// Author: Stefan Csomor
// Modified by:
// Created: 04/01/98
-// RCS-ID: $Id$
// Copyright: (c) Stefan Csomor
// Licence: wxWindows licence
// wxFontEnumerator
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+extern CFArrayRef CopyAvailableFontFamilyNames();
bool wxFontEnumerator::EnumerateFacenames(wxFontEncoding encoding,
bool fixedWidthOnly)
- if ( fixedWidthOnly )
- {
- wxFAIL_MSG( "enumerating only fixed width fonts not supported" );
- return false;
- }
- wxArrayString fontFamilies ;
- //
- // From Apple's QA 1471 http://developer.apple.com/qa/qa2006/qa1471.html
- //
- ATSFontFamilyIterator theFontFamilyIterator = NULL;
- ATSFontFamilyRef theATSFontFamilyRef = 0;
- OSStatus status = noErr;
- // Create the iterator
- status = ATSFontFamilyIteratorCreate(kATSFontContextLocal, nil,nil,
- kATSOptionFlagsUnRestrictedScope,
- &theFontFamilyIterator );
+ wxArrayString fontFamilies ;
wxUint32 macEncoding = wxMacGetSystemEncFromFontEnc(encoding) ;
- while (status == noErr)
- // Get the next font in the iteration.
- status = ATSFontFamilyIteratorNext( theFontFamilyIterator, &theATSFontFamilyRef );
- if(status == noErr)
+ CFArrayRef cfFontFamilies = nil;
+ if ( UMAGetSystemVersion() >= 0x1060 )
+ cfFontFamilies = CTFontManagerCopyAvailableFontFamilyNames();
+ else
- #ifndef __LP64__
- // TODO CS : Find replacement
- // added CS : avoid showing fonts that won't be displayable
- FMFontStyle intrinsicStyle = 0 ;
- FMFont fontInstance ;
- FMFontFamily fmFamily = FMGetFontFamilyFromATSFontFamilyRef( theATSFontFamilyRef );
- status = FMGetFontFromFontFamilyInstance( fmFamily , 0 , &fontInstance , &intrinsicStyle);
- if ( status != noErr )
+ //
+ // From Apple's QA 1471 http://developer.apple.com/qa/qa2006/qa1471.html
+ //
+ CFMutableArrayRef atsfontnames = CFArrayCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault,0,&kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);;
+ ATSFontFamilyIterator theFontFamilyIterator = NULL;
+ ATSFontFamilyRef theATSFontFamilyRef = 0;
+ OSStatus status = noErr;
+ // Create the iterator
+ status = ATSFontFamilyIteratorCreate(kATSFontContextLocal, nil,nil,
+ kATSOptionFlagsUnRestrictedScope,
+ &theFontFamilyIterator );
+ while (status == noErr)
- status = noErr;
- continue ;
+ // Get the next font in the iteration.
+ status = ATSFontFamilyIteratorNext( theFontFamilyIterator, &theATSFontFamilyRef );
+ if(status == noErr)
+ {
+ CFStringRef theName = NULL;
+ ATSFontFamilyGetName(theATSFontFamilyRef, kATSOptionFlagsDefault, &theName);
+ CFArrayAppendValue(atsfontnames, theName);
+ CFRelease(theName);
+ }
+ else if (status == kATSIterationScopeModified) // Make sure the font database hasn't changed.
+ {
+ // reset the iterator
+ status = ATSFontFamilyIteratorReset (kATSFontContextLocal, nil, nil,
+ kATSOptionFlagsUnRestrictedScope,
+ &theFontFamilyIterator);
+ CFArrayRemoveAllValues(atsfontnames);
+ }
+ ATSFontFamilyIteratorRelease(&theFontFamilyIterator);
+ cfFontFamilies = atsfontnames;
+ }
+ cfFontFamilies = CopyAvailableFontFamilyNames();
- if ( encoding != wxFONTENCODING_SYSTEM )
+ CFIndex count = CFArrayGetCount(cfFontFamilies);
+ for(CFIndex i = 0; i < count; i++)
+ {
+ CFStringRef fontName = (CFStringRef)CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(cfFontFamilies, i);
+ if ( encoding != wxFONTENCODING_SYSTEM || fixedWidthOnly)
- TextEncoding fontFamiliyEncoding = ATSFontFamilyGetEncoding(theATSFontFamilyRef) ;
- if ( fontFamiliyEncoding != macEncoding )
- continue ;
+ wxCFRef<CTFontRef> font(CTFontCreateWithName(fontName, 12.0, NULL));
+ if ( encoding != wxFONTENCODING_SYSTEM )
+ {
+ CFStringEncoding fontFamiliyEncoding = CTFontGetStringEncoding(font);
+ if ( fontFamiliyEncoding != macEncoding )
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ( fixedWidthOnly )
+ {
+ CTFontSymbolicTraits traits = CTFontGetSymbolicTraits(font);
+ if ( (traits & kCTFontMonoSpaceTrait) == 0 )
+ continue;
+ }
- // TODO: determine fixed widths ...
- CFStringRef theName = NULL;
- ATSFontFamilyGetName(theATSFontFamilyRef, kATSOptionFlagsDefault, &theName);
- wxCFStringRef cfName(theName) ;
+ wxCFStringRef cfName(wxCFRetain(fontName)) ;
- else if (status == kATSIterationScopeModified) // Make sure the font database hasn't changed.
- {
- // reset the iterator
- status = ATSFontFamilyIteratorReset (kATSFontContextLocal, nil, nil,
- kATSOptionFlagsUnRestrictedScope,
- &theFontFamilyIterator);
- fontFamilies.Clear() ;
- }
+ CFRelease(cfFontFamilies);
- ATSFontFamilyIteratorRelease(&theFontFamilyIterator);
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < fontFamilies.Count() ; ++i )
if ( OnFacename( fontFamilies[i] ) == false )