#ifdef __WXMAC__
WXDLLEXPORT wxString wxMacFSSpec2MacFilename( const FSSpec *spec ) ;
WXDLLEXPORT void wxMacFilename2FSSpec( const char *path , FSSpec *spec ) ;
+# ifndef __DARWIN__
+// Mac file names are POSIX (Unix style) under Darwin, so these are not needed
WXDLLEXPORT wxString wxMacFSSpec2UnixFilename( const FSSpec *spec ) ;
WXDLLEXPORT void wxUnixFilename2FSSpec( const char *path , FSSpec *spec ) ;
WXDLLEXPORT wxString wxMac2UnixFilename( const char *s) ;
WXDLLEXPORT wxString wxUnix2MacFilename( const char *s);
+# endif
// Strip the extension, in situ
#define wxFILE_SEP_PATH_DOS wxT('\\')
#define wxFILE_SEP_PATH_UNIX wxT('/')
#define wxFILE_SEP_PATH_MAC wxT(':')
+#define wxFILE_SEP_PATH_VMS wxT('/') //This is the Unix way, but somtimes
+ //users will give the VMS native paths
+ //and than a ']' is needed.
+ // Jouk
// separator in the path list (as in PATH environment variable)
// there is no PATH variable in Classic Mac OS so just use the