# Name: wx.lib.pdfwin
-# Purpose: A class that allows the use of the Acrobat PSF reader
+# Purpose: A class that allows the use of the Acrobat PDF reader
# ActiveX control
# Author: Robin Dunn
# So instead we will use Internet Explorer (via the win32com modules
# so we can use better dynamic dispatch) and embed the Acrobat control
# within that. Acrobat provides the IAcroAXDocShim COM class that is
-# accessible via the IE window's Docuemnt property after a PDF file
+# accessible via the IE window's Document property after a PDF file
# has been loaded.
+# Details of the Acrobat reader methods can be found in
+# http://partners.adobe.com/public/developer/en/acrobat/sdk/pdf/iac/IACOverview.pdf
+# http://partners.adobe.com/public/developer/en/acrobat/sdk/pdf/iac/IACReference.pdf
+# Co-ordinates passed as parameters are in points (1/72 inch).
if get_acroversion() >= '7.0':
def LoadFile(self, fileName):
+ """
+ Opens and displays the specified document within the browser.
+ """
if self.ie.Document:
return self.ie.Document.LoadFile(fileName)
return True # can we sense failure at this point?
def GetVersions(self):
+ """
+ Deprecated: No longer available - do not use.
+ """
if self.ie.Document:
return self.ie.Document.GetVersions()
raise PDFWindowError()
def Print(self):
+ """
+ Prints the document according to the specified options in a user dialog box.
+ """
if self.ie.Document:
return self.ie.Document.Print()
raise PDFWindowError()
def goBackwardStack(self):
+ """
+ Goes to the previous view on the view stack, if it exists.
+ """
if self.ie.Document:
return self.ie.Document.goBackwardStack()
raise PDFWindowError()
def goForwardStack(self):
+ """
+ Goes to the next view on the view stack, if it exists.
+ """
if self.ie.Document:
return self.ie.Document.goForwardStack()
raise PDFWindowError()
def gotoFirstPage(self):
+ """
+ Goes to the first page in the document.
+ """
if self.ie.Document:
return self.ie.Document.gotoFirstPage()
raise PDFWindowError()
def gotoLastPage(self):
+ """
+ Goes to the last page in the document.
+ """
if self.ie.Document:
return self.ie.Document.gotoLastPage()
raise PDFWindowError()
def gotoNextPage(self):
+ """
+ Goes to the next page in the document, if it exists
+ """
if self.ie.Document:
return self.ie.Document.gotoNextPage()
raise PDFWindowError()
def gotoPreviousPage(self):
+ """
+ Goes to the previous page in the document, if it exists.
+ """
if self.ie.Document:
return self.ie.Document.gotoPreviousPage()
raise PDFWindowError()
def printAll(self):
+ """
+ Prints the entire document without displaying a user
+ dialog box. The current printer, page settings, and job
+ settings are used. This method returns immediately, even
+ if the printing has not completed.
+ """
if self.ie.Document:
return self.ie.Document.printAll()
raise PDFWindowError()
def printAllFit(self, shrinkToFit):
+ """
+ Prints the entire document without a user dialog box, and
+ (if shrinkToFit) shrinks pages as needed to fit the
+ imageable area of a page in the printer.
+ """
if self.ie.Document:
- return self.ie.Document.printAllFit()
+ return self.ie.Document.printAllFit(shrinkToFit)
raise PDFWindowError()
def printPages(self, from_, to):
+ """
+ Prints the specified pages without displaying a user dialog box.
+ """
if self.ie.Document:
- return self.ie.Document.printPages()
+ return self.ie.Document.printPages(from_, to)
raise PDFWindowError()
def printPagesFit(self, from_, to, shrinkToFit):
+ """
+ Prints the specified pages without displaying a user
+ dialog box, and (if shrinkToFit) shrinks pages as needed
+ to fit the imageable area of a page in the printer.
+ """
if self.ie.Document:
- return self.ie.Document.printPagesFit()
+ return self.ie.Document.printPagesFit( from_, to, shrinkToFit)
raise PDFWindowError()
def printWithDialog(self):
+ """
+ Prints the document according to the specified options in
+ a user dialog box. These options may include embedded
+ printing and specifying which printer is to be used.
+ NB. The page range in the dialog defaults to
+ 'From Page 1 to 1' - Use Print() above instead. (dfh)
+ """
if self.ie.Document:
return self.ie.Document.printWithDialog()
def setCurrentHighlight(self, a, b, c, d):
if self.ie.Document:
- return self.ie.Document.setCurrentHighlight()
- else:
- raise PDFWindowError()
- def setCurrentHightlight(self, a, b, c, d):
- if self.ie.Document:
- return self.ie.Document.setCurrentHightlight()
+ return self.ie.Document.setCurrentHighlight(a, b, c, d)
raise PDFWindowError()
- def setCurrentPage(self, n):
+ def setCurrentPage(self, npage):
+ """
+ Goes to the specified page in the document. Maintains the
+ current location within the page and zoom level. npage is
+ the page number of the destination page. The first page
+ in a document is page 0.
+ ## Oh no it isn't! The first page is 1 (dfh)
+ """
if self.ie.Document:
- return self.ie.Document.setCurrentPage()
+ return self.ie.Document.setCurrentPage(npage)
raise PDFWindowError()
def setLayoutMode(self, layoutMode):
+ """
+ LayoutMode possible values:
+ ================= ====================================
+ 'DontCare' use the current user preference
+ 'SinglePage' use single page mode (as in pre-Acrobat
+ 3.0 viewers)
+ 'OneColumn' use one-column continuous mode
+ 'TwoColumnLeft' use two-column continuous mode, first
+ page on the left
+ 'TwoColumnRight' use two-column continuous mode, first
+ page on the right
+ ================= ====================================
+ """
if self.ie.Document:
- return self.ie.Document.setLayoutMode()
+ return self.ie.Document.setLayoutMode(layoutMode)
raise PDFWindowError()
def setNamedDest(self, namedDest):
+ """
+ Changes the page view to the named destination in the specified string.
+ """
if self.ie.Document:
- return self.ie.Document.setNamedDest()
+ return self.ie.Document.setNamedDest(namedDest)
raise PDFWindowError()
def setPageMode(self, pageMode):
+ """
+ Sets the page mode to display the document only, or to
+ additionally display bookmarks or thumbnails. pageMode =
+ 'none' or 'bookmarks' or 'thumbs'.
+ ## NB.'thumbs' is case-sensitive, the other are not (dfh)
+ """
if self.ie.Document:
- return self.ie.Document.setPageMode()
+ return self.ie.Document.setPageMode(pageMode)
raise PDFWindowError()
def setShowScrollbars(self, On):
+ """
+ Determines whether scrollbars will appear in the document
+ view.
+ ## NB. If scrollbars are off, the navigation tools disappear as well (dfh)
+ """
if self.ie.Document:
- return self.ie.Document.setShowScrollbars()
+ return self.ie.Document.setShowScrollbars(On)
raise PDFWindowError()
def setShowToolbar(self, On):
+ """
+ Determines whether a toolbar will appear in the application.
+ """
if self.ie.Document:
- return self.ie.Document.setShowToolbar()
+ return self.ie.Document.setShowToolbar(On)
raise PDFWindowError()
def setView(self, viewMode):
+ """
+ Determines how the page will fit in the current view.
+ viewMode possible values:
+ ======== ==============================================
+ 'Fit' fits whole page within the window both vertically
+ and horizontally.
+ 'FitH' fits the width of the page within the window.
+ 'FitV' fits the height of the page within the window.
+ 'FitB' fits bounding box within the window both vertically
+ and horizontally.
+ 'FitBH' fits the width of the bounding box within the window.
+ 'FitBV' fits the height of the bounding box within the window.
+ ======== ==============================================
+ """
if self.ie.Document:
- return self.ie.Document.setView()
+ return self.ie.Document.setView(viewMode)
raise PDFWindowError()
def setViewRect(self, left, top, width, height):
+ """
+ Sets the view rectangle according to the specified coordinates.
+ :param left: The upper left horizontal coordinate.
+ :param top: The vertical coordinate in the upper left corner.
+ :param width: The horizontal width of the rectangle.
+ :param height: The vertical height of the rectangle.
+ """
if self.ie.Document:
- return self.ie.Document.setViewRect()
+ return self.ie.Document.setViewRect(left, top, width, height)
raise PDFWindowError()
def setViewScroll(self, viewMode, offset):
+ """
+ Sets the view of a page according to the specified string.
+ Depending on the view mode, the page is either scrolled to
+ the right or scrolled down by the amount specified in
+ offset. Possible values of viewMode are as in setView
+ above. offset is the horizontal or vertical coordinate
+ positioned either at the left or top edge.
+ """
if self.ie.Document:
- return self.ie.Document.setViewScroll()
+ return self.ie.Document.setViewScroll(viewMode, offset)
raise PDFWindowError()
def setZoom(self, percent):
+ """
+ Sets the magnification according to the specified value
+ expressed as a percentage (float)
+ """
if self.ie.Document:
- return self.ie.Document.setZoom()
+ return self.ie.Document.setZoom(percent)
raise PDFWindowError()
def setZoomScroll(self, percent, left, top):
+ """
+ Sets the magnification according to the specified value,
+ and scrolls the page view both horizontally and vertically
+ according to the specified amounts.
+ :param left: the horizontal coordinate positioned at the left edge.
+ :param top: the vertical coordinate positioned at the top edge.
+ """
if self.ie.Document:
- return self.ie.Document.setZoomScroll()
+ return self.ie.Document.setZoomScroll(percent, left, top)
raise PDFWindowError()
def GetVersions(self):
return self.CallAXMethod('GetVersions')
- def setCurrentHightlight(self, a, b, c, d):
- return self.CallAXMethod('setCurrentHightlight', a, b, c, d)
def setCurrentHighlight(self, a, b, c, d):
return self.CallAXMethod('setCurrentHighlight', a, b, c, d)