#include "wx/richtext/richtextprint.h"
#include "wx/richtext/richtextimagedlg.h"
+// A custom field type
+class wxRichTextFieldTypePropertiesTest: public wxRichTextFieldTypeStandard
+ wxRichTextFieldTypePropertiesTest(const wxString& name, const wxString& label, int displayStyle = wxRICHTEXT_FIELD_STYLE_RECTANGLE):
+ wxRichTextFieldTypeStandard(name, label, displayStyle)
+ {
+ }
+ wxRichTextFieldTypePropertiesTest(const wxString& name, const wxBitmap& bitmap, int displayStyle = wxRICHTEXT_FIELD_STYLE_RECTANGLE):
+ wxRichTextFieldTypeStandard(name, bitmap, displayStyle)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual bool CanEditProperties(wxRichTextField* WXUNUSED(obj)) const { return true; }
+ virtual bool EditProperties(wxRichTextField* WXUNUSED(obj), wxWindow* WXUNUSED(parent), wxRichTextBuffer* WXUNUSED(buffer))
+ {
+ wxString label = GetLabel();
+ wxMessageBox(wxString::Format(wxT("Editing %s"), label.c_str()));
+ return true;
+ }
+ virtual wxString GetPropertiesMenuLabel(wxRichTextField* WXUNUSED(obj)) const
+ {
+ return GetLabel();
+ }
+// A custom composite field type
+class wxRichTextFieldTypeCompositeTest: public wxRichTextFieldTypePropertiesTest
+ wxRichTextFieldTypeCompositeTest(const wxString& name, const wxString& label):
+ wxRichTextFieldTypePropertiesTest(name, label, wxRICHTEXT_FIELD_STYLE_COMPOSITE)
+ {
+ }
+ virtual bool UpdateField(wxRichTextBuffer* buffer, wxRichTextField* obj)
+ {
+ if (buffer)
+ {
+ wxRichTextAttr attr(buffer->GetAttributes());
+ attr.GetTextBoxAttr().Reset();
+ attr.SetParagraphSpacingAfter(0);
+ attr.SetLineSpacing(10);
+ obj->SetAttributes(attr);
+ }
+ obj->GetChildren().Clear();
+ wxRichTextParagraph* para = new wxRichTextParagraph;
+ wxRichTextPlainText* text = new wxRichTextPlainText(GetLabel());
+ para->AppendChild(text);
+ obj->AppendChild(para);
+ return true;
+ }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// resources
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void OnPageSetup(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnInsertImage(wxCommandEvent& event);
+ void OnSetFontScale(wxCommandEvent& event);
+ void OnSetDimensionScale(wxCommandEvent& event);
// Forward command events to the current rich text control, if any
+ EVT_MENU(ID_SET_FONT_SCALE, MyFrame::OnSetFontScale)
+ EVT_MENU(ID_SET_DIMENSION_SCALE, MyFrame::OnSetDimensionScale)
// Create a new application object: this macro will allow wxWidgets to create
wxRichTextBuffer::AddHandler(new wxRichTextXMLHandler);
wxRichTextBuffer::AddHandler(new wxRichTextHTMLHandler);
+ // Add field types
+ wxRichTextBuffer::AddFieldType(new wxRichTextFieldTypePropertiesTest(wxT("rectangle"), wxT("RECTANGLE"), wxRichTextFieldTypeStandard::wxRICHTEXT_FIELD_STYLE_RECTANGLE));
+ wxRichTextFieldTypeStandard* s1 = new wxRichTextFieldTypeStandard(wxT("begin-section"), wxT("SECTION"), wxRichTextFieldTypeStandard::wxRICHTEXT_FIELD_STYLE_START_TAG);
+ s1->SetBackgroundColour(*wxBLUE);
+ wxRichTextFieldTypeStandard* s2 = new wxRichTextFieldTypeStandard(wxT("end-section"), wxT("SECTION"), wxRichTextFieldTypeStandard::wxRICHTEXT_FIELD_STYLE_END_TAG);
+ s2->SetBackgroundColour(*wxBLUE);
+ wxRichTextFieldTypeStandard* s3 = new wxRichTextFieldTypeStandard(wxT("bitmap"), wxBitmap(paste_xpm), wxRichTextFieldTypeStandard::wxRICHTEXT_FIELD_STYLE_NO_BORDER);
+ wxRichTextBuffer::AddFieldType(s1);
+ wxRichTextBuffer::AddFieldType(s2);
+ wxRichTextBuffer::AddFieldType(s3);
+ wxRichTextFieldTypeCompositeTest* s4 = new wxRichTextFieldTypeCompositeTest(wxT("composite"), wxT("This is a field value"));
+ wxRichTextBuffer::AddFieldType(s4);
// Add image handlers
wxImage::AddHandler( new wxPNGHandler );
// create the main application window
- MyFrame *frame = new MyFrame(wxT("wxRichTextCtrl Sample"), wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(700, 600));
+ wxSize size = wxGetDisplaySize();
+ size.Scale(0.75, 0.75);
+ MyFrame *frame = new MyFrame(wxT("wxRichTextCtrl Sample"), wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, size);
editMenu->Append(wxID_SELECTALL, _("Select A&ll\tCtrl+A"));
-#if 0
- editMenu->Append(wxID_FIND, _("&Find...\tCtrl+F"));
- editMenu->Append(stID_FIND_REPLACE, _("&Replace...\tCtrl+R"));
+ editMenu->Append(ID_SET_FONT_SCALE, _("Set &Text Scale..."));
+ editMenu->Append(ID_SET_DIMENSION_SCALE, _("Set &Dimension Scale..."));
wxMenu* formatMenu = new wxMenu;
formatMenu->AppendCheckItem(ID_FORMAT_BOLD, _("&Bold\tCtrl+B"));
- wxSplitterWindow* splitter = new wxSplitterWindow(this, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(100,100), wxSP_LIVE_UPDATE);
+ wxSplitterWindow* splitter = new wxSplitterWindow(this, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxSP_LIVE_UPDATE);
sizer->Add(splitter, 1, wxEXPAND);
wxFont textFont = wxFont(12, wxROMAN, wxNORMAL, wxNORMAL);
wxFont boldFont = wxFont(12, wxROMAN, wxNORMAL, wxBOLD);
wxFont italicFont = wxFont(12, wxROMAN, wxITALIC, wxNORMAL);
- m_richTextCtrl = new MyRichTextCtrl(splitter, ID_RICHTEXT_CTRL, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(200, 200), wxVSCROLL|wxHSCROLL|wxWANTS_CHARS);
+ m_richTextCtrl = new MyRichTextCtrl(splitter, ID_RICHTEXT_CTRL, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxVSCROLL|wxHSCROLL|wxWANTS_CHARS);
+ wxASSERT(!m_richTextCtrl->GetBuffer().GetAttributes().HasFontPixelSize());
wxFont font(12, wxROMAN, wxNORMAL, wxNORMAL);
+ wxASSERT(!m_richTextCtrl->GetBuffer().GetAttributes().HasFontPixelSize());
m_richTextCtrl->SetMargins(10, 10);
- splitter->SplitVertically(m_richTextCtrl, styleListCtrl, 500);
+ int width = GetClientSize().GetWidth() * 0.8;
+ splitter->SplitVertically(m_richTextCtrl, styleListCtrl, width);
+ splitter->SetSashGravity(0.8);
+#if 0
+ r.BeginAlignment(wxTEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTRE);
+ r.WriteText(wxString(wxT("This is a simple test for a floating left image test. The zebra image should be placed at the left side of the current buffer and all the text should flow around it at the right side. This is a simple test for a floating left image test. The zebra image should be placed at the left side of the current buffer and all the text should flow around it at the right side. This is a simple test for a floating left image test. The zebra image should be placed at the left side of the current buffer and all the text should flow around it at the right side.")));
+ r.Newline();
+ r.EndAlignment();
wxRichTextAttr imageAttr;
r.WriteText(wxT(" Well, you can change text "));
- r.BeginTextColour(wxColour(255, 0, 0));
+ r.BeginTextColour(*wxRED);
r.WriteText(wxT("colour, like this red bit."));
wxRichTextAttr backgroundColourAttr;
- backgroundColourAttr.SetTextColour(wxColour(0, 0, 255));
+ backgroundColourAttr.SetTextColour(*wxBLUE);
r.WriteText(wxT(" And this blue on green bit."));
r.WriteText(wxT("Note: this sample content was generated programmatically from within the MyFrame constructor in the demo. The images were loaded from inline XPMs. Enjoy wxRichTextCtrl!\n"));
-#if 1
+#if 1
// Add a text box
cellAttr.GetTextBoxAttr().GetWidth().SetValue(200, wxTEXT_ATTR_UNITS_PIXELS);
cellAttr.GetTextBoxAttr().GetHeight().SetValue(150, wxTEXT_ATTR_UNITS_PIXELS);
- wxRichTextTable* table = r.WriteTable(3, 2, attr, cellAttr);
+ wxRichTextTable* table = r.WriteTable(6, 4, attr, cellAttr);
int i, j;
for (j = 0; j < table->GetRowCount(); j++)
+ // Demonstrate colspan and rowspan
+ wxRichTextCell* cell = table->GetCell(1, 0);
+ cell->SetColspan(2);
+ r.SetFocusObject(cell);
+ cell->Clear();
+ r.WriteText("This cell spans 2 columns");
+ cell = table->GetCell(1, 3);
+ cell->SetRowspan(2);
+ r.SetFocusObject(cell);
+ cell->Clear();
+ r.WriteText("This cell spans 2 rows");
+ cell = table->GetCell(2, 1);
+ cell->SetColspan(2);
+ cell->SetRowspan(3);
+ r.SetFocusObject(cell);
+ cell->Clear();
+ r.WriteText("This cell spans 2 columns and 3 rows");
r.SetFocusObject(NULL); // Set the focus back to the main buffer
+ r.Newline(); r.Newline();
+ wxRichTextProperties properties;
+ r.WriteText(wxT("This is a rectangle field: "));
+ r.WriteField(wxT("rectangle"), properties);
+ r.WriteText(wxT(" and a begin section field: "));
+ r.WriteField(wxT("begin-section"), properties);
+ r.WriteText(wxT("This is text between the two tags."));
+ r.WriteField(wxT("end-section"), properties);
+ r.WriteText(wxT(" Now a bitmap. "));
+ r.WriteField(wxT("bitmap"), properties);
+ r.WriteText(wxT(" Before we go, here's a composite field: ***"));
+ wxRichTextField* field = r.WriteField(wxT("composite"), properties);
+ field->UpdateField(& r.GetBuffer()); // Creates the composite value (sort of a text box)
+ r.WriteText(wxT("*** End of composite field."));
+ r.Newline();
// Add some locked content first - needs Undo to be enabled
wxRichTextFormattingDialog formatDlg(pages, this);
+ formatDlg.SetOptions(wxRichTextFormattingDialog::Option_AllowPixelFontSize);
formatDlg.GetStyle(m_richTextCtrl, range);
if (formatDlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK)
- // Old method using wxFontDialog
-#if 0
- if (!m_richTextCtrl->HasSelection())
- return;
- wxRichTextRange range = m_richTextCtrl->GetSelectionRange();
- wxFontData fontData;
- wxRichTextAttr attr;
- attr.SetFlags(wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT);
- if (m_richTextCtrl->GetStyle(m_richTextCtrl->GetInsertionPoint(), attr))
- fontData.SetInitialFont(attr.GetFont());
- wxFontDialog dialog(this, fontData);
- if (dialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK)
- {
- fontData = dialog.GetFontData();
- attr.SetFlags(wxTEXT_ATTR_FONT);
- attr.SetFont(fontData.GetChosenFont());
- if (attr.GetFont().IsOk())
- {
- m_richTextCtrl->SetStyle(range, attr);
- }
- }
void MyFrame::OnImage(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
// wxGetApp().GetPrinting()->PageSetup();
+void MyFrame::OnSetFontScale(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ wxString value = wxString::Format(wxT("%g"), m_richTextCtrl->GetFontScale());
+ wxString text = wxGetTextFromUser(wxT("Enter a text scale factor:"), wxT("Text Scale Factor"), value, wxGetTopLevelParent(this));
+ if (!text.IsEmpty() && value != text)
+ {
+ double scale = 1.0;
+ wxSscanf(text, wxT("%lf"), & scale);
+ m_richTextCtrl->SetFontScale(scale, true);
+ }
+void MyFrame::OnSetDimensionScale(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
+ wxString value = wxString::Format(wxT("%g"), m_richTextCtrl->GetDimensionScale());
+ wxString text = wxGetTextFromUser(wxT("Enter a dimension scale factor:"), wxT("Dimension Scale Factor"), value, wxGetTopLevelParent(this));
+ if (!text.IsEmpty() && value != text)
+ {
+ double scale = 1.0;
+ wxSscanf(text, wxT("%lf"), & scale);
+ m_richTextCtrl->SetDimensionScale(scale, true);
+ }
void MyRichTextCtrl::PrepareContent(wxRichTextParagraphLayoutBox& container)
if (IsLocked())
virtual bool GetVirtualAttributes(wxRichTextAttr& attr, wxRichTextObject* obj) const;
+ /**
+ Gets the count for mixed virtual attributes for individual positions within the object.
+ For example, individual characters within a text object may require special highlighting.
+ */
+ virtual int GetVirtualSubobjectAttributesCount(wxRichTextObject* WXUNUSED(obj)) const { return 0; }
+ /**
+ Gets the mixed virtual attributes for individual positions within the object.
+ For example, individual characters within a text object may require special highlighting.
+ Returns the number of virtual attributes found.
+ */
+ virtual int GetVirtualSubobjectAttributes(wxRichTextObject* WXUNUSED(obj), wxArrayInt& WXUNUSED(positions), wxRichTextAttrArray& WXUNUSED(attributes)) const { return 0; }
+ /**
+ Do we have virtual text for this object? Virtual text allows an application
+ to replace characters in an object for editing and display purposes, for example
+ for highlighting special characters.
+ */
+ virtual bool HasVirtualText(const wxRichTextPlainText* WXUNUSED(obj)) const { return false; }
+ /**
+ Gets the virtual text for this object.
+ */
+ virtual bool GetVirtualText(const wxRichTextPlainText* WXUNUSED(obj), wxString& WXUNUSED(text)) const { return false; }
wxColour m_lockBackgroundColour;