- @return @NULL if the conversion failed, otherwise return the pointer
- to the character which stopped the scan.
+ Example of using this function:
+ @code
+ wxDateTime dt;
+ wxString str = "...";
+ wxString::const_iterator end;
+ if ( !dt.ParseFormat(str, "%Y-%m-%d", &end) )
+ ... parsing failed ...
+ else if ( end == str.end() )
+ ... entire string parsed ...
+ else
+ ... wxString(end, str.end()) left over ...
+ @endcode
+ @param date
+ The string to be parsed.
+ @param format
+ strptime()-like format string.
+ @param dateDef
+ Used to fill in the date components not specified in the @a date
+ string.
+ @param end
+ Will be filled with the iterator pointing to the location where the
+ parsing stopped if the function returns @true. If the entire string
+ was consumed, it is set to @c date.end(). Notice that this argument
+ must be non-@NULL.
+ @return
+ @true if at least part of the string was parsed successfully,
+ @false otherwise.