+ Item kinds for use with wxMenu, wxMenuItem, and wxToolBar.
+ @see wxMenu::Append(), wxMenuItem::wxMenuItem(), wxToolBar::AddTool()
+enum wxItemKind
+ /**
+ Normal tool button / menu item.
+ @see wxToolBar::AddTool(), wxMenu::AppendItem().
+ */
+ /**
+ Check (or toggle) tool button / menu item.
+ @see wxToolBar::AddCheckTool(), wxMenu::AppendCheckItem().
+ */
+ /**
+ Radio tool button / menu item.
+ @see wxToolBar::AddRadioTool(), wxMenu::AppendRadioItem().
+ */
+ /**
+ Normal tool button with a dropdown arrow next to it. Clicking the
+ dropdown arrow sends a @c wxEVT_COMMAND_TOOL_DROPDOWN_CLICKED event and may
+ also display the menu previously associated with the item with
+ wxToolBar::SetDropdownMenu(). Currently this type of tools is supported
+ under MSW and GTK.
+ */
+ Paper size types for use with the printing framework.
+ @see overview_printing, wxPrintData::SetPaperId()
+enum wxPaperSize
+ wxPAPER_NONE, ///< Use specific dimensions
+ wxPAPER_LETTER, ///< Letter, 8 1/2 by 11 inches
+ wxPAPER_LEGAL, ///< Legal, 8 1/2 by 14 inches
+ wxPAPER_A4, ///< A4 Sheet, 210 by 297 millimeters
+ wxPAPER_CSHEET, ///< C Sheet, 17 by 22 inches
+ wxPAPER_DSHEET, ///< D Sheet, 22 by 34 inches
+ wxPAPER_ESHEET, ///< E Sheet, 34 by 44 inches
+ wxPAPER_LETTERSMALL, ///< Letter Small, 8 1/2 by 11 inches
+ wxPAPER_TABLOID, ///< Tabloid, 11 by 17 inches
+ wxPAPER_LEDGER, ///< Ledger, 17 by 11 inches
+ wxPAPER_STATEMENT, ///< Statement, 5 1/2 by 8 1/2 inches
+ wxPAPER_EXECUTIVE, ///< Executive, 7 1/4 by 10 1/2 inches
+ wxPAPER_A3, ///< A3 sheet, 297 by 420 millimeters
+ wxPAPER_A4SMALL, ///< A4 small sheet, 210 by 297 millimeters
+ wxPAPER_A5, ///< A5 sheet, 148 by 210 millimeters
+ wxPAPER_B4, ///< B4 sheet, 250 by 354 millimeters
+ wxPAPER_B5, ///< B5 sheet, 182-by-257-millimeter paper
+ wxPAPER_FOLIO, ///< Folio, 8-1/2-by-13-inch paper
+ wxPAPER_QUARTO, ///< Quarto, 215-by-275-millimeter paper
+ wxPAPER_10X14, ///< 10-by-14-inch sheet
+ wxPAPER_11X17, ///< 11-by-17-inch sheet
+ wxPAPER_NOTE, ///< Note, 8 1/2 by 11 inches
+ wxPAPER_ENV_9, ///< #9 Envelope, 3 7/8 by 8 7/8 inches
+ wxPAPER_ENV_10, ///< #10 Envelope, 4 1/8 by 9 1/2 inches
+ wxPAPER_ENV_11, ///< #11 Envelope, 4 1/2 by 10 3/8 inches
+ wxPAPER_ENV_12, ///< #12 Envelope, 4 3/4 by 11 inches
+ wxPAPER_ENV_14, ///< #14 Envelope, 5 by 11 1/2 inches
+ wxPAPER_ENV_DL, ///< DL Envelope, 110 by 220 millimeters
+ wxPAPER_ENV_C5, ///< C5 Envelope, 162 by 229 millimeters
+ wxPAPER_ENV_C3, ///< C3 Envelope, 324 by 458 millimeters
+ wxPAPER_ENV_C4, ///< C4 Envelope, 229 by 324 millimeters
+ wxPAPER_ENV_C6, ///< C6 Envelope, 114 by 162 millimeters
+ wxPAPER_ENV_C65, ///< C65 Envelope, 114 by 229 millimeters
+ wxPAPER_ENV_B4, ///< B4 Envelope, 250 by 353 millimeters
+ wxPAPER_ENV_B5, ///< B5 Envelope, 176 by 250 millimeters
+ wxPAPER_ENV_B6, ///< B6 Envelope, 176 by 125 millimeters
+ wxPAPER_ENV_ITALY, ///< Italy Envelope, 110 by 230 millimeters
+ wxPAPER_ENV_MONARCH, ///< Monarch Envelope, 3 7/8 by 7 1/2 inches
+ wxPAPER_ENV_PERSONAL, ///< 6 3/4 Envelope, 3 5/8 by 6 1/2 inches
+ wxPAPER_FANFOLD_US, ///< US Std Fanfold, 14 7/8 by 11 inches
+ wxPAPER_FANFOLD_STD_GERMAN, ///< German Std Fanfold, 8 1/2 by 12 inches
+ wxPAPER_FANFOLD_LGL_GERMAN, ///< German Legal Fanfold, 8 1/2 by 13 inches
+ // Windows 95 Only
+ wxPAPER_ISO_B4, ///< B4 (ISO) 250 x 353 mm
+ wxPAPER_JAPANESE_POSTCARD, ///< Japanese Postcard 100 x 148 mm
+ wxPAPER_9X11, ///< 9 x 11 in
+ wxPAPER_10X11, ///< 10 x 11 in
+ wxPAPER_15X11, ///< 15 x 11 in
+ wxPAPER_ENV_INVITE, ///< Envelope Invite 220 x 220 mm
+ wxPAPER_LETTER_EXTRA, ///< Letter Extra 9 \275 x 12 in
+ wxPAPER_LEGAL_EXTRA, ///< Legal Extra 9 \275 x 15 in
+ wxPAPER_TABLOID_EXTRA, ///< Tabloid Extra 11.69 x 18 in
+ wxPAPER_A4_EXTRA, ///< A4 Extra 9.27 x 12.69 in
+ wxPAPER_LETTER_TRANSVERSE, ///< Letter Transverse 8 \275 x 11 in
+ wxPAPER_A4_TRANSVERSE, ///< A4 Transverse 210 x 297 mm
+ wxPAPER_LETTER_EXTRA_TRANSVERSE, ///< Letter Extra Transverse 9\275 x 12 in
+ wxPAPER_A_PLUS, ///< SuperA/SuperA/A4 227 x 356 mm
+ wxPAPER_B_PLUS, ///< SuperB/SuperB/A3 305 x 487 mm
+ wxPAPER_LETTER_PLUS, ///< Letter Plus 8.5 x 12.69 in
+ wxPAPER_A4_PLUS, ///< A4 Plus 210 x 330 mm
+ wxPAPER_A5_TRANSVERSE, ///< A5 Transverse 148 x 210 mm
+ wxPAPER_B5_TRANSVERSE, ///< B5 (JIS) Transverse 182 x 257 mm
+ wxPAPER_A3_EXTRA, ///< A3 Extra 322 x 445 mm
+ wxPAPER_A5_EXTRA, ///< A5 Extra 174 x 235 mm
+ wxPAPER_B5_EXTRA, ///< B5 (ISO) Extra 201 x 276 mm
+ wxPAPER_A2, ///< A2 420 x 594 mm
+ wxPAPER_A3_TRANSVERSE, ///< A3 Transverse 297 x 420 mm
+ wxPAPER_A3_EXTRA_TRANSVERSE, ///< A3 Extra Transverse 322 x 445 mm
+ wxPAPER_DBL_JAPANESE_POSTCARD, ///< Japanese Double Postcard 200 x 148 mm
+ wxPAPER_A6, ///< A6 105 x 148 mm
+ wxPAPER_JENV_KAKU2, ///< Japanese Envelope Kaku #2
+ wxPAPER_JENV_KAKU3, ///< Japanese Envelope Kaku #3
+ wxPAPER_JENV_CHOU3, ///< Japanese Envelope Chou #3
+ wxPAPER_JENV_CHOU4, ///< Japanese Envelope Chou #4
+ wxPAPER_LETTER_ROTATED, ///< Letter Rotated 11 x 8 1/2 in
+ wxPAPER_A3_ROTATED, ///< A3 Rotated 420 x 297 mm
+ wxPAPER_A4_ROTATED, ///< A4 Rotated 297 x 210 mm
+ wxPAPER_A5_ROTATED, ///< A5 Rotated 210 x 148 mm
+ wxPAPER_B4_JIS_ROTATED, ///< B4 (JIS) Rotated 364 x 257 mm
+ wxPAPER_B5_JIS_ROTATED, ///< B5 (JIS) Rotated 257 x 182 mm
+ wxPAPER_JAPANESE_POSTCARD_ROTATED, ///< Japanese Postcard Rotated 148 x 100 mm
+ wxPAPER_DBL_JAPANESE_POSTCARD_ROTATED, ///< Double Japanese Postcard Rotated 148 x 200 mm
+ wxPAPER_A6_ROTATED, ///< A6 Rotated 148 x 105 mm
+ wxPAPER_JENV_KAKU2_ROTATED, ///< Japanese Envelope Kaku #2 Rotated
+ wxPAPER_JENV_KAKU3_ROTATED, ///< Japanese Envelope Kaku #3 Rotated
+ wxPAPER_JENV_CHOU3_ROTATED, ///< Japanese Envelope Chou #3 Rotated
+ wxPAPER_JENV_CHOU4_ROTATED, ///< Japanese Envelope Chou #4 Rotated
+ wxPAPER_B6_JIS, ///< B6 (JIS) 128 x 182 mm
+ wxPAPER_B6_JIS_ROTATED, ///< B6 (JIS) Rotated 182 x 128 mm
+ wxPAPER_12X11, ///< 12 x 11 in
+ wxPAPER_JENV_YOU4, ///< Japanese Envelope You #4
+ wxPAPER_JENV_YOU4_ROTATED, ///< Japanese Envelope You #4 Rotated
+ wxPAPER_P16K, ///< PRC 16K 146 x 215 mm
+ wxPAPER_P32K, ///< PRC 32K 97 x 151 mm
+ wxPAPER_P32KBIG, ///< PRC 32K(Big) 97 x 151 mm
+ wxPAPER_PENV_1, ///< PRC Envelope #1 102 x 165 mm
+ wxPAPER_PENV_2, ///< PRC Envelope #2 102 x 176 mm
+ wxPAPER_PENV_3, ///< PRC Envelope #3 125 x 176 mm
+ wxPAPER_PENV_4, ///< PRC Envelope #4 110 x 208 mm
+ wxPAPER_PENV_5, ///< PRC Envelope #5 110 x 220 mm
+ wxPAPER_PENV_6, ///< PRC Envelope #6 120 x 230 mm
+ wxPAPER_PENV_7, ///< PRC Envelope #7 160 x 230 mm
+ wxPAPER_PENV_8, ///< PRC Envelope #8 120 x 309 mm
+ wxPAPER_PENV_9, ///< PRC Envelope #9 229 x 324 mm
+ wxPAPER_PENV_10, ///< PRC Envelope #10 324 x 458 mm
+ wxPAPER_P16K_ROTATED, ///< PRC 16K Rotated
+ wxPAPER_P32K_ROTATED, ///< PRC 32K Rotated
+ wxPAPER_P32KBIG_ROTATED, ///< PRC 32K(Big) Rotated
+ wxPAPER_PENV_1_ROTATED, ///< PRC Envelope #1 Rotated 165 x 102 mm
+ wxPAPER_PENV_2_ROTATED, ///< PRC Envelope #2 Rotated 176 x 102 mm
+ wxPAPER_PENV_3_ROTATED, ///< PRC Envelope #3 Rotated 176 x 125 mm
+ wxPAPER_PENV_4_ROTATED, ///< PRC Envelope #4 Rotated 208 x 110 mm
+ wxPAPER_PENV_5_ROTATED, ///< PRC Envelope #5 Rotated 220 x 110 mm
+ wxPAPER_PENV_6_ROTATED, ///< PRC Envelope #6 Rotated 230 x 120 mm
+ wxPAPER_PENV_7_ROTATED, ///< PRC Envelope #7 Rotated 230 x 160 mm
+ wxPAPER_PENV_8_ROTATED, ///< PRC Envelope #8 Rotated 309 x 120 mm
+ wxPAPER_PENV_9_ROTATED, ///< PRC Envelope #9 Rotated 324 x 229 mm
+ wxPAPER_PENV_10_ROTATED ///< PRC Envelope #10 Rotated 458 x 324 m
+/** @ingroup group_funcmacro_byteorder */