-Shows a dialog asking the user for numeric input. The dialogs title is set to
-@e caption, it contains a (possibly) multiline @a message above the
-single line @a prompt and the zone for entering the number.
-The number entered must be in the range @e min..@a max (both of which
-should be positive) and @a value is the initial value of it. If the user
-enters an invalid value or cancels the dialog, the function will return -1.
-Dialog is centered on its @a parent unless an explicit position is given in
-@e pos.
+ Shows a dialog asking the user for numeric input. The dialogs title is set
+ to @c caption, it contains a (possibly) multiline @c message above the
+ single line @c prompt and the zone for entering the number.
+ The number entered must be in the range @c min to @c max (both of which
+ should be positive) and @c value is the initial value of it. If the user
+ enters an invalid value or cancels the dialog, the function will return
+ -1.
+ Dialog is centered on its @c parent unless an explicit position is given
+ in @c pos.
+ @header{wx/numdlg.h}