pointing to the element to be deleted
- */
- void erase(iterator & i) { deleteContent(i); doErase(i); }
- /* Get head of list.
- @return iterator pointing to head of list
- */
- iterator begin(void) const;
- /* Get end of list.
- @return iterator pointing after the end of the list. This is an
- invalid iterator which cannot be dereferenced or decremented. It is
- only of use in comparisons. NOTE: this is different from STL!
- @see tail
- */
- iterator end(void) const;
- /* Get last element in list.
- @return iterator pointing to the last element in the list.
- @see end
- */
- iterator tail(void) const;
- /* Get the number of elements in the list.
- @return number of elements in the list
- */
- unsigned size(void) const;
- /* Query whether list is empty.
- @return true if list is empty
- */
- inline bool empty(void) const
- { return first == NULL ; }
- /// if true, list owns entries
- bool ownsEntries;
- /// pointer to first element in list
- kbListNode *first;
- /// pointer to last element in list
- kbListNode *last;
- /** Erase an element, move iterator to following element.
- @param i iterator pointing to the element to be deleted
- */
- void doErase(iterator & i);
- /** Deletes the actual content if ownsflag is set.
- param iterator i
- */
- inline void deleteContent(iterator i)
- { if(ownsEntries) delete *i; }
- /// forbid copy construction
- kbList(kbList const &foo);
- /// forbid assignments
- kbList& operator=(const kbList& foo);
-/** Macro to define a kbList with a given name, having elements of
- pointer to the given type. I.e. KBLIST_DEFINE(Int,int) would
- create a kbListInt type holding int pointers.
-#define KBLIST_DEFINE(name,type) \
-class name : public kbList \
-{ \
-public: \
- class iterator : public kbList::iterator \
- { \
- protected: \
- inline iterator(kbList::iterator const & i) \
- { node = i.Node(); } \
- friend class name; \
- public: \
- inline iterator(kbListNode *n = NULL) \
- : kbList::iterator(n) {} \
- inline type * operator*() \
- /* the cast is needed for MS VC++ 5.0 */ \
- { return (type *)((kbList::iterator *)this)->operator*() ; } \
- }; \
- inline name(bool ownsEntriesFlag = TRUE) \
- : kbList(ownsEntriesFlag) {} \
- \
- inline type *pop_back(void) \
- { return (type *) kbList::pop_back(); } \
- \
- inline type *pop_front(void) \
- { return (type *) kbList::pop_front(); } \
- \
- type *remove(iterator& i) \
- { return (type *)kbList::remove(i); } \
- inline void erase(iterator & i) \
- { deleteContent(i); kbList::erase(i); } \
- \
- inline iterator begin(void) const \
- { return kbList::begin(); } \
- \
- inline iterator end(void) const \
- { return kbList::end(); } \
- \
- inline iterator tail(void) const \
- { return kbList::tail(); } \
- ~name() \
- { \
- kbListNode *next; \
- while ( first != NULL ) \
- { \
- next = first->next; \
- if(ownsEntries) \
- delete (type *)first->element; \
- delete first; \
- first = next; \
- } \
- } \
-protected: \
- inline void deleteContent(iterator i) \
- { if(ownsEntries) delete *i; } \
-/************************* copy of kbList.cpp: ****************************/
-kbListNode::kbListNode( void *ielement,
- kbListNode *iprev,
- kbListNode *inext)
- next = inext;
- prev = iprev;
- if(prev)
- prev->next = this;
- if(next)
- next->prev = this;
- element = ielement;
- if(prev)
- prev->next = next;
- if(next)
- next->prev = prev;
-kbList::iterator::iterator(kbListNode *n)
- node = n;
-void *
- return node->element;
-kbList::iterator &
- node = node ? node->next : NULL;
- return *this;
-kbList::iterator &
- node = node ? node->prev : NULL;
- return *this;
-kbList::iterator &
-kbList::iterator::operator++(int /* foo */)
- return operator++();
-kbList::iterator &
-kbList::iterator::operator--(int /* bar */)
- return operator--();
-kbList::iterator::operator !=(kbList::iterator const & i) const
- return node != i.node;
-kbList::iterator::operator ==(kbList::iterator const & i) const
- return node == i.node;
-kbList::kbList(bool ownsEntriesFlag)
- first = NULL;
- last = NULL;
- ownsEntries = ownsEntriesFlag;
-kbList::push_back(void *element)
- if(! first) // special case of empty list
- {
- first = new kbListNode(element);
- last = first;
- return;
- }
- else
- last = new kbListNode(element, last);
-kbList::push_front(void *element)
- if(! first) // special case of empty list
- {
- push_back(element);
- return;
- }
- else
- first = new kbListNode(element, NULL, first);
-void *
- iterator i;
- void *data;
- bool ownsFlagBak = ownsEntries;
- i = tail();
- data = *i;
- ownsEntries = false;
- erase(i);
- ownsEntries = ownsFlagBak;
- return data;
-void *
- iterator i;
- void *data;
- bool ownsFlagBak = ownsEntries;
- i = begin();
- data = *i;
- ownsEntries = false;
- erase(i);
- ownsEntries = ownsFlagBak;
- return data;
-kbList::insert(kbList::iterator & i, void *element)
- if(! i.Node())
- return;
- else if(i.Node() == first)
- {
- push_front(element);
- i = first;
- return;
- }
- i = kbList::iterator(new kbListNode(element, i.Node()->prev, i.Node()));
-kbList::doErase(kbList::iterator & i)
- kbListNode
- *node = i.Node(),
- *prev, *next;
- if(! node) // illegal iterator
- return;
- prev = node->prev;
- next = node->next;
- // correct first/last:
- if(node == first)
- first = node->next;
- if(node == last) // don't put else here!
- last = node->prev;
- // build new links:
- if(prev)
- prev->next = next;
- if(next)
- next->prev = prev;
- // delete this node and contents:
- // now done separately
- //if(ownsEntries)
- //delete *i;
- delete i.Node();
- // change the iterator to next element:
- i = kbList::iterator(next);