+ gs_initData.argv = new wchar_t *[argc + 1];
+ int wargc = 0;
+ for ( int i = 0; i < argc; i++ )
+ {
+#ifdef __DARWIN__
+ wxWCharBuffer buf(wxConvFileName->cMB2WX(argv[i]));
+ wxWCharBuffer buf(wxConvLocal.cMB2WX(argv[i]));
+ if ( !buf )
+ {
+ wxLogWarning(_("Command line argument %d couldn't be converted to Unicode and will be ignored."),
+ i);
+ }
+ else // converted ok
+ {
+ gs_initData.argv[wargc++] = wxStrdup(buf);
+ }
+ }
+ gs_initData.argc = wargc;
+ gs_initData.argv[wargc] = NULL;
+static void FreeConvertedArgs()
+ if ( gs_initData.argv )
+ {
+ for ( int i = 0; i < gs_initData.argc; i++ )
+ {
+ free(gs_initData.argv[i]);
+ }
+ wxDELETEA(gs_initData.argv);
+ gs_initData.argc = 0;
+ }
+#endif // wxUSE_UNICODE
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// start up
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// initialization which is always done (not customizable) before wxApp creation
+static bool DoCommonPreInit()
+#if wxUSE_UNICODE && defined(__WXOSX__)
+ // In OS X and iOS, wchar_t CRT functions convert to char* and fail under
+ // some locales. The safest fix is to set LC_CTYPE to UTF-8 to ensure that
+ // they can handle any input.
+ //
+ // Note that this must be done for any app, Cocoa or console, whether or
+ // not it uses wxLocale.
+ //
+ // See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11713745/why-does-the-printf-family-of-functions-care-about-locale
+ setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "UTF-8");
+#endif // wxUSE_UNICODE && defined(__WXOSX__)
+#if wxUSE_LOG
+ // Reset logging in case we were cleaned up and are being reinitialized.
+ wxLog::DoCreateOnDemand();
+ // force wxLog to create a log target now: we do it because wxTheApp
+ // doesn't exist yet so wxLog will create a special log target which is
+ // safe to use even when the GUI is not available while without this call
+ // we could create wxApp in wxEntryStart() below, then log an error about
+ // e.g. failure to establish connection to the X server and wxLog would
+ // send it to wxLogGui (because wxTheApp does exist already) which, of
+ // course, can't be used in this case
+ //
+ // notice also that this does nothing if the user had set up a custom log
+ // target before -- which is fine as we want to give him this possibility
+ // (as it's impossible to override logging by overriding wxAppTraits::
+ // CreateLogTarget() before wxApp is created) and we just assume he knows
+ // what he is doing
+ wxLog::GetActiveTarget();
+#endif // wxUSE_LOG
+#ifdef __WINDOWS__
+ // GUI applications obtain HINSTANCE in their WinMain() but we also need to
+ // initialize the global wxhInstance variable for the console programs as
+ // they may need it too, so set it here if it wasn't done yet
+ if ( !wxGetInstance() )
+ {
+ wxSetInstance(::GetModuleHandle(NULL));
+ }
+#endif // __WINDOWS__
+ return true;
+// non customizable initialization done after wxApp creation and initialization
+static bool DoCommonPostInit()
+ wxModule::RegisterModules();
+ if ( !wxModule::InitializeModules() )
+ {
+ wxLogError(_("Initialization failed in post init, aborting."));
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool wxEntryStart(int& argc, wxChar **argv)
+ // do minimal, always necessary, initialization
+ // --------------------------------------------
+ // initialize wxRTTI
+ if ( !DoCommonPreInit() )
+ return false;
+ // first of all, we need an application object
+ // -------------------------------------------
+ // the user might have already created it himself somehow
+ wxAppPtr app(wxTheApp);
+ if ( !app.get() )
+ {
+ // if not, he might have used IMPLEMENT_APP() to give us a function to
+ // create it
+ wxAppInitializerFunction fnCreate = wxApp::GetInitializerFunction();
+ if ( fnCreate )
+ {
+ // he did, try to create the custom wxApp object
+ app.Set((*fnCreate)());
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !app.get() )
+ {
+ // either IMPLEMENT_APP() was not used at all or it failed -- in any
+ // case we still need something
+ app.Set(new wxDummyConsoleApp);
+ }
+ // wxApp initialization: this can be customized
+ // --------------------------------------------
+ if ( !app->Initialize(argc, argv) )
+ return false;
+ // remember, possibly modified (e.g. due to removal of toolkit-specific
+ // parameters), command line arguments in member variables
+ app->argc = argc;
+ app->argv = argv;
+ wxCallAppCleanup callAppCleanup(app.get());
+ // common initialization after wxTheApp creation
+ // ---------------------------------------------
+ if ( !DoCommonPostInit() )
+ return false;
+ // prevent the smart pointer from destroying its contents
+ app.release();
+ // and the cleanup object from doing cleanup
+ callAppCleanup.Dismiss();
+#if wxUSE_LOG
+ // now that we have a valid wxApp (wxLogGui would have crashed if we used
+ // it before now), we can delete the temporary sink we had created for the
+ // initialization messages -- the next time logging function is called, the
+ // sink will be recreated but this time wxAppTraits will be used
+ delete wxLog::SetActiveTarget(NULL);
+#endif // wxUSE_LOG
+ return true;
+// we provide a wxEntryStart() wrapper taking "char *" pointer too
+bool wxEntryStart(int& argc, char **argv)
+ ConvertArgsToUnicode(argc, argv);
+ if ( !wxEntryStart(gs_initData.argc, gs_initData.argv) )
+ {
+ FreeConvertedArgs();
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+#endif // wxUSE_UNICODE
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// clean up
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// cleanup done before destroying wxTheApp
+static void DoCommonPreCleanup()
+#if wxUSE_LOG
+ // flush the logged messages if any and don't use the current probably
+ // unsafe log target any more: the default one (wxLogGui) can't be used
+ // after the resources are freed which happens when we return and the user
+ // supplied one might be even more unsafe (using any wxWidgets GUI function
+ // is unsafe starting from now)
+ //
+ // notice that wxLog will still recreate a default log target if any
+ // messages are logged but that one will be safe to use until the very end
+ delete wxLog::SetActiveTarget(NULL);
+#endif // wxUSE_LOG
+// cleanup done after destroying wxTheApp
+static void DoCommonPostCleanup()
+ wxModule::CleanUpModules();
+ // we can't do this in wxApp itself because it doesn't know if argv had
+ // been allocated
+ FreeConvertedArgs();
+#endif // wxUSE_UNICODE
+ // use Set(NULL) and not Get() to avoid creating a message output object on
+ // demand when we just want to delete it
+ delete wxMessageOutput::Set(NULL);
+#if wxUSE_LOG
+ // call this first as it has a side effect: in addition to flushing all
+ // logs for this thread, it also flushes everything logged from other
+ // threads
+ wxLog::FlushActive();
+ // and now delete the last logger as well
+ //
+ // we still don't disable log target auto-vivification even if any log
+ // objects created now will result in memory leaks because it seems better
+ // to leak memory which doesn't matter much considering the application is
+ // exiting anyhow than to not show messages which could still be logged
+ // from the user code (e.g. static dtors and such)
+ delete wxLog::SetActiveTarget(NULL);
+#endif // wxUSE_LOG
+void wxEntryCleanup()
+ DoCommonPreCleanup();
+ // delete the application object
+ if ( wxTheApp )
+ {
+ wxTheApp->CleanUp();
+ // reset the global pointer to it to NULL before destroying it as in
+ // some circumstances this can result in executing the code using
+ // wxTheApp and using half-destroyed object is no good
+ wxAppConsole * const app = wxApp::GetInstance();
+ wxApp::SetInstance(NULL);
+ delete app;
+ }
+ DoCommonPostCleanup();
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// wxEntry
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// for MSW the real wxEntry is defined in msw/main.cpp
+#ifndef __WINDOWS__
+ #define wxEntryReal wxEntry
+#endif // !__WINDOWS__
+int wxEntryReal(int& argc, wxChar **argv)
+ // library initialization
+ wxInitializer initializer(argc, argv);
+ if ( !initializer.IsOk() )
+ {
+#if wxUSE_LOG
+ // flush any log messages explaining why we failed
+ delete wxLog::SetActiveTarget(NULL);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ wxTRY
+ {
+#if defined(__WXOSX__) && wxOSX_USE_COCOA_OR_IPHONE
+ // everything done in OnRun using native callbacks
+ // app initialization
+ if ( !wxTheApp->CallOnInit() )
+ {
+ // don't call OnExit() if OnInit() failed
+ return -1;
+ }
+ // ensure that OnExit() is called if OnInit() had succeeded
+ class CallOnExit
+ {
+ public:
+ ~CallOnExit() { wxTheApp->OnExit(); }
+ } callOnExit;
+ // app execution
+ return wxTheApp->OnRun();
+ }
+ wxCATCH_ALL( wxTheApp->OnUnhandledException(); return -1; )
+// as with wxEntryStart, we provide an ANSI wrapper
+int wxEntry(int& argc, char **argv)
+ ConvertArgsToUnicode(argc, argv);
+ return wxEntry(gs_initData.argc, gs_initData.argv);
+#endif // wxUSE_UNICODE
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// wxInitialize/wxUninitialize
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+bool wxInitialize()
+ return wxInitialize(0, (wxChar**)NULL);
+bool wxInitialize(int argc, wxChar **argv)
+ wxCRIT_SECT_LOCKER(lockInit, gs_initData.csInit);
+ if ( gs_initData.nInitCount++ )