-#elif defined(__UNIX__)
- raise(SIGTRAP);
- // TODO
-#endif // Win/Unix
-// show the assert modal dialog
-void ShowAssertDialog(const wxChar *szFile, int nLine, const wxChar *szMsg)
- // this variable can be set to true to suppress "assert failure" messages
- static bool s_bNoAsserts = FALSE;
- wxChar szBuf[4096];
- // make life easier for people using VC++ IDE: clicking on the message
- // will take us immediately to the place of the failed assert
- wxSnprintf(szBuf, WXSIZEOF(szBuf),
-#ifdef __VISUALC__
- wxT("%s(%d): assert failed"),
-#else // !VC++
- // make the error message more clear for all the others
- wxT("Assert failed in file %s at line %d"),
-#endif // VC/!VC
- szFile, nLine);
- if ( szMsg != NULL )
- {
- wxStrcat(szBuf, wxT(": "));
- wxStrcat(szBuf, szMsg);
- }
- else // no message given
- {
- wxStrcat(szBuf, wxT("."));
- }
- if ( !s_bNoAsserts )
- {
- // send it to the normal log destination
- wxLogDebug(szBuf);
-#if (wxUSE_GUI && wxUSE_MSGDLG) || defined(__WXMSW__)
- // this message is intentionally not translated - it is for
- // developpers only
- wxStrcat(szBuf, wxT("\nDo you want to stop the program?\nYou can also choose [Cancel] to suppress further warnings."));
- // use the native message box if available: this is more robust than
- // using our own
-#if defined(__WXMSW__) && !defined(__WXMICROWIN__)
- switch ( ::MessageBox(NULL, szBuf, _T("Debug"),
- {
- case IDYES:
- wxTrap();
- break;
- case IDCANCEL:
- s_bNoAsserts = TRUE;
- break;
- //case IDNO: nothing to do
- }
-#else // !MSW
- switch ( wxMessageBox(szBuf, wxT("Debug"),
- wxYES_NO | wxCANCEL | wxICON_STOP ) )
- {
- case wxYES:
- wxTrap();
- break;
- case wxCANCEL:
- s_bNoAsserts = TRUE;
- break;
- //case wxNO: nothing to do
- }
-#endif // GUI or MSW
-#else // !GUI
- wxTrap();
-#endif // GUI/!GUI
- }